212 research outputs found

    Sounds of Silence

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    Noise in Schools: A Holistic Approach to the Issue

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    Much of the research evidence relating to the physical learning environment of schools is inconclusive, contradictory or incomplete. Nevertheless, within this confusing area, research from a number of disciplines, using a range of methodologies, points to the negative impact of noise on students’ learning. In this paper, drawing on our systematic review of learning environments we review the weight of evidence in relation to noise, considering what implications the results of these studies have for the design and use of learning spaces in schools. We make four key points. Firstly that noise over a given level does appear to have a negative impact on learning. Secondly that beneath these levels noise may or may not be problematic, depending on the social, cultural and pedagogical expectations of the students and teachers. Thirdly we argue that when noise is deemed to be a difficulty, this finding cannot simply be translated into design prescriptions. The reasons for this indeterminacy include differing understandings of the routes through which noise produces learning deficits, as well as relationships between noise and other elements of the environment, particularly the impacts of physical solutions to noise problems. Finally, we suggest that solutions to noise problems will not be produced by viewing noise in isolation, or even as part of the physical environment, but through participatory approaches to understanding and adapting the structure, organisation and use of learning spaces in schools

    Does traffic-related air pollution explain associations of aircraft and road traffic noise exposure on children's health and cognition? A secondary analysis of the United Kingdom sample from the RANCH project.

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    The authors examined whether air pollution at school (nitrogen dioxide) is associated with poorer child cognition and health and whether adjustment for air pollution explains or moderates previously observed associations between aircraft and road traffic noise at school and children's cognition in the 2001-2003 Road Traffic and Aircraft Noise Exposure and Children's Cognition and Health (RANCH) project. This secondary analysis of a subsample of the United Kingdom RANCH sample examined 719 children who were 9-10 years of age from 22 schools around London's Heathrow airport for whom air pollution data were available. Data were analyzed using multilevel modeling. Air pollution exposure levels at school were moderate, were not associated with a range of cognitive and health outcomes, and did not account for or moderate associations between noise exposure and cognition. Aircraft noise exposure at school was significantly associated with poorer recognition memory and conceptual recall memory after adjustment for nitrogen dioxide levels. Aircraft noise exposure was also associated with poorer reading comprehension and information recall memory after adjustment for nitrogen dioxide levels. Road traffic noise was not associated with cognition or health before or after adjustment for air pollution. Moderate levels of air pollution do not appear to confound associations of noise on cognition and health, but further studies of higher air pollution levels are needed

    WHO Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region: A Systematic Review on Environmental Noise and Cognition

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    This systematic review assesses the quality of the evidence across individual studies on the effect of environmental noise (road traffic, aircraft, and train and railway noise) on cognition. Quantitative non-experimental studies of the association between environmental noise exposure on child and adult cognitive performance published up to June 2015 were reviewed: no limit was placed on the start date for the search. A total of 34 papers were identified, all of which were of child populations. 82% of the papers were of cross-sectional design, with fewer studies of longitudinal or intervention design. A range of cognitive outcomes were examined. The quality of the evidence across the studies for each individual noise source and cognitive outcome was assessed using an adaptation of GRADE methodology. This review found, given the predominance of cross-sectional studies, that the quality of the evidence across studies ranged from being of moderate quality for an effect for some outcomes, e.g., aircraft noise effects on reading comprehension and on long-term memory, to no effect for other outcomes such as attention and executive function and for some noise sources such as road traffic noise and railway noise. The GRADE evaluation of low quality evidence across studies for some cognitive domains and for some noise sources does not necessarily mean that there are no effects: rather, that more robust and a greater number of studies are required

    Boundaries of Semantic Distraction: Dominance and Lexicality Act at Retrieval

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    Three experiments investigated memory for semantic information with the goal of determining boundary conditions for the manifestation of semantic auditory distraction. Irrelevant speech disrupted the free recall of semantic category-exemplars to an equal degree regardless of whether the speech coincided with presentation or test phases of the task (Experiment 1) and occurred regardless of whether it comprised random words or coherent sentences (Experiment 2). The effects of background speech were greater when the irrelevant speech was semantically related to the to-be-remembered material, but only when the irrelevant words were high in output dominance (Experiment 3). The implications of these findings in relation to the processing of task material and the processing of background speech is discussed

    Moderators of noise-induced cognitive change in healthy adults

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    Environmental noise causes cognitive impairment, particularly in executive function and episodic memory domains, in healthy populations. However, the possible moderating influences on this relationship are less clear. This study assessed 54 healthy participants (24 men) on a cognitive battery (measuring psychomotor speed, attention, executive function, working memory, and verbal learning and memory) under three (quiet, urban, and social) noise conditions. IQ, subjective noise sensitivity, sleep, personality, paranoia, depression, anxiety, stress, and schizotypy were assessed on a single occasion. We found significantly slower psychomotor speed (urban), reduced working memory and episodic memory (urban and social), and more cautious decision-making (executive function, urban) under noise conditions. There was no effect of sex. Variance in urban noise-induced changes in psychomotor speed, attention, Trail Making B-A (executive function), and immediate recall and social noise-induced changes in verbal fluency (executive function) and immediate recall were explained by a combination of baseline cognition and paranoia, noise sensitivity, sleep, or cognitive disorganization. Higher baseline cognition (but not IQ) predicted greater impairment under urban and social noise for most cognitive variables. Paranoia predicted psychomotor speed, attention, and executive function impairment. Subjective noise sensitivity predicted executive function and memory impairment. Poor sleep quality predicted less memory impairment. Finally, lower levels of cognitive disorganization predicted slower psychomotor speed and greater memory impairment. The identified moderators should be considered in studies aiming to reduce the detrimental effects of occupational and residential noise. These results highlight the importance of studying noise effects in clinical populations characterized by high levels of the paranoia, sleep disturbances, noise sensitivity, and cognitive disorganization

    Effects of Simulated and Profound Unilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss on Recognition of Speech in Competing Speech

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    OBJECTIVES: Unilateral hearing loss (UHL) is a condition as common as bilateral hearing loss in adults. Because of the unilaterally reduced audibility associated with UHL, binaural processing of sounds may be disrupted. As a consequence, daily tasks such as listening to speech in a background of spatially distinct competing sounds may be challenging. A growing body of subjective and objective data suggests that spatial hearing is negatively affected by UHL. However, the type and degree of UHL vary considerably in previous studies. The aim here was to determine the effect of a profound sensorineural UHL, and of a simulated UHL, on recognition of speech in competing speech, and the binaural and monaural contributions to spatial release from masking, in a demanding multisource listening environment. DESIGN: Nine subjects (25 to 61 years) with profound sensorineural UHL [mean pure-tone average (PTA) across 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz = 105 dB HL] and normal contralateral hearing (mean PTA = 7.2 dB HL) were included based on the criterion that the target and competing speech were inaudible in the ear with hearing loss. Thirteen subjects with normal hearing (19 to 60 years; mean left PTA = 4.1 dB HL; mean right PTA = 5.5 dB HL) contributed data in normal and simulated "mild-to-moderate" UHL conditions (PTA = 38.6 dB HL). The main outcome measure was the threshold for 40% correct speech recognition in colocated (0\ub0) and spatially and symmetrically separated (\ub130\ub0 and \ub1150\ub0) competing speech conditions. Spatial release from masking was quantified as the threshold difference between colocated and separated conditions. RESULTS: Thresholds in profound UHL were higher (worse) than normal hearing in separated and colocated conditions, and comparable to simulated UHL. Monaural spatial release from masking, that is, the spatial release achieved by subjects with profound UHL, was significantly different from zero and 49% of the magnitude of the spatial release from masking achieved by subjects with normal hearing. There were subjects with profound UHL who showed negative spatial release, whereas subjects with normal hearing consistently showed positive spatial release from masking in the normal condition. The simulated UHL had a larger effect on the speech recognition threshold for separated than for colocated conditions, resulting in decreased spatial release from masking. The difference in spatial release between normal-hearing and simulated UHL conditions increased with age. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate that while recognition of speech in colocated and separated competing speech is impaired for profound sensorineural UHL, spatial release from masking may be possible when competing speech is symmetrically distributed around the listener. A "mild-to-moderate" simulated UHL decreases spatial release from masking compared with normal-hearing conditions and interacts with age, indicating that small amounts of residual hearing in the UHL ear may be more beneficial for separated than for colocated interferer conditions for young listeners

    Environmental noise exposure, early biological risk and mental health in nine to ten year old children: a cross-sectional field study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous research suggests that children born prematurely or with a low birth weight are more vulnerable to the mental health effects of ambient neighbourhood noise; predominantly road and rail noise, at home. This study used data from the Road Traffic and Aircraft Noise Exposure and Children's Cognition and Health (RANCH) study to see if this finding extends to aircraft and road traffic noise at school.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Children and their parents from schools around three European airports were selected to represent a range of aircraft and road traffic noise exposure levels. Birth weight and gestation period were merged to create a dichotomous variable assessing 'early biological risk'. Mental health was assessed using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Complete data were available for 1900 primary school children.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Children who were 'at risk' (i.e. low birth weight or premature birth) were rated as having more conduct problems and emotional symptoms and poorer overall mental health than children not at risk. However, there was no interaction between aircraft or road traffic noise exposure at school and early biological risk.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Data from the RANCH study suggests that children with early biological risk are not more vulnerable to the effects of aircraft or road traffic noise at school on mental health than children without this risk; however they are more likely to have mental ill-health.</p

    The cognitive effects of listening to background music on older adults: processing speed improves with upbeat music, while memory seems to benefit from both upbeat and downbeat music

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    Background music refers to any music played while the listener is performing another activity. Most studies on this effect have been conducted on young adults, while little attention has been paid to the presence of this effect in older adults. Hence, this study aimed to address this imbalance by assessing the impact of different types of background music on cognitive tasks tapping declarative memory and processing speed in older adults. Overall, background music tended to improve performance over no music and white noise, but not always in the same manner. The theoretical and practical implications of the empirical findings are discussed