160 research outputs found

    Hybrid type theory: a quartet in four movements

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    This paper sings a song -a song created by bringing together the work of four great names in the history of logic: Hans Reichenbach, Arthur Prior, Richard Montague, and Leon Henkin. Although the work of the first three of these authors have previously been combined, adding the ideas of Leon Henkin is the addition required to make the combination work at the logical level. But the present paper does not focus on the underlying technicalities (these can be found in Areces, Blackburn, Huertas, and Manzano [to appear]) rather it focusses on the underlying instruments, and the way they work together. We hope the reader will be tempted to sing along

    Aprendizaje virtual de las matemáticas

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    Explicitando la interrelación entre las actividades de aprendizaje, el proceso de evaluación y la adquisición de competencias

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    The European university system defines degrees according to a series of general and specific competences that should be acquired by students. These established competences should be reflected in the degree subjects – as it is necessary to align each competency with activities performed by students. At the same time, the evaluation criteria of each activity should reflect the level of acquisition of each competence. Both the qualification that is granted as well as the feedback that the student receives should be related to the competences, i.e. to show the student’s progression. In this article, we present a working procedure to align the degree competences with the course competences, its activities, the evaluation criteria, and the learning outcomes. The main contribution of this paper lies in its analysis of the relationship established between the different elements, namely those which specify and clarify the competences required for both teachers and students in a degree course on Logic.El sistema universitario europeo ha definido los grados en base a un conjunto de competencias generales y específicas que deben ser adquiridas por los estudiantes. Las competencias establecidas deben reflejarse en las asignaturas de grado, siendo necesario alinear cada competencia con las actividades que realiza el estudiante. A su vez, los criterios de evaluación de cada actividad deben reflejar el grado de adquisición de cada competencia. Tanto la calificación emitida como el feedback que recibe el estudiante deben estar relacionados con las competencias para poder mostrar al estudiante su progresión. En este artículo se presenta el proceso de trabajo para alinear las competencias de grado con las de asignatura, sus actividades, criterios de evaluación y resultados de aprendizaje. La principal aportación es la interrelación realizada, concretando y clarificando las competencias específicas, tanto para los docentes como los estudiantes en el caso de la asignatura de Lógica

    Enseñanza de las matemáticas asistida por las tecnologías del aprendizaje y la comunicación: el proyecto M@thelearning

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    El objetivo de este artículo es doble: Por un lado se analizan los aspectos clave del e-learning en general y se profundiza en el caso concreto de las matemáticas. Por otro lado se presenta el proyecto de investigación M@thelearning, realizado el curso 2008-09, en el que se llevó a cabo un estudio, en los institutos de educación secundaria (IES) de Cataluña, sobre el estado actual de la docencia en asignaturas de carácter matemático-estadístico, haciendo énfasis en el nivel de adaptación a las tecnologías del aprendizaje y el conocimiento (TAC). Para ello se pasó una encuesta a diversos profesores de matemáticas y se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los datos obtenidos. Los principales resultados del análisis pusieron de manifiesto que la mayoría de los docentes de los IES consideraban que las TAC tenían mucha importancia en la docencia (73%) pero, sin embargo, sólo un 53% manifestaron hacer uso de éstas

    Genome-wide analysis of targets for post-transcriptional regulation by Rsm proteins in Pseudomonas putida

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    Post-transcriptional regulation is an important step in the control of bacterial gene expression in response to environmental and cellular signals. Pseudomonas putida KT2440 harbors three known members of the CsrA/RsmA family of post-transcriptional regulators: RsmA, RsmE and RsmI. We have carried out a global analysis to identify RNA sequences bound in vivo by each of these proteins. Affinity purification and sequencing of RNA molecules associated with Rsm proteins were used to discover direct binding targets, corresponding to 437 unique RNA molecules, 75 of them being common to the three proteins. Relevant targets include genes encoding proteins involved in signal transduction and regulation, metabolism, transport and secretion, stress responses, and the turnover of the intracellular second messenger c-di-GMP. To our knowledge, this is the first combined global analysis in a bacterium harboring three Rsm homologs. It offers a broad overview of the network of processes subjected to this type of regulation and opens the way to define what are the sequence and structure determinants that define common or differential recognition of specific RNA molecules by these proteins.This work was supported by grants BFU2013-43469-P, BFU2016-80122-P and PID2019-109372GB-I00 from the Plan Estatal de I+D+I (Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER funds). Funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, United Kingdom (BB/R012415/1), and the University of Malaya (FRGS grant FP022-2018A and HIR grant H-50001-00-A000027) are also gratefully acknowledged

    Un caso de incorporación de la perspectiva de género: de la estrategia institucional a la asignatura final

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    La Unidad de Igualdad de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) en su último plan de igualdad incluyó, entre otros objetivos, el de asegurar la perspectiva de género en la docencia. La vía propuesta fue la definición de una competencia transversal (Comportamiento ético y global) que debería implantarse en todos los programas. Por su parte, la Facultad de Informática de la misma universidad trabaja en el mismo sentido desde 2019 en su Comisión de Equidad. En este artículo se expone el proceso seguido desde la aparición de este impulso institucional hasta su conceptualización en dicha competencia y su vinculación concreta a un subconjunto de las asignaturas del Grado y del Máster en Ingeniería Informática. Se detallan las fases, las directrices establecidas, la selección de las asignaturas y un ejemplo de implantación en una de ellas. El principal resultado de la experiencia es que este es un proceso viable gracias a unos factores facilitadores ya existentes y a la implicación de los grupos interesados, pero que no está libre de contradicciones ni es todavía maduro en todos los aspectos clave, entre ellos algunos tan relevantes como el de la evaluación de la competencia.The last equality plan of the Gender Unit of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya includes, among others goals, ensuring a gender perspective in the teaching process. To this aim, a new transversal competency (Global and Ethical Behaviour), that should be included in every official bachelor’s and master’s degree programme, has been defined. For its part, the Computer Science Faculty of the same university, has been working in the same direction since 2019 within its Equality Commission. In this paper, we present the process followed since the emergence of this institutional impulse to its conceptualization as a competence and its specific implementation in a subset the Bachelor's and Master's in Computer Engineering courses. The phases, the established guidelines, the selection of the subjects and an example of implementation in one of them are detailed. The main result of the experience is that this is a viable process thanks to some facilitating factors that already exist and to the involvement of the stakeholders. Even though it is not free from contradictions nor it is yet mature in all the key aspects, including some that are so relevant such as the competence evaluation

    Genome-Wide Analysis of Targets for Post-Transcriptional Regulation by Rsm Proteins in Pseudomonas putida

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    © Copyright © 2021 Huertas-Rosales, Romero, Chan, Hong, Cámara, Heeb, Barrientos-Moreno, Molina-Henares, Travieso, Ramos-González and Espinosa-Urgel. Post-transcriptional regulation is an important step in the control of bacterial gene expression in response to environmental and cellular signals. Pseudomonas putida KT2440 harbors three known members of the CsrA/RsmA family of post-transcriptional regulators: RsmA, RsmE and RsmI. We have carried out a global analysis to identify RNA sequences bound in vivo by each of these proteins. Affinity purification and sequencing of RNA molecules associated with Rsm proteins were used to discover direct binding targets, corresponding to 437 unique RNA molecules, 75 of them being common to the three proteins. Relevant targets include genes encoding proteins involved in signal transduction and regulation, metabolism, transport and secretion, stress responses, and the turnover of the intracellular second messenger c-di-GMP. To our knowledge, this is the first combined global analysis in a bacterium harboring three Rsm homologs. It offers a broad overview of the network of processes subjected to this type of regulation and opens the way to define what are the sequence and structure determinants that define common or differential recognition of specific RNA molecules by these proteins

    Aprendizaje cooperativo. Un recurso indispensable en la formación universitaria

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    El Libro “Aprendizaje cooperativo Un recurso indispensable en la formación universitaria”, se enmarca dentro del Proyecto de Innovación docente Finestra Oberta UV_ SFPIE GER 15-314671, bajo la dirección de la Profesora María Elena Cobas Cobiella, del Departamento de Derecho Civil, de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Valencia. Este libro contiene 19 artículos inéditos de un grupo importante de profesores y especialistas en la temática nacionales e internacionales, así como con la intervención como colaboradores de estudiantes de Grado en Derecho, de la doble titulación Derecho- ADE de la Universidad de Valencia, y de Universidades internacionales. También han intervenido en el mismo estudiantes del Master de Mediación y Arbitraje y solución de conflictos en Derecho Privado 2015/2016 y del Proyecto Unisocietat L’Eliana Curso 2015 – 2016. Constituye una obra que eleva la práctica del aula a la teoría. Altamente recomendable para aquellos que incursionen en el camino de la docencia.The Book "Cooperative learning: an indispensable resource in university education" is part of the Project for teaching innovation "Finestra Oberta,UV_ SFPIE GER 15-314671", under the direction of Professor Maria Elena Cobas Cobiella, from Civil Law department of the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia. This book contains 19 new articles of a large group of professors and specialists in national and international topics, as well as with the intervention as collaborators of Law degree students from the double degree Law-Business Administration from the University of Valencia, and also from international universities. They have also intervened in the book some students from the Master of Mediation, Arbitration and resolution of conflicts in Private Law 2015/2016 and from the Unisocietat L'Eliana project 2015/2016. It is a work that elevates the classroom practice towards the theory. Highly recommended for those who want to progress in the way of teaching.Los siguientes estudiantes han colaborado en la Parte Especial del Libro, con los resúmenes de sus trabajos de mapas conceptuales y los prezi:Ylenia Martínez, María Gómez Escrivá,Julieta Campora Espí, Blanca Giner Zarranz, Mario Zúñiga Martínez, Alicia Martínez Ruiz, Sandra Gimeno Bascuñana, Héctor Martínez Soler, Amparo García Navarro,Joan De la Haba Herrera,Alberto José Fourrat Calatayud, Juan Ortega Talamantes, Vicente Vila Subiela, Cristina Blázquez Sánchez, Sara Monsalve Alemany, Paula Navarro Román, Carlos Reyes Hernández,Jesús Sanz Carnero,José Guillermo Gil, Aroa Gimeno, José Manuel Aznar, Teresa Pérez, Antonio Fernández, Cristina Martin, Rodrigo Climent, José Ángel Molina Sánchez, Daniel Cabanes Ferrando, David Escobar Haro, Diego Martínez Amor, Mari Carmen Arnau Gil, Raquel Jiménez Gago, Daniel March Quevedo, Laura Alapont Vidal, Gema Canós Ferrandis, Mónica Costa Isabel, Jesús Sanmartín Viturro, Eduardo José Tobio García, Pau Viñuelas LLoria, María del Mar Figueroa Hernández, Minerva Llagunes Picazo, Lucía Olmos, José Olmedo, Brynn De Houwer, Enrique Pla Marcos, Héctor Tabernero Más, Laura Payá González, Blanca Martínez Pons,Alejandro Grima Margarit, Belén Català, Mariam Pérez, David Sánchez, Jorge Seguí ,Sara Tamarit,Fernando Aparisi Escriba, Analía Carballo Quispe,José Luis Moreno Miguel,Candy Priscilla Rojas Campoverde, Ademar Lledó Monfort, Irene Belles Rubio, Clara Calomarde Esteban, Marta Marín de la Dueña, Sergio Pinel Castillo,Maria Simo Martin, Daniel Rocher Camps, Sandra Nicolás Mascarell, Teresa Bartret García, Maria Amparo Monasort Pérez,Joan Vicente Torres Moreno, Belén Cuñat Salavert, Carmen Rodríguez Bertos, Aníbal Sánchez Gómez, Sofía Morant Muñoz, Pedro Ballester Martínez,Akbar Khawar, David Ortíz Soler, Jonathan Pérez Gutiérrez.Jorge Amat Andrés, M.ª Antonia García Juncos, Jenny Maritza González Vergara,Juan José Tocón Torres,Pau Zurita Varela, Manuel Calvo Pereiro, Carolina Luis Tamarit,Beatriz Muñoz Moncholí,Marta Conejero Sarrió, Guillermo Juarez Ginestar, Carolina Más Trullás,Ramón Fernández Pares, Carlos Hervás García,Carolina Tamarit García, Jose Belloch Ortí,Danilo Terán Taborga,Manuel Castillo Martínez, Isabel Martínez Salas, Carlos Javier Castello Domenech, Silvia Juste Frechina, Cristina Barrado Franco, Noemi De Miguel Domingo, Elena Masegosa Laurí, Maryana Seniv, Paula Sanz Perez, Liney Paola Peiró Soriano, José Manuel Zahonero Ferrer,Paula Pons Guillem,Andrea Oviedo Millán,Arnaud Wustefeld, Alba Ruiz-Santa Quiteria Lara,Lydia García Céspedes,Antonio Gomar López,Eva Piqueras García, Claudia Salvador Pérez, Joel David Alvarez Remy, Sheila Jorge Muñoz,Virginia Mendoza Leal,David Benavides Arenas, Mario Perera Sánchez, Vladimir Sarmiento Paizán,Javier Mustelier Armiñán,Diamela Salina Ocaña, Edel Morales Salazar,Fortunato Dong Oñaña,María del Carmen Carvajal Balagué,María del Carmen Daries Coll, Catalina Olmo Brazales,Mª Teresa Sánchez, Julia Serra Figuerola,Mª Nieves Valdearcos Quintín,Carmen Moraga Martín,María José Moragues, Salvador Lluch,Maribel Moreno,José Luis Coello,José Cebriá,Matilde Argente,Consuelo Martínez,Rosi Hernández,Susi García,Graciela Garibotti,Susana Bianchi,Judith Steffan,Susan Humphreys,Jesús Castellano,Ana Preus,Mª José Figueroa,Mª Teresa Carbonell,Lola Lombrera,Luisa Martínez Gordillo,Roberto Soler,Pilar Bezares Martínez, Ramón González Ferrer,Raquel González Sainz,Sacra Martínez Alarcón, Emetério Mirálles Ribot, Ramón Pubill Rocaort,Conchin Ruiz Leal, Isabel Sucarrat Bermejo,Pepa San Román Moñino,InmaTarín Arfella, Maise Tarín Arfella, Pedro Montalban,Carmen Kroebel, Lydia González, Carlos Gómez, Amparo Cuellar,Pilar Navarro,Luisa Vallejo, Encarna Monzó,Carmen Conca,Pilar Alegría, Sonia Almonacil, Inma Fernández, María José García Marcelo,Clara Olivert Pavia, Ana Herrero Martínez, Rosana Crespo Martínez, Carmen Vidal Casañ,José Ramón Villagrasa Tort,Juan Carlos López Cubero,Paco Velayos Sánchez,María de la O Pérez,Carles Montagut Alvarez, José Leopoldo Rodríguez Pla, Amanda Bernat Tinoco,Marta García Montañana, Ioana Roxana Moraru, Jenifer Perujo Plumed,María Ribera Cebolla,Amparo Esteve Cervera, Iris Pla Sempere,Juan Rafael Aranda Perozo,Jesús Collado Mas, Cristina Grimalt Molina,Isabel Rojo Lora, María Teresa Peirats Casanova,Rosana Marin Rausell, Ricardo Mejía Hidalgo,Pablo Pastor Aguilera,Daniel Trujillo Villalba,Yolanda Fuster Llidó, Lucas Lamarca Pedemonte, Gabriel Rosa Felipe

    Completeness in hybrid type theory

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    We show that basic hybridization (adding nominals and @ operators) makes it possible to give straightforward Henkin-style completeness proofs even when the modal logic being hybridized is higher-order. The key ideas are to add nominals as expressions of type t, and to extend to arbitrary types the way we interpret @i in propositional and first-order hybrid logic. This means: interpret @iαa, where αa is an expression of any type a, as an expression of type a that rigidly returns the value that αa receives at the i-world. The axiomatization and completeness proofs are generalizations of those found in propositional and first-order hybrid logic, and (as is usual in hybrid logic) we automatically obtain a wide range of completeness results for stronger logics and languages. Our approach is deliberately low-tech. We don’t, for example, make use of Montague’s intensional type s, or Fitting-style intensional models; we build, as simply as we can, hybrid logic over Henkin’s logic.submittedVersionFil: Areces, Carlos Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Blackburn, Patrick. University of Roskilde. Centre for Culture and Identity. Department of Philosophy and Science Studies; Dinamarca.Fil: Huertas, Antonia. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; España.Fil: Manzano, María. Universidad de Salamanca; España.Ciencias de la Computació

    Measurement of the top quark forward-backward production asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric and chromomagnetic moments in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV

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    Abstract The parton-level top quark (t) forward-backward asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric (d̂ t) and chromomagnetic (μ̂ t) moments have been measured using LHC pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected in the CMS detector in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1. The linearized variable AFB(1) is used to approximate the asymmetry. Candidate t t ¯ events decaying to a muon or electron and jets in final states with low and high Lorentz boosts are selected and reconstructed using a fit of the kinematic distributions of the decay products to those expected for t t ¯ final states. The values found for the parameters are AFB(1)=0.048−0.087+0.095(stat)−0.029+0.020(syst),μ̂t=−0.024−0.009+0.013(stat)−0.011+0.016(syst), and a limit is placed on the magnitude of | d̂ t| < 0.03 at 95% confidence level. [Figure not available: see fulltext.