145 research outputs found

    Lapsen kouluakÀymÀttömyys koko perheen haasteena : Tutkielma perheiden koetusta tuentarpeesta vanhempien nÀkökulmasta

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    Tutkin pro gradu -tutkielmassani vanhempien kokemuksia perheen tuentarpeesta liittyen lapsen kouluakÀymÀttömyyteen. KouluakÀymÀttömyydellÀ tarkoitetaan lapsen tai nuoren haluttomuutta mennÀ kouluun. KouluakÀymÀttömyyden taustalla voi olla monenlaisia asioita, jotka vaikuttavat lapsen tai nuoren haluttomuuteen mennÀ kouluun. Olen tutkielmassani keskittynyt lapsen toiminnasta lÀhtöisin olevaan kouluakÀymÀttömyyteen ja sen vaikutuksiin vanhempien nÀkökulmasta. En tarkastele tÀssÀ tutkielmassa kouluakÀymÀttömyyttÀ, joka on lÀhtöisin esimerkiksi vanhemman tai koulun toiminnasta. Tutkielmani tutkimuskysymykset ovat: millaisia vaikutuksia lapsen kouluakÀymÀttömyydellÀ on perheen arkeen vanhemman nÀkökulmasta sekÀ millaisia tukitoimia tai palveluita vanhemmat kokevat perheen tarvitsevan lapsen kouluakÀymÀttömyyteen. Vastatakseni tutkimuskysymyksiini haastattelin viittÀ vanhempaa, joiden lapsilla oli kouluakÀymÀttömyyttÀ ja olivat olleet mukana Varsinais-Suomen lastensuojelujÀrjestöt ry:n Kotoa kouluun-hankkeessa. Vanhemmat kuvailivat tutkimuksessa, miten lapsen kouluakÀymÀttömyys nÀyttÀytyy perheen arjessa ja minkÀlaisia vaikutuksia sillÀ on arkeen. TÀmÀn lisÀksi vanhemmat toivat esille kokemuksiaan erilaisista tukitoimista, joita perheelle oli tarjottu sekÀ esittivÀt toiveita tarvittavalle tuelle. Haastatteluaineiston analyysiin hyödynsin laadullista sisÀllönanalyysiÀ, jonka avulla muodostin tekstimuotoisesta aineistosta tutkimuskysymyksieni kannalta keskeisiÀ kategorioita. Tulosteni mukaan lapsen kouluakÀymÀttömyys vaikuttaa laaja-alaisesti koko perheen arkeen niin lapsen kuin vanhemman. Tulosten mukaan kouluakÀymÀttömyys vaikutti vanhemman kuormittuneisuuteen, arjen aikatauluihin sekÀ perheen sisÀisiin vuorovaikutussuhteisiin. Tuloksista on huomattavissa vanhempien erilaisia kuvailuja palvelujÀrjestelmÀn onnistumisista sekÀ epÀonnistumisista kouluakÀymÀttömyyden ehkÀisyssÀ sekÀ perheen tukemisessa. Tuloksissa esille nousevat positiiviset kokemukset liittyivÀt vanhemman kokemuksiin siitÀ, ettÀ vanhempi oli saanut henkilökohtaista tukea tilanteessa. Negatiiviset kokemukset sen sijaan liittyivÀt pÀÀsÀÀntöisesti palvelujÀrjestelmÀn aiheuttamaan kuormitukseen perheessÀ. Tutkielmani perusteella voidaan sanoa, ettÀ palvelujÀrjestelmÀn tulee huomioida enenevÀssÀ mÀÀrin myös vanhempia, kun työskennellÀÀn lapsen kouluakÀymÀttömyyden problematiikan parissa. On yhteiskunnan velvollisuus tuottaa perheiden tuentarvetta vastaavia palveluita ja nÀitÀ kyseisiÀ palveluita voidaan kehittÀÀ kuuntelemalla palautetta niiden palveluiden kÀyttÀjiltÀ. Avainsanat: koulupoissaolot, kouluakÀymÀttömyys, sosiaalityö, palvelujÀrjestelm

    Evaluation of Teat Condition Using Liquid or Powder Dips in Winter

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    Objective of this study was to compares a 0.5% iodine aqueous teat dip vs 0.5% chlorhexidine gluconate powdered teat dip under winter conditions on overall teat end and teat skin condition and health. Under the conditions of this trial there were slight non-significant decreases in teat end condition associated with colder temperatures and temperature changes in both groups, with no differences between groups in TE change. Both groups saw some decreases in teat skin condition with powder dipped teats showing a 2 fold increased hazard of dry teat skin. Results of this trial show teat changes (skin and end condition) associated with cold temperature changes even under ideal (minimal wind) housing and different teat dips. Producers need to realize changes will occur, assess their own farm condition (housing, weather, wind) and be judicious in determining conditions requiring switches to winter dip products and practices

    On the Excitation of Double Giant Resonances in Heavy Ion Reactions

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    The interplay of nuclear and Coulomb processes in the inelastic excitation of single- and double-phonon giant resonances in heavy ion collisions is studied within a simple reaction model. Predominance of the Coulomb excitation mechanism on the population of the single-phonon and, on the contrary, predominance of the nuclear excitation for the double-phonon is evidenced. The effect of the spreading of the strength distribution of the giant resonances on the excitation process is analyzed, showing sizeable modifications in the case of Coulomb dominated processes.Comment: Accepten in Nuclear Physics A. 10 eps figures and source file in an uncompressed tar packag

    The Influence of Latent Viral Infection on Rate of Cognitive Decline over 4 Years

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    To examine whether cytomegalovirus (CMV) and herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) are associated with cognitive decline over a 4-year period and to assess whether C-reactive protein (CRP) modifies these relationships. DESIGN : Prospective cohort study over a 4-year period. SETTING : Community-dwelling elderly population. PARTICIPANTS : The sample was a subset (1,204/1,789) of participants in the Sacramento Area Latino Study on Aging (SALSA) aged 60 to 100. MEASUREMENTS : Participants were screened annually over a 4-year period for cognitive function and episodic memory. Cognitive function was assessed using the modified Mini-Mental State Examination, and episodic memory was assessed using a word list-learning test of delayed recall. Baseline serum samples were assayed for levels of immunoglobulin G antibodies to CMV and HSV-1 and for levels of CRP. RESULTS : There was a significantly higher rate of cognitive decline over the 4-year period in subjects with the highest CMV antibody levels at baseline than in individuals with the lowest levels (Β=−0.053, standard error =0.018; P =.003), after controlling for age, sex, education, income, and chronic health conditions. There was no association between HSV-1 antibody levels and cognitive decline. CRP did not modify the relationship between viral antibody levels and cognitive decline. CONCLUSION : This is the first study to show that individuals with higher levels of antibody to CMV experience a more-rapid rate of cognitive decline than those with lower levels. Understanding the mechanisms by which CMV influences cognition may aid development of intervention strategies targeting infection, viral reactivation, and immune response over the life course.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65686/1/j.1532-5415.2006.00796.x.pd

    Detection of amyloid beta aggregates in the brain of BALB/c mice after Chlamydia pneumoniae infection

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    Neuroinflammation, initiated by cerebral infection, is increasingly postulated as an aetiological factor in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We investigated whether Chlamydia pneumoniae (Cpn) infection results in extracellular aggregation of amyloid beta (AÎČ) in BALB/c mice. At 1 week post intranasal infection (p.i.), Cpn DNA was detected predominantly in the olfactory bulbs by PCR, whereas brains at 1 and 3 months p.i. were Cpn negative. At 1 and 3 months p.i., extracellular AÎČ immunoreactivity was detected in the brain of Cpn-infected mice but also in the brain of mock-infected mice and mice that were neither Cpn infected nor mock infected. However, these extracellular AÎČ aggregates showed morphological differences compared to extracellular AÎČ aggregates detected in the brain of transgenic APP751SL/PS1M146L mice. These data do not unequivocally support the hypothesis that Cpn infection induces the formation of AD-like AÎČ plaques in the brain of BALB/c mice, as suggested before. However, future studies are required to resolve these differences and to investigate whether Cpn is indeed an etiological factor in AD pathogenesis

    Antivirals Reduce the Formation of Key Alzheimer's Disease Molecules in Cell Cultures Acutely Infected with Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) afflicts around 20 million people worldwide and so there is an urgent need for effective treatment. Our research showing that herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) is a risk factor for AD for the brains of people who possess a specific genetic factor and that the virus causes accumulation of key AD proteins (ÎČ-amyloid (AÎČ) and abnormally phosphorylated tau (P-tau)), suggests that anti-HSV1 antiviral agents might slow AD progression. However, currently available antiviral agents target HSV1 DNA replication and so might be successful in AD only if AÎČ and P-tau accumulation depend on viral DNA replication. Therefore, we investigated firstly the stage(s) of the virus replication cycle required for AÎČ and P-tau accumulation, and secondly whether antiviral agents prevent these changes using recombinant strains of HSV1 that progress only partly through the replication cycle and antiviral agents that inhibit HSV1 DNA replication. By quantitative immunocytochemistry we demonstrated that entry, fusion and uncoating of HSV1, are insufficient to induce AÎČ and P-tau production. We showed also that none of the “immediate early” viral proteins is directly responsible, and that AÎČ and P-tau are produced at a subsequent stage of the HSV1 replication cycle. Importantly, the anti-HSV1 antiviral agents acyclovir, penciclovir and foscarnet reduced AÎČ and P-tau accumulation, as well as HSV1, with foscarnet being less effective in each case. P-tau accumulation was found to depend on HSV1 DNA replication, whereas AÎČ accumulation was not. The antiviral-induced decrease in AÎČ is attributable to the reduced number of new viruses, and hence the reduction in viral spread. Since antiviral agents reduce greatly AÎČ and P-tau accumulation in HSV1-infected cells, they would be suitable for treating AD with great advantage unlike current AD therapies, only the virus, not the host cell, would be targeted

    High-Coverage Whole-Exome Sequencing Identifies Candidate Genes for Suicide in Victims with Major Depressive Disorder

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    We carried out whole-exome ultra-high throughput sequencing in brain samples of suicide victims who had suffered from major depressive disorder and control subjects who had died from other causes. This study aimed to reveal the selective accumulation of rare variants in the coding and the UTR sequences within the genes of suicide victims. We also analysed the potential effect of STR and CNV variations, as well as the infection of the brain with neurovirulent viruses in this behavioural disorder. As a result, we have identified several candidate genes, among others three calcium channel genes that may potentially contribute to completed suicide. We also explored the potential implication of the TGF-ÎČ signalling pathway in the pathogenesis of suicidal behaviour. To our best knowledge, this is the first study that uses whole-exome sequencing for the investigation of suicide

    Öffentlichkeitsarbeit an Erziehungs- und Familienberatungsstellen - eine bundesweite Umfrage

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    1984 hatte der Autor wĂ€hrend der "Wissenschaftlichen Jahrestagung" der Bundeskonferenz fĂŒr Erziehungsberatung (BKfE) in Freiburg im Rahmen einer Arbeitsgruppe ein Referat ĂŒber die „lokale Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Familienberatungsstelle des Landkreises Freudenstadt" gehalten. Daraus ergab sich die Frage, wie andere Beratungsstellen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit betreiben und welchen Stellenwert sie der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit derzeit beimessen. Eine bundesweite Befragung aller Erziehungs- und Familienberatungsstellen (außer den Neben- und Außenstellen) sollte darĂŒber Aufschluß geben. 630 Stellen wurden angeschrieben, 320 Beratungsstellen sandten den Fragebogen zurĂŒck. Die Ergebnisse der Erhebung werden im einzelnen kurz angesprochen. Fazit der Umfrage: Das Interesse an Öffentlichkeitsarbeit ist in der Bundesrepublik gewachsen und kommt in der Forderung nach mehr PraxisnĂ€he und alltagsbezogenen AktivitĂ€ten der Beratungsstellen zum Ausdruck. (DIPF/Orig.

    Den tillgÀngliga stationen : En fallstudie av stationsflytten i samband med stadsomvandlingen i Kiruna

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    Som följd av LKABs malmbrytning i Kiirunavaaragruvan uppstĂ„r markdeformationer i riktning mot Kiruna centrum. Detta leder till att stora delar av Kiruna mĂ„ste flyttas och detta innefattar Ă€ven jĂ€rnvĂ€gsstationen. I valet mellan de olika alternativa lokaliseringarna vĂ€cks frĂ„gor kring vilka faktorer som pĂ„verkar en stations tillgĂ€nglighet och vad som utmĂ€rker en vĂ€lfungerande station. Detta arbete syftar till att svara pĂ„ frĂ„gan om vilka förutsĂ€ttningar som mĂ„ste uppfyllas för att ett stationslĂ€ge ska vara tillgĂ€ngligt samt att underlĂ€tta arbetet vid framtida liknande utredningar. Den teoretiska grunden i arbetet inkluderar en omfattande litteraturstudie dĂ€r tillgĂ€nglighetsaspekter studerades i relation till stationen samt hur lokaliseringen pĂ„verkar staden. I arbetet med att vĂ€ga fördelar och nackdelar mellan alternativ med olika förutsĂ€ttningar valdes att arbeta med planindikatorer. Metoden som valdes har sin grund i Katarina Schylbergs licentiatuppsats frĂ„n 2008. Arbetet belyser olika aspekter av tillgĂ€nglighet och vilka som Ă€r viktiga i arbetet med att skapa en vĂ€lfungerande station. Faktorer som studerades Ă€r geografiska och morfologiska avstĂ„nd, trygghet, olika trafikslags förutsĂ€ttningar, turism och nĂ€romrĂ„dets beskaffenhet. Det fokuseras Ă€ven pĂ„ hur stationen pĂ„verkar den lokala stadsutvecklingen samt dess regionala pĂ„verkan. Allt frĂ„n en stations pĂ„verkan pĂ„ stadens befolkningstyngdpunkt till risken att skapa barriĂ€rer och huruvida lokaliseringen kan komma att bidra till en lĂ„ngsiktigt hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling. Grunden för arbetet med fallstudien har pĂ„ begĂ€ran av uppdragsgivaren, Trafikverket, varit att arbeta efter fyrstegsprincipen vilket innebĂ€r att fokus ligger pĂ„ att pĂ„verka beteenden innan man Ă„tar sig kostsamma investeringar. I arbetet med omlokaliseringen har Trafikverket tagit fram ett antal utredningsalternativ som har olika grundförutsĂ€ttningar. Ett alternativ Ă€r att dagens tillfĂ€lliga station permanentas, ett Ă€r att en ny station byggs i nya Kirunas centrum och de övriga Ă€r olika externa lokaliseringar. Vid bedömningen av de olika alternativen anvĂ€nds de teorier som redogörs för i litteraturstudien samt de inblandade aktörernas mĂ„l som bedömningsgrund. Arbetet resulterade i ett antal förslag pĂ„ förbĂ€ttringsĂ„tgĂ€rder rörande den nuvarande tillfĂ€lliga stationslokaliseringen. Dessa varierar i storlek och omfattning i enlighet med fyrstegsprincipens upplĂ€gg. Dessutom redovisas resultatet av arbetet med planindikatorerna för vilket alternativ som Ă€r mest fördelaktigt och som bĂ€st uppfyller de inblandade aktörernas mĂ„l. Det konstaterades att utredningsalternativet med en central lokalisering hade mest gynnsamma förutsĂ€ttningar, frĂ€mst pĂ„ grund av de korta avstĂ„nden till viktiga mĂ„lpunkter. I fallet med en central lokalisering blir utmaningen att överbrygga de barriĂ€rskapande effekter som kan uppstĂ„ medan det för de externa lokaliseringarna handlar om att ge platsen ett sammanhang i staden och en egen identitet samt att arbeta med att minska de lĂ„nga avstĂ„ndens friktionseffekter pĂ„ resandet.As a result of LKABs mining of ore in Kiirunavaara deformations in the ground are starting to spread in the direction of the central parts of Kiruna. As a result of this large parts of Kiruna will have to be relocated to a location to the east of its current city center. Among the buildings and functions that has to be relocated is the railway station. During the process of finding an alternative location questions regarding the accessibility of the railway station has been risen: What defines a well-functioning railway station? This thesis aims to answer the question of which prerequisites has to be met in order to ensure a location’s accessibility as well as to facilitate similar future projects. The theoretical framework of the thesis consists of an comprehensive literature study focusing on the aspects of accessibility in connection to the railway station and the locations impact on the city. The method of working with planning indicators was concluded to be best suited when analysing the pros and cons of alternative locations with different conditions. The chosen method has its basis in the licentiate thesis Katarina Schylberg wrote in 2008. The main factors studied where geographical and morphological distances, the feeling of safety, the prerequisites of different modes of transport, tourism and the qualities of the station’s surroundings. It also focuses on the station’s influence on the local urban development and its regional equivalent. From the station’s eventual affect on a city’s center of population to whether its location can contribute to a sustainable development. The basis of the thesis has by request of the client, the Swedish Transportation Administration, been to work according to the four-step principle; a planning process aiming at affecting the demand for transport and the choice of mode of transportation before making large infrastructural investments. The alternative locations for the future railway station in the case study has been chosen by the Swedish Transportation Administration in earlier studies and they have different pre-existing conditions. Connections to studied literature are made in the assessment of the different locations as well as how well the different locations fulfill the goals and visions of the concerned stakeholders. The thesis results in a number of points of improvement of the current station’s accessibility, varying in size and scope. The resulting analysis of the alternative locations are presented as to which best fulfills the stakeholders interests. The conclusion is that the most favorable prerequisites were to be found in a central location of the station, mainly due to the short distances to points of interest. In the case of the central location the challenge is to bridge the barriers a railway brings while in the case of the external locations there is a need to give the station a connection to the city and to bridge the gap created by the long distances
