733 research outputs found

    Magnetic ripple domain structure in FeGa/MgO thin films

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    The magnetic domain structure is studied in epitaxial Fe100x_{100-x}Gax_x/MgO(001) films with 0 << x << 30 and thicknesses below 60 nm by magnetic force microscopy. For low gallium content, domains with the magnetization lying in the film plane and domain walls separating micrometric areas are observed. Above x \approx 20, the magnetic contrast shows a fine corrugation, ranging from 300 to 900 nm, suggesting a ripple substructure with a periodic oscillation of the magnetization. We discuss the presence of a random magnetic anisotropy contribution, that superimposed to the cubic coherent anisotropy, is able to break the uniform orientation of the magnetization. The origin of that random anisotropy is attributed to several factors: coexistence of crystal phases in the films, inhomogeneous distribution of both internal strain and Ga-Ga next nearest neighbor pairs and interface magnetic anisotropy due to the Fe-O bond.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Customer satisfaction factors for Light Rail: What can we learn from a successful case?

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    The main goal of this paper is to analyze customer satisfaction factors for Light Rail, identify a successful case and compare the level of service of this case with another system so that improvements in terms of price, time of journey and connectivity can be elaborated and suggested. The Docklands Light Railway (London, UK) has been identified as a successful case, which service levels have been compared to ‘Metro Sul do Tejo, MST’ (Almada, Portugal). As a result, a set of solutions to improve MST are proposed

    Extremely large extinction efficiency and field enhancement in terahertz resonant dipole nanoantennas

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    The distinctive ability of nanometallic structures to manipulate light at the nanoscale has recently promoted their use for a spectacular set of applications in a wide range of areas of research including artificial optical materials, nano-imaging, biosensing, and nonlinear optics. Here we transfer this concept to the terahertz spectral region, demonstrating a metal nanostructure in shape of a dipole nanoantenna, which can efficiently resonate at terahertz frequencies, showing an effective cross section >100 times larger than its geometrical area, and a field enhancement factor of ~280, confined on a lateral section of ~λ/1,000. These results lead to immediate applications in terahertz artificial materials exhibiting giant dichroism, suggest the use of dipole nanoantennas in nanostructure-based terahertz metamaterials, and pave the way for nanoantenna-enhanced terahertz few-molecule spectroscopy and localized terahertz nonlinear optics

    Black and pink. Single lesion or double diagnosis?

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    Fibroepithelioma of Pinkus (FeP) is an uncommon skin lesion considered to be a rare variant of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), even though some researchers have argued for its classifica- tion as a trichoblastoma. FeP appears frequently as a solitary, flesh-colored, well-demarcated plaque, typically localized on the lumbosacral area of patients aged 40 to 60 years. It often develops in patients with a history of BCC, most commonly in wome

    Mirrors for space telescopes: degradation issues

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    Mirrors are a subset of optical components essential for the success of current and future space missions. Most of the telescopes for space programs ranging from Earth Observation to Astrophysics and covering all the electromagnetic spectrum from X-rays to Far-Infrared are based on reflective optics. Mirrors operate in diverse and harsh environments that range from Low-Earth Orbit, to interplanetary orbits and the deep space. The operational life of space observatories spans from minutes (sounding rockets) to decades (large observatories), and the performance of the mirrors within the optical system is susceptible to degrade, which results in a transient optical efficiency of the instrument. The degradation that occurs in space environments depends on the operational life on the orbital properties of the space mission, and it reduces the total system throughput and hence compromises the science return. Therefore, the knowledge of potential degradation physical mechanisms, how they affect mirror performance, and how to prevent it, is of paramount importance to ensure the long-term success of space telescopes. In this review we report an overview on current mirror technology for space missions with a particular focus on the importance of degradation and radiation resistance of the coating materials. Particular detail will be given to degradation effects on mirrors for the far and extreme UV as in these ranges the degradation is enhanced by the strong absorption of most contaminants

    What antarctic plants can tell us about climate changes: Temperature as a driver for metabolic reprogramming

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    Global warming is strongly affecting the maritime Antarctica climate and the consequent melting of perennial snow and ice covers resulted in increased colonization by plants. Colobanthus quitensis is a vascular plant highly adapted to the harsh environmental conditions of Antarctic Peninsula and understanding how the plant is responding to global warming is a new challenging target for modern cell physiology. To this aim, we performed differential proteomic analysis on C. quitensis plants grown in natural conditions compared to plants grown for one year inside open top chambers (OTCs) which determine an increase of about 4 °C at midday, mimicking the effect of global warming. A thorough analysis of the up and downregulated proteins highlighted an extensive metabolism reprogramming leading to enhanced photoprotection and oxidative stress control as well as reduced content of cell wall components. Overall, OTCs growth seems to be advantageous for C. quitensis plants which could benefit from a better CO2 diffusion into the mesophyll and a reduced ROS‐mediated photodamage

    Cutaneous manifestations in celiac disease

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    Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune gluten-dependent enteropathy characterized by atrophy of intestinal villi that improves after gluten-free diet (GFD). CD is often associated with extra-intestinal manifestations; among them, several skin diseases are described in CD patients. The present review reports all CD-associated skin manifestations described in the literature and tries to analyze the possible mechanisms involved in this association. The opportunity to evaluate the possible presence of CD in patients affected by skin disorders is discussed

    A review of the literature of surgical and nonsurgical treatments of invasive squamous cells carcinoma

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    Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is an increasing public health problem. It is a primary malignant skin tumor with Malpighian differentiation and together with basal cell carcinoma is classified among nonmelanoma skin cancers (NMSCs). cSCC usually occurs on photoexposed areas, such as the head, the neck, and the extremities, and its incidence increases with age. Invasive forms of this skin tumor tend to be more aggressive showing a higher metastatic potential, usually regarding regional lymph nodes. Treatment options for invasive cSCCs include both surgical and nonsurgical options. The therapeutic choice depends on several factors, such as anatomic location, risk factors for tumor recurrence, age, and health status of the patient. This review aims to provide an overview of the current evidence on therapeutic surgical and nonsurgical management of invasive cSCC

    Crystal structure and local ordering in epitaxial Fe100x_{100-x}Gax_x/MgO(001) films

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    In this work we present a study of the structural properties of Fe100x_{100-x} Gax_x grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on Mg0(100). We combine long range and local/chemically selective X-ray probes (X-ray Diffraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy) together with real space imaging by means of Transmission Electron Microscopy and surface sensitive insituin situ Reflected High Energy Electron Diffraction. For substrate temperature TsT_s below 400 o^oC we obtain bccbcc films while, for xx \approx 24 and TsT_s \geq 400o^oC the nucleation of the fccfcc phase is observed. For both systems a Ga anticlustering or local range ordering phenomenon appears. The Ga/Fe composition in the first and second coordination shells of the bccbcc films is different from that expected for a random Ga distribution and is close to a D03_3-like ordered phase, leading to a minimization of the number of Ga-Ga pairs. On the other side, a true long-range D03_3 phase is not observed indicating that atomic ordering only occurs at a local scale. Overall, the epitaxial growth procedure presented in this work, first, avoids the formation of a long range ordered D03_3 phase, which is known to be detrimental magnetostrictive properties, and second, demonstrates the possibility of growing fccfcc films at temperatures much smaller than those required to obtain bulk fccfcc samples.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure