562 research outputs found

    ¿Por qué es justo reconocer la representación especial de las minorías? Reflexiones del consenso traslapado en Rawls a la ciudadanía diferenciada en Young

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    A key aspect of our democratic societies is the principle of representation. For this reason, countries around the world have established quotas for minorities in electoral politics, giving greater substance to the assumption that in a democracy, every citizen is free to choose and to be elected under the guarantees offered by electoral processes. Nonetheless, the exclusion of some social groups and the infringement of their rights, due to their socioeconomic situation and socio-cultural identity – for example blacks, women, religious and ethnic minorities, and gender groups – are frequently observed. This article therefore reflects on why it is fair to recognize and include the interests of minority groups in the legal system of a country. Discussion is based on the approaches of justice expressed both in John Rawls and in Iris Marion Young. Thus the following lines provide an analytical framework in which the principles of overlapping consensus converge with the idea of differentiated citizenship to recognize the need for special representation through electoral quota laws for minorities.Un asunto clave en nuestras sociedades democráticas es el principio de representación. Razón por la cual en países de todo el mundo se han establecido cuotas para minorías en la política electoral, haciendo más real la suposición de que en democracia todo ciudadano es libre de elegir y ser elegido al gozar de garantías durante los procesos electorales. No obstante, es frecuente observar la exclusión y vulneración de grupos sociales como los negros, las mujeres, minorías religiosas y étnicas, junto a las de género por su situación socioeconómica como a su identidad sociocultural. Por lo tanto, en este artículo se reflexiona en torno a por qué es justo reconocer y agregar los intereses de los grupos minoritarios en el ordenamiento jurídico de un país. Todo ello a partir de los planteamientos de justicia expuestos tanto en John Rawls como en Iris Marion Young. Por lo tanto, el articulo provee un marco analítico en el que confluyen los fundamentos del consenso traslapado con la idea de la ciudadanía diferenciada para reconocer la necesidad de una representación especial mediante leyes de cuotas electorales para las minorías

    El camino hacia los gabinetes ministeriales: un estudio de los factores que influyen en la designación de mujeres ministras en Ecuador y Colombia, 1978-2018

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    Objetivo/contexto: este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar y determinar las causas que influyen en el Ejecutivo al momento de designar mujeres para la dirección de gabinetes ministeriales.Metodología: para esta investigación, seguimos la literatura que ha identificado variables de oferta, demanda y difusión al señalar los factores que afectan la llegada de mujeres a los gabinetes, y testeamos variables de todos los grupos. Comparamos Ecuador y Colombia desde 1978 hasta 2018, utilizando una base de datos inédita (N = 312), con una medición trimestral. Desarrollamos nuestro análisis con una regresión múltiple de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios y errores robustos. Conclusiones: evidenciamos las fluctuaciones que ha tenido la representación de mujeres en ministerios en los dos países, a lo largo del periodo estudiado, siendo el tiempo un elemento que favorece la presencia de mujeres en gabinetes. Luego, damos cuenta de que más mujeres con educación universitaria, así como en distintas arenas políticas, son las variables que influyen positivamente en la presencia de más mujeres en los gabinetes. Originalidad: las investigaciones sobre este tema se han incrementado, pero generalmente se concentran en los estudios de caso o en la realización de análisis multinivel. Además, los trabajos comparativos hacen mediciones anuales, considerando la falta de disponibilidad de datos. Este trabajo abona en el estado de la literatura sobre mujeres en ministerios, al comparar dos países similares en cuanto a diseño institucional y con importantes variaciones en las variables independientes testeadas.Objective/Context: The objective of this article is to analyze and determine the reasons which lead the head of a government to appoint women to ministerial posts. Methodology: For this article, we consulted studies of the supply, demand and diffusion variables which affect the appointment of women to the cabinets of a government and tested the variables in all groups. We compare Ecuador and Colombia in the period from 1978 to 2018, using an unpublished database (N = 312), with a quarterly measurement. Our analysis employed a multiple regression of ordinary least squares and robust errors. Conclusions: We found fluctuations in the representation of women in ministries in both countries throughout the period we studied with more women being appointed to ministerial posts as time passed. Then we realized that the growing number of women with a university education and their presence in a wider range of political factions are the variables which have a positive influence on the appointment of women to governmental cabinets.Originality: Research on this subject has increased, but it is generally focused on case studies or employs a multilevel analysis. In addition to cross-comparisons, they limit themselves to annual rather than quarterly measurements due to the meager data which is available. This article is a contribution to the literature on the situation of women ministers: it compares two countries with a similar institutional framework which nevertheless show important variations in the independent variables which were tested.Objetivo/contexto: O objetivo deste artigo é analisar e determinar as causas que influenciam o executivo ao nomear mulheres para chefiar os gabinetes ministeriais. Metodologia: para esta pesquisa, seguimos a literatura que identificou variáveis de oferta, demanda e disseminação ao apontar os fatores que afetam a chegada das mulheres aos armários, e testamos variáveis de todos os grupos. Comparamos Equador e Colômbia de 1978 a 2018, utilizando um banco de dados não publicado (N = 312), com uma medição trimestral. Desenvolvemos nossa análise com uma regressão múltipla dos mínimos quadrados comuns e erros robustos. Conclusões: mostramos as flutuações na representação das mulheres nos ministérios em ambos os países ao longo do período estudado, sendo o tempo um elemento que favorece a presença de mulheres nos gabinetes. Então percebemos que mais mulheres com formação universitária, assim como em diferentes arenas políticas, são as variáveis que têm uma influência positiva quando se observa mais mulheres em gabinetes. Originalidade: a pesquisa sobre este tema tem aumentado, mas geralmente se concentra em estudos de casos, ou realizando análises multiníveis. Além disso, o trabalho comparativo faz medições anuais, considerando a falta de disponibilidade de dados. Este trabalho compensa no estado da literatura sobre as mulheres nos ministérios, comparando dois países similares em termos de desenho institucional, e com variações importantes nas variáveis independentes testadas

    Características constituintes dos acertos e desacertos perante à conformação do movimento estudantil #YoSoy132

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    This article analyzes social mobilization from the theoretical and conceptual budgets of the literature that belongs to the social movements of the late XIX century and beginnings of the XX century. First of all, we reflect on the conceptual idea of new social movements, looking for an interrelation with the dynamics of the student movement #YoSoy132 for 2012. This way, we aim to establish a theoretical explanation that comes from the political science of social movements, focusing it on the Latin American context of student movements. For this reason, we carry out a documental analysis, a revision, and a theoretical and systematic revision of articles in newspapers throughout the article. This article is also the result of an investigation carried out between Universidad del Tolima (Colombia) and Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (Mexico). Finally, we formulate some conclusions regarding the student movement #YoSoy132 and its relationship with the Latin American social movement theory.El presente artículo analiza la categoría de movilización social a partir de los presupuestos teóricos y conceptuales de la literatura de los movimientos sociales para finales de siglo XIX e inicios del XX. En primer lugar, se propone realizar una reflexión sobre la noción conceptual de los nuevos movimientos sociales, en busca de una interrelación con las dinámicas del movimiento estudiantil #YoSoy132 para 2012, pretendiendo así establecer una explicación teórica proveniente desde la ciencia política sobre los movimientos sociales, enfocándolo en el contexto latinoamericano de los movimientos estudiantiles. De esta manera, se recurre al análisis documental como criterio de abordaje del artículo, la revisión y reflexión teórica y sistemática de fuentes hemerográficas, asimismo este artículo deriva de una investigación concluida, realizada entre la Universidad del Tolima (Colombia) y la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (México). Finalmente, se plantearán algunas conclusiones que versarán sobre el movimiento estudiantil #YoSoy132 y su correlación con la teoría de los movimientos sociales latinoamericanos.O presente artigo analisa a categoria de mobilização social a partir dos pressupostos teóricos e conceptuais da literatura  dos movimentos sociais para finais do século XIX e inícios do XX. Em primeiro lugar, Propõe-se realizar uma reflexão sobre a noção conceptual  dos novos movimentos sociais, em procura de uma inter-relação com as dinâmicas do movimento estudantil #YoSoy132 para 2012, pretendendo assim estabelecer uma explicação teórica proveniente desde a ciência política sobre os movimentos sociais, focando-o no contexto latino-americano  dos movimentos estudantis. Desta maneira, usa-se à análise documental como critério de abordagem do artigo, a revisão e reflexão teórica e sistemática de fontes hemerográficas, mesmo assim este artigo deriva de uma pesquisa concluída, realizada entre a Universidade do Tolima (Colômbia) e a Universidade Autónoma do Estado de México (México). Finalmente, se exporão algumas conclusões que versarão sobre o movimento estudantil #YoSoy132 e a sua correlação com a teoria  dos movimentos sociais latino-americanos

    Experiencias sobre el Senado: Reflexiones para el debate Latinoamericano

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    This paper aims to explore the functioning of senates in Latin America through a unique blend of theoretical reflection and comparative and case study data collection. This debate comprises different sections, including an analysis of the historical evolution of bicameralism and unicameralism worldwide, followed by an examination of the Senate in Latin America. The subsequent sections delve into case studies of three countries with bicameral compositions: Chile, Argentina, and Brazil. The final contribution is a theoretical discussion on the concept of authority within a body of formally and informally managed by ambitious actors. These articles are possible thanks to the FONDECYT Regular 1211297 project and the Millennium Initiative NCS2022_046.El presente trabajo busca discutir sobre funcionamiento de los senados en América Latina. Las diferentes secciones del Foro de debate mezclan, de manera original, una reflexión teórica con recopilación de datos a nivel comparado y de caso. Las dos primeras secciones del trabajo analizan, primero, la evolución de los bicameralismos y unicameralismos en el mundo y luego los senados en América Latina. Las siguientes colaboraciones son dos análisis de caso de países con composiciones bicamerales: Chile, Argentina y Brasil. La última contribución es teórica y tiene como objetivo entender el concepto de autoridad en un órgano con actores ambiciosos y de manejo formal e informal. Estos artículos fueron realizados gracias al proyecto FONDECYT Regular 1211297 y la Iniciativa Milenio NCS2022_046

    Experiencias sobre el Senado: Reflexiones para el debate Latinoamericano

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    El presente trabajo busca discutir sobre funcionamiento de los senados en América Latina. Las diferentes secciones del Foro de debate mezclan, de manera original, una reflexión teórica con recopilación de datos a nivel comparado y de caso. Las dos primeras secciones del trabajo analizan, primero, la evolución de los bicameralismos y unicameralismos en el mundo y luego los senados en América Latina. Las siguientes colaboraciones son dos análisis de caso de países con composiciones bicamerales: Chile, Argentina y Brasil. La última contribución es teórica y tiene como objetivo entender el concepto de autoridad en un órgano con actores ambiciosos y de manejo formal e informal. Estos artículos fueron realizados gracias al proyecto FONDECYT Regular 1211297 y la Iniciativa Milenio NCS2022_046

    Devising an Electric Power System: A CDIO Approach Applied to Electrical Engineering

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    The study of electric power systems within the field of Electrical Engineering is usually approached by computer simulations because any actual test is quite complex to be implemented. Having the aim to improve student learning about this topic, a new subject called “Devising an Electric Power System” was organized following a CDIO (Conceive-Design- Implement-Operate) approach. The subject is programmed for one academic year and based entirely on laboratory work. The students are divided into three groups. Every group would have to work on a device that includes a solar PV generator and a pumping controlled drive, both connected to a three–phase grid. The process followed by the students along the academic year begins with a short theoretical introduction and simulation studies where they conceive and design control strategies. These control strategies are for the solar PV generator (i.e., programing the “Maximum Power Point Tracking” MPPT) as well as for the pumping electric drive (i.e., following a V/f strategy or a vector control). The process is continued by practical implementation of the simulated algorithms previously obtained. In this step, the students implement and operate the systems until they become robust and well adjusted, and ready for the intermediate partial competition among the three groups. During this practical implementation stage, the innovative competence is better enhanced. At the moment that each group has implemented an electric generator and an electric consumption (load), they follow the third and last part of the subject that is focused on “electric utility” business strategy. The students will have to comply with the rules of the electricity market by offering energy packages to be generated and consumed at a certain price. The price and volume of energy to be generated/consumed are determined by the convergence point of supply and demand, as determined by the marginal pricing model. Once the market is cleared, the students have to realize their generation/consumption commitments by operating the real power system they have conceived and implemented. After the first academic year of this subject, the students’ evaluation was highly acceptable. The specific technological contents of the subject were learnt by the method called “learning by doing” that allows students to improve their skills in team building, innovation and communications. In addition, a good work atmosphere among students and teachers has arisen

    InAs/AlGaAs quantum dot intermediate band solar cells with enlarged sub-bandgaps

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    In the last decade several prototypes of intermediate band solar cells (IBSCs) have been manufactured. So far, most of these prototypes have been based on InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) in order to implement the IB material. The key operation principles of the IB theory are two photon sub-bandgap (SBG) photocurrent, and output voltage preservation, and both have been experimentally demonstrated at low temperature. At room temperature (RT), however, thermal escape/relaxation between the conduction band (CB) and the IB prevents voltage preservation. To improve this situation, we have produced and characterized the first reported InAs/AlGaAs QD-based IBSCs. For an Al content of 25% in the host material, we have measured an activation energy of 361 meV for the thermal carrier escape. This energy is about 250 meV higher than the energies found in the literature for InAs/GaAs QD, and almost 140 meV higher than the activation energy obtained in our previous InAs/GaAs QD-IBSC prototypes including a specifically designed QD capping layer. This high value is responsible for the suppression of the SBG quantum efficiency under monochromatic illumination at around 220 K. We suggest that, if the energy split between the CB and the IB is large enough, activation energies as high as to suppress thermal carrier escape at room temperature (RT) can be achieved. In this respect, the InAs/AlGaAs system offers new possibilities to overcome some of the problems encountered in InAs/GaAs and opens the path for QD-IBSC devices capable of achieving high efficiency at RT

    Optimasi Portofolio Resiko Menggunakan Model Markowitz MVO Dikaitkan dengan Keterbatasan Manusia dalam Memprediksi Masa Depan dalam Perspektif Al-Qur`an

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    Risk portfolio on modern finance has become increasingly technical, requiring the use of sophisticated mathematical tools in both research and practice. Since companies cannot insure themselves completely against risk, as human incompetence in predicting the future precisely that written in Al-Quran surah Luqman verse 34, they have to manage it to yield an optimal portfolio. The objective here is to minimize the variance among all portfolios, or alternatively, to maximize expected return among all portfolios that has at least a certain expected return. Furthermore, this study focuses on optimizing risk portfolio so called Markowitz MVO (Mean-Variance Optimization). Some theoretical frameworks for analysis are arithmetic mean, geometric mean, variance, covariance, linear programming, and quadratic programming. Moreover, finding a minimum variance portfolio produces a convex quadratic programming, that is minimizing the objective function ðð¥with constraintsð ð 𥠥 ðandð´ð¥ = ð. The outcome of this research is the solution of optimal risk portofolio in some investments that could be finished smoothly using MATLAB R2007b software together with its graphic analysis

    Measurement of the top quark forward-backward production asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric and chromomagnetic moments in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV

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    Abstract The parton-level top quark (t) forward-backward asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric (d̂ t) and chromomagnetic (μ̂ t) moments have been measured using LHC pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected in the CMS detector in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1. The linearized variable AFB(1) is used to approximate the asymmetry. Candidate t t ¯ events decaying to a muon or electron and jets in final states with low and high Lorentz boosts are selected and reconstructed using a fit of the kinematic distributions of the decay products to those expected for t t ¯ final states. The values found for the parameters are AFB(1)=0.048−0.087+0.095(stat)−0.029+0.020(syst),μ̂t=−0.024−0.009+0.013(stat)−0.011+0.016(syst), and a limit is placed on the magnitude of | d̂ t| < 0.03 at 95% confidence level. [Figure not available: see fulltext.