275 research outputs found

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    Binning is sinning: morphological light-curve distortions due to finite integration time

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    We explore how finite integration times or equivalently temporal binning induces morphological distortions to the transit light-curve. These distortions, if uncorrected for, lead to the retrieval of erroneous system parameters and may even lead to some planetary candidates being rejected as ostensibly unphysical. We provide analytic expressions for estimating the disturbance to the various light-curve parameters as a function of the integration time. These effects are particularly crucial in light of the long-cadence photometry often used for discovering new exoplanets by, for example, Convection Rotation and Planetary Transits (COROT) and the Kepler Mission (8.5 and 30 min). One of the dominant effects of long integration times is a systematic underestimation of the light-curve-derived stellar density, which has significant ramifications for transit surveys. We present a discussion of numerical integration techniques to compensate for the effects and produce expressions to quickly estimate the errors of such techniques, as a function of integration time and numerical resolution. This allows for an economic choice of resolution before attempting fits of long-cadence light-curves. We provide a comparison of the short- and long-cadence light-curves of TrES-2b and show that the retrieved transit parameters are consistent using the techniques discussed here.Comment: Long delayed upload of the MNRAS accepted version, 10 pages, 3 figure

    Theoretical Transmission Spectra During Extrasolar Giant Planet Transits

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    The recent transit observation of HD 209458 b - an extrasolar planet orbiting a sun-like star - confirmed that it is a gas giant and determined that its orbital inclination is 85 degrees. This inclination makes possible investigations of the planet atmosphere. In this paper we discuss the planet transmission spectra during a transit. The basic tenet of the method is that the planet atmosphere absorption features will be superimposed on the stellar flux as the stellar flux passes through the planet atmosphere above the limb. The ratio of the planet's transparent atmosphere area to the star area is small, approximately 10^{-3} to 10^{-4}; for this method to work very strong planet spectral features are necessary. We use our models of close-in extrasolar giant planets to estimate promising absorption signatures: the alkali metal lines, in particular the Na I and K I resonance doublets, and the He I 23S2^3S - 23P2^3P triplet line at 1083.0 nm. If successful, observations will constrain the line-of-sight temperature, pressure, and density. The most important point is that observations will constrain the cloud depth, which in turn will distinguish between different atmosphere models. We also discuss the potential of this method for EGPs at different orbital distances and orbiting non-solar-type stars.Comment: revised to agree with accepted paper, ApJ, in press. 12 page

    Evolution of "51Peg b-like" Planets

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    About one-quarter of the extrasolar giant planets discovered so far have orbital distances smaller than 0.1 AU. These ``51Peg b-like'' planets can now be directly characterized, as shown by the planet transiting in front the star HD209458. We review the processes that affect their evolution. We apply our work to the case of HD209458b, whose radius has been recently measured. We argue that its radius can be reproduced only when the deep atmosphere is assumed to be unrealistically hot. When using more realistic atmospheric temperatures, an energy source appears to be missing in order to explain HD209458b's large size. The most likely source of energy available is not in the planet's spin or orbit, but in the intense radiation received from the parent star. We show that the radius of HD209458b can be reproduced if a small fraction (~1%) of the stellar flux is transformed into kinetic energy in the planetary atmosphere and subsequently converted to thermal energy by dynamical processes at pressures of tens of bars.Comment: 11 pages including 9 figures. A&A, in press. Also available at http://www.obs-nice.fr/guillot/pegasi-planets

    Nightside Pollution of Exoplanet Transit Depths

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    Out of the known transiting extrasolar planets, the majority are gas giants orbiting their host star at close proximity. Both theoretical and observational studies support the hypothesis that such bodies emit significant amounts of flux relative to the host star, increasing towards infrared wavelengths. For the dayside of the exoplanet, this phenomenon typically permits detectable secondary eclipses at such wavelengths, which may be used to infer atmospheric composition. In this paper, we explore the effects of emission from the nightside of the exoplanet on the primary transit lightcurve, which is essentially a self-blend. Allowing for nightside emission, an exoplanet's transit depth is no longer exclusively a function of the ratio-of-radii. The nightside of an exoplanet is emitting flux and the contrast to the star's emission is of the order of ~10^(-3) for hot-Jupiters. Consequently, we show that the transit depth in the mid-infrared will be attenuated due to flux contribution from the nightside emission by ~10^(-4). We show how this effect can be compensated for in the case where exoplanet phase curves have been measured, in particular for HD 189733b. For other systems, it may be possible to make a first-order correction by using temperature estimates of the planet. Unless the effect is accounted for, transmission spectra will also be polluted by nightside emission and we estimate that a Spitzer broadband spectrum on a bright target is altered at the 1-sigma level. Using archived Spitzer measurements, we show that the effect respectively increases the 8.0um and 24.0um transit depths by 1-sigma and 0.5-sigma per transit for HD 189733b. Consequently, we estimate that this would be 5-10 sigma effect for near-future JWST observations.Comment: Accepted in MNRA

    Atmospheric Circulation and Tides of "51Peg b-like" Planets

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    We examine the properties of the atmospheres of extrasolar giant planets at orbital distances smaller than 0.1 AU from their stars. We show that these ``51Peg b-like'' planets are rapidly synchronized by tidal interactions, but that small departures from synchronous rotation can occur because of fluid-dynamical torques within these planets. Previous radiative-transfer and evolution models of such planets assume a homogeneous atmosphere. Nevertheless, we show using simple arguments that, at the photosphere, the day-night temperature difference and characteristic wind speeds may reach ~500 K and ~2 km/s, respectively. Substantial departures from chemical equilibrium are expected. The cloud coverage depends sensitively on the dynamics; clouds could exist predominantly either on the dayside or nightside, depending on the circulation regime. Radiative-transfer models that assume homogeneous conditions are therefore inadequate in describing the atmospheric properties of 51Peg b-like planets. We present preliminary three-dimensional, nonlinear simulations of the atmospheric circulation of HD209458b that indicate plausible patterns for the circulation and generally agree with our simpler estimates. Furthermore, we show that kinetic energy production in the atmosphere can lead to the deposition of substantial energy in the interior, with crucial consequences for the evolution of these planets. Future measurements of reflected and thermally-emitted radiation from these planets will help test our ideas.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. A&A, in press. Also available at http://www.obs-nice.fr/guillot/pegasi-planets

    A Time-Dependent Radiative Model of HD209458b

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    We present a time-dependent radiative model of the atmosphere of HD209458b and investigate its thermal structure and chemical composition. In a first step, the stellar heating profile and radiative timescales were calculated under planet-averaged insolation conditions. We find that 99.99% of the incoming stellar flux has been absorbed before reaching the 7 bar level. Stellar photons cannot therefore penetrate deeply enough to explain the large radius of the planet. We derive a radiative time constant which increases with depth and reaches about 8 hr at 0.1 bar and 2.3 days at 1 bar. Time-dependent temperature profiles were also calculated, in the limit of a zonal wind that is independent on height (i.e. solid-body rotation) and constant absorption coefficients. We predict day-night variations of the effective temperature of \~600 K, for an equatorial rotation rate of 1 km/s, in good agreement with the predictions by Showman &Guillot (2002). This rotation rate yields day-to-night temperature variations in excess of 600 K above the 0.1-bar level. These variations rapidly decrease with depth below the 1-bar level and become negligible below the ~5--bar level for rotation rates of at least 0.5 km/s. At high altitudes (mbar pressures or less), the night temperatures are low enough to allow sodium to condense into Na2S. Synthetic transit spectra of the visible Na doublet show a much weaker sodium absorption on the morning limb than on the evening limb. The calculated dimming of the sodium feature during planetary transites agrees with the value reported by Charbonneau et al. (2002).Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, replaced with the revised versio

    Phase light curves for extrasolar Jupiters and Saturns

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    We predict how a remote observer would see the brightness variations of giant planets similar to Jupiter and Saturn as they orbit their central stars. We model the geometry of Jupiter, Saturn and Saturn's rings for varying orbital and viewing parameters. Scattering properties for the planets and rings at wavelenghts 0.6-0.7 microns follow Pioneer and Voyager observations, namely, planets are forward scattering and rings are backward scattering. Images of the planet with or without rings are simulated and used to calculate the disk-averaged luminosity varying along the orbit, that is, a light curve is generated. We find that the different scattering properties of Jupiter and Saturn (without rings) make a substantial difference in the shape of their light curves. Saturn-size rings increase the apparent luminosity of the planet by a factor of 2-3 for a wide range of geometries. Rings produce asymmetric light curves that are distinct from the light curve of the planet without rings. If radial velocity data are available for the planet, the effect of the ring on the light curve can be distinguished from effects due to orbital eccentricity. Non-ringed planets on eccentric orbits produce light curves with maxima shifted relative to the position of the maximum planet's phase. Given radial velocity data, the amount of the shift restricts the planet's unknown orbital inclination and therefore its mass. Combination of radial velocity data and a light curve for a non-ringed planet on an eccentric orbit can also be used to constrain the surface scattering properties of the planet. To summarize our results for the detectability of exoplanets in reflected light, we present a chart of light curve amplitudes of non-ringed planets for different eccentricities, inclinations, and the viewing azimuthal angles of the observer.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Ap.

    A new powerful method for probing the atmospheres of transiting exoplanets

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    Although atmospheric transmission spectroscopy of HD209458b with the Hubble Space Telescope has been very successful, attempts to detect its atmospheric absorption features using ground-based telescopes have so far been fruitless. Here we present a new method for probing the atmospheres of transiting exoplanets which may be more suitable for ground-based observations, making use of the Rossiter effect. During a transit, an exoplanet sequentially blocks off light from the approaching and receding parts of the rotating star, causing an artificial radial velocity wobble. The amplitude of this signal is directly proportional to the effective size of the transiting object, and the wavelength dependence of this effect can reveal atmospheric absorption features, in a similar way as with transmission spectroscopy. The advantage of this method over conventional atmospheric transmission spectroscopy is that it does not rely on accurate photometric comparisons of observations on and off transit, but instead depends on the relative velocity shifts of individual stellar absorption lines within the same on-transit spectra. We used an archival VLT/UVES data set to apply this method to HD209458. The amplitude of the Rossiter effect is shown to be 1.7+-1.2 m/sec higher in the Sodium D lines than in the weighted average of all other absorption lines in the observed wavelength range, corresponding to an increment of 4.3+-3% (1.4 sigma). The uncertainty in this measurement compares to a photometric accuracy of 5e-4 for conventional atmospheric transmission spectroscopy, more than an order of magnitude higher than previous attempts using ground-based telescopes. Observations specifically designed for this method could increase the accuracy further by a factor 2-3.Comment: LaTex, 5 pages, 4 figs; submitted to MNRAS Letter
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