166 research outputs found

    Contextual, socioeconomic and cultural impacts on the outcomes of Mexico in reading in PISA 2009

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    La prueba PISA es una evaluación internacional sobre las competencias de lectura, matemáticas y ciencias de los estudiantes de 15 años de edad. En el presente estudio se analizan los efectos que las variables individuales y contextuales tienen en la escala global de lectura y en sus tres dominios durante la aplicación de 2009, en 32 estados de la república mexicana. Mediante el análisis jerárquico multinivel puede apreciarse que las variables contextuales escolares tienen mayor impacto que algunos factores individuales. Estos hallazgos resaltan la importancia que tiene la composición socioeconómica y cultural perteneciente al contexto escolar sobre el desarrollo de las competencias para las sociedades del conocimiento, concretamente la competencia lectora. En contraste, se puede apreciar que los efectos individuales de la mencionada composición son significativamente menores a los contextuales, lo que podría significar la implementación de políticas educativas y sociales, donde se puedan establecer contextos enriquecedores que favorezcan a los alumnos con problemas de aprendizaje en los alumnos de 15 añosThe Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an international assessment of reading literacy, mathematics and science for students 15 years of age. The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences of the effects of socio-economic and cultural status on reading literacy in the global scale and on its three domains during 2009 in 32 states of Mexico. Using hierarchical linear modeling it can be appreciated that the contextual variables have an influence equal to or greater than some individual characteristics. The results highlight the importance of socioeconomic and cultural composition of the school on the development of skills for the knowledge society. In contrast, the individual effects of socioeconomical and cultural composition are significantly lower than contextual, which could mean the implementation of educational and social policies, where they can establish enriching environments that support students with learning disabilities in the students 15 year

    Una mirada de los obstáculos epistemológicos desde Gaston Bachelard

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    El siguiente ensayo está basado en el proyecto de investigación que se está desarrollando en el Departamento de Educación, el cual consiste en descubrir los Obstáculos Epistemológicos que más se presentan en la formación pedagógica de los docentes de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada y que a su vez de alguna manera se manifiestan en su práctica docente, haciendo énfasis en los obstáculos que plantea Gastón Bachelard

    Marco conceptual para el análisis de la integración de la tecnología y su aplicación en el análisis de libros de texto del nivel secundaria

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    El problema se centra en lo que Dockstarder (1999), Artigue (2000 y 2007), Díaz- Barriga, (2013) y Hitt (2013) expresan respecto a las dificultades que se presentan al implementar la tecnología en el aula, o bien, cuando no es usada de manera adecuada. En esta investigación se propone al libro de texto como una variable de corte institucional que podría estar incidiendo en la forma en la que se integra la tecnología en las aulas de matemáticas, dada la manera en la que se presenta en ellos. Por esta razón, la pregunta de investigación que guía este primer avance es: ¿cómo se integra la tecnología en los libros de texto de matemáticas del nivel secundaria?

    Educación y apoyo familiar, y logro en matemáticas en dos contextos sociodemográficos diferentes

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    This paper presents the results of a non-experimental cross-sectional study conducted under a mixed explanatory design (with manifest and latent variables), in an indigenous school in a rural area and an urban school in Morelos (Mexico). The sociodemographic context of the schools of origin was considered as a predictor variable of Mathematics achievement in 6th grade of primary school, and the educational level of the parents and family support were considered as mediating variables. At the end of 6th grade, students from both schools answered a scale on family support and a short test on two mathematical competencies: Communicating mathematical information and Using techniques efficiently. The data were analyzed with two structural regression models of relationships between manifest variables (school context and parents' educational level) and latent variables (family support with eight items and mathematics achievement with two mathematics competency indexes). Mathematics achievement was the final latent variable to be explained. Both resulting models showed that mathematics achievement was significantly and positively explained by the latent variable Family Support, and indirectly and positively by the manifest variable Parental Education, which in turn was significantly but negatively explained by the manifest variable School context. The findings support the hypothesis that students' learning opportunities depend to a large extent on the socioeconomic and educational context of the families, which are determined by the demographic and physical environment where they live and study.Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un estudio no experimental, transversal, realizado bajo un diseño explicativo-mixto (con variables manifiestas y latentes) en una escuela indígena de zona rural y una escuela urbana de Morelos (México). Se consideró al contexto sociodemográfico de las escuelas de procedencia como variable predictora del logro en matemáticas en 6to grado de primaria, y como variables mediadoras, el nivel educativo de los padres y el apoyo familiar. Al término del 6to grado, los alumnos de ambas escuelas respondieron una escala sobre apoyo familiar y una prueba corta sobre dos competencias matemáticas: Comunicar información matemática y Manejar técnicas de manera eficiente. Los datos se analizaron mediante dos modelos de regresión estructural de relaciones entre variables manifiestas (contexto escolar y nivel educativo de los padres) y variables latentes (apoyo familiar con ocho ítems y logro en matemáticas con dos índices de competencias matemáticas). El logro en matemáticas fue la variable latente final a explicar. Ambos modelos resultantes mostraron que el logro en matemáticas fue explicado significativamente y de forma positiva por la variable latente Apoyo Familiar, y de manera indirecta y positiva, por la variable manifiesta Educación de los padres, variable que a su vez fue explicada de forma significativa pero negativamente, por la variable manifiesta contexto de procedencia de la escuela. Los hallazgos respaldan la hipótesis de que las oportunidades de aprendizaje de los estudiantes dependen en gran medida del contexto socioeconómico y educativo de las familias, los cuales están determinados por el entorno demográfico y físico donde se vive y se estudia

    Educación y apoyo familiar, y logro en matemáticas en dos contextos sociodemográficos diferentes

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    This paper presents the results of a non-experimental cross-sectional study conducted under a mixed explanatory design (with manifest and latent variables), in an indigenous school in a rural area and an urban school in Morelos (Mexico). The sociodemographic context of the schools of origin was considered as a predictor variable of Mathematics achievement in 6th grade of primary school, and the educational level of the parents and family support were considered as mediating variables. At the end of 6th grade, students from both schools answered a scale on family support and a short test on two mathematical competencies: Communicating mathematical information and Using techniques efficiently. The data were analyzed with two structural regression models of relationships between manifest variables (school context and parents' educational level) and latent variables (family support with eight items and mathematics achievement with two mathematics competency indexes). Mathematics achievement was the final latent variable to be explained. Both resulting models showed that mathematics achievement was significantly and positively explained by the latent variable Family Support, and indirectly and positively by the manifest variable Parental Education, which in turn was significantly but negatively explained by the manifest variable School context. The findings support the hypothesis that students' learning opportunities depend to a large extent on the socioeconomic and educational context of the families, which are determined by the demographic and physical environment where they live and study.Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un estudio no experimental, transversal, realizado bajo un diseño explicativo-mixto (con variables manifiestas y latentes) en una escuela indígena de zona rural y una escuela urbana de Morelos (México). Se consideró al contexto sociodemográfico de las escuelas de procedencia como variable predictora del logro en matemáticas en 6to grado de primaria, y como variables mediadoras, el nivel educativo de los padres y el apoyo familiar. Al término del 6to grado, los alumnos de ambas escuelas respondieron una escala sobre apoyo familiar y una prueba corta sobre dos competencias matemáticas: Comunicar información matemática y Manejar técnicas de manera eficiente. Los datos se analizaron mediante dos modelos de regresión estructural de relaciones entre variables manifiestas (contexto escolar y nivel educativo de los padres) y variables latentes (apoyo familiar con ocho ítems y logro en matemáticas con dos índices de competencias matemáticas). El logro en matemáticas fue la variable latente final a explicar. Ambos modelos resultantes mostraron que el logro en matemáticas fue explicado significativamente y de forma positiva por la variable latente Apoyo Familiar, y de manera indirecta y positiva, por la variable manifiesta Educación de los padres, variable que a su vez fue explicada de forma significativa pero negativamente, por la variable manifiesta contexto de procedencia de la escuela. Los hallazgos respaldan la hipótesis de que las oportunidades de aprendizaje de los estudiantes dependen en gran medida del contexto socioeconómico y educativo de las familias, los cuales están determinados por el entorno demográfico y físico donde se vive y se estudia

    Diferenças qualitativas entre formação investigativa e pesquisa formativa de estudantes universitários

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    Tradicionalmente la formación en investigación en las universidades había sido transmitida de manera teórica (formación investigativa, FI), sin embargo, la naturaleza de estos conocimientos se beneficia de un enfoque más práctico (investigación formativa, IF). El objetivo fue comparar las diferencias cualitativas entre estos dos tipos de enfoque para la formación en el proceso de investigación. Se formaron cuatro grupos focales: 2 FI y 2 IF. Para el guion se eligieron 16 categorías que correspondían con el proceso de investigación cuantitativa. En total participaron 30 alumnos de la carrera de Psicología. Se encontró que existen diferencias conceptuales significativas con respecto al proceso de investigación. Los estudiantes IF tienden a tener mayor claridad en los conceptos, considerar más aspectos éticos y desarrollar una identidad como investigadores. Prefieren las investigaciones cualitativas debido a las dificultades que tienen con la estadística. En ambos existe una visión lineal del proceso de investigación y el dinamismo que genera cambios lo perciben como un problema. En conclusión, los estudiantes IF adquieren una visión general del proceso que se va perfeccionando con la experiencia, además de contribuir a una visión ética y a adquirir una identidad como investigadores, lo que muestra ventajas sobre el otro tipo de formación.Traditionally, training in research at the universities has been transmitted as theory (research training, RT); however, the nature of this knowledge benefits from a more practical approach (formative research, FR). The aim of this research was to compare the qualitative differences between these two types of approach to training in the research process. Four focus groups were created: 2 RT and 2 FR. Sixteen categories corresponding to the quantitative research process were chosen for the script, and a total of 30 Psychology students participated. Significant conceptual differences were found regarding the research process. FR students tend to have more clarity regarding concepts, take a larger number of ethical aspects into consideration, and develop an identity as researchers. They prefer qualitative research because of the difficulties they have with statistics. There is a linear view of the research process in both, and change-generating dynamism is perceived as a problem. In sum, the FR students acquire an overview of the process that is perfected with experience, in addition to contributing to an ethical vision and acquiring an identity as researchers, which shows advantages over the other type of training.Tradicionalmente a formação em pesquisa nas universidades costumava ser transmitida de forma teórica (formação investigativa, FI); no entanto, a natureza destes conhecimentos beneficia-se de um enfoque mais prático (pesquisa formativa, PF). O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar as diferenças qualitativas entre estes dois tipos de enfoque para a formação no processo de investigação. Formaram-se quatro grupos focais: 2 FI e 2 IF. Para o roteiro selecionaram-se 16 categorias correspondentes à pesquisa quantitativa. No total participaram 30 alunos do curso de Psicologia. Segundo os resultados, existem diferenças conceituais significativas a respeito do processo de pesquisa. Os estudantes IF tendem a ter maior clareza nos conceitos, considerar aspectos mais éticos e desenvolver uma identidade de pesquisadores. Preferem as pesquisas qualitativas, devido às dificuldades que têm perante a estatística. Em ambos existe uma visão lineal do processo de pesquisa e o dinamismo que gera mudanças é percebido como um problema. Em conclusão, os estudantes PF adquirem uma visão geral do processo que se aperfeiçoa com a experiência, além de contribuir com uma visão ética e a adquirir uma identidade como pesquisadores, o de demonstrar vantagens em outro tipo de formação

    Análisis factorial confirmatorio de los estilos de aprendizaje en universitarios mexicanos

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    Takinginto account the learning styles of students is increasingly necessary to promote learning and educational achievement. Having reliable and valid instruments to measure them is a constant search for researchers and educators. The objective of the present study was to validate the Honey Alonso Questionnaire of Learning Styles (CHAEA) in Mexican university population. The original version of the instrument was applied to 940 students from three different universities; a first and second order confirmatory factorial analysis was carried out, finding that the models that best fit showed a decrease of reagents with the original proposal, presenting the CFI dimensions greater than 0.90 and RMSEA less than 0.06. This allows us to conclude that the use of structural modeling is a way to validate construct dimensions by finding the best adjustments.Tener en cuenta los estilos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes son cada vez más necesario para promover el aprendizaje y logro educativo. Contar con instrumentos confiables y válidos que los midan, es una búsqueda constante de investigadores y educadores. El objetivo del presente estudio fue validar el Cuestionario Honey Alonso de estilos de aprendizaje (CHAEA) en población universitaria mexicana. Se aplicó el instrumento en su versión original a 940 estudiantes de tres universidades diferentes, se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio de primer y segundo orden, encontrándose que los modelos que mejor ajustaron presentaron disminución de reactivos con respecto a la versión original, presentando las dimensiones CFI mayores a 0.90 y RMSEA menores a 0.06. Esto nos permite concluir que el uso del modelamiento estructural es una manera que permite validar dimensiones de constructos encontrando los mejores ajustes

    Interaction Networks Help to Infer the Vulnerability of the Saproxylic Beetle Communities That Inhabit Tree Hollows in Mediterranean Forests

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    Insect communities are facing contrasting responses due to global change. However, knowledge on impacts of communities’ reorganizations is scarce. Network approaches could help to envision community changes in different environmental scenarios. Saproxylic beetles were selected to examine long-term variations in insect interaction/diversity patterns and their vulnerability to global change. We evaluated interannual differences in network patterns in the tree hollow–saproxylic beetle interaction using absolute samplings over an 11-year interval in three Mediterranean woodland types. We explored saproxylic communities’ vulnerability to microhabitat loss via simulated extinctions and by recreating threat scenarios based on decreasing microhabitat suitability. Although temporal diversity patterns varied between woodland types, network descriptors showed an interaction decline. The temporal beta-diversity of interactions depended more on interaction than on species turnover. Interaction and diversity temporal shifts promoted less specialized and more vulnerable networks, which is particularly worrisome in the riparian woodland. Network procedures evidenced that saproxylic communities are more vulnerable today than 11 years ago irrespective of whether species richness increased or decreased, and the situation could worsen in the future depending on tree hollow suitability. Network approaches were useful for predicting saproxylic communities’ vulnerability across temporal scenarios and, thus, for providing valuable information for management and conservation programs.Grants PID2020-115140RB-I00 and CGL2009-09656 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Parental participation and parents’ support: effects on mathematics achievement, 2018 national assessment of learning, Mexico

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    The relationship between family involvement in students’ academic activities, their learning, and academic achievement has been widely studied. Two different types of family involvement are recognized: parental participation, which is linked to activities implemented by the school, and parental support, which occurs at home and has to do with the family’s educational practice. This study analyzed the influence of parental participation in school activities, parental support at home, and family socioeconomic status on student learning in mathematics. The database of 104,973 third-year secondary education students (50.1% female and 49.9% male) from the 2018 assessment of academic achievement in mathematical thinking was considered. Path analysis was employed in structural equation modeling, where a general model of parental support was proposed to compare the learning of students from the lowest quartile and those from the highest socioeconomic level; the model presented a good fit for each group. The models used showed acceptable adjustments in some criteria; in these models, there were positive and significant associations between parental schooling and socioeconomic level and achievement in mathematics. The results obtained are consistent with the findings of other studies in which parental support, mediated by socioeconomic status, significantly influences student learning

    Self-assembly of hexahistidine-tagged tobacco etch virus capsid protein into microfilaments that induce IgG2-specific response against a soluble porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus chimeric protein

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    Antibody titers produced in sera of immunized mice recognizing His-TEV-CP protein. Immunization and ELISA procedures were conducted as described in Fig. 3 legend. Briefly explained, serum samples corresponding to bleeding 3 of mice group immunized with 25 μg of TEV VLPs (TEVVLPs25) were tested for total IgG and isotypes IgG1, IgG2a and IgG2b antibody response by ELISA in plates coated with with 1 μg of His-TEV-CP protein per well. Absorbance was taken at 450 nm in xMark spectrophotometer microplate reader (BioRad, USA). Results are expressed as antibody endpont titers greater than threefold the background value of preimmune sera. Excel was used for data processing. (TIFF 1142 kb