287 research outputs found

    New Observations of Extra-Disk Molecular Gas in Interacting Galaxy Systems, Including a Two-Component System in Stephan's Quintet

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    We present new CO (1 - 0) observations of eleven extragalactic tails and bridges in nine interacting galaxy systems, almost doubling the number of such features with sensitive CO measurements. Eight of these eleven features were undetected in CO to very low CO/HI limits, with the most extreme case being the NGC 7714/5 bridge. This bridge contains luminous H II regions and has a very high HI column density (1.6 X 10^21 cm^-2 in the 55" CO beam), yet was undetected in CO to rms T(R)* = 2.4 mK. The HI column density is higher than standard H2 and CO self-shielding limits for solar-metallicity gas, suggesting that the gas in this bridge is metal-poor and has an enhanced N(H2)/I(CO) ratio compared to the Galactic value. Only one of the eleven features in our sample was unambiguously detected in CO, a luminous HI-rich star formation region near an optical tail in the compact group Stephan's Quintet. We detect CO at two widely separated velocities in this feature, at ~6000 km/s and ~6700 km/s. Both of these components have HI and H-alpha counterparts. These velocities correspond to those of galaxies in the group, suggesting that this gas is material that has been removed from two galaxies in the group. The CO/HI/H-alpha ratios for both components are similar to global values for spiral galaxies.Comment: 39 pages, Latex, 15 figures, Astronomical Journal, in pres

    The Link Between Star Formation and Accretion in LINERs: A Comparison with other AGN Subclasses

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    We present archival high resolution X-ray imaging observations of 25 nearby LINERs observed by ACIS on board Chandra. This sample builds on our previously published proprietary and archival X-ray observations, and includes the complete set of LINERs with published black hole masses and FIR luminosities that have been observed by Chandra. Of the 82 LINERs observed by Chandra, 41 (50%) display hard nuclear cores consistent with an AGN. The nuclear 2-10 keV luminosities of these AGN-LINERs range from ~ 2 X 10^38 ergs s^-1 to ~ 1 X 10^44 ergs s^-1. Reinforcing our previous work, we find a significant correlation between the Eddington ratio, L bol/LEdd, and the far-IR (FIR) luminosity, LFIR, as well as the IR brightness ratio, LFIR/LB in the host galaxy of AGN-LINERs that extends over seven orders of magnitude in Lbol/LEdd. Combining our AGN-LINER sample with galaxies from other AGN subclasses, we find that this correlation is reinforced in the full sample of 129 AGN, extending over almost nine orders of magnitude in Lbol/LEdd. Using archival and previously published observations of the 6.2 mm PAH feature from the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), we find that it is unlikely that dust heating by the AGN dominates the FIR luminosity in our sample of AGN. Our results may therefore imply a fundamental link between the mass accretion rate (Mdot), as measured by the Eddington ratio, and the star formation rate (SFR), as measured by the FIR luminosity.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures. Paper excepted for publication by ApJ in Novembe

    Multiwavelength Study of the Starburst Galaxy NGC 7714. II: The Balance between Young, Intermediate Age and Old Stars

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    We combine existing multiwavelength data (incl. an HST/GHRS UV spectrum, an optical spectrum, far-IR, Xray and radio fluxes) with new HST/WFPC2 images, near-IR photometry and K band spectroscopy. We use these data to constrain the young, the intermediate age and the old stellar populations in the central 330 pc of the starburst galaxy NGC 7714. [...] We find that the young burst responsible for the UV light is only a small part of an extended episode of enhanced star formation (SF) [...]. The mass of young and intermediate age stars thus formed equals at least 10% of the mass locked in pre-existing stars of the underlying galaxy nucleus [...]. The spectrophotometric SF timescale is long compared to the ~110 Myr elapsed since closest contact with NGC 7715. The trigger of the starburst remains elusive. NGC 7714 owes its brightness in the UV to a few low extinction lines of sight towards young stars. [...] The different extinction estimates obtained from different indicators result naturally from the coexistence of populations with various ages and obscurations. The near-IR continuum image looks smoothest, as a consequence of lower sensitivity to extinction and of a larger contribution of old stars. We compare the nuclear properties of NGC 7714 with results from studies in larger apertures. We emphasize that the global properties of starburst galaxies are the result of the averaging over many lines of sight with diverse properties in terms of obscuration and stellar ages.Comment: 29 pages (+20 figures and tables), Latex2e (figs. included), uses aastex.cls. To be published in ApJ (May 2001 issue

    The Herschel Exploitation of Local Galaxy Andromeda (HELGA). I: Global far-infrared and sub-mm morphology

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    We have obtained Herschel images at five wavelengths from 100 to 500 micron of a ~5.5x2.5 degree area centred on the local galaxy M31 (Andromeda), our nearest neighbour spiral galaxy, as part of the Herschel guaranteed time project "HELGA". The main goals of HELGA are to study the characteristics of the extended dust emission, focusing on larger scales than studied in previous observations of Andromeda at an increased spatial resolution, and the obscured star formation. In this paper we present data reduction and Herschel maps, and provide a description of the far-infrared morphology, comparing it with features seen at other wavelengths. We use high--resolution maps of the atomic hydrogen, fully covering our fields, to identify dust emission features that can be associated to M31 with confidence, distinguishing them from emission coming from the foreground Galactic cirrus. Thanks to the very large extension of our maps we detect, for the first time at far-infrared wavelengths, three arc-like structures extending out to ~21, ~26 and ~31 kpc respectively, in the south-western part of M31. The presence of these features, hosting ~2.2e6 Msol of dust, is safely confirmed by their detection in HI maps. Overall, we estimate a total dust mass of ~5.8e7 Msol, about 78% of which is contained in the two main ring-like structures at 10 and 15 kpc, at an average temperature of 16.5 K. We find that the gas-to-dust ratio declines exponentially as a function of the galacto-centric distance, in agreement with the known metallicity gradient, with values ranging from 66 in the nucleus to ~275 in the outermost region. [Abridged]Comment: 15 Pages, 9 Figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. A high resolution version of the paper can be found at http://wazn.ugent.be/jfritz/HelgaI_final.pd

    The possibility of critical realist randomised controlled trials.

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    BACKGROUND: Some realists have criticised randomised controlled trials for their inability to explain the causal relations that they identify; to take into account the influence of the social context of the interventions they evaluate; and to account for individual difference. However, among realists, there is controversy over whether it is possible to improve trials by making them realist, or whether realism and the philosophical assumptions underlying trials are incompatible. This paper contributes to the debate in Trials on this issue. The debate thus far has concentrated on the possibility of combining trial methodology with that of realist evaluation. MAIN BODY: We concur with the contention that it is not feasible to combine randomised controlled trial design with the realist evaluation approach. However, we argue that a different variant of realism, critical realism, provides a more appropriate theoretical grounding for realist trials. In contrast to realist evaluation, which regards social mechanisms as an amalgam of social resources and people's reasoning, critical realism insists on their distinction. It does so on the basis of its assertion of the need to distinguish between social structures (in which resources lie) and human agency (which is at least partly guided by reasoning). From this perspective, conceiving of social mechanisms as external to participants can be seen as a valid methodological strategy for supplementing the exclusive concentration of trials on outcomes. While accepting realist evaluation's insistence that causality in open systems involves a configuration of multiple generative mechanisms, we adopt the critical realist interpretation of the experimental method, which sees it as creating artificial closure in order to identify the effects of specific causal mechanisms. If randomised controlled trials can be regarded as epidemiological proxies that substitute probabilistic controls over extraneous factors for closed experiments, their examination of the powers of discrete mechanisms through observation of the variation of outcomes is appropriate. CONCLUSION: While there are still issues to be resolved, critical realist randomised controlled trials are possible and have the potential to overcome some of the difficulties faced by traditional trial designs in accounting for the influence of social context and individual interpretation

    Integrase Inhibitors are Associated with Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Women with HIV

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    Objective: Women with HIV(WWH) are more likely to discontinue/change antiretroviral therapy(ART) due to side effects including neuropsychiatric symptoms. Efavirenz and integrase strand transfer inhibitors(INSTIs) are particularly concerning. We focused on these ART agents and neuropsychiatric symptoms in previously developed subgroups of WWH that differed on key sociodemographic factors as well as longitudinal behavioral and clinical profiles. WWH from the Women’s Interagency HIV Study were included if they had ART data available, completed the Perceived Stress Scale-10 and PTSD Checklist-Civilian. Questionnaires were completed biannually beginning in 2008 through 2016. To examine ART-symptom associations, constrained continuation ratio model via penalized maximum likelihood were fit within 5 subgroups of WWH. Data from 1882 WWH contributed a total of 4598 observations. 353 women were previously defined as primarily having well-controlled HIV with vascular comorbidities, 463 with legacy effects(CD4 nadir < 250cells/mL), 274 aged ≀ 45 with hepatitis, 453 between 35–55 years, and 339 with poorly-controlled HIV/substance users. INSTIs, but not efavirenz, were associated with symptoms among key subgroups of WWH. Among those with HIV legacy effects, dolutegravir and elvitegravir were associated with greater stress/anxiety and avoidance symptoms(P’s < 0.01); dolutegravir was also associated with greater re-experiencing symptoms(P = 0.005). Elvitegravir related to greater re-experiencing and hyperarousal among women with well-controlled HIV with vascular comorbidities(P’s < 0.022). Raltegravir was associated with less hyperarousal, but only among women aged ≀ 45 years(P = 0.001). The adverse neuropsychiatric effects of INSTIs do not appear to be consistent across all WWH. Key characteristics (e.g., age, hepatitis positivity) may need consideration to fully weight the risk–benefit ratio of dolutegravir and elvitegravir in WWH

    “It’s not something I chose you know”: making sense of pedophiles’ sexual interest in children and the impact on their psychosexual identity

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    Sexual interest in children is one of the most strongly predictive of the known risk factors for sexual reconviction. It is an important aspect of risk assessment to identify the presence of such interest, and an important task for treatment providers to address such a sexual interest where it is present. It has been argued that understanding pedophiles’ deviant sexual interest in children can enhance risk assessment, management, and treatment planning. This research study aims to explore the phenomenology of deviant sexual interest in children, the impact it has on pedophilic offenders’ identities, and their views on the treatability of that interest. The study used semistructured interviews and repertory grids to make sense of participants’ experiences. The results revealed three superordinate themes: “‘living’ with a deviant sexual interest,” “relational sexual self,” and “possible and feared sexual self.” The analysis unpacks these themes and repertory grid analysis is used to explore a subset of participants’ identities in more detail. The results reveal that there needs to be an acceptance from both client and therapist that their sexual interest in children may never go away. Through this acceptance, clients could work on enhancing sexual self-regulation, recognizing their triggers, and so managing their sexual thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Implications for treatment are also discussed

    Conservation and divergence within the clathrin interactome of <i>Trypanosoma cruzi</i>

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    Trypanosomatids are parasitic protozoa with a significant burden on human health. African and American trypanosomes are causative agents of Nagana and Chagas disease respectively, and speciated about 300 million years ago. These parasites have highly distinct life cycles, pathologies, transmission strategies and surface proteomes, being dominated by the variant surface glycoprotein (African) or mucins (American) respectively. In African trypanosomes clathrin-mediated trafficking is responsible for endocytosis and post-Golgi transport, with several mechanistic aspects distinct from higher organisms. Using clathrin light chain (TcCLC) and EpsinR (TcEpsinR) as affinity handles, we identified candidate clathrin-associated proteins (CAPs) in Trypanosoma cruzi; the cohort includes orthologs of many proteins known to mediate vesicle trafficking, but significantly not the AP-2 adaptor complex. Several trypanosome-specific proteins common with African trypanosomes, were also identified. Fluorescence microscopy revealed localisations for TcEpsinR, TcCLC and TcCHC at the posterior region of trypomastigote cells, coincident with the flagellar pocket and Golgi apparatus. These data provide the first systematic analysis of clathrin-mediated trafficking in T. cruzi, allowing comparison between protein cohorts and other trypanosomes and also suggest that clathrin trafficking in at least some life stages of T. cruzi may be AP-2-independent
