215 research outputs found

    Terrorism in criminal law in the context of evolution of Czech legislation since 1918

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    Pojetí terorismu v oblasti trestního práva s historickým vývojem české legislativy od roku 1918 Abstrakt Tato diplomová práce se zabývá vývojem protiteroristické a s ní související legislativy od roku 1918 na československém území. V úvodu je rozebrán pojem terorismus za účelem pochopení problematiky, která je popisována v dalších částech práce. Na příkladu čtyř vybraných historických událostí naplňujících v našich moderních dějinách znaky terorismu jsou podrobně analyzovány právní předpisy té doby. Cílem tohoto rozboru je demonstrovat připravenost tehdejších vládnoucích složek na tuto specifickou trestnou činnost. Současně diplomová práce ilustruje měnící se hodnotící pohled a terminologii na spáchané činy v závislosti na čase a subjektu, který je posuzoval. První událostí je za První republiky spáchaný atentát na ministru financí JUDr. Aloisi Rašínovi, jehož politicky motivovaná vražda je analyzována na základě rozsudku Státního soudu ve světle tehdejších trestněprávních předpisů a následně je totožná situace posuzovaná z pohledu dnešní právní úpravy. Obdobně analytický přístup je použit v případech atentátu na zastupujícího říšského protektora Reinharda Heydricha v době druhé světové války na území Protektorátu Čechy a Morava a dále u kriminální aktivity skupiny formované kolem bratrů Mašínů za totalitní...1 Terrorism in criminal law in the context of evolution of Czech legislation since 1918 Abstract This document covers the evolution of antiterrorist legislation and related legislation since 1918 on the territory of Czechoslovakia. To start with, the concept of terrorism is defined in the introduction in order to set up the wider issue that is covered in the remainder of the text. Four key moments in history that correspond to the definition of terrorism with the relevant law regulations applied have been chosen for the analysis. The aim is to demonstrate readiness of the institutions to address this specific area of criminal justice in their time. At the same time, this paper illustrates the ever changing understanding and terminology related to the crimes, depending on the context and subject that might be adjudicating. The first event is the assassination of finance minister Alois Rasin during the era of the First Czechoslovac Republic. His politically motivated killing is firstly analysed on the basis of ruling of the State Court in the light of criminal law of the time. Follows an analysis from the point of view of the contemporary legal norms. Similar analytical approach is applied in the cases of assassination of Deputy/Acting Reich- Protector of Bohemia and Moravia Reinhard Heydrich during World War...Department of Criminal LawKatedra trestního právaFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Natural attenuation of pharmaceuticals and personal care products percolating through rocky substrates – an example based on the Káraný waterworks

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    This survey focused on a detailed analysis of the ability of fluvial Quaternary sediments to remove pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) from drinking water. Thirty-eight PPCPs were detected in the Jizera River, which is used after infiltration to produce drinking water by the Káraný waterworks. Several PPCPs occurred in the water at concentrations exceeding 100 ng/l, some of which are not possible to remove (oxypurinol, acesulfame). The presence of PPCPs was monitored after infiltration and during passage through sandy gravels to the receiving well (total distance of 180 m) at monthly intervals in 2022–2023. PPCPs can be divided into different groups based on the results. Iohexol, iopromide, metoprolol, cetirizine, valsartan and clarithromycin were already below the established threshold after passing through 60 m of gravel. Other substances were gradually attenuated and a diverse group of PPCPs remained in the groundwater even after passing through 180 m of subsoil. Surprisingly, the PPCP with a high degree of attenuation, such as metformin, whose concentration drops from the original value of 677 ng/l to 16 ng/l, was in this group. The member of this group with lowest degree of attenuation was sulfamethoxazole with a value of 9%. Five substances (benzotriazole, propylparaben, bisphenol S, hydrochlorothiazide, ibuprofen-2-hydroxy) were identified as the most problematic since they passed through the quaternary fluvial aquifer practically unchanged and the process of qualitative treatment using artificial infiltration appears to be ineffective

    Landscape-use optimisation with regards to the groundwater resources protection in mountain hardrock areas, LOWRGREP

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    Synthesis of work performed during the European Project LOWRGREPThis report assesses the degree of interference of human activities with the hydrosphere in mountain-zones, all located in hard-rock areas of different countries in the European Union. Each of the test-regions has a specific degree of protection: from regions with very few inhabitants and very low human impact, to regions submitted to a strong anthropogenic impact. The investigations focused on the changes in water quality and on the simulation of various alternatives leading to optimum landscape-use from the point of view of water-management. The project's own Geographic Information System was used to fulfil the following objective: present all the obtained knowledge and analyse all the data in user-friendly form (maps of water vulnerability) and make this knowledge available for potential users with, for instance, the creation and use of a web site. A simulation tool has been developed which facilitates the assessment of the impact of landscape-use on the water budget of the catchment. In all the areas investigated chloride is present, only in winter and very close to roads. Another result of this work is the decreasing impact on water of sulphur and sulphuric compounds in Germany and in the Czech Republic, while the nitrogen impact is increasing. Recommendations concerning the landscape-use presented for all the regions in particular for good practices in agricultur

    HmuY Haemophore and Gingipain Proteases Constitute a Unique Syntrophic System of Haem Acquisition by Porphyromonas gingivalis

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    Haem (iron protoporphyrin IX) is both an essential growth factor and virulence regulator for the periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis, which acquires it mainly from haemoglobin via the sequential actions of the R- and K-specific gingipain proteases. The haem-binding lipoprotein haemophore HmuY and its cognate receptor HmuR of P. gingivalis, are responsible for capture and internalisation of haem. This study examined the role of the HmuY in acquisition of haem from haemoglobin and the cooperation between HmuY and gingipain proteases in this process. Using UV-visible spectroscopy and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, HmuY was demonstrated to wrest haem from immobilised methaemoglobin and deoxyhaemoglobin. Haem extraction from oxyhaemoglobin was facilitated after oxidation to methaemoglobin by pre-treatment with the P. gingivalis R-gingipain A (HRgpA). HmuY was also capable of scavenging haem from oxyhaemoglobin pre-treated with the K-gingipain (Kgp). This is the first demonstration of a haemophore working in conjunction with proteases to acquire haem from haemoglobin. In addition, HmuY was able to extract haem from methaemalbumin, and could bind haem, either free in solution or from methaemoglobin, even in the presence of serum albumin

    Diverse structural approaches to haem appropriation by pathogenic bacteria

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    The critical need for iron presents a challenge for pathogenic bacteria that must survive in an environment bereft of accessible iron due to a natural low bioavailability and their host's nutritional immunity. Appropriating haem, either direct from host haemoproteins or by secreting haem-scavenging haemophores, is one way pathogenic bacteria can overcome this challenge. After capturing their target, haem appropriation systems must remove haem from a high-affinity binding site (on the host haemoprotein or bacterial haemophore) and transfer it to a binding site of lower affinity on a bacterial receptor. Structural information is now available to show how, using a combination of induced structural changes and steric clashes, bacteria are able to extract haem from haemophores, haemopexin and haemoglobin. This review focuses on structural descriptions of these bacterial haem acquisition systems, summarising how they bind haem and their target haemoproteins with particularly emphasis on the mechanism of haem extraction

    Unique Structure and Stability of HmuY, a Novel Heme-Binding Protein of Porphyromonas gingivalis

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    Infection, survival, and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in humans depend on their capacity to impair host responses and acquire nutrients in a hostile environment. Among such nutrients is heme, a co-factor for oxygen storage, electron transport, photosynthesis, and redox biochemistry, which is indispensable for life. Porphyromonas gingivalis is the major human bacterial pathogen responsible for severe periodontitis. It recruits heme through HmuY, which sequesters heme from host carriers and delivers it to its cognate outer-membrane transporter, the TonB-dependent receptor HmuR. Here we report that heme binding does not significantly affect the secondary structure of HmuY. The crystal structure of heme-bound HmuY reveals a new all-β fold mimicking a right hand. The thumb and fingers pinch heme iron through two apical histidine residues, giving rise to highly symmetric octahedral iron co-ordination. The tetrameric quaternary arrangement of the protein found in the crystal structure is consistent with experiments in solution. It shows that thumbs and fingertips, and, by extension, the bound heme groups, are shielded from competing heme-binding proteins from the host. This may also facilitate heme transport to HmuR for internalization. HmuY, both in its apo- and in its heme-bound forms, is resistant to proteolytic digestion by trypsin and the major secreted proteases of P. gingivalis, gingipains K and R. It is also stable against thermal and chemical denaturation. In conclusion, these studies reveal novel molecular properties of HmuY that are consistent with its role as a putative virulence factor during bacterial infection

    Návrh rychloběžné větrné elektrárny o výkonu 27 kW

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta strojní. Katedra (361) energetik