90 research outputs found

    Вертикальна та горизонтальна субсидіарність

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    This article makes an attempt to analyze the principle of subsidiarity in its two main manifestations, namely vertical and horizontal, to outline the principles of relations between the state and regions within the vertical subsidiarity, and features a collaboration of the government and civil society within the horizontal subsidiarity. Scientists identify two types, or two levels of the subsidiarity principle: vertical subsidiarity and horizontal subsidiarity. First, vertical subsidiarity (or territorial) concerning relations between the state and other levels of subnational government, such as regions and local authorities; second, horizontal subsidiarity (or functional) concerns the relationship between state and citizen (and civil society). Vertical subsidiarity expressed in the context of the distribution of administrative responsibilities to the appropriate higher level lower levels relative to the state structure, ie giving more powers to local government. However, state intervention has subsidiary-lower action against local authorities in cases of insolvency last cope on their own, ie higher organisms intervene only if the duties are less authority is insufficient to achieve the goals. Horizontal subsidiarity is within the relationship between power and freedom, and is based on the assumption that the concern for the common good and the needs of common interest community, able to solve community members (as individuals and citizens’ associations) and role of government, in accordance horizontal subsidiarity comes to attracting features subsidiarity assistance, programming, coordination and possibly control.У даній статті здійснено спробу проаналізувати принцип субсидіарності в його двох основних вимірах, а саме – вертикальній та горизонтальній, окреслити засади відносин держави та регіонів у межах вертикальної субсидіарності та особливості співпраці державної влади та громадянського суспільства в межах горизонтальної субсидіарності. Науковці виділяють два типи або два рівні принципу субсидіарності: вертикальну і горизонтальну субсидіарність. Перша, вертикальна субсидіарність, стосується відносин між державою і іншими національними рівнями органів державного управління, таких як регіони та місцеві органи влади. Друга, горизонтальна субсидіарність, стосується відносин між державою і суспільством. Вертикальна субсидіарність виражається в контексті розподілу адміністративних функцій від більш високих рівнів державної влади до низьких, тобто йдеться про збільшення повноважень місцевого самоврядування. Проте, держава не виключається з системи субсидійних відносин «центр-регіони», держава зобов’язана втрутитися у випадку коли нижчі рівні місцевої влади неспроможні впоратися самостійно досягти поставлених цілей. Горизонтальна субсидіарність знаходиться у відносинах між владою і свободою, і ґрунтується на припущенні, що турбота про загальне благо і добробут становить спільний інтерес співтовариства, і саме співтовариство здатне самостійно вирішувати проблеми, з якими стикається, та дбати про суспільний добробут. Роль державних органів, відповідно до горизонтальної субсидіарності, направляється на залучення задля надання субсидіарної допомоги, програмування, координацію і, можливо, контролю.У даній статті здійснено спробу проаналізувати принцип субсидіарності в його двох основних вимірах, а саме – вертикальній та горизонтальній, окреслити засади відносин держави та регіонів у межах вертикальної субсидіарності та особливості співпраці державної влади та громадянського суспільства в межах горизонтальної субсидіарності. Науковці виділяють два типи або два рівні принципу субсидіарності: вертикальну і горизонтальну субсидіарність. Перша, вертикальна субсидіарність, стосується відносин між державою і іншими національними рівнями органів державного управління, таких як регіони та місцеві органи влади. Друга, горизонтальна субсидіарність, стосується відносин між державою і суспільством. Вертикальна субсидіарність виражається в контексті розподілу адміністративних функцій від більш високих рівнів державної влади до низьких, тобто йдеться про збільшення повноважень місцевого самоврядування. Проте, держава не виключається з системи субсидійних відносин «центр-регіони», держава зобов’язана втрутитися у випадку коли нижчі рівні місцевої влади неспроможні впоратися самостійно досягти поставлених цілей. Горизонтальна субсидіарність знаходиться у відносинах між владою і свободою, і ґрунтується на припущенні, що турбота про загальне благо і добробут становить спільний інтерес співтовариства, і саме співтовариство здатне самостійно вирішувати проблеми, з якими стикається, та дбати про суспільний добробут. Роль державних органів, відповідно до горизонтальної субсидіарності, направляється на залучення задля надання субсидіарної допомоги, програмування, координацію і, можливо, контролю

    Measurement of shower development and its Moli\`ere radius with a four-plane LumiCal test set-up

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    A prototype of a luminometer, designed for a future e+e- collider detector, and consisting at present of a four-plane module, was tested in the CERN PS accelerator T9 beam. The objective of this beam test was to demonstrate a multi-plane tungsten/silicon operation, to study the development of the electromagnetic shower and to compare it with MC simulations. The Moli\`ere radius has been determined to be 24.0 +/- 0.6 (stat.) +/- 1.5 (syst.) mm using a parametrization of the shower shape. Very good agreement was found between data and a detailed Geant4 simulation.Comment: Paper published in Eur. Phys. J., includes 25 figures and 3 Table

    ECFA Detector R&D Panel, Review Report

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    Two special calorimeters are foreseen for the instrumentation of the very forward region of an ILC or CLIC detector; a luminometer (LumiCal) designed to measure the rate of low angle Bhabha scattering events with a precision better than 103^{-3} at the ILC and 102^{-2} at CLIC, and a low polar-angle calorimeter (BeamCal). The latter will be hit by a large amount of beamstrahlung remnants. The intensity and the spatial shape of these depositions will provide a fast luminosity estimate, as well as determination of beam parameters. The sensors of this calorimeter must be radiation-hard. Both devices will improve the e.m. hermeticity of the detector in the search for new particles. Finely segmented and very compact electromagnetic calorimeters will match these requirements. Due to the high occupancy, fast front-end electronics will be needed. Monte Carlo studies were performed to investigate the impact of beam-beam interactions and physics background processes on the luminosity measurement, and of beamstrahlung on the performance of BeamCal, as well as to optimise the design of both calorimeters. Dedicated sensors, front-end and ADC ASICs have been designed for the ILC and prototypes are available. Prototypes of sensor planes fully assembled with readout electronics have been studied in electron beams.Comment: 61 pages, 51 figure

    Performance of fully instrumented detector planes of the forward calorimeter of a Linear Collider detector

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    Detector-plane prototypes of the very forward calorimetry of a future detector at an e+e- collider have been built and their performance was measured in an electron beam. The detector plane comprises silicon or GaAs pad sensors, dedicated front-end and ADC ASICs, and an FPGA for data concentration. Measurements of the signal-to-noise ratio and the response as a function of the position of the sensor are presented. A deconvolution method is successfully applied, and a comparison of the measured shower shape as a function of the absorber depth with a Monte-Carlo simulation is given.Comment: 25 pages, 32 figures, revised version following comments from referee

    LPMLE3 : a novel 1-D approach to study water flow in streambeds using heat as a tracer

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    We introduce LPMLE3, a new 1-D approach to quantify vertical water flow components at streambeds using temperature data collected in different depths. LPMLE3 solves the partial differential equation for coupled water flow and heat transport in the frequency domain. Unlike other 1-D approaches it does not assume a semi-infinite halfspace with the location of the lower boundary condition approaching infinity. Instead, it uses local upper and lower boundary conditions. As such, the streambed can be divided into finite subdomains bound at the top and bottom by a temperature-time series. Information from a third temperature sensor within each subdomain is then used for parameter estimation. LPMLE3 applies a low order local polynomial to separate periodic and transient parts (including the noise contributions) of a temperature-time series and calculates the frequency response of each subdomain to a known temperature input at the streambed top. A maximum-likelihood estimator is used to estimate the vertical component of water flow, thermal diffusivity, and their uncertainties for each streambed subdomain and provides information regarding model quality. We tested the method on synthetic temperature data generated with the numerical model STRIVE and demonstrate how the vertical flow component can be quantified for field data collected in a Belgian stream. We show that by using the results in additional analyses, nonvertical flow components could be identified and by making certain assumptions they could be quantified for each subdomain. LPMLE3 performed well on both simulated and field data and can be considered a valuable addition to the existing 1-D methods

    Luminometer for the future International Linear Collider - simulation and beam test results

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    LumiCal will be the luminosity calorimeter for the proposed International Large Detector of the International Linear Collider (ILC). The ILC physics program requires the integrated luminosity to be measured with a relative precision on the order of 10e-3, or 10e-4 when running in GigaZ mode. Luminosity will be determined by counting Bhabha scattering events coincident in the two calorimeter modules placed symmetrically on opposite sides of the interaction point. To meet these goals, the energy resolution of the calorimeter must be better than 1.5% at high energies. LumiCal has been designed as a 30-layer sampling calorimeter with tungsten as the passive material and silicon as the active material. Monte Carlo simulation using the Geant4 software framework has been used to identify design elements which adversely impact energy resolution and correct for them without loss of statistics. BeamCal, covering polar angles smaller than LumiCal, will serve for beam tuning, luminosity optimisation and high energy electron detection. Secondly, prototypes of the sensors and electronics for both detectors have been evaluated during beam tests, the results of which are also presented here.Comment: Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2011, Chicago, IL, USA. Presented June 11, 2011, and submitted to Physics Procedi

    Infrastructure for Detector Research and Development towards the International Linear Collider

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    The EUDET-project was launched to create an infrastructure for developing and testing new and advanced detector technologies to be used at a future linear collider. The aim was to make possible experimentation and analysis of data for institutes, which otherwise could not be realized due to lack of resources. The infrastructure comprised an analysis and software network, and instrumentation infrastructures for tracking detectors as well as for calorimetry.Comment: 54 pages, 48 picture

    Knowledge, perceptions and myths regarding infertility among selected adult population in Pakistan: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The reported prevalence of infertility in Pakistan is approximately 22% with 4% primary and 18% secondary infertility. Infertility is not only a medical but also a social problem in our society as cultural customs and perceived religious dictums may equate infertility with failure on a personal, interpersonal, or social level. It is imperative that people have adequate knowledge about infertility so couples can seek timely medical care and misconceptions can be rectified.</p> <p>We aim to assess the knowledge, perception and myths regarding infertility and suggest ways to improve it.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional survey was carried out by interviewing a sample of 447 adults who were accompanying the patients at two tertiary care hospitals in Karachi, Pakistan. They were interviewed one-on-one with the help of a pretested questionnaire drafted by the team after a thorough literature review and in consultation with infertility specialists.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The correct knowledge of infertility was found to be limited amongst the participants. Only 25% correctly identified when infertility is pathological and only 46% knew about the fertile period in women's cycle. People are misinformed that use of IUCD (53%) and OCPs (61%) may cause infertility. Beliefs in evil forces and supernatural powers as a cause of infertility are still prevalent especially amongst people with lower level of education. Seeking alternative treatment for infertility remains a popular option for 28% of the participant as a primary preference and 75% as a secondary preference. IVF remains an unfamiliar (78%) and an unacceptable option (55%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Knowledge about infertility is limited in the population and a lot of misconceptions and myths are prevalent in the society. Alternative medicine is a popular option for seeking infertility treatment. The cultural and religious perspective about assisted reproductive technologies is unclear, which has resulted in its reduced acceptability.</p

    Predictive functional profiling of microbial communities using 16S rRNA marker gene sequences

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    Profiling phylogenetic marker genes, such as the 16S rRNA gene, is a key tool for studies of microbial communities but does not provide direct evidence of a community’s functional capabilities. Here we describe PICRUSt (Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States), a computational approach to predict the functional composition of a metagenome using marker gene data and a database of reference genomes. PICRUSt uses an extended ancestral-state reconstruction algorithm to predict which gene families are present and then combines gene families to estimate the composite metagenome. Using 16S information, PICRUSt recaptures key findings from the Human Microbiome Project and accurately predicts the abundance of gene families in host-associated and environmental communities, with quantifiable uncertainty. Our results demonstrate that phylogeny and function are sufficiently linked that this ‘predictive metagenomic’ approach should provide useful insights into the thousands of uncultivated microbial communities for which only marker gene surveys are currently available