114 research outputs found

    Transcriptome analysis of skeletal muscle tissue to identify genes involved in pre-slaughter stress response in pigs

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    The knowledge of genes and molecular processes controlling stress reactions and involved in the genetic system determining resistance to stress in pigs could be important for the improvement of meat quality. This research aimed to compare the expression profiles of skeletal muscle between physically stressed and not stressed pigs of different breeds immediately before slaughter. DNA microarray analysis showed that different functional categories of genes are up-regulated in stressed compared to not stressed pigs and relevant differences among breeds were found. - Utilizzando la tecnica microarray vengono confrontate liste di geni differenzialmente espressi in suini di diverse razze sottoposti oppure no a trattamenti stressanti pre macellazione per identificare le basi genetiche della resistenza e suscettibilitĆ  allo stress nel suino nella fase premacellazione e vengono analizzati gli effetti dello stress sulla qualitĆ  della carne nei soggetti stressati e non stressati. I risultati indicano interessanti differenze nella risposta allo stress tra le razze Large White Italiana, Duroc Italiana e Pietrain. e diverse categorie di geni sovraregolati nel confronto tra soggetti stressati e non stressati

    On the alpha activity of natural tungsten isotopes

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    The indication for the alpha decay of 180-W with a half-life T1/2=1.1+0.8-0.4(stat)+-0.3(syst)x10^18 yr has been observed for the first time with the help of the super-low background 116-CdWO_4 crystal scintillators. In conservative approach the lower limit on half-life of 180-W has been established as T1/2>0.7x10^18 yr at 90% C.L. Besides, new T1/2 bounds were set for alpha decay of 182-W, 183-W, 184-W and 186-W at the level of 10^20 yr.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Methods for interpreting lists of affected genes obstained in a DNA microarray experiment

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    Background - The aim of this paper was to describe and compare the methods used and the results obtained by the participants in a joint EADGENE (European Animal Disease Genomic Network of Excellence) and SABRE (Cutting Edge Genomics for Sustainable Animal Breeding) workshop focusing on post analysis of microarray data. The participating groups were provided with identical lists of microarray probes, including test statistics for three different contrasts, and the normalised log-ratios for each array, to be used as the starting point for interpreting the affected probes. The data originated from a microarray experiment conducted to study the host reactions in broilers occurring shortly after a secondary challenge with either a homologous or heterologous species of Eimeria. Results - Several conceptually different analytical approaches, using both commercial and public available software, were applied by the participating groups. The following tools were used: Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, MAPPFinder, LIMMA, GOstats, GOEAST, GOTM, Globaltest, TopGO, ArrayUnlock, Pathway Studio, GIST and AnnotationDbi. The main focus of the approaches was to utilise the relation between probes/genes and their gene ontology and pathways to interpret the affected probes/genes. The lack of a well-annotated chicken genome did though limit the possibilities to fully explore the tools. The main results from these analyses showed that the biological interpretation is highly dependent on the statistical method used but that some common biological conclusions could be reached. Conclusion - It is highly recommended to test different analytical methods on the same data set and compare the results to obtain a reliable biological interpretation of the affected genes in a DNA microarray experimen

    Analysis of Muscle and Ovary Transcriptome of Sus scrofa: Assembly, Annotation and Marker Discovery

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    Pig (Sus scrofa) is an important organism for both agricultural and medical purpose. This study aims to investigate the S. scrofa transcriptome by the use of Roche 454 pyrosequencing. We obtained a total of 558 743 and 528 260 reads for the back-leg muscle and ovary tissue each. The overall 1 087 003 reads give rise to 421 767 341 bp total residues averaging 388 bp per read. The de novo assemblies yielded 11 057 contigs and 60 270 singletons for the back-leg muscle, 12 204 contigs and 70 192 singletons for the ovary and 18 938 contigs and 102 361 singletons for combined tissues. The overall GC content of S. scrofa transcriptome is 42.3% for assembled contigs. Alternative splicing was found within 4394 contigs, giving rise to 1267 isogroups or genes. A total of 56 589 transcripts are involved in molecular function (40 916), biological process (38 563), cellular component (35 787) by further gene ontology analyses. Comparison analyses showed that 336 and 553 genes had significant higher expression in the back-leg muscle and ovary each. In addition, we obtained a total of 24 214 single-nucleotide polymorphisms and 11 928 simple sequence repeats. These results contribute to the understanding of the genetic makeup of S. scrofa transcriptome and provide useful information for functional genomic research in future

    An evaluation of custom microarray applications: the oligonucleotide design challenge

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    The increase in feature resolution and the availability of multipack formats from microarray providers has opened the way to various custom genomic applications. However, oligonucleotide design and selection remains a bottleneck of the microarray workflow. Several tools are available to perform this work, and choosing the best one is not an easy task, nor are the choices obvious. Here we review the oligonucleotide design field to help users make their choice. We have first performed a comparative evaluation of the available solutions based on a set of criteria including: ease of installation, user-friendly access, the number of parameters and settings available. In a second step, we chose to submit two real cases to a selection of programs. Finally, we used a set of tests for the in silico benchmark of the oligo sets obtained from each type of software. We show that the design software must be selected according to the goal of the scientist, depending on factors such as the organism used, the number of probes required and their localization on the target sequence. The present work provides keys to the choice of the most relevant software, according to the various parameters we tested

    Cancer LncRNA Census reveals evidence for deep functional conservation of long noncoding RNAs in tumorigenesis.

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    Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a growing focus of cancer genomics studies, creating the need for a resource of lncRNAs with validated cancer roles. Furthermore, it remains debated whether mutated lncRNAs can drive tumorigenesis, and whether such functions could be conserved during evolution. Here, as part of the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium, we introduce the Cancer LncRNA Census (CLC), a compilation of 122 GENCODE lncRNAs with causal roles in cancer phenotypes. In contrast to existing databases, CLC requires strong functional or genetic evidence. CLC genes are enriched amongst driver genes predicted from somatic mutations, and display characteristic genomic features. Strikingly, CLC genes are enriched for driver mutations from unbiased, genome-wide transposon-mutagenesis screens in mice. We identified 10 tumour-causing mutations in orthologues of 8 lncRNAs, including LINC-PINT and NEAT1, but not MALAT1. Thus CLC represents a dataset of high-confidence cancer lncRNAs. Mutagenesis maps are a novel means for identifying deeply-conserved roles of lncRNAs in tumorigenesis

    A search for axions and massive neutrinos

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    This experiment relies on the production of a strong, contamination-free (10āˆ’12 ^{-12} ) source of radioactive 125^{125}I at the ISOLDE facility. Technical developments to achieve the necessary beam intensity are in progress. \\ \\The possible emission of axions in the 35.5 keV M1 transition of the 125^{125}Te daughter isotope is searched for by the axion analogue of the Mƶssbauer effect, i.e. the axion resonance absorption in a 125^{125}Te resonance absorber. For this purpose all other radiation emitted from the source is shielded by a non-resonant absorber, which is transparent, however, to axions. The resonance absorption is detected by measurement of subsequently emitted X-rays. A sensitivity to the axion emission branching ratio in the nuclear decay of 10āˆ’7 ^{-7} is strived for
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