168 research outputs found

    The use of biostimulants in high-density olive growing: Quality and production

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    [EN] Due to the increase of high-density holdings, especially of olive trees, the nutritional requirements of the plants are higher per unit area, which implies that a greater contribution of fertilizers to the soil is needed. Opting for fertilizers of inorganic origin will produce an increase in the pollution of the soil. In the face of this possible soil contamination, our aim is to analyze the effect of biostimulants as an alternative to chemical fertilizers, to steadily produce and maintain high quality standards during the life of the crop. Our objective is using more environmentally friendly products in order to satisfy one of the most important demands from both consumers and the authorities. In this study, we carried out five different treatments in addition to a control treatment with a supply of NPK, from inorganic products, which are used to control fertilization with a solution obtained from seaweed extracts. These treatments were applied in two crop cycles for two of the most important varieties in the current olive tree growing scenario: Arbequina and Koroneiki. This study was developed in the farm Pozohondo, which is located in a crop zone by the Palancia river (Castellón, Valencia, Spain), in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, where the olive trees were established in a high-density system with a planting framework of 4 x 1.5 m. We ensured an exhaustive control of the nutritional needs of the holding by using a fertigation system. We could notice differences in the productions of each applied treatment, avoiding any possible biases through the additional control of 100 randomly selected olives from each of the samples. There is an improvement in the set of physical characteristics of the olives with the treatment that provides amino acids and extra potassium based on amni acids. We analyzed the quality of the olive oil obtained from the production of each treatment by measuring the fatty acids, tocopherols and polyphenols contents. We also carried out an organoleptic tasting analysis following the rules of the International Olive Committee (IOC). We observed an improvement with regard to the rest of treatments in the pomological parameters of the olives when applying the potassium and amino acid biostimulant, while the quality of the oils was not affected by the type of fertilization applied in each treatment.This work was funded by Project AICO/2017/047. Development of methods of quantification of riparian vegetation biomass for the management of channels of the Comunitat Valenciana. Dirección General de Universidades. Generalitat Valenciana (Spain).Hernández-Hernández, GJ.; Salazar Hernández, DM.; Martínez-Tomé, J.; López-Cortés, I. (2019). The use of biostimulants in high-density olive growing: Quality and production. Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research. 10(4):1-11. https://doi.org/10.9734/AJAAR/2019/v10i430034S11110

    A comparison of missing value imputation methods applied to daily precipitation in a semi-arid and a humid region of Mexico

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    [Abstract:] Climatological data with unreliable or missing values is an important area of research, and multiple methods are available to fill in missing data and evaluate data quality. Our study aims to compare the performance of different methods for estimating missing values explicitly designed for precipitation and multipurpose hydrological data. The climate variable used for the analysis was daily precipitation. We considered two different climate and orographic regions to evaluate the effects of altitude, precipitation regime, and percentage of missing data on the Mean Absolute Error of imputed values and performed a homogeneity evaluation of meteorological stations. We excluded meteorological stations with more than 25% missing data from the analysis. In the semi-arid region, ReddPrec (optimal for nine stations) and GCIDW (optimal for eight stations) were the best-performing methods for the 23 stations, with average MAE values of 1.63 mm/day and 1.46 mm/day, respectively. In the humid region, GCIDW was optimal in ~59% of stations, EM in ~24%, and ReddPrec in ~17%, with average MAE values of ~6.0 mm/day, 6.5 mm/day, and ~9.8 mm/day, respectively. This research makes a valuable contribution to identifying the most appropriate methods to impute daily precipitation in different climatic regions of Mexico based on efficiency indicators and homogeneity evaluation.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT), Mexico; 1015533The authors thank two anonymous reviewers and an associate editor for their objective comments and constructive criticism, which helped to improve the quality of this paper. In addition, J.M.N.C thanks the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) of Mexico for financial support throughout the Doctoral Program of Ciencia y Tecnología del Agua, Grant No. 1015533, Universidad de Guanajuato and Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas

    Structural equations model with influential variables on the urban quality of life. Case study: Cienfuegos’ city, Cuba

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    Este artículo presenta un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales que miden la calidad de vida urbana (CVU), tomando como referencia la ciudad de Cienfuegos (Cuba). El objetivo es determinar las variables que influyen en la calidad de vida urbana, para ello se desarrolla un procedimiento que permite el diseño de dos modelos: uno desde la dimensión objetiva y otro desde la dimensión subjetiva de este concepto. Como principal resultado se muestra un modelo de relaciones entre indicadores de gestión, a partir de información suministrada por los decisores locales y otro modelo que relaciona indicadores de percepción, con información dada por los ciudadanos. La comparación entre ambos modelos permite generalizar qué variables, tales como la salud, la vivienda, los ingresos personales y la carga contaminante al medio ambiente son factores determinantes en la CVU de la ciudad.This paper presents a structural equations model (SEM) that measure the Urban Quality of Life (UQoL), taking as reference Cienfuegos's city (Cuba). The objective is to determine the variables that influence the UQoL, to develop a procedure that allows the design of two models: one from the objective dimension and the other from the subjective dimension of this concept. As main results a model of relations of management indicators, given by local decision makers and another model that relates perception indicators, given by citizens is showed. The comparison between these models makes it possible to generalize that variables such as health, housing and income are determining factors in the UQoL of Cienfuegos's city

    Aplicación web para la planeación de horarios académicos en la PUJ - JPlanner

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    Este trabajo es la solución que el equipo propone para un problema que la DTI (Dirección de tecnologías de la información) propuso en una reunión en el año 2018. JPlanner es un sistema que cambiará el método de registro de clase en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Actualmente, el sistema PeopleSoft presenta muchos problemas sobre los cuales se profundizará más adelante, JPlanner busca ser el sistema de estudiantes para estudiantes que solucione la mayoría de estos problemas brin-dando la mejor solución para la universidad. Se realizaron pruebas para medir la aceptación del sistema final, los resultados de estos estudios nos muestran la aceptación de nuestro sistema por parte de los estudiantes y nos ayudan brindando oportunidades de trabajo futuro para mejorar la aplicación.This work is the solution that the team proposes for a problem that the DTI (Directorate of information technologies) proposed at a meeting in 2018. JPlanner is a system that will change the method of class registration at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Currently, the PeopleSoft system presents many problems that will be deepened later, JPlanner seeks to be the student system for students that solves most of these problems by providing the best solution for the university. Tests were carried out to measure the acceptance of the final system, the results of these studies show us the acceptance of our system by the students and they help us by providing opportunities for future work to improve the application.Ingeniero (a) de SistemasPregrad

    Efecto de la suplementación con grasa protegida sobre la producción y calidad de carne de toretes mexicanos doble propósito

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    Objetivo. Evaluar la respuesta productiva y calidad de la carne de toretes doble propósito a la adición de grasa protegida (GP) en su dieta. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron 45 toretes comerciales (B. taurus x B. indicus), divididos en tres bloques de 15 animales, de acuerdo con su peso vivo en pequeños, medianos y grandes. Cada bloque fue dividido en tres subgrupos de 5 animales, asignados aleatoriamente a los tratamientos 0, 1.5 y 3% de GP, en un diseño de bloques completamente al azar. Resultados. No hubo diferencias (p>0.05) en comportamiento productivo. La grasa dorsal fue mayor (p0.05) en área del ojo de la costilla (AC) ni pH de la carne. El contenido de proteína cruda de la carne incrementó (p0.05) entre tratamientos. Conclusiones. Adicionar GP a dietas para bovinos doble propósito en finalización no modificó la respuesta productiva, pero mejoró algunas características de la canal y de la carne. Se sugiere realizar más investigación, utilizando el mismo tipo de animales, con niveles mayores de GP a los usados en este estudio, ya que la respuesta pudiera mejorar

    Fatigue Behaviour of Concrete Using Siderurgical Aggregates

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    The use of concrete with aggregates with reduced environmental impact, as is the case of concrete with siderurgical aggregates (recovered slags), will inevitably increase in the future, as a result of policies promoting development of more sustainable construction materials. These concretes offer an excellent response to static loads, but their behaviour under dynamic loads has not yet been studied. The aim of this study is to characterize the fatigue behaviour, in terms of fatigue limit, of a concrete with siderurgical aggregates by comparing it with an analogous conventional limestone concrete. This characterization was carried out using the Locati method, which stands out for its convenience, speed and low cost, with the feature of being carried out at a high frequency corresponding to the resonance frequency. Performing high-frequency tests has drastically reduced test times and thus costs. Likewise, the results obtained show that, using various criteria found in the literature, concrete with siderurgical aggregates has a higher fatigue limit in absolute terms (MPa), but a lower one in relative terms (% fc).This research was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness (MINECO) within the framework of the project RTC-2016-5637-3

    Producción de ovinos de pelo bajo condiciones de pastoreo en el noreste de México

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    The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of genotype, sex, twins and year of birth on the productive behavior of purebred hair lambs (Blackbelly, Katahdin and Pelibuey) and crosses (Blackbelly x Dorper-Pelibuey) in a production system with intensive grazing in the area of Güémez, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Data from 290 lambings from four lambing seasons were analyzed with a linear model. Birth weight was greater in Katahdin (3.75 kg) and in single lambing (3.74 kg) as compared to twin lambing, while the sex of the lamb did not show significant difference. The body weight gain at weaning was greater in the Blackbelly x Dorper-Pelibuey lambs (0.217 kg), as well as the weaning weight (16.65 kg).El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto del genotipo, sexo, tipo de parto y año de nacimiento sobre el comportamiento productivo de corderos de razas de pelo (Blackbelly, Katahdin y Pelibuey) y cruces (Blackbelly x Dorper-Pelibuey) en un sistema de producción con pastoreo intensivo en la zona de Güémez, Tamaulipas, México. Se analizaron datos de 290 partos, obtenidos en cuatro épocas de parición y analizados con un modelo lineal. El peso al nacimiento fue mayor en Katahdin (3.75 kg) y en corderos de parto simple (3.74 kg), mientras que el sexo del cordero no produjo diferencia significativa. La ganancia de peso predestete fue mayor en los corderos Blackbelly x Dorper-Pelibuey (0.217 g), al igual que el peso al destete (16.65 kg)

    Desarrollo y construcción de prototipos experimentales enfocados a la enseñanza de las energías renovables

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    El presente artículo, explica el desarrollo y construcción de prototipos experimentales que han realizado los autores del artículo, con la finalidad de enseñar, transmitir e investigar sobre temas referentes a las energías renovables. Se diseñaron y construyeron tres prototipos experimentales (secador solar, biodigestor y muro solar) para el Laboratorio de Investigación en energías renovables de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán – UNAM y se rediseño, monto e instrumentó el modelo experimental, que simula el comportamiento térmico de sistemas de descarga de calor en muros y techo, del laboratorio de Heliodiseño del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de Posgrado, de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNAM.In the presently work, explains the development and construction of experimental prototypes that the article’s authors have carried out, with the purpose of teaching, to transmit and to investigate on relating topics to the renewable energy. They were designed and built three experimental prototypes (solar dryer, biodigestor and solar wall) for the Laboratory of Investigation in renewable energy of the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlan UNAM and you redraws, mount and instrumentation the experimental pattern that simulates the thermal behavior of systems of discharge of heat in walls and roof, of the laboratory of Heliodiseño of the Centro de investigacion y estudios de posgrado, of the Facultad de Arquitectura of the UNAM.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Desarrollo y construcción de prototipos experimentales enfocados a la enseñanza de las energías renovables

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    El presente artículo, explica el desarrollo y construcción de prototipos experimentales que han realizado los autores del artículo, con la finalidad de enseñar, transmitir e investigar sobre temas referentes a las energías renovables. Se diseñaron y construyeron tres prototipos experimentales (secador solar, biodigestor y muro solar) para el Laboratorio de Investigación en energías renovables de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán – UNAM y se rediseño, monto e instrumentó el modelo experimental, que simula el comportamiento térmico de sistemas de descarga de calor en muros y techo, del laboratorio de Heliodiseño del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de Posgrado, de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNAM.In the presently work, explains the development and construction of experimental prototypes that the article’s authors have carried out, with the purpose of teaching, to transmit and to investigate on relating topics to the renewable energy. They were designed and built three experimental prototypes (solar dryer, biodigestor and solar wall) for the Laboratory of Investigation in renewable energy of the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlan UNAM and you redraws, mount and instrumentation the experimental pattern that simulates the thermal behavior of systems of discharge of heat in walls and roof, of the laboratory of Heliodiseño of the Centro de investigacion y estudios de posgrado, of the Facultad de Arquitectura of the UNAM.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES