355 research outputs found

    Multipurpose Programmable Integrated Photonics: Principles and Applications

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    [ES] En los últimos años, la fotónica integrada programable ha evolucionado desde considerarse un paradigma nuevo y prometedor para implementar la fotónica a una escala más amplia hacia convertirse una realidad sólida y revolucionaria, capturando la atención de numerosos grupos de investigación e industrias. Basada en el mismo fundamento teórico que las matrices de puertas lógicas programables en campo (o FPGAs, en inglés), esta tecnología se sustenta en la disposición bidimensional de bloques unitarios de lógica programable (en inglés: PUCs) que -mediante una programación adecuada de sus actuadores de fase- pueden implementar una gran variedad de funcionalidades que pueden ser elaboradas para operaciones básicas o más complejas en muchos campos de aplicación como la inteligencia artificial, el aprendizaje profundo, los sistemas de información cuántica, las telecomunicaciones 5/6-G, en redes de conmutación, formando interconexiones en centros de datos, en la aceleración de hardware o en sistemas de detección, entre otros. En este trabajo, nos dedicaremos a explorar varias aplicaciones software de estos procesadores en diferentes diseños de chips. Exploraremos diferentes enfoques de vanguardia basados en la optimización computacional y la teoría de grafos para controlar y configurar con precisión estos dispositivos. Uno de estos enfoques, la autoconfiguración, consiste en la síntesis automática de circuitos ópticos -incluso en presencia de efectos parasitarios como distribuciones de pérdidas no uniformes a lo largo del diseño hardware, o bajo interferencias ópticas y eléctricas- sin conocimiento previo sobre el estado del dispositivo. Hay ocasiones, sin embargo, en las que el acceso a esta información puede ser útil. Las herramientas de autocalibración y autocaracterización nos permiten realizar una comprobación rápida del estado de nuestro procesador fotónico, lo que nos permite extraer información útil como la corriente eléctrica que suministrar a cada actuador de fase para cambiar el estado de su PUC correspondiente, o las pérdidas de inserción de cada unidad programable y de las interconexiones ópticas que rodean a la estructura. Estos mecanismos no solo nos permiten identificar rápidamente cualquier PUC o región del chip defectuosa en nuestro diseño, sino que también revelan otra alternativa para programar circuitos fotónicos en nuestro diseño a partir de valores de corriente predefinidos. Estas estrategias constituyen un paso significativo para aprovechar todo el potencial de estos dispositivos. Proporcionan soluciones para manejar cientos de variables y gestionar simultáneamente múltiples acciones de configuración, una de las principales limitaciones que impiden que esta tecnología se extienda y se convierta en disruptiva en los próximos años.[CA] En els darrers anys, la fotònica integrada programable ha evolucionat des de considerarse un paradigma nou i prometedor per implementar la fotònica a una escala més ampla cap a convertir-se en una realitat sòlida i revolucionària, capturant l'atenció de nombrosos grups d'investigaciò i indústries. Basada en el mateix fonament teòric que les matrius de portes lògiques programable en camp (o FPGAs, en anglès), aquesta tecnología es sustenta en la disposición bidimensional de blocs units lògics programables (en anglès: PUCs) que -mitjançant una programación adequada dels seus actuadors de fase- poden implementar una gran varietat de funcionalitats que poden ser elaborades per a operacions bàsiques o més complexes en molts camps d'aplicació com la intel·ligència artificial, l'aprenentatge profund, els sistemes d'informació quàntica, les telecomunicacions 5/6-G, en xarxes de comutació, formant interconnexions en centres de dades, en l'acceleració de hardware o en sistemes de detecció, entre d'altres. En aquest treball, ens dedicarem a explorar diverses capatitats de programari d'aquests processadors en diferents dissenys de xips. Explorem diferents enfocaments de vanguardia basats en l'optimització computacional i la teoría de grafs per controlar i configurar amb precisió aquests dispositius. Un d'aquests enfocaments, l'autoconfiguració, tracta de la síntesi automática de circuits òptics -fins i tot en presencia d'efectes parasitaris com ara pèrdues no uniformes o crosstalk òptic i elèctric- sense cap coneixement previ sobre l'estat del dispositiu. Tanmateix, hi ha ocasions en les quals l'accés a aquesta información pot ser útil. Les eines d'autocalibració i autocaracterització ens permeten realizar una comprovació ràpida de l'estat del nostre procesador fotònic, el que ens permet obtener informació útil com la corrent eléctrica necessària per alimentar cada actuador de fase per canviar l'estat del seu PUC corresponent o la pèrdua d'inserció de cada unitat programable i de les interconnexions òptiques que envolten l'estructura. Aquests mecanisms no només ens permeten identificar ràpidament qualsevol PUC o área del xip defectuosa en el nostre disseny , sinó que també ens mostren una altra alternativa per programar circuits fotònics en el nostre disseny a partir de valors de corrent predefinits. Aquestes estratègies constitueixen un pas gegant per a aprofitar tot el potencial d'aquests dispositius. Proporcionen solucions per a gestionar centenars de variables i alhora administrar múltiples accions de configuració, una de les principals limitacions que impideixen que aquesta tecnología esdevingui disruptiva en els pròxims anys.[EN] In recent years, programmable integrated photonics (PIP) has evolved from a promising, new paradigm to deploy photonics to a larger scale to a solid, revolutionary reality, bringing up the attention of numerous research and industry players. Based on the same theoretical foundations than field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), this technology relies on common, two-dimensional integrated optical hardware configurations based on the interconnection of programmable unit cells (PUCs), which -by suitable programming of their phase actuators- can implement a variety of functionalities that can be elaborated for basic or more complex operation in many application fields, such as artificial intelligence, deep learning, quantum information systems, 5/6-G telecommunications, switching, data center interconnections, hardware acceleration and sensing, amongst others. In this work, we will dedicate ourselves to explore several software capabilities of these processors under different chip designs. We explore different cutting-edge approaches based on computational optimization and graph theory to precisely control and configure these devices. One of these, self-configuration, deals with the automated synthesis of optical circuit configurations -even in presence of parasitic effects such as nonuniform losses, optical and electrical crosstalk- without any need for prior knowledge about hardware state. There are occasions, though, in which accessing to this information may be of use. Self-calibration and self-characterization tools allow us to perform a quick check to our photonic processor's status, allowing us to retrieve useful pieces of information such as the electrical current needed to supply to each phase actuator to change its corresponding PUC state arbitrarily or the insertion loss of every unit cell and optical interconnection surrounding the structure. These mechanisms not only allow us to quickly identify any malfunctioning PUCs or chip areas in our design, but also reveal another alternative to program photonic circuits in our design from current pre-sets. These strategies constitute a gigantic step to unleash all the potential of these devices. They provide solutions to handle with hundreds of variables and simultaneously manage multiple configuration actions, one of the main limitations that prevent this technology to scale up and become disruptive in the years to come.López Hernández, A. (2023). Multipurpose Programmable Integrated Photonics: Principles and Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19686

    Eigenmode Solver in CST - Representation of the stopband behavior (dispersion diagram) of a gap waveguide structure

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    The main objective of this document is to describe the main steps to represent the dispersion diagram of a gap waveguide structure using the Eigenmode Solver of the CST® software tool. In this way, the stopband behavior of the structure can be simulated for specific dimensions of the bed of nails of a gap waveguide structure

    Impact of climate conditions on the use of infrared thermography for the inspection of coated and uncoated unreinforced concrete samples

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    This project´s fundamental objective is to evaluate the ability of the infrared thermography technique under different climate conditions to detect and recognize anomalies, delamination and defects that cause deterioration on concrete surfaces both coated and uncoated. The use of concrete as a construction material is very extended in today´s world and it is all-important the use of inspection techniques that allow proper monitoring and maintenance of concrete infrastructure in order to manage and administrate it´s useful life, through prevention and repair of damages. With the passage of time deterioration of this material exists, especially when their surfaces are visibly exposed to the actions of the environment and inclement weather. Therefore, Infrared Thermography has been presented as attractive alternative, facing other traditional methods. However, its range of application on concrete elements has been focused from the beginning to the detection of very specific type of defects, except for recent years where it has been possible to observe some interesting developments. For this reason, it has become necessary to test IRT seeking its real potential under the conditions and situations more similar to those found in a field inspection. In order to achieve this, the method of active infrared thermography has been used to test in our laboratory different cracked concrete samples during different climate conditions. This test recreates the different weather conditions that can occur in the field by developing a climate controlled system in the lab. Finally, the analysis of the results has revealed that different climate conditions affect the reliability and performance of IRT for detecting surface defects on concrete structures. In addition, the fulfilment of concrete coatings´ function during different climate conditions was also studied. Large amount of test results have been collected and will be used in the future for improving the accuracy of the IRT technique

    Estudio de viabilidad, modelo de negocio e infraestructura de aeropuertos de almacenamiento y mantenimiento de aeronaves

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    Due to the global pandemic that the world is suffering these days, the aeronautical industry is feeling one of the worst crisis ever seen. Many airports are looking for alternative ways to generate money due to the very low passenger aircraft operations. This has brought forward the business model of the current maintenance and storage airports that has achieved better economic results than pre-pandemic times. Besides, the more and more complex aircraft and the continuous growth of the aeronautical sector, excluding the global sanitary crisis, makes aircraft maintenance one of the main potential fields to develop airports with low passenger rates. The content of the project is divided into eight chapters. First, the maintenance and storage airport concept is detailed in order to see what implies and which differences there are between passenger and maintenance airports in terms of infrastructure, capabilities, systems and personnel needed. The second chapter addresses the evolution of the MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) market through the years and how it has been changed according to new regulations and necessities. Besides, it includes an MRO market forecast reviewing the estimations and predictions of the market. Chapter three is focused on the business model of these airports through a business model canvas and SWOT analysis. The fourth chapter covers one of the main maintenance and storage airports in Europe, Teruel Airport. It details the main activities performed, the companies operating there and the finance evolution and results of the airport. Chapter five establishes an airport type proposal collecting the common characteristics of the airports and the most important requirements needed to carry out maintenance and storage operations. Chapter six suggest one current airport with low revenues to change its business model in order to improve its results and become a viable facility. Chapter seven includes the conclusions and the recommendations to continue to project and go deeper in the analysis of some aspects. Finally, the future project planning to establish a guideline to continue the project and improve even more the study

    Wireless Process Control using IEEE 802.15.4 Protocol

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboració amb KTH Royal Institute of TechnologyCatalà:: Considerant els beneficis potencials de les xarxes sense fils de sensors (WSNs), s'estan convertint en una interessant tecnologia tant per processos com per al control industrial així com per xarxes intel·ligents. Aquestes aplicacions motiven altres companyies, comunitats industrials i a universitats a centrar la investigació en aquesta direcció. El IEEE 802.15.4 és un estàndard proposat per ser utilitzat en comunicacions de baix consum energètic on les WSNs formen part. Malgrat l'existència de moltes implementacions d'aquests estàndard per el nostre sistema operatiu, TinyOS, no estan completament validats o no existeix un anàlisi suficient del rendiment de l'estàndard en una implementació real. En aquest projecte, es compara dues implementacions a través de diferents experiments per comprovar la validesa de les implementacions. Però la implementació seleccionada no incorpora el mecanisme de Guaranteed Time Slots (GTSs), es per això, que en aquest projecte es proporcionen tots els mecanismes necessaris per transmetre durant el Contention-Free Period (CFP): assignació, expiració, reassignació i deassignació. D'aquesta manera proporcionem la implementació del IEEE 802.15.4 amb una completa avaluació del rendiment amb la qual el correcte funcionament queda validat. Degut a que no existien resultats pràctics sobre l'ús d'aquest protocol per aplicacions de control, presentem un pendol invertit per mostrar els beneficis del control sense fils de processos utilitzant el IEEE 802.15.4 en un llaç de control. Els resultats experimentals mostren les pèrdues de paquets i retards, factors determinants per garantir l'estabilitat del sistema. D'altra banda, també demostrem i analitzem els beneficis d'aquest protocol aplicat a una xarxa intel·ligent (Smart Grid).Castellano: Considerando los potenciales beneficios de las redes inalámbricas de sensores (WSN), se están convirtiendo en una interesante tecnología para procesos, producción, y el control industrial así como para redes inteligentes. Estas aplicaciones motivan a otras compañías, comunidades industriales y a las universidades a centrar la investigación en esta dirección. El IEEE 802.15.4 es un estándar propuesto para ser utilizado en comunicaciones de bajo consumo donde las WSNs forman parte. A pesar de que existen muchas implementaciones de dicho estándar para el sistema operativo seleccionado, TinyOS, no están completamente validadas o completamente implementadas. Además, a pesar de la existencia de estudios que utilizan este protocolo, no hay un análisis suficiente del rendimiento de este estándar en una implementación real. En este proyecto, se comparan dos implementaciones a través de diferentes experimentos para comprobar la validez de dichas implementaciones. Debido al hecho de la implementación seleccionada no incluye el mecanismo Guaranteed Time Slots (GTSs), en este proyecto se proporcionan todos los mecanismo necesarios para transmitir durante el Contention-Free Period (CFP): asignación, expiación, re-asignación y de-asignación. De esta manera, proporcionamos la implementación del IEEE 802.15.4 con una completa evaluación del rendimiento con el cual su correcto comportamiento queda validado. Debido a que no existían resultados prácticos del uso de este protocolo para aplicaciones de control, presentamos un péndulo invertido para mostrar también los beneficios del control inalámbrico de procesos utilizando el IEEE 802.15.4 en un lazo de control. Los resultados experimentales muestran las perdidas de paquetes y retrasos, factores determinantes para garantizar la estabilidad del sistema. Además, demostramos y analizamos los beneficios de este protocolo aplicado a una red inteligente (Smart Grid).English: Considering the potential benefits offered by Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), they have been becoming an interesting technology for process, manufacturing, and industrial control and Smart Grid applications. These applications motivate many companies, industrial communities and academy to focus and research in this direction. The IEEE 802.15.4 is the standard proposed to be use in low-power communication of which WSN is part. Even though there are many implementations of the standard for the selected operating system, TinyOS, they are not fully validated or fully implemented. Moreover, in spite of the existence of previous studies using the protocol, there is no sufficient analysis of the performance of this standard. In this thesis, a comparison between the two main implementations is done through the experiments to validate the feasibility of the implementations. Because of the fact that the selected implementation does not have the Guaranteed Time Slots (GTSs) mechanism developed, in this thesis are provided all the mechanisms necessary to transmit during the Contention-Free Period (CFP): allocation, expiration, reallocation and deallocation. Hence, a IEEE 802.15.4 implementation is provided with a comprehensive evaluation with which the behaviour is proven. The implementation is validated in terms of packet delivery rate and delay for different network configurations and different parameters. Owing to no practical results for the use of this protocol in control applications, a inverted pendulum process is introduced to show the benefits in wireless process control by using the IEEE 802.15.4 in a real-time control loop process. The extensive experimental results show that packets losses and delays are the essential factors to guarantee the stability of the system. Furthermore, we also demonstrate and analyse the benefits of using this protocol in a Home Smart Grid setup

    Voting for the extreme right: an analysis of Platform for Catalonia's voters

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    El partido anti-inmigración Plataforma per Catalunya ha experimentado un notable crecimiento electoral a lo largo de los últimos años. A partir de diferentes entrevistas a votantes del partido, el texto trata de descifrar los motivos por los que electores que no guardaban ningún tipo de relación con el ámbito político de la extrema derecha tradicional han pasado a votar a un partido que es socialmente etiquetado como tal. Tres son los grandes ejes explicativos que se desarrollan a lo largo del texto. En primer lugar, diferentes elementos de la trayectoria electoral y valores ideológicos de sus votantes muestran que el partido se está beneficiando de forma directa de procesos como el desalineamiento electoral y la desafección política. Asimismo, estaría consiguiendo posicionarse como una oferta política legítima de cara a vehicular parte del voto de protesta contra los partidos políticos tradicionales. En segundo lugar, el partido ha desarrollado un discurso en relación al “eje nacional” (Catalunya-España) que le estaría permitiendo distinguirse, hasta cierto punto, de la estigmatizada extrema derecha ultra-españolista. Finalmente, el partido ofrece una “respuesta autoritaria” a un electorado que considera que, a raíz de la “masiva” llegada de inmigración, la sociedad ha entrado en una dinámica negativa que amenaza su bienestar en múltiples ámbitos.The anti-immigration party Platform for Catalonia has experienced a relevant electoral growth over the past few years. Through a series of interviews with party voters, the text tries to understand the reasons why voters that did not have any relation with the traditional extreme right have come to vote for a party that is socially labeled as such. Three main explanatory factors are developed throughout the text. First, different elements of the electoral path and ideological values of its voters show that the party is benefiting directly from processes such as electoral misalignment and political disaffection and has been able to position itself as a legitimate instrument to canalize part of the protest vote against traditional political parties. Second, the party is developing a stance regarding the "national axis" (Catalonia-Spain) that may be a key feature in its goal of distinguishing itself from the stigmatized ultra-nationalist extreme right. Finally, the party offers an "authoritarian” answer to an electorate that believes that, due to "massive" immigration, society has slipped into a negative path that threatens their personal well-being

    Variable Speed Control In Wells Turbine-Based Oscillating Water Column Devices: Optimum Rotational Speed

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    The effects of climate change and global warming reveal the need to find alternative sources of clean energy. In this sense, wave energy power plants, and in particular Oscillating Water Column (OWC) devices, offer a huge potential of energy harnessing. Nevertheless, the conversion systems have not reached a commercially mature stage yet so as to compete with conventional power plants. At this point, the use of new control methods over the existing technology arises as a doable way to improve the efficiency of the system. Due to the nonuniform response that the turbine shows to the rotational speed variation, the speed control of the turbo-generator may offer a feasible solution for efficiency improvement during the energy conversion. In this context, a novel speed control approach for OWC systems is presented in this paper, demonstrating its goodness and affording promising results when particularized to the Mutriku's wave power plant.This work was supported in part by the University of the Basque Country (Universidad del Pais Vasco UPV/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea EHU) through Project PPG17/33 and by the MINECO through the Research Project DPI2015-70075-R (MINECO/FEDER, EU), as well as to the Basque Government through Ph.D. Grant PIF PRE_2016_2_0193. The authors would like to thank the collaboration of the Basque Energy Agency (EVE) through Agreement UPV/EHUEVE23/6/2011, the Spanish National Fusion Laboratory (EURATOM-CIEMAT) through Agreement UPV/EHUCIEMAT08/190 and EUSKAMPUS - Campus of International Excellence. They would also like to thank Yago Torre-Enciso and Olatz Ajuria from EVE for their collaboration and help

    El crecimiento electoral de la derecha radical populista en Europa: parámetros ideológicos y motivaciones sociales

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    [spa] La derecha radical populista se ha convertido en un actor político de primer orden en el continente europeo. El texto analiza el recorrido y las distintas fases que han llevado a este espacio político desde los márgenes del debate político a una centralidad conseguida tanto a través de su capacidad para ir ganando apoyo electoral como de incidencia en las agendas políticas de sus respectivos países. Asimismo, aborda el núcleo ideológico de estas formaciones, las temáticas que han centrado su capacidad de movilización política y el tipo de electorado que han conseguido aglutinar bajo sus siglas. Finalmente, se reflexiona también sobre el significado y el impacto del crecimiento de unas ideas y propuestas como las que representan la derecha radical populista. Palabras clave: derecha radical populista; nueva extrema derecha; extrema derecha; populismo; Europa.[eng] Populist radical right parties have become major political actors in Europe. This paper analyses the path and the different phases that have led them from the fringes of public debate to their present significance, which is based on their capacity to attract electoral support and influence the political agendas in their respective countries. Besides, an analysis of the core ideological beliefs of these parties, and of the topics on which their mobilization capacity rests, is provided, as well as of the type of voters that are attracted by them. Finally, the authors discuss the meaning and impact of the growing popularity of the ideas and proposals put forward by the populist radical right parties

    Adiciones al catálogo de la flora vascular de la provincia de Burgos (España)

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    Additions to the vascular plant checklist of Burgos province (Spain).Palabras clave. Novedades, catálogo de la flora vascular, Burgos, España.Key Words. New records, Vascular plant checklist, Burgos, Spain

    A control technique for hybrid floating offshore wind turbines using oscillating water columns for generated power fluctuation reduction

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    The inherent oscillating dynamics of floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) might result in undesirable oscillatory behavior in both the system states and the generated power outputs, leading to unwanted effects on critical, extreme, and fatigue loads, and finally to a premature failure of the facility. Therefore, this kind of system should be capable of lessening such undesired effects. In this article, four oscillating water columns (OWC) have been installed within a FOWT barge-type platform. A novel switching control technique has been developed in order to reduce oscillations of the system created by both wind and wave, as well as the fluctuations in the generated power, by adequately regulating the airflow control valves. While the impact of the coupled wind-wave loads has been considered, a set of representative case studies have been taken into account for a range of regular waves and wind speeds. The study relies on the use of response amplitude operators (RAO) that have been pre-processed and evaluated in order to apply the switching control technique. In this sense, the starting time of the switching for below-rated, rated, and above-rated wind speeds have been calculated using the platform’s corresponding pitch RAO. Additionally, the blades’ pitch and generator torque have also been regulated by means of a constant torque variable speed controller to capture maximum energy for below-rated wind speed conditions and to match the rated generator power for rated and above-rated wind speed conditions, respectively. In order to peruse the feasibility and performance of the proposed strategy, a comparison has been carried out between the uncontrolled traditional barge-type platform and the controlled OWCs-based barge FOWT. The results demonstrate that the proposed control approach can effectively and successfully decrease both the oscillations in the system’s modes and the fluctuations in the generated power.This work was supported in part by the projects PID2021-123543OB-C21 and PID2021-123543OB-C22 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), Basque Government Groups IT1555-22 and Margarita Salas MARSA22/09 (UPV-EHU/MIU/Next Generation, EU)