34 research outputs found

    Contribution à l'etude des Serpulidae (Polychaeta Sedentaria) du Brésil

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    Serpulids (Annelida Polychaeta) from Brazil (between Fernando de Noronha island, lat. about 4ÂșS, and Santa Catarina, lat. about 28ÂșS) are studied here. The resemblance between the serpulid fauna of the tropical American coasts of the Pacific ocean and that of the Atlantic is confirmed. Some of the species previously found on the Pacific coast are here recorded for the first time on the Atlantic coast. A new species is described: Spirorbis (Paralaeospira) calypso n. sp. The genus Pseudovermilia Bush is separated from the genus Vermiliopsis

    Isopoda (Crustacea) from the Levantine Sea with comments on the biogeography of Mediterranean isopods

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    This study focuses on the isopod fauna of the eastern Mediterranean, mainly from the waters of Lebanon. Ninety-five samples containing isopods were obtained by scuba diving (depths 0 to 44 m) at 32 stations along the coast of Northern Cyprus, Syria, and Lebanon. The substrates most frequently sampled were caves, vertical walls, and calcareous algae crusts or build-ups. A total of 502 individuals were studied, belonging to 28 species, included in 20 genera, nine families, and three suborders. Four new species from this collection (Atarbolana beirutensis, Cirolana bitari, Cirolana zibrowiusi, Mesanthura pacoi) have already been published. Brief diagnoses and illustrations were included. The collection studied here consists mostly of Mediterranean species, some already known in the area. Ten (eleven, when cf. species is confirmed) are new records in the Levantine Sea (Apanthura addui, Cirolana manorae, Cymodoce fuscina, Cymodoce pilosa, Elaphognathia bacescoi, Gnathia illepidus, Gnathia inopinata, Heptanthura cryptobia, Kupellonura serritelson, Metacirolana rotunda, Pseudocerceis cf. seleneides). Of them, three (four, when cf. species is confirmed) are new records in the Mediterranean Sea (Apanthura addui, Cirolana manorae, Metacirolana rotunda, Pseudocerceis cf. seleneides). Eight species (28.5%) can be considered as non-indigenous (Apanthura addui, Cirolana manorae, Cymodoce fuscina, Metacirolana rotunda, Paracerceis sculpta, Paradella dianae, Pseudocerceis cf. seleneides, Sphaeroma walkeri). This manuscript also provides an inventory of the known Mediterranean isopod fauna (excluding Epicaridea, Oniscidea, and brackish water Aselloidea), which totals 295 species. The isopod fauna of various subregions of the Mediterranean, the Suez Canal, and the Red Sea / Gulf of Aden is compared, and the transit of species through the Suez Canal is discussed. The list of non-indigenous species in the Mediterranaean Sea is updated to 23

    Shallow-water scleractinian corals of Ascension Island, Central South Atlantic

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    The presence of five shallow-water scleractinian species at Ascension Island is confirmed, i.e. Favia gravida, Madracis sp., Siderastrea radians, Polycyathus atlanticus and Rhizosmilia gerdae. The three former are zooxanthellate, the two latter azooxanthellate. A sixth species, Cladocora debilis (azooxanthellate), dredged from moderately deep water is also expected to occur in shallow water. Madracis sp. and P. atlanticus are new records for the island. A previous record of Astrangia solitaria at Ascension is now referred to as P. atlanticus. Favia gravida, S. radians and C. debilis are amphi-Atlantic. Rhizosmilia gerdae is currently known only from Ascension Island and the Western Atlantic. None of the species are endemic to Ascension Island. No member of the family Dendrophylliidae has as yet been found at Ascension, whereas that family is represented at its nearest neighbour, St Helena Island.Darwin Initiative [EIDCF012]; Regional Council of Brittany; European Funds (ERDF); 'Laboratoire d'Excellence' LabexMER [ANR-10-LABX-19]; French government under the programme 'Investissements d'Avenir'info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La longue séquence de Marchésieux: reconstitution de paléoenvironnements marins durant le premier cycle glaciaire de l'hémisphÚre nord

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    International audienceA l'échelle des cinq derniers millions d'années, les enregistrements paléoclimatiques restitués par les sédiments océaniques illustrent le contrÎle des paramÚtres orbitaux (précession, obliquité et excentricité) sur le climat global. La tendance au refroidissement qui accompagne la fin du NéogÚne est ainsi marquée, vers -2,4 Ma, par le développement rapide des calottes de glace de l'hémisphÚre nord (Shackleton et al., 1984). Alors que l'histoire du climat global restituée par les enregistrements océaniques est sans cesse précisée, les données concernant l'évolution des environnements continentaux et cÎtiers au cours de ces changements restent essentiellement fragmentaires. Le forage effectué à Marchésieux (Manche; Normandie) a permis de réaliser une étude pluridisciplinaire de la signature de ce premier cycle glaciaire de l'hémisphÚre nord (Prétiglien). Les premiers résultats stratigraphiques, paléoenvironnementaux (eustatisme, température, paléobathymétrie) sont présentés

    Mise au point sur les Scléractiniaires comme indicateurs de profondeur (Cnidaria : Anthozoa)

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    Review of the Scleractians as depth indicators (Cnidaria : Anthozoa). Before considering the use of fossil scleractinians as depth indicators, their living counterparts are presented in their morphological and ecological diversity. Jointly, the main environmental factors conditioning their geographical and depth distribution are pointed out. Intraspecific variation depending on environmental factors makes taxonomy of the group more complicate. Taxonomy is yet far from being satisfactory for many taxa, particularly in some areas. The terms hermatypic-ahermatypic as currently used by biologists and geologists, are not without ambiguities due to the original definition (WELLS, 1933) ; they are discussed together with complementary terms, which had been introduced in order to remedy to that ambiguity. In case of precise taxonomy and well recorded ecology, reference to living scleractinians permits extrapolation of paleoenviron-ments corresponding to fossil assemblages. It is important to distinguish between shallow water coral reefs of the tropical type and scleractinian constructions in deep water ; characters useful for this distinction are indicated. But the present contribution more specifically aims at demonstrating the usefulness of non-reefal scleractinians as indicators of depth (and temperature). According to WELLS (1967), the depth (and temperature) interval in common to the taxa present in a fossil assemblage can be estimated by reference to identical or related living forms. This provides an approximation for the paleoenvironment under analysis. It is essential to detect an eventual mixture of faunas issued from significantly different depth levels in order to avoid the pitfall of averaging incomparable data. At least for assemblages of a rather young geological past, extrapolations can be remarkably precise (examples of Pleistocene faunas from the Mediterranean). Howewer, the more remote in age the assemblages are, the less precise will be the results because more and more taxons in common with the Recent drop out. Analysis of morphofunctional adaptations, detached from any taxonomie basis, will provide, at best, only general information on the type of the'environment (deep or shallow) and of the substrate (soft or hard, stable or unstable).Avant d'aborder l'utilisation des SclĂ©ractiniaires fossiles comme indicateurs de la profondeur, leurs homologues actuels sont prĂ©sentĂ©s dans leur diversitĂ© morphologique et Ă©cologique, avec Ă©vocation des principaux facteurs du milieu conditionnant leur rĂ©partition gĂ©ographique et verticale. La variabilitĂ© intraspĂ©cifique en fonction de facteurs extĂ©rieurs complique la taxonomie du groupe. Cette taxonomie est encore loin d'ĂȘtre au point pour beaucoup de taxons, surtout dans certaines rĂ©gions. Les termes hermatypique-ahermatypique, couramment utilisĂ©s par des biologistes et des gĂ©ologues, ne sont pas dĂ©pourvus d'ambiguitĂ© ce qui est dĂ» Ă  la dĂ©finition originale (WELLS, 1939) ; ils sont discutĂ©s ici, ainsi que des termes complĂ©mentaires introduits ultĂ©rieurement pour remĂ©dier Ă  cette ambiguitĂ©. Sous condition d'une taxonomie prĂ©cise et d'une Ă©cologie bien documentĂ©e, la rĂ©fĂ©rence aux SclĂ©ractiniaires actuels permet d'extrapoler des palĂ©oenvironnements correspondant Ă  des assemblages fossiles. Il est important de distinguer entre rĂ©cifs coralliens du type tropical, Ă  faible profondeur, et constructions Ă  base de SclĂ©ractiniaires en profondeur ; des critĂšres utiles Ă  cette distinction sont indiquĂ©s. Mais l'article vise surtout Ă  montrer l'utilitĂ© des formes non-rĂ©cifales pour Ă©valer la profondeur (et la tempĂ©rature). Selon WELLS (1967), l'intervalle de profondeur (et de tempĂ©rature) en commun aux taxons prĂ©sents dans un assemblage fossile peut ĂȘtre estimĂ© par rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  des formes actuelles identiques ou apparentĂ©es. Ceci permet d'avoir une approximation du palĂ©oenvironnement en question. Il est essentiel de dĂ©tecter un Ă©ventuel mĂ©lange de faunes issues de niveaux de profondeur trĂšs diffĂ©rents afin d'Ă©viter le piĂšge d'une moyenne entre donnĂ©es non comparables. Tant qu'il s'agit d'assemblages d'un passĂ© gĂ©ologique relativement rĂ©cent, les extrapolations peuvent ĂȘtre remarquablement prĂ©cises (exemples de la faune plĂ©istocĂšne de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e). Mais plus on remonte dans le temps, plus la prĂ©cision diminue, par suite de la rarĂ©faction, jusqu'Ă  la disparition, des taxons en commun avec l'actuel. L'analyse des adaptations morphofonctionnelles, dĂ©tachĂ©e de l'assise taxonomique, peut alors fournir, au mieux, des indications gĂ©nĂ©rales sur le type du milieu (profond ou non) et du substrat (meuble ou dur, stable ou instable). l'actuel. L'analyse des adaptations morphofonctionnelles, dĂ©tachĂ©e de l'assise taxonomique, peut alors fournir, au mieux, des indicaÂŹ tions gĂ©nĂ©rales sur le type du milieu (profond ou non) et du subsÂŹ trat (meuble ou dur, stable ou instable).Zibrowius Helmut. Mise au point sur les SclĂ©ractiniaires comme indicateurs de profondeur (Cnidaria : Anthozoa). In: GĂ©ologie MĂ©diterranĂ©enne. Tome 15, numĂ©ro 1, 1988. Indicateurs bathymĂ©triques biologiques des milieux actuels de la marge continentale. pp. 27-47

    Dimorphisme operculaire et variabilite chez Spirorbis (Laeospira) militaris (Claparéde) 1870 (Polychaeta Serpulidae)

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    FrL’opercule globuleux d’incubation de Spirobis (Laeospira) militaris se dĂ©veloppe secondairement aprĂ©s la chute de l’opercule primaire formĂ© d’une plaque calcaire avec des excroissances basales. L’opercule primaire est de forme trĂ©s variable. Certaines formes avaient Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crites comme des espĂ©ces differentes. Un dimorphisme operculaire homologue existe chez certaines autres espĂšces de Laeospira.ItL’opercolo globulare incubatorio di Spirorbis (Laeospira) militaris si sviluppa dopo la caduta dell’opercolo primitivo, costituito d’una lamina calcarea con escrescenze basali.La forma dell’opercolo primitivo variabilissima. Alcune forme sono state descritte come specie diverse. Un dimorfismo opercolare omologo esiste in alcune altre specie di Laeospira.DeDas kugelige Brutoperkulum von Spirorbis (Laeospira) militaris entwickelt sich sekundar nach Abwurf des aus einer Kalkplatte mit basalen Auswiichsen bestehenden Primaroperkulums.Die Form des Primaroperkulums variiert stark. Einige Formmen wafren als eigene Arten beschrieben worden. Homologe Operkulumdimorphie kommt bei einigen weiteren Laeospira - Arten vor