21 research outputs found

    Development of a novel smoke-flavoured salmon product by sodium replacement using water vapour permeable bags

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Rizo Parraga, Arancha Maria, Fuentes López, Ana, Barat Baviera, José Manuel, Fernández Segovia, Isabel. (2018). Development of a novel smoke-flavoured salmon product by sodium replacement using water vapour permeable bags.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98, 7, 2721-2728. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.8767, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/ 10.1002/jsfa.8767. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] BACKGROUND: Food manufacturers need to reduce sodium contents to meet consumer and public health demands. In this study the use of sodium-free (SF) salt and KCl to develop a novel smoke-flavoured salmon product with reduced sodium content was evaluated. Fifty percent of NaCl was replaced with 50% of SF salt or 50% KCl in the salmon smoke-flavouring process carried out using water vapour permeable bags. RESULTS: Triangle tests showed that samples with either SF salt or KCl were statistically similar to the control samples (100% NaCl). Since no sensorial advantage in using SF salt was found compared with KCl and given the lower price of KCl, the KCl-NaCl samples were selected for the next phase. The changes of physicochemical and microbial parameters in smoke-flavoured salmon during 42 days showed that partial replacement of NaCl with KCl did not significantly affect the quality and shelf-life of smoke-flavoured salmon, which was over 42 days. CONCLUSION: Smoke-flavoured salmon with 37% sodium reduction was developed without affecting sensory features and shelf-life. This is an interesting option for reducing sodium content in such products to help meet the needs set by both health authorities and consumers.We gratefully acknowledge the support of Tub-Ex Aps (Taars, Denmark) for suppling the water vapour permeable bags and for providing all of the necessary technical information. Arantxa Rizo thanks the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for the FPI grant.Rizo Parraga, AM.; Fuentes López, A.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Fernández Segovia, I. (2018). Development of a novel smoke-flavoured salmon product by sodium replacement using water vapour permeable bags. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 98(7):2721-2728. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.8767S2721272898

    Consecutive alcoholic fermentations of white grape musts with yeasts immobilized on grape skins : effect of biocatalyst storage and SO2 concentration on wine characteristics

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    Abstract Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeasts, immobilized by natural adsorption on grape skins, were used to carry out the alcoholic fermentation step of a winemaking process. The viability of the immobilized cells was evaluated by the implementation of 7 successive fermentations of a white grape must containing 30 mg/L of SO2. The time to complete alcoholic fermentation, the physicochemical characteristics of the produced wines (ethanol, glycerol, organic acids, volatile compounds, color) and sensory properties were evaluated. A traditional fermentation with free cells was used as control. Three other fermentations were conducted after storage of the immobilized biocatalyst (30 d, 4 oC), the first one in the same conditions of the earlier assays, and the other two with higher amounts of SO2 (60 mg/L, 90 mg/L). Wines produced with immobilized cells presented physicochemical and sensory characteristics similar to those traditionally produced with free cells. After three consecutive fermentations, chromatic characteristics became similar to those of traditional wines, but the fermentation time had been reduced from 7 d to 4 d. The fermentative process and the characteristics of the produced wines were not significantly affected by the use of higher amounts of SO2. Immobilized biocatalysts could be stored at least one month without losing its activity.Zlatina Genisheva gratefully acknowledges FCT (Contract/grant number: SFRH/BD/48186/2009) and the Project "BioInd - Biotechnology and Bioengineering for improved Industrial and Agro-Food processes", REF. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000028 Co-funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2 - O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER, for the financial support of this work

    Modification of perceived beer bitterness intensity, character and temporal profile by hop aroma extract

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    The effect of hop aroma on perceived bitterness intensity, character and temporal profile of beer was investigated. A hop aroma extract was added at 3 levels (0, 245, 490 mg/L) to beers at low, medium and high bitterness. Beers were evaluated for perceived bitterness intensity, harshness, roundedness and linger by a trained panel using a rank-rating technique at each bitterness level, with and without nose clips. The use of nose clips enabled the olfactory aspect to be decoupled from taste and mouthfeel aspects of bitterness perception. Results showed significant modification of perceived bitterness in beer by hop aroma depending on the inherent level of bitter-ness. These modifications were mainly driven by olfaction – in an example of taste-aroma interactions, as well as certain tactile sensations elicited by the hop aroma extract in the oral cavity. At low bitterness, beers with hop aroma added were perceived as more bitter, and of ‘rounded’ bitterness character relative to those without hop aroma. When judges used nose clips, this effect was completely eliminated but the sample was perceived to have a ‘harsh’ bitterness character. Conversely, at high bitterness, even when nose clips were used, judges still perceived beers containing hop aroma to be more bitter. These increases in bitterness perception with nose clips indicates the stimulating of other receptors, e.g. trigeminal receptors by hop aroma extract, which in tandem with the high bitterness, cause perceptual interactions enhancing bitterness intensity and also affecting bitterness character. Bitterness character attributes such as ‘round’ and ‘harsh’ were found to significantly depend on bitterness and aroma levels, with the second level of aroma addition (245 mg/L) giving a ‘rounded’ bitterness in low bitterness beers but ‘harsh’ bitterness in high bitterness beers. The impact of aroma on temporal bitterness was also confirmed with time-intensity measurements, and found to be mostly significant at the highest level of hop aroma addition (490 mg/L) in low bitterness beers. These findings represent a significant step forward in terms of understanding bitterness flavour perception and the wider impact of hop compounds on sensory perception