438 research outputs found

    Ilustração. Imagem da Modernidade em Portugal = Ilustración. Imagen de la modernidad en Portugal

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    [por] Este trabalho investiga a relação entre a imagem ilustrada e a experiência da modernidade. Nas margens da arte da gravura e de uma nova matriz industrial, a imagem ilustrada torna visível um espectro social abrangente e participa na formação de novos sujeitos da política e da esfera pública. É também uma forma atravessada por impulsos contraditórios — pelo humor e pelo pendor científico; pela visão atomizada e pela produção de séries que procuram recodificar a sociedade. A investigação de imagens recreativas e instrutivas, retratos fisiológicos e carica­turas, publicadas sobretudo na imprensa ilustrada do século XIX, internacional e portuguesa, permite entender melhor as representações políticas que emergem com a dissolução da ideia de soberania do Antigo Regime.[eng] This paper investigates the relationship between the illustrated image and the experience of mo­dernity. In the cross-line between an industrial matrix and the art of engraving, illustration gives visibility to a comprehensive social spectrum and participates in the formation of new subjects of politics and the public sphere. It is also a media touched by contradictory impulses — humor and scientific bias; atomized vision and production of series, aiming to recode society. The investigation of recreational and instructional images, physiological portraits and caricatures, published mainly in the illustrated press of the nineteenth century (in Portugal and abroad), will allow a better understanding of the political representations that emerge with the dissolution of the Ancient Regime’s idea of sovereignty .[spa] Este trabajo investiga la relación entre la imagen ilustrada y la experiencia de la modernidad. En los márgenes del arte del grabado y de una nueva matriz de producción industrial, la imagen ilustrada dota de visibilidad a un espectro social amplio y participa en la formación de nuevos sujetos de la política y de la esfera pública. Es también una forma atravesada por impulsos contradictorios: el humor y una cierta inclinación científica, una visión atomizada y la producción de series que buscan recodificar la sociedad. La investigación de imágenes recreativas e instructivas, retratos fisiológicos y caricaturas, publicadas sobre todo en la prensa ilustrada del siglo XIX, internacional y portuguesa, permite entender mejor las representaciones políticas que emergen con la disolución de la idea de soberanía del Antiguo Régimen

    Capture and analysis of the NFS workload of an ISP email service

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    Tese de mestrado Segurança Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2009Os objectivos desta tese são capturar a carga de comandos NFS de um serviço de email de um provedor de Internet, converter a captura para um formato mais flexível, e analisar as características do mesmo. Até ao momento, nenhum outro trabalho publicado, analisou a carga de comandos de um serviço de email de um provedor de Internet. Um novo estudo, irá ajudar a compreender qual o impacto das diferenças na carga de comandos de um sistema de ficheiros de rede, e o que caracteriza a carga de comandos de um sistema de email real. A captura será analisada, de forma a encontrar novas propriedades que futuros sistemas de ficheiros poderão suportar ou explorar. Nesta tese, fazemos uma análise exaustiva de como capturar altos débitos de tráfego, que envolve vários desafios. Identificamos os problemas encontrados e explicamos como contornar esses problemas. Devido ao elevado tamanho da captura e devido ao espaço limitado de armazenamento disponível, precisámos de converter a captura para um formato mais compacto e flexível, de forma a podermos fazer uma análise de forma eficiente. Descrevemos os desafios para analisar grandes volumes de dados e quais as técnicas utilizadas. Visto que a captura contém dados sensíveis das caixas de correio dos utilizadores, tivemos que anonimizar a captura. Descrevemos que dados têm de ser anonimizados de forma a disponibilizarmos a captura gratuitamente. Também analisamos a captura e demonstramos as características únicas da captura estudada, tais como a natureza periódica da actividade do sistema de ficheiros, a distribuição de tamanhos de todos os ficheiros acedidos, a sequencialidade dos dados acedidos e os tipos de anexos mais comuns numa típica caixa de correio.The aims of this thesis are to capture a real-world NFS workload of an ISP email service, convert the traces to a more useful and flexible format and analyze the characteristics of the workload. No published work has ever analyzed a large-scale, real-world ISP email workload. A new study will help to understand how these changes impact network file system workloads and what characterizes a real-world email workload. Storage traces are analyzed to find properties that future systems should support or exploit. In this thesis, we provide an in-depth explanation of how we were able to capture high data rates, which involves several challenges. We identify the bottlenecks faced and explain how we circumvented them. Due to the large size of the captured workload and limited available storage, we needed to convert the traces to a more compact and flexible format so we could further analyze the workload in an efficient manner. We describe the challenges of analyzing large datasets and the techniques that were used. Since the workload contains sensitive information about the mailboxes, we had to anonymize the workload. We will describe what needed to be anonymized and how it was done. This was an important step to get permission from the ISP to publish the anonymized traces, which will be available for free download. We also performed several analyses that demonstrate unique characteristics of the studied workload, such as the periodic nature of file system activity, the file size distribution for all accessed files, the sequentiality of accessed data, and the most common type of attachments found in a typical mailbox

    Probabilistic SynSet Based Concept Location

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    Concept location is a common task in program comprehension techniques, essential in many approaches used for software care and software evolution. An important goal of this process is to discover a mapping between source code and human oriented concepts. Although programs are written in a strict and formal language, natural language terms and sentences like identifiers (variables or functions names), constant strings or comments, can still be found embedded in programs. Using terminology concepts and natural language processing techniques these terms can be exploited to discover clues about which real world concepts source code is addressing. This work extends symbol tables build by compilers with ontology driven constructs, extends synonym sets defined by linguistics, with automatically created Probabilistic SynSets from software domain parallel corpora. And using a relational algebra, creates semantic bridges between program elements and human oriented concepts, to enhance concept location tasks

    Energy Assessment of a Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion Management System

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    Plug-In hybrid vehicles have a complex propulsion system management, trying to manage the conventional and electric motorization in the most energy efficient way according to the driving dynamics, topography and battery charge state. In this sense, the aim of this work is to analyze the energy performance of plug-in hybrid vehicles, based on road tests, under real conditions of use, focusing on the management system of the two energy sources present, varying the level of battery charge at the start of the test to visualize the impact of this change. To complement the analysis and in order to better understand the operation of the management system, a methodology for applying the VSP parameter is used, which allows the load state to be approximated according to the vehicle’s operating mode, alternating between the three modes according to the conditions at the time in question, prioritizing the electric motor when the state of charge of the battery is maximum. These results confirm the fact that plug-in hybrid vehicles allow better electricity management due to the diversity of external or internal charging sources, which makes this type of vehicle more efficient and versatile than conventional hybrids, allowing a reduction in fossil fuel consumption and consequently a reduction in the emission of pollutant gases, making this type of vehicle a very competitive alternative in the transport sector in view of the current challenges due to the goals present in the current European regulations. Keywords: Plug-in hybrid vehicles, Energy assessment, Climatization systems, Load support, State of charg

    Configuração automática de plataforma de gestão de desempenho em ambientes NFV e SDN

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaWith 5G set to arrive within the next three years, this next-generation of mobile networks will transform the mobile industry with a profound impact both on its customers as well as on the existing technologies and network architectures. Software-Defined Networking (SDN), together with Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), are going to play key roles for the operators as they prepare the migration from 4G to 5G allowing them to quickly scale their networks. This dissertation will present a research work done on this new paradigm of virtualized and programmable networks focusing on the performance management, supervision and monitoring domains, aiming to address Self-Organizing Networks (SON) scenarios in a NFV/SDN context, with one of the scenarios being the detection and prediction of potential network and service anomalies. The research work itself was done while participating in a R&D project designated SELFNET (A Framework for Self-Organized Network Management in Virtualized and Software Defined Networks) funded by the European Commission under the H2020 5G-PPP programme, with Altice Labs being one of the participating partners of this project. Performance management system advancements in a 5G scenario require aggregation, correlation and analysis of data gathered from these virtualized and programmable network elements. Both opensource monitoring tools and customized catalog-driven tools were either integrated on or developed with this purpose, and the results show that they were able to successfully address these requirements of the SELFNET project. Current performance management platforms of the network operators in production are designed for non virtualized (non- NFV) and non programmable (non-SDN) networks, and the knowledge gathered while doing this research work allowed Altice Labs to understand how its Altaia performance management platform must evolve in order to be prepared for the upcoming 5G next generation mobile networks.Com o 5G prestes a chegar nos próximos três anos, esta próxima geração de redes móveis irá transformar a indústria de telecomunicações móveis com um impacto profundo nos seus clientes assim como nas tecnologias e arquiteturas de redes. As redes programáveis (SDN), em conjunto com a virtualização de funções de rede (NFV), irão desempenhar papéis vitais para as operadoras na sua migração do 4G para o 5G, permitindo-as escalar as suas redes rapidamente. Esta dissertação irá apresentar um trabalho de investigação realizado sobre este novo paradigma de virtualização e programação de redes, concentrando-se no domínio da gestão de desempenho, supervisionamento e monitoria, abordando cenários de redes auto-organizadas (SON) num contexto NFV/SDN, sendo um destes cenários a deteção e predição de potenciais anomalias de redes e serviços. O trabalho de investigação foi enquadrado num projeto de I&D designado SELFNET (A Framework for Self-Organized Network Management in Virtualized and Software Defined Networks) financiado pela Comissão Europeia no âmbito do programa H2020 5G-PPP, sendo a Altice Labs um dos parceiros participantes deste projeto. Avanços em sistemas de gestão de desempenho em cenários 5G requerem agregação, correlação e análise de dados recolhidos destes elementos de rede programáveis e virtualizados. Ferramentas de monitoria open-source e ferramentas catalog-driven foram integradas ou desenvolvidas com este propósito, e os resultados mostram que estas preencheram os requisitos do projeto SELFNET com sucesso. As plataformas de gestão de desempenho das operadoras de rede atualmente em produção estão concebidas para redes não virtualizadas (non-NFV) e não programáveis (non- SDN), e o conhecimento adquirido durante este trabalho de investigação permitiu à Altice Labs compreender como a sua plataforma de gestão de desempenho (Altaia) terá que evoluir por forma a preparar-se para a próxima geração de redes móveis 5G

    Management accounting field lab - implementation of a balanced scorecard for the hybrid organization semear bipp

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    Throughout a 4-month period, a consulting project was developed with a Portuguese hybrid organization, Semear BIPP, which had the goal of assisting the organization in its managerial accounting challenges. To address those challenges, management accounting tools were developed in Microsoft Excel and are aimed at improving the organization’s decision-making process and performance measurement process. The present Work Project particularly describes the designing and implementation of one of those tools, the Balanced Scorecard. A strategy management framework which helps managers to effectively implement strategy by working as a communication, performance measurement and strategy management tool

    A costa algarvia três séculos depois - O olhar entre a Geografia e a História

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    O período moderno, no contexto europeu, foi caracterizado pela circulação de mestres e ideias em diversas áreas do saber. A arquitectura e a engenharia, em particular a engenharia militar, foram campos determinantes neste período, e Portugal desde cedo regista a presença de italianos, flamengos, franceses, entre outros, com uma clara influência na criação e execução de obras neste domínio. Por outro lado, foram também determinantes na formação de especialistas nacionais a nível da arquitectura, numa realidade geográfica que ultrapassou o contexto nacional. Se o século XVII ditou, por razões político-estratégicas, o reforço da fronteira seca, também existiram propostas para defesa da costa; no caso do Algarve, foram diversos os projectos que surgiram. Partindo de uma da proposta assinada por Mateus do Couto (sobrinho), em 1686, pertencente ao espólio da Biblioteca Pública de Évora, testa-se a aceitação canónica das regras de fortificação entre o Barlavento e Sotavento algarvios. Esta proposta apresenta ao mesmo tempo algumas particularidades da região ao nível da paisagem e da ocupação dos solos. O trabalho é desenvolvido nem contexto multidisciplinar, aproximando as áreas da Geografia, do Desenho, recorrendo ainda aos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. A localização e a conservação do património identificado, em conjunto com outros indicadores, podem servir para a compreensão a actual dinâmica do litoral do Algarve. Abstract:The modern period in Europe was characterized by the circulation of masters' and ideas in several areas of knowledge. The architecture and the engineering, particularly the military engineering, were determinative fields in this perspective, and, in Portugal, it is registered the presence of Italians, Flemish, Frenchmen, between others, with a clear influence in the creation and execution in this field, that were determinants to the formation of national masters in military Portuguese architecture, shaped in a space that exceeds the geographical context of Portugal. If, in the land plan, the XVII century meant the reinforcement of the frontiers, because of political raisons, we also have new plans of defence for the coast; in case of the Algarve, numerous projects and proposals appeared. It is from one of these proposals, signed by Mateus do Couto, in 1686, which makes part of the documentary estate of the Public Library of Evora, which we intend to test the canonical acceptance of the rules of fortifying between the lee and the windward from the Algarve. This proposal bequeathed, at the same time, excellent evidences of the region, particularly at the level of landscape and occupation of soils. The present work must be understood in a multidisciplinary approach between areas as Geography, Drawing and using also the Geographical Information System Tools. The location and the preservation of some of this built inheritance, with others indicators, are useful to understand is according the actual model of the coastal dynamic of the region

    Using Machine Learning for Vulnerability Detection and Classification

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    Psychosocial Development Research in Adolescence: a Scoping Review

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    Erikson’s psychosocial development is a well-known and sound framework for adolescent development. However, despite its importance in scientific literature, the scarcity of literature reviews on Erikson’s theory on adolescence calls for an up-todate systematization. Therefore, this study’s objectives are to understand the extent and nature of published research on Erikson’s psychosocial development in adolescence (10–19 years) in the last decade (2011–2020) and identify directions for meaningful research and intervention. A scoping review was conducted following Arksey and O’Malley’s framework, PRISMA-ScR guidelines, and a previous protocol, including a comprehensive search in eight databases. From 932 initial studies, 58 studies were selected. These studies highlighted the burgeoning research on Erikson’s approach, with a more significant representation of North American and European studies. The focus of most studies was on identity formation, presenting cross-cultural evidence of its importance in psychosocial development. Most of the studies used quantitative designs presenting a high number of different measures. Regarding topics and variables, studies emphasized the critical role of identity in adolescents’ development and well-being and the relevance of supporting settings in psychosocial development. However, shortcomings were found regarding the study of online and school as privileged developmental settings for adolescents. Suggestions included the need to consider the process of identity formation in the context of lifespan development and invest in supporting adolescents’ identity formation. Overall, conclusions point out Erikson’s relevance in understanding adolescents’ current challenges while offering valuable research and intervention directions to enhance adolescent growth potential.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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