64 research outputs found

    Dispersal of Egyptian Vultures Neophron percnopterus: the first case of long-distance relocation of an individual from France to Sicily.

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    Knowledge of juvenile dispersal is important for understanding population dynamics and for effective conservation, particularly of geographically isolated raptor populations. Here, we report the first documented case of a long-distance movement of an Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus from the French population to Sicily. This observation opens a new perspective for the conservation of the small and endangered Sicilian population of this species, providing evidence that persistence of the Italian population may be aided by new input from other countries

    Double di ffential fragmentation cross sections measurements of 95 MeV/u 12C on thin targets for hadrontherapy

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    During therapeutic treatment with heavy ions like carbon, the beam undergoes nuclear fragmentation and secondary light charged particles, in particular protons and alpha particles, are produced. To estimate the dose deposited into the tumors and the surrounding healthy tissues, an accurate prediction on the fluences of these secondary fragments is necessary. Nowadays, a very limited set of double di ffential carbon fragmentation cross sections are being measured in the energy range used in hadrontherapy (40 to 400 MeV/u). Therefore, new measurements are performed to determine the double di ffential cross section of carbon on di erent thin targets. This work describes the experimental results of an experiment performed on May 2011 at GANIL. The double di ffential cross sections and the angular distributions of secondary fragments produced in the 12C fragmentation at 95 MeV/u on thin targets (C, CH2, Al, Al2O3, Ti and PMMA) have been measured. The experimental setup will be precisely described, the systematic error study will be explained and all the experimental data will be presented.Comment: Submitted to PR

    A large-solid-angle X-ray Raman scattering spectrometer at ID20 of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

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    An end-station for X-ray Raman scattering spectroscopy at beamline ID20 of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility is described. This end-station is dedicated to the study of shallow core electronic excitations using non-resonant inelastic X-ray scattering. The spectrometer has 72 spherically bent analyzer crystals arranged in six modular groups of 12 analyzer crystals each for a combined maximum flexibility and large solid angle of detection. Each of the six analyzer modules houses one pixelated area detector allowing for X-ray Raman scattering based imaging and efficient separation of the desired signal from the sample and spurious scattering from the often used complicated sample environments. This new end-station provides an unprecedented instrument for X-ray Raman scattering, which is a spectroscopic tool of great interest for the study of low-energy X-ray absorption spectra in materials under insitu conditions, such as inoperando batteries and fuel cells, insitu catalytic reactions, and extreme pressure and temperature conditions.Peer reviewe

    Real time monitoring of the Bragg-peak position in ion therapy by means of single photon detection

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    For real-time monitoring of the longitudinal position of the Bragg-peak during an ion therapy treatment, a novel non-invasive technique has been recently proposed that exploits the detection of prompt -rays issued from nuclear fragmentation. Two series of experiments have been performed at the GANIL and GSI facilities with 95 MeV/u and 305 MeV/u 12C6+ ion beams stopped in PMMA and water phantoms. In both experiments a clear correlation was obtained between the carbon ion range and the prompt photon profile. Additionally, an extensive study has been performed to investigate whether a prompt neutron component may be correlated with the carbon ion range. No such correlation was found. The present paper demonstrates that a collimated set-up can be used to detect single photons by means of time-of-flight measurements, at those high energies typical for ion therapy. Moreover, the applicability of the technique both at cyclotron and synchrotron facilities is shown. It is concluded that the detected photon count rates provide sufficiently high statistics to allow real-time control of the longitudinal position of the Bragg-peak under clinical conditions

    A high-energy-resolution resonant inelastic X-ray scattering spectrometer at ID20 of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

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    An end-station for resonant inelastic X-ray scattering and (resonant) X-ray emission spectroscopy at beamline ID20 of ESRF - The European Synchrotron is presented. The spectrometer hosts five crystal analysers in Rowland geometry for large solid angle collection and is mounted on a rotatable arm for scattering in both the horizontal and vertical planes. The spectrometer is optimized for high-energy-resolution applications, including partial fluorescence yield or high-energy-resolution fluorescence detected X-ray absorption spectroscopy and the study of elementary electronic excitations in solids. In addition, it can be used for non-resonant inelastic X-ray scattering measurements of valence electron excitations.An end-station for resonant inelastic X-ray scattering at beamline ID20 of ESRF - The European Synchrotron is described. The spectrometer is optimized for high-energy-resolution applications, including partial fluorescence yield or high-energy-resolution fluorescence detected X-ray absorption spectroscopy and the study of elementary electronic excitations in solids

    Low evidence for extra-pair fertilizations in two reintroduced populations of Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)

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    The Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) is considered to be socially monogamous. However, extra-pair fertilizations are suspected due to observations of extra-pair copulations in some populations. We performed parentage studies based on ten polymorphic microsatellite markers in two reintroduced colonies of Griffon Vulture. Out of 40 genotyped chicks, we found eight chicks whose genotypes mismatched those of their observed parents. Two could be explained by the occurrence of a null allele at one locus. The six remaining mismatches detected relied on mismatches at one locus, and they were not detected when we increased the potential genotyping error rate. We thus conclude that the Griffon Vulture is genetically monogamous, at least in low-density populations.

    Repeated failures of the giant Beshkiol Landslide and their impact on the long-term Naryn Basin floodings, Kyrgyz Tien Shan

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    International audienceLandslides are major hazards that lead to cataclysmic changes in regional physiography. Their consequences are particularly significant when they affect a river system, forming dammed-lake upstream that represents a high flood threat for the downstream region. The Naryn River is the largest river in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan and is of great economic importance. The Beshkiol Landslide, the largest one in Central Asia but of unknown age, has most likely blocked the Naryn River in the past during the Late Pleistocene, with evidence of thick lacustrine deposits as well as numerous paleo-shorelines preserved upstream. In this study, a detailed geomorphological and sedimentological analysis combined with luminescence and 14C dating provides a strong chronological framework to refine the dynamics between the Beshkiol landslides and dammed-lakes in the Naryn Basin. We propose that the Beshkiol Landslide was first triggered 51.9 ± 4.4 kyrs ago, with a 410 m-high dam that blocked the Naryn River. A first lake with a total volume of 121 ± 50 km3 lasted for >37.0 ± 5.1 kyrs, one of the longest landslide-dammed lake residence time ever documented in the world. Our sedimentological observations highlight a catastrophic lake outburst flood between 15.6 and 14.1 kyrs cal BP, likely related to a landslide dam breach. A short-lived phase of fluvial erosion impacted the whole Naryn Basin followed by a second landslide activation (280 m- high dam) and subsequent flooding by a second lake of 27 ± 10 km3. This second lake had a minimum residence time of 7.7 ± 1.3 kyrs before its final gradual drainage that was followed by a fluvial erosional phase still active today in the Naryn Basin. We also suggest that the distal unconsolidated part of the Beshkiol Landslide could be remobilized in the event of an earthquake and/or extreme rain episode, causing a potentially dam of the Naryn River, which would have strong regional economic impacts

    Bulk electronic properties of V2O3 probed by hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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    We have measured bulk sensitive photoemission spectra of pure vanadium sesquioxide (V2O3) in its metallic phase as a function of different surface preparations. We observe the presence of a clear coherent peak in the vicinity of the Fermi level and of satellites intensities at the V 2p core level. After scraping, the coherent intensities are almost completely suppressed in both core level and valence band. Our results suggest a remarkable change of the screening properties in strongly correlated systems when going from the surface to the volume

    Bulk electronic properties of V2O3 probed by hard X-ray photoelectron spectrosscopy

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    We have measured bulk sensitive photoemission spectra of pure vanadium sesquioxide (V2O3) in its metallic phase as a function of different surface preparations. We observe the presence of a clear coherent peak in the vicinity of the Fermi level and of satellites intensities at the V 2p core level. After scraping, the coherent intensities are almost completely suppressed in both core level and valence band. Our results suggest a remarkable change of the screening properties in strongly correlated systems when going from the surface to the volume
