129 research outputs found

    Identifying well-connected opinion leaders for informal health promotion: the example of the ASSIST smoking prevention program

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    Methods used to select opinion leaders for informal behavior change interventions vary, affecting the role they adopt and the outcomes of interventions. The development of successful identification methods requires evidence that these methods achieve their aims. This study explored whether the “whole community” nomination process used in the ASSIST smoking prevention program successfully identified “peer supporters” who were well placed within their school social networks to diffuse an antismoking message to their peers. Data were collected in the United Kingdom during A Stop Smoking in Schools Trial. Behavioral data were provided at baseline and post intervention by all students. Social network data were provided post intervention by students in four control and six intervention schools. Centrality measures calculated using UCINET demonstrate that the ASSIST nomination process successfully identified peer supporters who were more socially connected than others in their year and who had social connections across the entire year group including the program’s target group. The results indicate that three simple questions can identify individuals who are held in high esteem by their year group and who also have the interpersonal networks required of opinion leaders to successfully disseminate smoke-free messages through their social networks. This approach could be used in other informal health promotion initiatives

    Identifying and using influential young people for informal peer-led health promotion.

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    This thesis uses the ASSIST intervention (a school-based, peer-led smoking intervention) to explore issues relating to the successful diffusion of a health promotion message through informal contacts. Social network data and process evaluation data gathered during the evaluation of the intervention are used to examine whether opinion leaders (peer supporters) identified through a 'whole-community' approach to peer nomination were appropriate to disseminate a smoke-free message to their peers and whether this social diffusion approach is acceptable to young people. More specifically, the aims are to i) investigate whether the peer supporters were appropriate in terms of their position in social space, ii) ascertain whether their peers perceived them as suitable to adopt the role, and iii) examine issues relating the acceptability of the ASSIST approach. The peer nomination process identified peer supporters who were largely appropriate to undertake the peer supporter role. They were significantly more influential in terms of their social position than other students in their year. They were also contained in a range of social groups and the majority of students knew at least one peer supporter. Peer supporters were representative of the rest of the year group but were more likely to be smokers than other students. Respondents considered the majority suitable to carry out the role although more positive appraisals were received from peer supporters. The ASSIST approach was in general viewed positively by the students involved. Respondents reported being happier talking with their peers than adults about smoking. Peer supporters had conversations about smoking. However, these conversations tended to be with non-smoking friends and peer supporters. The majority of respondents were positive about peer supporters talking to other Year 8 students about smoking although more encouraging appraisals were received from peer supporters and non-smokers. The findings will provide valuable learning which may be utilised to maximise the effectiveness of future applications of this novel approach both in the field of smoking prevention and elsewhere

    Changes in child exposure to secondhand smoke after implementation of smoke-free legislation in Wales: a repeated cross-sectional study.

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    Background: Smoke-free legislation was introduced in Wales in April 2007. In response to concerns regarding potential displacement of smoking into the home following legislation, this study assessed changes in secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure amongst non-smoking children. Methods: Approximately 1,750 year 6 (aged 10-11) children from 75 Welsh primary schools were included in cross-sectional surveys immediately pre-legislation and one year later. Participants completed self-report questionnaires and provided saliva samples for cotinine assay. Regression analyses assessed the impact of legislation on children's SHS exposure at the population level, and amongst subgroups defined by parental figures who smoke within the home. Results: Geometric mean salivary cotinine concentrations were 0.17 ng/ml (95% CI 0.15,0.20) pre-legislation and 0.15 ng/ml (95% CI 0.13,0.17), post-legislation, although this change was not statistically significant. Significant movement was however observed from the middle (0.10-0.50 ng/ml) to lower tertile, though not from the higher end (>0.51 ng/ml) to the middle. Reported exposure to SHS was greatest within the home. Home-based exposure did not change significantly post-legislation. Reported exposure in cafés or restaurants, buses and trains, and indoor leisure facilities fell significantly. The proportion of children reporting that parent figures smoked in the home declined (P = 0.03), with children with no parent figures who smoke in the home significantly more likely to provide saliva with cotinine concentrations of <0.10 ng/ml post-legislation. Amongst children with no parent figures who smoke in the home, the likelihood of 'not knowing' or 'never' being in a place where people were smoking increased post-legislation. Conclusion: Smoke-free legislation in Wales did not increase SHS exposure in homes of children aged 10-11. Reported SHS exposure in public places fell significantly. The home remained the main source of children's SHS exposure. The legislation was associated with an unexpected reduction in cotinine levels among children with lower SHS exposure pre-legislation. The findings indicate positive rather than harmful effects of legislation on children's SHS exposure, but highlight the need for further action to protect those children most exposed to SHS

    Using the making Visible the ImpaCT Of Research (VICTOR) questionnaire to evaluate the benefits of a fellowship programme for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals

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    Background: There is increasing emphasis in the UK on developing a nurse, midwife and allied health professional (NMAHP) workforce that conducts research. Training for clinical academic careers is provided by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). However, the low number of successful applicants suggested there were barriers to achieving this. The Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Led Research (CNMR) launched a fellowship programme in 2016 to backfill two days a week of NMAHPs’ time for up to a year, to give them time to make competitive applications to the NIHR. Aim: To report a study evaluating the CNMR fellowship programme. Discussion: The making Visible the ImpaCT Of Research (VICTOR) tool (Cooke et al 2019) was developed to describe the organisational impact of research. The 2016-17 CNMR fellows completed VICTOR and their responses were analysed using a framework approach. The analysis found the main benefits of participating in the programme were protected time for research, opportunities to develop collaborations, increasing intra- and inter-professional awareness of NMAHPs’ research, peer-reviewed publications, and conference presentations. Challenges included a lack of support from line managers, limited value placed on NMAHPs’ research and failure to backfill posts. Conclusion: There were some challenges with the fellowship programme, but all recipients found it to be a positive experience and undertook significant scholarly activity. Implications for practice: A contractual agreement must be established to foster committed partnerships between higher education institutions (HEIs) and the NHS. HEIs and the NHS should conduct frank discussions of the challenges encountered in fellowship programmes. Positive initiatives and outcomes in tertiary education and clinical settings should be shared to improve fellows’ experiences and enhance partnerships between HEIs and the NHS. Job descriptions should include time allocation to review fellowship candidates’ applications regardless of outcome. The showcasing of research successes and the benefits of NMAHP research must evolve to secure organisational ‘buy in’, which is the precursor to widening access to clinical academic pathways

    Diffusion of effects of the ASSIST school‐based smoking prevention intervention to non‐participating family members: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial

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    Aims: To investigate whether effects of the ASSIST (A Stop Smoking In Schools Trial) school‐based smoking prevention intervention diffused from students to the people they lived with. Design: Secondary analysis of a cluster‐randomized control trial (cRCT). Setting: England and Wales. Participants: A total of 10 730 students aged 12–13 years in 59 schools assigned using stratified block randomization to the control (29 schools, 5372 students) or intervention (30 schools, 5358 students) condition. Intervention and comparator: The ASSIST intervention involves 2 days of off‐site training of influential students to encourage their peers not to smoke during a 10‐week period. The control group continued with their usual education. Measurements: The outcomes were the proportion of students who self‐reported living with a smoker and the smoking status of each resident family member/caregiver. Follow‐up assessments were immediately after the intervention and at 1 and 2 years post‐intervention. Findings: The odds ratio (OR) for living with a smoker in the intervention compared with the control groups was 0.86 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.72, 1.03] immediately after the intervention, OR = 0.84 (95% CI = 0.72, 0.97) at a 1‐year follow‐up and OR = 0.86 (95% CI = 0.75, 0.99) at 2‐year follow‐up. In a three‐tier multi‐level model with data from all three follow‐ups, student‐reported smoking by fathers (OR = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.80, 1.00), brothers (OR = 0.78, 95% CI = 0.67, 0.92) and sisters (OR = 0.80, 95% CI = 0.69, 0.92) was lower in the intervention compared with control group. Subgroup analyses by baseline smoking status suggested that these effects were more consistent with prevention of uptake than prompting cessation. Conclusions: A Stop Smoking In Schools Trial (ASSIST) school‐based smoking prevention intervention may have reduced the prevalence of smoking in people who lived with ASSIST‐trained students. This indirect transmission is consistent with the predictions of diffusion of innovations theory which underpins the design of ASSIST

    Pragmatic trials of non-NHS interventions: experiences from a Randomised Controlled Trial of the Strengthening Families 10-14 UK Programme (SFP10-14 UK)

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    Background: Pragmatic trials of public health interventions outside the NHS are relatively scarce, much needed and face particular challenges. These include funding, of intervention costs in particular; trial implementation in professional and organisational cultures unused to randomised trial procedures, including randomisation, maintaining the counterfactual, recruitment; and relevance of findings for and translation into policy and practice. Objectives: The current NPRI funded trial of SFP 10-14 UK is presented as a case study to discuss these issues, solutions and remaining barriers. The SFP 10-14 UK programme aims to strengthen areas of family life that protect against substance misuse, for example, parenting, communication, and young people’s resilience skills. The SFP 10-14 UK is being delivered by statutory and voluntary agencies in six local authority areas across Wales, and is offered to mixed groups comprised of families from the general population, and families who may experience/present challenges within a group setting. Methods: The trial aims to recruit 748 families, 374 of whom will be randomised to receive the usual services available to families within their local area. 374 families will receive the SFP 10-14 UK in addition to usual care. Families are identified by staff employed within the statutory services and voluntary sectors and referred to embedded research staff for recruitment. Results: Challenges encountered related to a lack of awareness of the randomised trial as a research paradigm among staff and key referring agencies, related concerns about the ethics of randomisation and the maintenance of the counterfactual among the usual care group, and challenges regarding the maintenance of recruitment and intervention fidelity. Whilst a challenge in itself, partnership working with delivery agencies, programme trainers, and the Welsh Assembly Government at all stages of the development, funding and conduct of the trial has proved an important strategy to overcome these issues. Conclusions: This trial seeks to generate evidence on the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of the SFP10-14 UK which is of direct relevance to policy makers, commissioners and practitioners. The trial highlights that strategic partnership working, the winning of ‘hearts and minds’ regarding the ethics and operationalisation of randomisation, and maintaining the balance between internal and external validity are key areas of focus for the successful conduct of pragmatic trials in non-NHS settings. The lessons learnt from its implementation will be important for future multi-sector/agency policy trials and for role out of the intervention if found to be efficacious

    Mental health in UK Biobank: development, implementation and results from an online questionnaire completed by 157 366 participants

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    Background UK Biobank is a well-characterised cohort of over 500 000 participants that offers unique opportunities to investigate multiple diseases and risk factors. Aims An online mental health questionnaire completed by UK Biobank participants was expected to expand the potential for research into mental disorders. Method An expert working group designed the questionnaire, using established measures where possible, and consulting with a patient group regarding acceptability. Case definitions were defined using operational criteria for lifetime depression, mania, anxiety disorder, psychotic-like experiences and self-harm, as well as current post-traumatic stress and alcohol use disorders. Results 157 366 completed online questionnaires were available by August 2017. Comparison of self-reported diagnosed mental disorder with a contemporary study shows a similar prevalence, despite respondents being of higher average socioeconomic status than the general population across a range of indicators. Thirty-five per cent (55 750) of participants had at least one defined syndrome, of which lifetime depression was the most common at 24% (37 434). There was extensive comorbidity among the syndromes. Mental disorders were associated with high neuroticism score, adverse life events and long-term illness; addiction and bipolar affective disorder in particular were associated with measures of deprivation. Conclusions The questionnaire represents a very large mental health survey in itself, and the results presented here show high face validity, although caution is needed owing to selection bias. Built into UK Biobank, these data intersect with other health data to offer unparalleled potential for crosscutting biomedical research involving mental health

    Structural snapshots of Xer recombination reveal activation by synaptic complex remodeling and DNA bending

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    Bacterial Xer site-specific recombinases play an essential genome maintenance role by unlinking chromosome multimers, but their mechanism of action has remained structurally uncharacterized. Here, we present two high-resolution structures of Helicobacter pylori XerH with its recombination site DNA difH, representing pre-cleavage and post-cleavage synaptic intermediates in the recombination pathway. The structures reveal that activation of DNA strand cleavage and rejoining involves large conformational changes and DNA bending, suggesting how interaction with the cell division protein FtsK may license recombination at the septum. Together with biochemical and in vivo analysis, our structures also reveal how a small sequence asymmetry in difH defines protein conformation in the synaptic complex and orchestrates the order of DNA strand exchanges. Our results provide insights into the catalytic mechanism of Xer recombination and a model for regulation of recombination activity during cell division
