321 research outputs found

    Probing the Early Stages of Low-Mass Star Formation in LDN 1689N: Dust and Water in IRAS 16293-2422A, B, and E

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    We present deep images of dust continuum emission at 450, 800, and 850 micron of the dark cloud LDN 1689N which harbors the low-mass young stellar objects (YSOs) IRAS 16293-2422A and B (I16293A and I16293B) and the cold prestellar object I16293E. Toward the positions of I16293A and E we also obtained spectra of CO-isotopomers and deep submillimeter observations of chemically related molecules with high critical densities. To I16293A we report the detection of the HDO 1_01 - 0_00 and H2O 1_10 - 1_01 ground-state transitions as broad self-reversed emission profiles with narrow absorption, and a tentative detection of H2D+ 1_10 - 1_11. To I16293E we detect weak emission of subthermally excited HDO 1_01 - 0_00. Based on this set of submillimeter continuum and line data we model the envelopes around I16293A and E. The density and velocity structure of I16293A is fit by an inside-out collapse model, yielding a sound speed of a=0.7 km/s, an age of t=(0.6--2.5)e4 yr, and a mass of 6.1 Msun. The density in the envelope of I16293E is fit by a radial power law with index -1.0+/-0.2, a mass of 4.4 Msun, and a constant temperature of 16K. These respective models are used to study the chemistry of the envelopes of these pre- and protostellar objects. The [HDO]/[H2O] abundance ratio in the warm inner envelope of I16293A of a few times 1e-4 is comparable to that measured in comets. This supports the idea that the [HDO]/[H2O] ratio is determined in the cold prestellar core phase and conserved throughout the formation process of low-mass stars and planets.Comment: 61 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. To get Fig. 13: send email to [email protected]

    High-Resolution Continuum Imaging at 1.3 and 0.7 cm of the W3 IRS 5 Region

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    High-resolution images of the hypercompact HII regions (HCHII) in W3 IRS 5 taken with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 1.3 and 0.7 cm are presented. Four HCHII regions were detected with sufficient signal-to-noise ratios to allow the determination of relevant parameters such as source position, size and flux density. The sources are slightly extended in our ~0.2 arcsecond beams; the deconvolved radii are less than 240 AU. A comparison of our data with VLA images taken at epoch 1989.1 shows proper motions for sources IRS 5a and IRS 5f. Between 1989.1 and 2002.5, we find a proper motion of 210 mas at a position angle of 12 deg for IRS 5f and a proper motion of 190 mas at a position angle of 50 deg for IRS 5a. At the assumed distance to W3 IRS 5, 1.83 +/- 0.14 kpc, these offsets translate to proper motions of ~135 km/s and ~122 km/s$ respectively. These sources are either shock ionized gas in an outflow or ionized gas ejected from high mass stars. We find no change in the positions of IRS 5d1/d2 and IRS 5b; and we show through a comparison with archival NICMOS 2.2 micron images that these two radio sources coincide with the infrared double constituting W3 IRS 5. These sources contain B or perhaps O stars. The flux densities of the four sources have changed compared to the epoch 1989.1 results. In our epoch 2002.5 data, none of the spectral indicies obtained from flux densities at 1.3 and 0.7 cm are consistent with optically thin free-free emission; IRS 5d1/d2 shows the largest increase in flux density from 1.3 cm to 0.7 cm. This may be an indication of free-free optical depth within an ionized wind, a photoevaporating disk, or an accretion flow. It is less likely that this increase is caused by dust emission at 0.7 cm.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures To be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    FIRI - a Far-Infrared Interferometer

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    Half of the energy ever emitted by stars and accreting objects comes to us in the FIR waveband and has yet to be properly explored. We propose a powerful Far-InfraRed Interferometer mission, FIRI, to carry out high-resolution imaging spectroscopy in the FIR. This key observational capability is essential to reveal how gas and dust evolve into stars and planets, how the first luminous objects in the Universe ignited, how galaxies formed, and when super-massive black holes grew. FIRI will disentangle the cosmic histories of star formation and accretion onto black holes and will trace the assembly and evolution of quiescent galaxies like our Milky Way. Perhaps most importantly, FIRI will observe all stages of planetary system formation and recognise Earth-like planets that may harbour life, via its ability to image the dust structures in planetary systems. It will thus address directly questions fundamental to our understanding of how the Universe has developed and evolved - the very questions posed by ESA's Cosmic Vision.Comment: Proposal developed by a large team of astronomers from Europe, USA and Canada and submitted to the European Space Agency as part of "Cosmic Vision 2015-2025

    Submillimeter Emission from Water in the W3 Region

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    We have mapped the submillimeter emission from the 1(10)-1(01) transition of ortho-water in the W3 star-forming region. A 5'x5' map of the W3 IRS4 and W3 IRS5 region reveals strong water lines at half the positions in the map. The relative strength of the Odin lines compared to previous observations by SWAS suggests that we are seeing water emission from an extended region. Across much of the map the lines are double-peaked, with an absorption feature at -39 km/s; however, some positions in the map show a single strong line at -43 km/s. We interpret the double-peaked lines as arising from optically thick, self-absorbed water emission near the W3 IRS5, while the narrower blue-shifted lines originate in emission near W3 IRS4. In this model, the unusual appearance of the spectral lines across the map results from a coincidental agreement in velocity between the emission near W3 IRS4 and the blue peak of the more complex lines near W3 IRS5. The strength of the water lines near W3 IRS4 suggests we may be seeing water emission enhanced in a photon-dominated region.Comment: Accepted to A&A Letters as part of the special Odin issue; 4 page


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    ABSTRACT: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of air-drying temperature and initial moisture content on volume shrinkage, physical quality and oil extraction yield of soybean grains. The grains used in this experiment were harvested at two distinct moisture levels of 19 and 25%. Then, these grains were taken to dryness at three different air temperatures of 75 °C, 90 °C and 105 °C, in a forced circulation convection oven of the air. The results showed a drying time reduction with increasing air temperatures. Regarding volume shrinkage, moisture content reductions influenced grain volume and the Rahman's model was the one that best fit the data. Moreover, the higher the air temperature, the greater the effects on soybean grain shrinkage and physical quality. By grain volume reduction effected on oil yield, major impacts were observed when assessing grain initial moisture content were higher. Furthermore, the temperature of 105°C and an initial moisture content of 25% were the factors that most affected soybean grain quality, however not affecting oil extraction yield

    ISO observations of far-infrared rotational emission lines of water vapor toward the supergiant star VY Canis Majoris

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    We report the detection of numerous far-infrared emission lines of water vapor toward the supergiant star VY Canis Majoris. A 29.5 - 45 micron grating scan of VY CMa, obtained using the Short Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) of the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) at a spectral resolving power of approximately 2000, reveals at least 41 spectral features due to water vapor that together radiate a total luminosity ~ 25 solar luminosities. In addition to pure rotational transitions within the ground vibrational state, these features include rotational transitions within the (010) excited vibrational state. The spectrum also shows the doublet Pi 1/2 (J=5/2) <-- doublet Pi 3/2 (J=3/2) OH feature near 34.6 micron in absorption. Additional SWS observations of VY CMa were carried out in the instrument's Fabry-Perot mode for three water transitions: the 7(25)-6(16) line at 29.8367 micron, the 4(41)-3(12) line 31.7721 micron, and the 4(32)-3(03) line at 40.6909 micron. The higher spectral resolving power of approximately 30,000 thereby obtained permits the line profiles to be resolved spectrally for the first time and reveals the "P Cygni" profiles that are characteristic of emission from an outflowing envelope.Comment: 11 pages (inc. 2 figures), LaTeX, uses aaspp4.sty, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Water in massive star-forming regions: HIFI observations of W3 IRS5

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    We present Herschel observations of the water molecule in the massive star-forming region W3 IRS5. The o-H17O 110-101, p-H18O 111-000, p-H2O 22 202-111, p-H2O 111-000, o-H2O 221-212, and o-H2O 212-101 lines, covering a frequency range from 552 up to 1669 GHz, have been detected at high spectral resolution with HIFI. The water lines in W3 IRS5 show well-defined high-velocity wings that indicate a clear contribution by outflows. Moreover, the systematically blue-shifted absorption in the H2O lines suggests expansion, presumably driven by the outflow. No infall signatures are detected. The p-H2O 111-000 and o-H2O 212-101 lines show absorption from the cold material (T ~ 10 K) in which the high-mass protostellar envelope is embedded. One-dimensional radiative transfer models are used to estimate water abundances and to further study the kinematics of the region. We show that the emission in the rare isotopologues comes directly from the inner parts of the envelope (T > 100 K) where water ices in the dust mantles evaporate and the gas-phase abundance increases. The resulting jump in the water abundance (with a constant inner abundance of 10^{-4}) is needed to reproduce the o-H17O 110-101 and p-H18O 111-000 spectra in our models. We estimate water abundances of 10^{-8} to 10^{-9} in the outer parts of the envelope (T < 100 K). The possibility of two protostellar objects contributing to the emission is discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in the A&A HIFI special issu

    Water in Star-Forming Regions with the Herschel Space Observatory (WISH): Overview of key program and first results

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    `Water In Star-forming regions with Herschel' (WISH) is a key program on the Herschel Space Observatory designed to probe the physical and chemical structure of young stellar objects using water and related molecules and to follow the water abundance from collapsing clouds to planet-forming disks. About 80 sources are targeted covering a wide range of luminosities and evolutionary stages, from cold pre-stellar cores to warm protostellar envelopes and outflows to disks around young stars. Both the HIFI and PACS instruments are used to observe a variety of lines of H2O, H218O and chemically related species. An overview of the scientific motivation and observational strategy of the program is given together with the modeling approach and analysis tools that have been developed. Initial science results are presented. These include a lack of water in cold gas at abundances that are lower than most predictions, strong water emission from shocks in protostellar environments, the importance of UV radiation in heating the gas along outflow walls across the full range of luminosities, and surprisingly widespread detection of the chemically related hydrides OH+ and H2O+ in outflows and foreground gas. Quantitative estimates of the energy budget indicate that H2O is generally not the dominant coolant in the warm dense gas associated with protostars. Very deep limits on the cold gaseous water reservoir in the outer regions of protoplanetary disks are obtained which have profound implications for our understanding of grain growth and mixing in disks.Comment: 71 pages, 10 figures, PASP, in pres

    Herschel observations of EXtra-Ordinary Sources: The Terahertz spectrum of Orion KL seen at high spectral resolution

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    We present the first high spectral resolution observations of Orion KL in the frequency ranges 1573.4 - 1702.8 GHz (band 6b) and 1788.4 - 1906.8 GHz (band 7b) obtained using the HIFI instrument on board the Herschel Space Observatory. We characterize the main emission lines found in the spectrum, which primarily arise from a range of components associated with Orion KL including the hot core, but also see widespread emission from components associated with molecular outflows traced by H2O, SO2, and OH. We find that the density of observed emission lines is significantly diminished in these bands compared to lower frequency Herschel/HIFI bands.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Herschel HIFI special issue of Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters, 5 pages, 3 figure
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