210 research outputs found

    Adaptive deterrence sanctions in a normative framework

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    Normative environments are used to regulate multi-agent interactions. In business encounters, agents representing business entities make contracts including norms that prescribe what agents should do. Agent autonomy, however, gives agents the ability to decide whether they fulfill or violate their commitments. In this paper we present an adaptive mechanism that enables a normative framework to change deterrence sanctions according to an agent population, in order to preclude agents from exploiting potential normative flaws. The system tries to avoid institutional control beyond what is strictly necessary, seeking to maximize agent contracting activity while ensuring a certain commitment compliance level, when agents have unknown risk and social attitudes

    The Refractory-to-Ice Mass Ratio in Comets

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    We review the complex relationship between the dust-to-gas mass ratio usually estimated in the material lost by comets, and the Refractory-to-Ice mass ratio inside the nucleus, which constrains the origin of comets. Such a relationship is dominated by the mass transfer from the perihelion erosion to fallout over most of the nucleus surface. This makes the Refractory-to-Ice mass ratio inside the nucleus up to ten times larger than the dust-to-gas mass ratio in the lost material, because the lost material is missing most of the refractories which were inside the pristine nucleus before the erosion. We review the Refractory-to-Ice mass ratios available for the comet nuclei visited by space missions, and for the Kuiper Belt Objects with well defined bulk density, finding the 1-σ lower limit of 3. Therefore, comets and KBOs may have less water than CI-chondrites, as predicted by models of comet formation by the gravitational collapse of cm-sized pebbles driven by streaming instabilities in the protoplanetary disc

    Rebuilt by migration of undersempled 2D signals

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    Active geophysical prospecting techniques (seismics, ground penetrating radar) are based on the measurement of a reflecte d signal . This measurement is done for different points in the space and gives an image of reflected signal amplitude versus tim e (range) and versus one direction in space (x) . We use this data to rebuild an image of the subsurface . But the fact that directivit y of transmitter and receiver is low, induces that the image versus x and t is not equivalent to the subsurface image (x, z) . Migratio n techniques are developed to derive the subsurface image . In this paper, we use the f - k migration technique which gives a solution of the wave equation in the frequency-wavenumber domain and we study the effect of undersampling in the time domain on this method . We describe a method to characterize thi s effect and estimate the real wavelet . We calculate the analytic result of migration of undersampled signal for a simple reflector. We find that the correctly sampled part of the signal is focused by migration and the aliased part is spread out from this calculation . We deduce a method to rebuild the well-sampled 2D signal . The weakness of this technique is a decrease of the signal to nois e ratio and the generation of spurious images . We discuss all aspects of this new technique on synthetic data . The wavelet estimation and the frequency—wavenumber migration are applied to the ground penetrating data acquired i n Antarctica by the radar developed for Mars'98 mission.Active geophysical prospecting techniques (seismics, ground penetrating radar) are based on the measurement of a reflecte d signal . This measurement is done for different points in the space and gives an image of reflected signal amplitude versus tim e (range) and versus one direction in space (x) . We use this data to rebuild an image of the subsurface . But the fact that directivit y of transmitter and receiver is low, induces that the image versus x and t is not equivalent to the subsurface image (x, z) . Migratio n techniques are developed to derive the subsurface image . In this paper, we use the f - k migration technique which gives a solution of the wave equation in the frequency-wavenumber domain and we study the effect of undersampling in the time domain on this method . We describe a method to characterize thi s effect and estimate the real wavelet . We calculate the analytic result of migration of undersampled signal for a simple reflector. We find that the correctly sampled part of the signal is focused by migration and the aliased part is spread out from this calculation . We deduce a method to rebuild the well-sampled 2D signal . The weakness of this technique is a decrease of the signal to nois e ratio and the generation of spurious images . We discuss all aspects of this new technique on synthetic data . The wavelet estimation and the frequency—wavenumber migration are applied to the ground penetrating data acquired i n Antarctica by the radar developed for Mars'98 mission.Les techniques de prospection géophysique active (sismique, radar géophysique) reposent sur la mesure d'un signal réfléchi. Cette mesure est effectuée en différents points de l'espace, elle fournit une image de l'amplitude du signal réfléchi en fonction du temps et d'une dimension de l'espace (x). A partir de ces données, nous cherchons à obtenir une coupe du sous-sol. Mais, du fait de la faible directivité des capteurs et des sources utilisées, l'image en temps et en espace n'est pas immédiatement transposable en une image fonction de deux dimensions de l'espace (x, z), d'où l'utilisation des techniques de migration pour la reconstruire. Nous nous intéresserons ici à la migration f - k qui donne une solution de l'équation de propagation dans l'espace des fréquences et des nombres d'onde, et à son comportement face au sous-échantillonnage temporel. Pour cela, nous développerons une méthode de caractérisation du sous-échantillonnage et d'estimation de l'ondelette émise. Ensuite, nous calculerons analytiquement le résultat de la migration d'un signal sous-échantillonné dans le cas d'un réflecteur simple. Ce calcul montre que la partie correctement échantillonnée du signal est focalisée par la migration, tandis que la partie repliée est étalée. Nous en déduirons une méthode de compensation du repliement fondée sur la cohérence spatiale du signal. Cette compensation - partielle - se fait au détriment du rapport signal sur bruit et peut générer des fantômes. Nous discuterons les différents aspects de cette nouvelle méthode: des simulations permettront de caractériser les performances de la méthode. Nous appliquerons l'estimation de l'ondelette et la migration aux signaux réels acquis en Antarctique par le radar géophysique développé pour la mission spatiale Mars'98

    Revealing the properties of Chuyurmov-Gerasimenko's shallow sub-surface through CONSERT's measurements at grazing angles

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    International audienceThe aim of the Comet Nucleus Sounding Experiment by Radiowave Transmission (CONSERT) is the characterization of the inner structure and electrical properties of the Chuyurmov-Gerasimenko's nucleus. The instrument will sound the comet's nucleus between the lander Philae at the comet's surface and the Rosetta main spacecraft. A coarse three-dimensional model of the complex dielectric permittivity inside the nucleus will be reconstructed from the whole set of data obtained during the first science phase [3]. The work presented here show how a limited set of data acquired at grazing angles during a single low altitude fly-by can be used to characterize the shallow sub-surface of the nucleus. The study is based on simulated data obtained by two different electromagnetic models: the accurate pseudo spectral time-domain method and a much faster ray-based approximation taking into account material and path-loss

    La dépression : en savoir plus pour en sortir

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    http://www.info-depression.fr/dist/_doc/DEPRESSION_LIVRET.pdfLivret d'information de la campagne nationale d'information INPES 200

    Síndrome HELLP: Relato de caso

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    A síndrome HELLP (H = hemolysis; EL = elevated liver enzymes; LP = low plaquets) corresponde a uma complicação grave da Pré Eclâmpsia (PE), em que há por definição hemólise, aumento de enzimas hepáticas e plaquetopenia. O único tratamento definitivo dessa desordem é a resolução do quadro gestacional. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de síndrome HELLP, bem como as condutas realizadas frente ao diagnóstico. Relato de Caso: MESR, 29 anos, G2P1A0; um parto cesáreo há 4 anos. Idade gestacional 34 semanas e 2 dias, procurou atendimento médico no pronto socorro do HUSF com queixas de cefaleia, escotomas cintilantes e epigastralgia iniciados há 3 dias. Os exames solicitados indicaram plaquetopenia (32 mil/mm³), sem alteração do coagulograma, hemoglobina (Hb) 10,8 mg/dL, ureia (Ur) 121 e creatinina (Cr) 6,2; TGO 102 UI/L e TGP 189 UI/L, fosfatase alcalina 290 UI/L, sem aumento da bilirrubina total e frações. A desidrogenase láctica (LDH) era de 2845 UI/L. Depois de três dias em leito de terapia intensiva a paciente foi transferida a enfermaria de obstetrícia, onde foi acompanhada até normalização dos escores renais, das enzimas hepáticas, da anemia e plaquetopenia e queda de LDH. A paciente teve alta hospitalar no 11º dia de internação hospitalar, sendo encaminhada ao ambulatório de obstetrícia para acompanhamento médico. A anemia hemolítica microangiopática é o principal marco da síndrome HELLP, se deve às alterações no endotélio com depósitos de fibrina. A elevação das enzimas hepáticas ocorre pela deposição de fibrina nos sinusóides hepáticos culminando em congestão podendo evoluir para necrose do parênquima peri-portal. A plaquetopenia se dá pelo aumento de seu consumo. Com o endotélio lesionado há maior ativação e adesão plaquetária. Na síndrome HELLP há valores de plaquetas ≤ 100.000/mm³. A paciente no momento da admissão apresentou resultados laboratoriais que classificaram o quadro como HELLP completa ou HELLP classe 1, levando à intervenção e tratamento imediatos


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    doi: 10.12957/geouerj.2016.15679   This article is part of an plan and process that is to investigate the impact of the geographical representations, valued about the Transamazônica highway, beyond, which the effect of this representation, for both the Transamazônica places in Pará (Brazil), as to the knowledge propagated by the geography about these places, on the level of basic education, thought as geopolitical. Our goal is to discuss the relationship between the knowledge propagated by textbooks signed by geographers and their approach by the Amazonia space in general and the Transamazonic space in specific, confronted such knowledge with the geograficity places, to understanding the distance between representation and geographic reality. Starting from space as a phenomenon of existence, methodologically, we developed a literature search of the textbooks and a participatory research, still in process, on the cities of Pacajá and Anapu (Pará), crossed by Transamazônica. As conclusion, we observed the common sense scholar, that impoverishes geographically representations of the Transamazônica and, even criticizing the geopolitical which deprived men and women who live in Transamazônica region, ends up refine such impoverishment, killing the real in favor of a scientific representation that justifies persistent worldviews about the Amazon space

    The Juventas CubeSat in Support of ESA\u27s Hera Mission to the Asteroid Didymos

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    The European Space Agency’s planetary defense Hera mission will launch to the Didymos binary asteroid system in 2023 (with bodies nicknamed Didymain and Didymoon). Once in vicinity of the asteroid, two 6U CubeSats will be deployed to contribute to the asteroid research and mitigation assessment objectives of the Hera mission. This paperwill describe the Juventas CubeSat, equipped with a low frequency radar payload to characterize the internal structure of Didymoon. Juventas is designed to be operated using the Hera mothercraft as a proxy. This mission architecture creates a new paradigm for CubeSats, requiring high levels of mission autonomy while operating in the challenging environment of a small-body binary asteroid. Juventas will utilize the inter-satellite link to Hera for performing radio science experiments, augmenting the characterization of the asteroid gravity field. Once the radar science and radio science observation objectives have been met, Juventas will perform an attempted landing on the surface of Didymoon to research its dynamical properties

    The <i>Castalia</i> mission to Main Belt Comet 133P/Elst-Pizarro

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    We describe Castalia, a proposed mission to rendezvous with a Main Belt Comet (MBC), 133P/Elst-Pizarro. MBCs are a recently discovered population of apparently icy bodies within the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, which may represent the remnants of the population which supplied the early Earth with water. Castalia will perform the first exploration of this population by characterising 133P in detail, solving the puzzle of the MBC’s activity, and making the first in situ measurements of water in the asteroid belt. In many ways a successor to ESA’s highly successful Rosetta mission, Castalia will allow direct comparison between very different classes of comet, including measuring critical isotope ratios, plasma and dust properties. It will also feature the first radar system to visit a minor body, mapping the ice in the interior. Castalia was proposed, in slightly different versions, to the ESA M4 and M5 calls within the Cosmic Vision programme. We describe the science motivation for the mission, the measurements required to achieve the scientific goals, and the proposed instrument payload and spacecraft to achieve these

    The WISDOM Radar: Unveiling the Subsurface Beneath the ExoMars Rover and Identifying the Best Locations for Drilling

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    The search for evidence of past or present life on Mars is the principal objective of the 2020 ESA-Roscosmos ExoMars Rover mission. If such evidence is to be found anywhere, it will most likely be in the subsurface, where organic molecules are shielded from the destructive effects of ionizing radiation and atmospheric oxidants. For this reason, the ExoMars Rover mission has been optimized to investigate the subsurface to identify, understand, and sample those locations where conditions for the preservation of evidence of past life are most likely to be found. The Water Ice Subsurface Deposit Observation on Mars (WISDOM) ground-penetrating radar has been designed to provide information about the nature of the shallow subsurface over depth ranging from 3 to 10 m (with a vertical resolution of up to 3 cm), depending on the dielectric properties of the regolith. This depth range is critical to understanding the geologic evolution stratigraphy and distribution and state of subsurface H2O, which provide important clues in the search for life and the identification of optimal drilling sites for investigation and sampling by the Rover's 2-m drill. WISDOM will help ensure the safety and success of drilling operations by identification of potential hazards that might interfere with retrieval of subsurface samples