36 research outputs found
The purpose of the paper is to study the preconditions of the necessity to use new scientific tools during the study of issues related to the ensuring and protection of human right to access to public information; to characterize the main scientific approaches to modern researches in the sphere of safeguarding human right to access to public information; to identify promising directions for further research on this topic. Methodology. The paper presents the examples of a negative use of scientific methodology in conducting research in the area of administrative law and procedure and also draws attention to the need to reconsider an obsolete scientific methodology that does not correspond to the current realities and negatively affects the development of legal science. It indicates and characterizes the main preconditions of the necessity to use new scientific tools while investigating the issues related to ensuring and protection of human right to access to public information. In the context of the research of peculiarities of administrative and legal coverage and protection of human right to access to public information, it is proposed to use the systems approach, which is extremely effective in analysing complicated legal phenomena and processes and permits to study the peculiarities of substantive, procedure and procedural legal regulation as a cohesive whole. Practical implications. The system approach is an extremely promising technique for studying legal reality. Its use allows synthesizing all the knowledge about legal phenomena (legal rules, legal relations, legal consciousness, etc.), which is accumulated during the past stages of formation and development of domestic legal science, for a deeper insight into the development and functioning of law in general and administrative law in particular. Value/originality. Problems that exist in legal science in general and in the science of administrative law, in particular, can be solved only with the help of new scientific tools, specifically, by applying the system approach. The use of the systems approach in case of studying the issues of ensuring and protection of the human right to access to public information would allow combining all studies that were performed on this issue in substantive, procedure or procedural parts of the administrative law
Changes in IP3 receptor expression and function in aortic smooth muscle of atherosclerotic mice
Peroxynitrite is an endothelium - independent vasodilator which induces relaxation via membrane hyperpolarisation. A ctivation of IP3 receptors triggers opening of potassium channels and hyperpolarisation. Previously we found that relaxation to peroxynitrite was maintained during development of atherosclerosis due to changes in expression of calcium regulatory proteins. In this study we investigated 1) the mechanism of peroxynitrite - induced relaxation in mouse aorta 2) the effect of atherosclerosis on relaxation to peroxynitrite and other vasodilators 3) the effect of atherosclerosis on expression and function of the IP3 receptor. Aortic function was studied using wire myography and atherosclerosis was induced by fat - feeding ApoE - / - mice . Expression of IP3 receptors was studied using Western blotting and immunohistochemistry . Relaxation to peroxynitrite was attenuated by the IP3 antagonists 2 - APB and xestospongin C and also the Kv channel blocker 4 - AP. Atherosclerosis attenuated vasodilation to cromakalim and the AMPK activator A769662 but not peroxynitrite. Relaxation was attenuated to a greater extent by 2 - APB in atherosclerotic aortae despite reduced expression of IP3 receptors. 4 - AP was less effective in 4 month fat fed ApoE - / - mice. Peroxynitrite relaxation involves IP3 - induced calcium release and K V channel activation. This mechanism becomes less important as atherosclerosis develops and relaxation to peroxynitrite may be maintained by increased calcium extrusion
Microfluidic contact lenses
Contact lens is a ubiquitous technology used for vision correction and cosmetics. Sensing in contact lenses has emerged as a potential platform for minimally invasive point-of-care diagnostics. Here, a microlithography method is developed to fabricate microconcavities and microchannels in a hydrogel-based contact lens via a combination of laser patterning and embedded templating. Optical microlithography parameters influencing the formation of microconcavities including ablation power (4.3 W) and beam speed (50 mm s−1) are optimized to control the microconcavity depth (100 µm) and diameter (1.5 mm). The fiber templating method allows the production of microchannels having a diameter range of 100–150 µm. Leak-proof microchannel and microconcavity connections in contact lenses are validated through flow testing of artificial tear containing fluorescent microbeads (Ø = 1–2 µm). The microconcavities of contact lenses are functionalized with multiplexed fluorophores (2 µL) to demonstrate optical excitation and emission capability within the visible spectrum. The fabricated microfluidic contact lenses may have applications in ophthalmic monitoring of metabolic disorders at point-of-care settings and controlled drug release for therapeutics
науково-практичний коментар
Закони України «Про державний захист працівників суду і правоохоронних органів», «Про державну охорону органів державної влади україни та посадових осіб»: науково-практичний коментар : станом на 27 травня 2020 року. – Київ : ВД «Професіонал», 2020. – 640 с. – ISBN 978-966-370-396-1.Законодавство України встановлює систему особливих заходів державного захисту
працівників суду та правоохоронних органів від перешкоджання виконанню покладених на них
законом обов'язків і здійсненню наданих прав, а так само від посягань на життя, здоров'я, житло
та майно зазначених осіб, їх близьких родичів у зв'язку зі службовою діяльністю цих
Основним правовим документом, що регламентує правовідносини у цій сфері є
коментований Закон України «Про державний захист працівників суду і правоохоронних
Державною охороною органів державної влади України та посадових осіб (далі - державна
охорона) вважається система організаційно-правових, режимних, оперативно-розшукових,
інженерно-технічних та інших заходів, які здійснюються спеціально уповноваженими
державними органами з метою забезпечення нормального функціонування органів державної
влади України, безпеки посадових осіб та об’єктів, визначених законом.
Таким законом є коментований Закон України «Про державну охорону органів державної влади України та посадових осіб».
Окрім коментарів ця збірка законодавства пропонує актуальну судову практику та
посилання на інше профільне законодавство із зазначених правовідносин.The commented Law of Ukraine "On state protection of employees of the court and law enforcement bodies" and the Law of Ukraine "On state protection of state authorities of Ukraine and officials" were provided. And also the collection offers current judicial practice and links to other specialized legislation on the specified legal relationship.Предоставлен комментируемый Закон Украины «О государственной защите работников суда и правоохранительных органов» и Закон Украины «О государственной охране органов государственной власти Украины и должностных лиц». А также в сборнике предложена актуальная судебная практика и ссылки на другое профильное законодательство по указанным правоотношениям
Wearables in medicine
Wearables as medical technologies are becoming an integral part of personal analytics, measuring physical status, recording physiological parameters, or informing schedule for medication. These continuously evolving technology platforms do not only promise to help people pursue a healthier life style, but also provide continuous medical data for actively tracking metabolic status, diagnosis, and treatment. Advances in the miniaturization of flexible electronics, electrochemical biosensors, microfluidics, and artificial intelligence algorithms have led to wearable devices that can generate real-time medical data within the Internet of things. These flexible devices can be configured to make conformal contact with epidermal, ocular, intracochlear, and dental interfaces to collect biochemical or electrophysiological signals. This article discusses consumer trends in wearable electronics, commercial and emerging devices, and fabrication methods. It also reviews real-time monitoring of vital signs using biosensors, stimuli-responsive materials for drug delivery, and closed-loop theranostic systems. It covers future challenges in augmented, virtual, and mixed reality, communication modes, energy management, displays, conformity, and data safety. The development of patient-oriented wearable technologies and their incorporation in randomized clinical trials will facilitate the design of safe and effective approaches
Financial information systems of the company Wall Street Systems
Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na finanční informační systémy - predevším na objasnění základních pojmů jako jsou informace, informační systémy a finanční informační systémy. Dále se tato práce popisuje finanční informační systémy podle světových výrobců jako SAP, Oracle, Microsoft. Hlavní část zahrnuje popis finančního informačního systému Wallstreet Suite, interakce komponentů této systémy a informační toky dat mezi komponenty. Na závěr je dáno porovnání vybranych finančních informačních systémů podle jejich možností.Bachelor's work is focused on financial information systems - especially in the clarification of basic terms such as information, information systems and financial information systems. Furthermore, this work describes the financial information systems in accordance with world's leading companies such as SAP, Oracle, Microsoft. The main part includes a description of the financial information system Wallstreet Suite, the interaction of components of the systems and information flows between components. The comparison of selected financial information systems according to their possibilities is given in the conclusion of the work.Ústav systémového inženýrství a informatikyDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo
eGovernments' comparison and analysis of selected European Union countries
Tato práce se zabývá porovnáním eGovernmentu ve vybraných zemích Evropské unie. Navíc se zohledňuje strategie eGovernmentu, elektronické veřejné služby, přínosy a překážky zavedení eGovernmentu, možná řešení pro lepší zabezpečení eGovernmentu v jednotlivých zemích a také vymezení důležitých pojmů, které jsou spojeny s problematikou elektronického podání.This work presents a comparison of eGovernment in selected countries of the European Union. In addition, the work reflects the strategy of eGovernment, electronic public services, benefits and barriers of eGovernment establishment, possible solutions for better provision of eGovernment in the country and also the definition of important concepts that are associated with the issue of electronic filing.Ústav systémového inženýrství a informatikyStudentka seznámila s výsledky své diplomové práce na téma Analýza a porovnání eGovernmentu ve vybraných zemích Evropské unie. Otázky byly směřovány na oblast použitých metod a vstupních dat. Autorka na otázky odpovídala.
Otázky komise:
Kde byly získány vstupní hodnoty pro porovnání?
Str. 42 a str. 67 jaká je souvislost a kde byla tedy získána data pro tabulku na str. 67?
Lze tedy vyjádřit nějaké výsledné pořadí
According to experience of the banking system existence of Ukraine it is obvious that every year an increasing number of banks are negatively affected by the financial crisis, which is the result of a wave of liquidation and bankruptcy of banking institutions.
Recently, a large number of requests have been sent to forensic institutions for conducting forensic economic examinations on the issues of a comprehensive analysis of the financial and economic activities of banks as well as on establishing features of concealing bankruptcy, fictitious bankruptcy or leading to bankruptcy. This is primarily due to the need to establish the possibility or impossibility of paying off monetary obligations including on deposits in the bank; analysis of the impact of certain management policies on the financial condition of banks; search for directions for optimizing costs and income of banks etc.
While performing a forensic examination on concealing bankruptcy, fictitious bankruptcy or bringing bankruptcy within the scope of his competence, a forensic
expert shall give an opinion on the presence or absence at the enterprise of economic signs of fictitious bankruptcy, leading to bankruptcy or concealment of bankruptcy on the basis of the criteria defined in Guidelines No. 14. The calculation of these indicators for a bank is impossible due to the fact that there are differences in the determination of insolvency of the bank and the business entity due to the economic and legal nature of banks and the procedural steps for determining such insolvency.
Currently, there is no legislatively approved methodology for determining the economic signs of bankruptcy, fictitious bankruptcy, hidden bankruptcy specifically for banks, which makes it impossible to calculate such financial and economic indicators of the bank as bankruptcy, fictitious bankruptcy, hidden bankruptcy.Розглянуто особливості проведення та основні напрями дослідження судових економічних експертиз з питання визначення економічних показників дій з приховування банкрутства, фіктивного банкрутства чи доведення до банкрутства банків. Проаналізовано основні ознаки й критерії відмінності визначення неплатоспроможності банків від неплатоспроможності суб’єктів підприємницької діяльності, а також дій з приховування банкрутства, фіктивного банкрутства чи доведення до банкрутства підприємств. Визначено, що розрахунок цих показників у банку неможливий у зв’язку з тим, що існують відмінності у визначенні неплатоспроможними банку і суб’єкта підприємницької діяльності, які зумовлені економіко-правовою сутністю банків і процесуальними діями визнання такої неплатоспроможності.Судебный эксперт-экономист при проведении экспертизы по сокрытию банкротства, фиктивному банкротству или доведению до банкротства в рамках своей компетенции даёт заключение о наличии или отсутствии на предприятии экономических признаков фиктивного банкротства, доведения до банкротства или сокрытия банкротства на основании критериев, определенных в Методических рекомендациях № 14. Расчет этих показателей для банка невозможен в связи с тем, что существуют отличия в определении неплатежеспособности банка и субъекта предпринимательской деятельности, которые обусловлены экономико-правовою сущностью банков и процессуальными действиями определения такой неплатежеспособности.
В настоящее время отсутствует законодательно утвержденная методика определения экономических признаков доведения до банкротства, фиктивного банкротства, скрытого банкротства именно для банков, что делает невозможным проведение расчетов таких финансово-экономических показателей банка, как доведение до банкротства, фиктивное банкротство, скрытое банкротство
Comparaison de deux tonomètres non-contacts portables Reichert PT100 et Keeler Pulsair Intellipuff et de la tonométrie par aplanation de Goldmann
Introduction : L objectif était de comparer les mesures de la pression intraoculaire (PIO) réalisées avec deux tonomètres non-contacts (TNC) portables, le Keeler Pulsair Intellipuff et le Reichert PT100 , avec la tonométrie par aplanation de Goldmann (TAG). Matériel et Méthodes : Etude prospective réalisée sur des sujets normotones et hypertones inclus lors d une consultation externe. La PIO d un des deux yeux a été mesurée avec les trois tonomètres, après randomisation de l ordre de mesure. L épaisseur cornéenne centrale (ECC) a été mesurée avec le pachymètre Accutome PachPen . La différence entre les tonomètres a été comparée par le test de Wilcoxon, la corrélation entre les méthodes par le test de Spearman et la concordance entre les méthodes par le test de Bland-Altman. Le Coefficient de Correlation Intraclasse (CCI) a été utilisé pour évaluer la concordance entre les méthodes chez les patients normotones et hypertones. Résultats : 137 yeux de 137 patients ont été inclus. Les mesures des deux TNC étaient significativement corrélées à la TAG (Intellipuff r = 0.92, p 0.75) entre le PT100 et la TAG et entre l Intellipuff et la TAG chez les patients normotones, et entre l Intellipuff et la TAG chez les patients hypertones. Nous avons retrouvé une assez bonne concordance (CCI entre 0.4 et 0.75) entre le PT100 et la TAG chez les patients hypertones. Les différences entre les mesures des deux TNC et les mesures du tonomètre de Goldmann étaient significativement corrélées à l ECC (r = 0.21, p = 0.01 et r = 0.20, p = 0.02, pour le PT100 et l Intellipuff , respectivement). Conclusion : Les deux TNC portables ont une excellente concordance avec la TAG chez les patients normotones. L Intellipuff a également une excellente concordance avec la TAG chez les patients hypertones.Purpose: To compare the intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements by two portable tonometers, the Keeler Pulsair Intellipuff and the Reichert PT100 , with Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT). Methods: Prospective cross-sectional study conducted on normotensive and hypertensive patients recruited from the outpatient clinic of the University Hospital of Grenoble. IOP was measured by the two portable non-contact tonometers and GAT in one eye of each patient in a random order. Central corneal thickness (CCT) was measured with the Accutome PachPen pachymeter . The Wilcoxon test was used to compare the differences between tonometers, the Spearman correlation test to evaluate the correlation among the methods, and Bland Altman plots to evaluate the agreement among the methods. Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was used to evaluate the agreement among the methods in normotensive and hypertensive patients separately. Results: 137 eyes of 137 patients were included. We found an excellent agreement (ICC > 0.75) between PT100 and GAT and between Intellipuff and GAT in normotensive patients. We found a fair to good agreement (ICC between 0.4 and 0.75) between PT100 and GAT in hypertensive patients. The agreement we found between Intellipuff and GAT was also excellent in hypertensive patients. The differences between the measurements of the two non-contact tonometers and the GAT were significantly correlated to the central CCT (correlation between PT100 GAT and CCT, r = 0.21, p = 0.01; correlation between Pulsair Intellipuff GAT and CCT, r = 0.20, p = 0.02). Conclusion: The two non-contact tonometers agree well with GAT in normotensive patients. The Pulsair Intellipuff agrees also well with GAT in hypertensive patients.GRENOBLE1-BU Médecine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF