51 research outputs found
Las organizaciones deportivas olímpicas en Colombia : experiencias de mercadeo que promuevan la fidelización y el valor de marca
Este trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo general plantear, para las organizaciones deportivas olímpicas en Colombia, experiencias de mercadeo que promuevan la fidelización y el valor de marca. El enfoque de investigación fue cualitativo de tipo exploratorio-descriptivo, con entrevistas en profundidad como instrumento de recolección de datos aplicado a una población integrada por diez dirigentes deportivos. Los resultados evidenciaron las falencias existentes entre el deber ser empresarial y el manejo autoritario o “presidencialista” que se les da a las organizaciones deportivas olímpicas, en las que su representante legal posee funciones multipropósito, poco estratégicas y efectivas. Así mismo, se evidenció el poco uso y relevancia que posee el mercadeo en la estrategia organizacional, lo que implica que se pierda una gran oportunidad de dinamizar la economía de dichas entidades y del país. Así, se concluye que es necesario propulsar estrategias de mercadeo que sean experienciales y que, por lo tanto, generen valor de marca, el subsecuente posicionamiento y una fidelización del cliente.This research work had as a general objective to propose, for Olympic sports organizations in Colombia, marketing experiences that promote brand loyalty and value. The research approach was qualitative, exploratory-descriptive, with in-depth interviews as a data collection instrument applied to a population made up of ten sports leaders. The results evidenced the flaws between the duty to be business and the authoritarian or “presidentialist” management given to Olympic sports organizations, in which their legal representative has multipurpose functions, not very strategic and effective. Likewise, the little use and relevance of marketing in the organizational strategy was evidenced, which implies that a great opportunity to boost the economy of these entities and the country is lost. Thus, it is concluded that it is necessary to propel marketing strategies that are experiential and, therefore, generate brand value, subsequent positioning and customer loyalty
Femtosecond infrared intrastromal ablation and backscattering-mode adaptive-optics multiphoton microscopy in chicken corneas
The performance of femtosecond (fs) laser intrastromal ablation was evaluated with backscattering-mode adaptive-optics multiphoton microscopy in ex vivo chicken corneas. The pulse energy of the fs source used for ablation was set to generate two different ablation patterns within the corneal stroma at a certain depth. Intrastromal patterns were imaged with a custom adaptive-optics multiphoton microscope to determine the accuracy of the procedure and verify the outcomes. This study demonstrates the potential of using fs pulses as surgical and monitoring techniques to systematically investigate intratissue ablation. Further refinement of the experimental system by combining both functions into a single fs laser system would be the basis to establish new techniques capable of monitoring corneal surgery without labeling in real-time. Since the backscattering configuration has also been optimized, future in vivo implementations would also be of interest in clinical environments involving corneal ablation procedures
Thermal barrier coatings for gas turbine applications: failure mechanisms and key microstructural features
Advances in new materials for current power generation devices, such as gas turbines, have led to more efficient and durable engines that supply rising energy demands. High efficiencies in gas turbines, due to higher operating temperatures, have been accomplished through the development of thermal barrier coatings. These are multilayered systems that provide thermal isolation capability and protection against corrosion and high temperature erosion. In this work, we describe the barrier’s application processes, their microstructural characteristics and their main failure mechanisms. Two different thermal barrier coatings are characterized and the most relevant trends of these systems are summarized
Asociación entre calidad de vida relacionada con salud y factores sociodemográficos y antropométricos en una institución de salud de Medellín, Colombia
Introduction: Quality of life is related to health, thus defined as the subjective perception of an individual´s current capacity to carry out meaningful activities. Such perception is influenced by the current state of health which is turn affected by aging processes.
Objective: To characterize the quality of life related to health and its possible associations with the anthropometric and sociodemographic characteristics.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study was carried out to assess health-related quality of life in the elderly. The study counted 145 participants, ranging from the ages between sixty and ninety-two, who voluntarily participated in the study; A health-related quality of life questionnaire (SF-36) with social and demographic questions was administered. Height and weight measurements were also taken. With this information, a univariate analysis was carried out.
Results: For the total result of the SF-36 questionnaire, it was found that 60.7% of the participants presented a good quality of life related to health.63.4% of the participants in this study were women and, 67.6% of the overall sample were placed as having upper-middle income. Also, most of the participants were found to have basic schooling (67.6). Regarding social security, 81.4% of the sample belonged to social security health plans and (48.3%) was found to have overweight.
Conclusions: As a result of the analysis carried out, recommendations such as the implementation of social security protection and coverage programs for the elderly, specifically benefitting the females, older adults and those belonging to the subsidized social security system, can be provided.Introducción. La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud se define como la percepción subjetiva e influenciada por el estado de salud actual sobre la capacidad para realizar aquellas actividades importantes para un individuo, la cual puede verse afectada en el adulto mayor por procesos de envejecimiento.
Objetivo. Caracterizar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y las posibles asociaciones con factores antropométricos y sociodemográficos de la población adulta mayor.
Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con intención analítica y de corte transversal en el que se evaluó la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en adultos mayores. La población de estudio estuvo constituida por 145 personas con edades entre los 70 y 92 años que participaron voluntariamente en el estudio y a quienes se les aplicó el cuestionario SF-36 con preguntas sociales y demográficas, además se realizó toma de medidas de talla y peso. Con la información recolectada se procedió a realizar un análisis univariado.
Resultados. El 60,7 % de los participantes presentó una buena calidad de vida relacionada con salud. Dentro de las características sociodemográficas se encontró que el 63,4 % eran mujeres, el 67,6 % pertenecían a estrato medio-alto, el 67,6 % tenía escolaridad básica-media, el 81,4 % pertenecía al régimen contributivo y el 48,3 % tenía sobrepeso.
Conclusiones. Es necesario implementar programas de protección y cubrimiento en seguridad social al adulto mayor que beneficien especialmente al género femenino, a adultos mayores de edades avanzadas y a los pertenecientes al régimen subsidiado de seguridad social
A survey of anatomical items relevant to the practice of rheumatology: upper extremity, head, neck, spine, and general concepts
[Abstract] This study aimed to identify the anatomical items of the upper extremity and spine that are potentially relevant to the practice of rheumatology. Ten rheumatologists interested in clinical anatomy who published, taught, and/or participated as active members of Clinical Anatomy Interest groups (six seniors, four juniors), participated in a one-round relevance Delphi exercise. An initial, 560-item list that included 45 (8.0 %) general concepts items; 138 (24.8 %) hand items; 100 (17.8 %) forearm and elbow items; 147 (26.2 %) shoulder items; and 130 (23.2 %) head, neck, and spine items was compiled by 5 of the participants. Each item was graded for importance with a Likert scale from 1 (not important) to 5 (very important). Thus, scores could range from 10 (1 × 10) to 50 (5 × 10). An item score of ≥40 was considered most relevant to competent practice as a rheumatologist. Mean item Likert scores ranged from 2.2 ± 0.5 to 4.6 ± 0.7. A total of 115 (20.5 %) of the 560 initial items reached relevance. Broken down by categories, this final relevant item list was composed by 7 (6.1 %) general concepts items; 32 (27.8 %) hand items; 20 (17.4 %) forearm and elbow items; 33 (28.7 %) shoulder items; and 23 (17.6 %) head, neck, and spine items. In this Delphi exercise, a group of practicing academic rheumatologists with an interest in clinical anatomy compiled a list of anatomical items that were deemed important to the practice of rheumatology. We suggest these items be considered curricular priorities when training rheumatology fellows in clinical anatomy skills and in programs of continuing rheumatology education
A survey of anatomical items relevant to the practice of rheumatology: pelvis, lower extremity, and gait
[Abstract] This study aimed to generate a minimum list of structural and functional anatomical items about the pelvis/hip, knee, ankle/foot, gait, and lower limb innervation, which are most relevant to the practice of rheumatology. To determine their perceived relevance to clinical practice, seven members of the Mexican Clinical Anatomy Task Force compiled an initial list of 470 anatomical items. Ten local and international experts according to a 0-10 Likert scale ranked these items. Of the original list, 101 (21.48%) items were considered relevant (global rate >40). These included 36/137 (26.27%) pelvis and hip items, 25/82 (30.48%) knee items, 22/168 (13.98%) ankle/foot items, 11/68 (16.17%) neurologic items, and 7/15 (46.66%) gait-related items. We propose that these 101 anatomical items of the lower extremity, when added to the 115 anatomic items of the upper extremity and spine we previously reported, may represent an approximation to the minimal anatomical knowledge central to the competent practice of rheumatology. The meager representation of ankle and foot items may reflect a lesser emphasis in these anatomical regions during rheumatologic training. Attention to these and related items during rheumatologic training and beyond may sharpen the rheumatologist's ability in the differential diagnosis of regional pain syndromes as well as strengthen an endangered art: the rheumatologic physical examination
Sistema de observação paraavaliação técnica em dança clássica:exercício battement jeté
Los bailarines y las bailarinas de danza clásica entrenan rigurosamente para alcanzar el mayor grado técnico y artístico de calidad en sus ejercicios. Entre los que conforman sus entrenamientos están los de barra, siendo los battement jetéen sus diferentes formas de ejecución, los encargados del movimiento de acción de los pies-piernas.El objetivo del estudio es crear y validar una herramienta de observación ad hocque permita evaluar el ejercicio del battement jeté; en su diseño se utilizó una combinación de formato de campo y sistemas de categorías exhaustivas y mutuamente excluyentes (E/ME).El instrumento se compone de 5 criterios y un total de 66 categorías distribuidas de la siguiente forma: 31 en tren inferior, 8 en tren superior, 13 para cabeza/mirada, 5 en dirección espacial y 9 para las cuentas musicales. La muestra del estudio estuvo conformada por 10 bailarines/as, ocho mujeres y dos hombres, todos con estudios profesionales en danza clásica finalizados. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de Calidad del Dato y un análisis de Generalizabilidad con los programas HOISAN y SAGT v1.0 respectivamente. La fiabilidad de los observadores se obtuvo mediante el cálculo de los coeficientes de correlación Pearson, Spearman y Tau b de Kendall; y mediante el índice de concordancia Kappa de Cohen y concordancia canónica de Krippendorf. Los resultados mostraron índices adecuados de correlación, así como excelentes resultados de la Generalizabilidad con un valor G relativo y G absoluto de 1.00 en el acuerdo interobservador y 1.00 para el acuerdo intraobservador, demostrando que la herramienta de observación para el ejercicio del battement jetéen la danza clásica presenta una adecuada precisión, fiabilidad y validez. Se hace un análisis de invarianza y no se evidencian diferencias significativas en los resultados por razón de sexo en el uso de la herramienta de observación.Classical dancers train rigorously to achieve the highest technical and artistic quality in their exercises. Among those that make up his training are those of the barre, being the battement jeté in their different forms of execution, those in charge of the action movement of the feet-legs.The objective of the study is to create and validate an ad hoc observation tool that allows an evaluation of the exercise of the battement jeté; A combination of field format and exhaustive and mutually exclusive (E/ME) category systems was used in its design. The instrument is made up of 5 criteria and a total of 66 categories distributed as follows: 31 in the lower body, 8 in the upper body, 13 for head/gaze, 5 in spatial direction, and 9 for musical accounts. The studysample consisted of 10 dancers, eight women, and two men, all with completed professional studies in classical dance. A Data Quality analysis and a Generalizability analysis were carried out with the HOISAN and SAGT v1.0 programs respectively. Observer reliability was obtained by calculating the Pearson, Spearman, and Kendall's Tau b correlation coefficients; and using Cohen's Kappa concordance index and Krippendorf's canonical concordance. The results showed adequate correlation indices, as well as excellent Generalizability results with a relative G value and absolute G value of 1.00 for inter-observer agreement and 1.00 for intra-observer agreement, demonstrating that the observation tool for the battement jeté exercise in the Classical dance presents anadequate precision, reliability, and validity. An invariance analysis is made and no significant differences are found in the results due to the question of male or female gender in using the observation tool.Os bailarinos clássicos treinam rigorosamente para atingir o mais alto grau de qualidadetécnica e artística em seus exercícios. Entre os exercícios que compõem o seu treino estão os exercícios da barra, sendo o battement jeté nas suas diferentes formas de execução, os responsáveis pelo movimento de ação dos pés-pernas. O objetivo do estudoé criar e validar uma ferramenta de observação ad hoc que permita avaliar o exercício do battement jeté. Uma combinação de formato de campo e sistemas de categoria exaustiva e mutuamente exclusiva (E/ME) foram usadas no seu design. O instrumento é composto por 5 critérios e um total de 66 categoriasdistribuídas da seguinte forma: 31 na parte inferior do corpo, 8 na parte superior do corpo, 13 para cabeça/olhar, 5 para direção espacial e 9 para contas musicais. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 10 bailarinos, sendo oito mulheres e dois homens, todos com formação profissional em dança clássica concluída. Uma análise de qualidade de dados e uma análise de generalização foram realizadas com os programas HOISAN e SAGT v1.0, respectivamente. A confiabilidadedo observador foi obtida calculando-se os coeficientes de correlação Tau b de Pearson, Spearman e Kendall e o índice de concordância Kappa de Cohen, bem como a concordância canônica de Krippendorf. Os resultados mostraram índices de correlação adequados, bem como excelentes resultados de generalização com valor de G relativo e valor de G absoluto de 1,00 para concordância interobservador e 1,00 para concordância intraobservador, demonstrando que a ferramenta de observação para o exercício battement jeté nadança clássica apresenta precisão, confiabilidade e validade adequadas. Foi ainda realiazada uma análise de invariância e não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nos resultados em função do sexo no uso da ferramenta de observação
Sistema de observação para avaliação técnica em dança clássica: exercício battement jeté
Classical dancers train rigorously to achieve the highest technical and artistic quality in their exercises. Among those that make up his training are those of the barre, being the battement jeté in their different forms of execution, those in charge of the action movement of the feet-legs. The objective of the study is to create and validate an ad hoc observation tool that allows an evaluation of the exercise of the battement jeté; A combination of field format and exhaustive and mutually exclusive (E/ME) category systems was used in its design. The instrument is made up of 5 criteria and a total of 66 categories distributed as follows: 31 in the lower body, 8 in the upper body, 13 for head/gaze, 5 in spatial direction, and 9 for musical accounts. The study sample consisted of 10 dancers, eight women, and two men, all with completed professional studies in classical dance. A Data Quality analysis and a Generalizability analysis were carried out with the HOISAN and SAGT v1.0 programs respectively. Observer reliability was obtained by calculating the Pearson, Spearman, and Kendall's Tau b correlation coefficients; and using Cohen's Kappa concordance index and Krippendorf's canonical concordance. The results showed adequate correlation indices, as well as excellent Generalizability results with a relative G value and absolute G value of 1.00 for inter-observer agreement and 1.00 for intra-observer agreement, demonstrating that the observation tool for the battement jeté exercise in the Classical dance presents an adequate precision, reliability, and validity. An invariance analysis is made and no significant differences are found in the results due to the question of male or female gender in using the observation tool.Los bailarines y las bailarinas de danza clásica entrenan rigurosamente para alcanzar el mayor grado técnico y artístico de calidad en sus ejercicios. Entre los que conforman sus entrenamientos están los de barra, siendo los battement jeté en sus diferentes formas de ejecución, los encargados del movimiento de acción de los pies-piernas. El objetivo del estudio es crear y validar una herramienta de observación ad hoc que permita evaluar el ejercicio del battement jeté; en su diseño se utilizó una combinación de formato de campo y sistemas de categorías exhaustivas y mutuamente excluyentes (E/ME). El instrumento se compone de 5 criterios y un total de 66 categorías distribuidas de la siguiente forma: 31 en tren inferior, 8 en tren superior, 13 para cabeza/mirada, 5 en dirección espacial y 9 para las cuentas musicales. La muestra del estudio estuvo conformada por 10 bailarines/as, ocho mujeres y dos hombres, todos con estudios profesionales en danza clásica finalizados. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de Calidad del Dato y un análisis de Generalizabilidad con los programas HOISAN y SAGT v1.0 respectivamente. La fiabilidad de los observadores se obtuvo mediante el cálculo de los coeficientes de correlación Pearson, Spearman y Tau b de Kendall; y mediante el índice de concordancia Kappa de Cohen y concordancia canónica de Krippendorf. Los resultados mostraron índices adecuados de correlación, así como excelentes resultados de la Generalizabilidad con un valor G relativo y G absoluto de 1.00 en el acuerdo interobservador y 1.00 para el acuerdo intraobservador, demostrando que la herramienta de observación para el ejercicio del battement jeté en la danza clásica presenta una adecuada precisión, fiabilidad y validez. Se hace un análisis de invarianza y no se evidencian diferencias significativas en los resultados por razón de sexo en el uso de la herramienta de observación.Os bailarinos clássicos treinam rigorosamente para atingir o mais alto grau de qualidade técnica e artística em seus exercícios. Entre os exercícios que compõem o seu treino estão os exercícios da barra, sendo o battement jeté nas suas diferentes formas de execução, os responsáveis pelo movimento de ação dos pés-pernas. O objetivo do estudo é criar e validar uma ferramenta de observação ad hoc que permita avaliar o exercício do battement jeté. Uma combinação de formato de campo e sistemas de categoria exaustiva e mutuamente exclusiva (E/ME) foram usadas no seu design. O instrumento é composto por 5 critérios e um total de 66 categorias distribuídas da seguinte forma: 31 na parte inferior do corpo, 8 na parte superior do corpo, 13 para cabeça/olhar, 5 para direção espacial e 9 para contas musicais. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 10 bailarinos, sendo oito mulheres e dois homens, todos com formação profissional em dança clássica concluída. Uma análise de qualidade de dados e uma análise de generalização foram realizadas com os programas HOISAN e SAGT v1.0, respectivamente. A confiabilidade do observador foi obtida calculando-se os coeficientes de correlação Tau b de Pearson, Spearman e Kendall e o índice de concordância Kappa de Cohen, bem como a concordância canônica de Krippendorf. Os resultados mostraram índices de correlação adequados, bem como excelentes resultados de generalização com valor de G relativo e valor de G absoluto de 1,00 para concordância interobservador e 1,00 para concordância intraobservador, demonstrando que a ferramenta de observação para o exercício battement jeté na dança clássica apresenta precisão, confiabilidade e validade adequadas. Foi ainda realiazada uma análise de invariância e não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nos resultados em função do sexo no uso da ferramenta de observação
The Different Microbial Etiology of Prosthetic Joint Infections According to Route of Acquisition and Time After Prosthesis Implantation, Including the Role of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms
The aim of our study was to characterize the etiology of prosthetic joint infections (PJIs)-including multidrug-resistant organisms (MDRO)-by category of infection. A multicenter study of 2544 patients with PJIs was performed. We analyzed the causative microorganisms according to the Tsukayama's scheme (early postoperative, late chronic, and acute hematogenous infections (EPI, LCI, AHI) and "positive intraoperative cultures" (PIC)). Non-hematogenous PJIs were also evaluated according to time since surgery: 12 months. AHIs were mostly caused by Staphylococcus aureus (39.2%) and streptococci (30.2%). EPIs were characterized by a preponderance of virulent microorganisms (S. aureus, Gram-negative bacilli (GNB), enterococci), MDROs (24%) and polymicrobial infections (27.4%). Conversely, coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) and Cutibacterium species were predominant in LCIs (54.5% and 6.1%, respectively) and PICs (57.1% and 15.1%). The percentage of MDROs isolated in EPIs was more than three times the percentage isolated in LCIs (7.8%) and more than twice the proportion found in AHI (10.9%). There was a significant decreasing linear trend over the four time intervals post-surgery for virulent microorganisms, MDROs, and polymicrobial infections, and a rising trend for CoNS, streptococci and Cutibacterium spp. The observed differences have important implications for the empirical antimicrobial treatment of PJIs.Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant number PI15/1026) (Co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund "Investing in your future"). REIPI (Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Disease) is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and by the European Development Regional Fund “A way to achieve Europe”
Autonomous on-board data processing and instrument calibration software for the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager on-board the Solar Orbiter mission
This is an open access article. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.A frequent problem arising for deep space missions is the discrepancy between the amount of data desired to be transmitted to the ground and the available telemetry bandwidth. A part of these data consists of scientific observations, being complemented by calibration data to help remove instrumental effects. We present our solution for this discrepancy, implemented for the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager on-board the Solar Orbiter mission, the first solar spectropolarimeter in deep space. We implemented an on-board data reduction system that processes calibration data, applies them to the raw science observables, and derives science-ready physical parameters. This process reduces the raw data for a single measurement from 24 images to five, thus reducing the amount of downlinked data, and in addition, renders the transmission of the calibration data unnecessary. Both these on-board actions are completed autonomously. © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.This work was carried out in the framework of the International Max Planck Research School for Solar System Science at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research. Solar Orbiter is a mission led by the European Space Agency with contribution from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager instrument is supported by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) under grant Nos. 50 OT 1201 and 50 OT 1901. The Spanish contribution has been partly funded by the Spanish Research Agency under projects under grant Nos. ESP2016-77548-C5 and RTI2018-096886-B-C5, partially including European FEDER funds. IAA-CSIC members acknowledge and funds from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa” Program under grant No. SEV-2017-0709. The solar data used in the tests are the courtesy of NASA/SDO HMI science team. Parts of the work shown in this paper have been introduced at the SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation conference.42
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