1,745 research outputs found

    Occult fibular head fracture in association with posterolateral corner injury of the knee

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    The structure and petrology of the Cnoc nan Cuilean Intrusion, Loch Loyal Syenite Complex, NW Scotland

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    In NW Scotland, several alkaline intrusive complexes of Silurian age intrude the Caledonian orogenic front. The most northerly is the Loch Loyal Syenite Complex, which is divided into three separate intrusions (Ben Loyal, Beinn Stumanadh and Cnoc nan Cuilean). Mapping of the Cnoc nan Cuilean intrusion shows two main zones: a Mixed Syenite Zone (MZ) and a Massive Leucosyenite Zone (LZ), with a gradational contact. The MZ forms a lopolith, with multiple syenitic lithologies, including early basic melasyenites and later felsic leucosyenites. Leucosyenite melts mixed and mingled with melasyenites, resulting in extreme heterogeneity within the MZ. Continued felsic magmatism resulted in formation of the relatively homogeneous LZ, invading western parts of the MZ and now forming the topographically highest terrane. The identification of pegmatites, microgranitic veins and unusual biotite-magnetite veins demonstrates the intrusion's complex petrogenesis. Cross-sections have been used to create a novel 3D GoCad™ model contributing to our understanding of the intrusion. The Loch Loyal Syenite Complex is known to have relatively high concentrations of rare earth elements (REEs), and thus the area has potential economic and strategic value. At Cnoc nan Cuilean, abundant REE-bearing allanite is present within melasyenites of the MZ. Extensive hydrothermal alteration of melasyenites here formed steeply dipping biotite-magnetite veins, most enriched in allanite and other REE-bearing accessories. This study has thus identified the area of greatest importance for further study of REE enrichment processes in the Cnoc nan Cuilean intrusion

    Human and bovine viruses in the Milwaukee River watershed: Hydrologically relevant representation and relations with environmental variables

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    AbstractTo examine the occurrence, hydrologic variability, and seasonal variability of human and bovine viruses in surface water, three stream locations were monitored in the Milwaukee River watershed in Wisconsin, USA, from February 2007 through June 2008. Monitoring sites included an urban subwatershed, a rural subwatershed, and the Milwaukee River at the mouth. To collect samples that characterize variability throughout changing hydrologic periods, a process control system was developed for unattended, large-volume (56–2800L) filtration over extended durations. This system provided flow-weighted mean concentrations during runoff and extended (24-h) low-flow periods. Human viruses and bovine viruses were detected by real-time qPCR in 49% and 41% of samples (n=63), respectively. All human viruses analyzed were detected at least once including adenovirus (40% of samples), GI norovirus (10%), enterovirus (8%), rotavirus (6%), GII norovirus (1.6%) and hepatitis A virus (1.6%). Three of seven bovine viruses analyzed were detected including bovine polyomavirus (32%), bovine rotavirus (19%), and bovine viral diarrhea virus type 1 (5%). Human viruses were present in 63% of runoff samples resulting from precipitation and snowmelt, and 20% of low-flow samples. Maximum human virus concentrations exceeded 300genomiccopies/L. Bovine viruses were present in 46% of runoff samples resulting from precipitation and snowmelt and 14% of low-flow samples. The maximum bovine virus concentration was 11genomiccopies/L. Statistical modeling indicated that stream flow, precipitation, and season explained the variability of human viruses in the watershed, and hydrologic condition (runoff event or low-flow) and season explained the variability of the sum of human and bovine viruses; however, no model was identified that could explain the variability of bovine viruses alone. Understanding the factors that affect virus fate and transport in rivers will aid watershed management for minimizing human exposure and disease transmission

    The supercharge and superconformal symmetry for N=1 supersymmetric quantum mechanics

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    The superspace Lagrangian formulation of N=1 supersymmetric quantum mechanics is presented. The general Lagrangian constructed out of chiral and antichiral supercoordinates containing up to two derivatives and with a canonically normalized kinetic energy term describes the motion of a nonrelativistic spin 1/2 particle with Land\'e g-factor 2 moving in two spatial dimensions under the influence of a static but spatially dependent magnetic field. Noether's theorem is derived for the general case and is used to construct superspace dependent charges whose lowest components give the superconformal generators. The supercoordinate of charges containing an R symmetry charge, the supersymmetry charges and the Hamiltonian are combined to form a supercharge supercoordinate. Superconformal Ward identities for the quantum effective action are derived from the conservation equations and the source of potential symmetry breaking terms are identified.Comment: 59 pages, LaTe

    The origin(s) and geodynamic significance of Archaean ultramafic-mafic bodies in the mainland Lewisian Gneiss Complex, North Atlantic Craton

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    The geodynamic regime(s) that predominated during the Archaean remains controversial, with the plethora of competing models largely informed by felsic lithologies. Ultramafic-mafic rocks displaying distinctive geochemical signatures are formed in a range of Phanerozoic geotectonic environments. These rocks have high melting points, making them potentially useful tools for investigating Archaean geodynamic processes in highly metamorphosed regions. We present field mapping, petrography, traditional bulk-rock geochemistry, and platinum-group element geochemistry for 12 ultramafic-mafic bodies in the Lewisian Gneiss Complex (LGC), which is a highly metamorphosed fragment of the North Atlantic Craton in northwest Scotland. Our data indicate that most of these occurrences are layered intrusions emplaced into the tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG)-dominated crust prior to polyphase metamorphism, representing a significant re-evaluation of the LGC's magmatic evolution. Of the others, two remain ambiguous, but one (Loch an Daimh Mor) has some geochemical affinity with abyssal/orogenic peridotites and may represent a fragment of Archaean mantle, although further investigation is required. The ultramafic-mafic bodies in the LGC thus represent more than one type of event/process. Compared with the TTG host rocks, these lithologies may preserve evidence of protolith origin(s), with potential to illuminate tectonic setting(s) and geodynamic regimes of the early Earth

    The geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Paleoproterozoic du Chef dyke swarm, Quebec, Canada

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    The du Chef dyke swarm in southern Québec, Canada is composed of numerous northeast trending, greenschist-amphibolite facies, gabbronoritic dykes that crop out either side of the Grenville Front. The age of the du Chef swarm (2408 ± 3 Ga) has led previous authors to suggest a genetic link between the du Chef dykes and coeval swarms (including the Ringvassøy, Scourie, Widgemooltha and Sebanga) preserved on other Archean cratons. These now disparate dyke swarms are proposed to have formed in response to mantle plume-induced continental breakup during the early Proterozoic. This work represents the first geochemical study of the du Chef dykes and shows that the swarm evolved through fractional crystallisation of a tholeiitic parent magma that remained largely uncontaminated during its residence in, and ascent through, the crust. We also show that the primary magma for the du Chef swarm was derived through partial melting of an enriched region of the mantle, with a similar trace element composition to the modern-day HIMU reservoir and that the magma produced was significantly hotter than the ambient mantle at the time. We contend that the du Chef dykes are the product of early Proterozoic mantle plume magmatism and may help pinpoint an ancient hotspot centre that initiated continental break up along the margin of the Superior Craton at ∼2.4 Ga. Other dyke swarms proposed to be genetically linked with the du Chef dykes record a distinctly different petrogenetic history to that of the du Chef dykes, as evidenced by their more volcanic arc-like geochemical signature. These contrasting geochemical signatures in supposedly cogenetic continental tholeiitic rocks may be evidence of early Proterozoic mantle heterogeneity sampled by the rising du Chef mantle plum

    A Measurement of Time-Averaged Aerosol Optical Depth using Air-Showers Observed in Stereo by HiRes

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    Air fluorescence measurements of cosmic ray energy must be corrected for attenuation of the atmosphere. In this paper we show that the air-showers themselves can yield a measurement of the aerosol attenuation in terms of optical depth, time-averaged over extended periods. Although the technique lacks statistical power to make the critical hourly measurements that only specialized active instruments can achieve, we note the technique does not depend on absolute calibration of the detector hardware, and requires no additional equipment beyond the fluorescence detectors that observe the air showers. This paper describes the technique, and presents results based on analysis of 1258 air-showers observed in stereo by the High Resolution Fly's Eye over a four year span.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication by Astroparticle Physics Journa

    Health and social care professionals’ experiences of providing end of life care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study

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    Background: Health and social care professionals’ ability to address the needs of patients and their relatives at end of life is likely to have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Aim: To explore health and social care professionals’ experiences of providing end of life care during the COVID-19 pandemic to help inform current/future clinical practice and policy. Design: A qualitative interview study. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Setting/participants: Sixteen health and social care professionals working across a range of clinical settings in supporting dying patients during the first wave (March–June 2020) of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom. Results: Participants reported emotional and practical challenges to providing end of life care during the pandemic, including increases in patient numbers, reduced staffing levels and relying on virtual platforms for sensitive, emotive conversations with relatives. Participants were central to promoting connections between patients and their families at end of life and creating opportunities for a final contact before the death. However, the provision of support varied as a consequence of the pressures of the pandemic. Results are discussed under two themes: (1) challenges and facilitators to providing end of life care, and (2) support needs of relatives when a family member was dying during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: There is a need for flexible visiting arrangements at end of life during a pandemic. A systems-level approach is necessary to promote the wellbeing of health and social care professionals providing end of life care during and after a pandemic