2,852 research outputs found

    6-dimensional product Lie algebras admitting integrable complex structures

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    We classify the 6-dimensional Lie algebras of the form g×gg\times g that admit integrable complex structure. We also endow a Lie algebra of the kind o(n)o(n)o(n)\oplus o(n) with such a complex structure. The motivation comes from geometric structures \'a la Sasaki on gg-manifolds.Comment: Minor corrections and changes in typesettin

    Convergence and Divergence in Stadium Ownership Structures

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    In the broader business law literature, much has been written on the supposed convergence trend of corporate governance practices. Yet this academic discussion has barely extended to the professional sports context and in the instances where professional sports governance has been at issue, stadiums and stadium ownership have not been the subject of analysis. With stadium construction and renovation projects regularly running into the hundreds of millions or billions of dollars, and ongoing stadium operations and debt repayments on such facilities often exceeding tens of millions each year, stadium governance is a significant aspect of business and corporate governance worth illuminating. This article aims to contribute to the closing of this literature gap. Although there are many prospective paths of inquiry, this study focuses on stadium ownership structures in four wealthy Anglosphere jurisdictions with a substantial professional sports and stadium presence: England, the United States, Canada, and Australia. Beginning with the baseline of the English Premier League as a proxy for England, and continuing with a comparative examination primarily focused on the National Football League (NFL), Major League Soccer (MLS), Canadian Football League (CFL), Australian Football League (AFL), and A-League, this study evaluates 114 stadium ownership structures. After a literature review on corporate governance convergence trends, stadium finance, and motivations for stadium construction, I move to a descriptive overview of the stadium holding structure data set. This is followed by the core discussion of a number of legal influences on stadium ownership as well as the relationship of stadium ownership to club controlled ancillary real estate development

    Some proposals of topical issues to be included in the curriculum of managerial studies for future managers, specialists in business ethics

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    Celem artykułu jest próba wyboru istotnych i aktualnych zagadnień, jakie powinny znaleźć się w programie nauczania przyszłych menedżerów. Lista zaproponowanych tematów wynika z dwóch źródeł: 1) analizy zjawisk biznesowych prowadzonych w nurcie zarządzania humanistycznego – w artykule uwaga została skupiona na poglądach Marthy C. Nussbaum; 2) wniosków z uznanych międzynarodowych badań w zakresie etyki biznesu na poziomie rozwiązań organizacyjnych.In this paper the most relevant and up-to-date topics that should be included in the curriculum of university programmes educating future managers have been proposed. The list of proposed topics was drafted based on: (i) the analysis of business phenomena conducted in the humanistic management approach based on the thoughts of Martha C. Nussbaum, and (ii) the conclusions arrived at in a recognised international research in business ethics carried out at an organisational level

    Disciplinary liability in the light of article 42 of the Constitution and the principle of nullum crimen Sine Lege

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    The author analyzes disciplinary liability in the light of the legal principle of nullum crimen sine lege. Although it is not exactly a criminal liability, it is severe enough to be read on the grounds of article 42 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. It raises the question of the constitutional standard of this branch of law. In this article, the author compares the standards of criminal liability sensu stricto, and disciplinary liability, bearing in mind decisions and interpretation the Constitutional Tribunal

    ESG Transparency on the Polish Capital Market

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    The article presents the results of five years of research on transparency levels regarding the disclosure non‑financial data by companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE). The research was conducted as part of a project entitled “ESG analysis of companies in Poland”. The goal of the project is to provide credible knowledge about the quality of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) data on the Polish capital market. The article mainly contains the results of a comprehensive analysis of how well the listed companies reported ESG related data in 2016. The five years of analysis enable us to show a change in the level of non‑financial data disclosure between 2012 and 2016.1 The results of the research show that, from an investor’s perspective, there is still a huge information gap on the Polish capital market, especially in the reporting of environmental and social data

    Google Library Project, Internet archive i open content alliance : walka o powszechny dostęp do kolekcji cyfrowych z perspektywy amerykańskiej

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    Przedstawiono perspektywy rozwoju form płatnego i darmowego dostępu do kolekcji cyfrowych w Stanach Zjednoczonych w kontekście niedawnych rozstrzygnięć sądowych zapadłych w sporze wokół Google Library Project. Wielu bibliotekarzy obawia się, że następstwem tych rozstrzygnięć mogą być ograniczenia w dostępie do książek i w prawach do ich wykorzystywania przez biblioteki akademickie i publiczne. Bibliotekarze chcą mieć pewność, że zasada wypożyczania i dzielenia się materiałami obowiązuje także w świecie cyfrowym, i nie podlega restrykcjom wynikającym z prawa handlowego ani z ochrony interesów wielkich korporacji. Omówiono rozwiązania alternatywne wobec form dostępu płatnego, m.in. inicjatywy organizacji Open Content Alliance i Internet Archive, starających się o zapewnienie społeczności badaczy, historyków i uczonych powszechnego, stałego dostępu do cyfrowych kolekcji dokumentów archiwalnych. Obie te organizacje wciąż rozbudowują swoje kolekcje zdygitalizowanych wielojęzycznych dokumentów tekstowych i materiałów multimedialnych. Zaprezentowany opis rozwiązań amerykańskich może okazać się przydatny dla decydentów i innych podmiotów uczestniczących w tworzeniu kolekcji cyfrowych w Polsce i w innych krajach europejskich.The article examines the future of free and fee-based access to digital collections in the United States, following the recent settlement of the litigation concerning the Google Library Project. The settlement made many librarians uneasy about potential limitations on access to and use of books for academic and public libraries. Librarians need to ensure that the principles of borrowing and sharing are expanded in a digital world, not circumscribed by contract law or limited by corporate interests. Alternatives to fee-based services are discussed, including the Open Content Alliance and the Internet Archive that strive to offer permanent and universal access to researches, historians, and scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format. Both organizations continue to build a permanent archive of multilingual digitized text and multimedia content. The article offers insights into American digital world that may be useful for Polish and other European designers and policy makers involved in building digital collections in their countries