19 research outputs found

    Programmed cell death and genetic stability in conifer embryogenesis

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    Somatic embryogenesis, the generation of embryos from somatic cells, is a valuable tool for studying embryology. In addition, somatic embryos can be used for large-scale vegetative propagation, an application of great interest for forestry. A critical event during early embryo differentiation in conifers is the apical basal polarization, which proceeds through the establishment of two embryonic parts: the proliferating embryonal mass and the terminally differentiated suspensor. The development of both parts is strictly coordinated and imbalance causes embryonic defects. The suspensor cells are eliminated by programmed cell death (PCD). In animals, caspase family proteases are the main executioners of PCD. In this work we have used synthetic peptide substrates containing caspase recognition sites and corresponding specific inhibitors to analyse the role of caspase-like activity during early embryo differentiation in Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.). We found that VEIDase is the principal caspase-like activity. This activity is localized specifically in suspensor cells, and its inhibition prevents normal embryo development by blocking the suspensor differentiation. The in vitro VEIDase activity was shown to be highly sensitive to pH, ionic strength, temperature and zinc concentration. In vivo studies with Zinquin, a zinc-specific fluorescent probe, revealed a high accumulation of intracellular free zinc in the embryonal masses and an abrupt decrease in the suspensor. Increased zinc concentration in the culture medium suppresses terminal differentiation and PCD of the suspensor. In accordance, exposure of early embryos to TPEN, a zinc-specific chelator, induces ectopic cell death affecting embryonal masses. This establishes zinc as an important factor affecting cell fate specification during plant embryogenesis. Before somatic embryos can be accepted for clonal propagation it is important to show that the regenerated plants have similar growth to that of seedlings and are genetically uniform. The genetic integrity during zygotic and somatic embryogenesis in Norway spruce and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was investigated by comparing the stability of variable nuclear microsatellite loci. The stability varied significantly among families in both species during somatic embryogenesis. Scots pine families showing low genetic stability during establishment of embryogenic cultures had a higher embryogenic potential than those that were genetically more stable. In contrast, embryo development was suppressed in genetically unstable families. The stability of microsatellites was in general higher in zygotic embryos than in somatic embryos. No deviation in growth was observed in somatic embryo plants of Norway spruce carrying mutated microsatellites

    The Impact of Drought Stress on the Height Growth of Young Norway Spruce Full-Sib and Half-Sib Clonal Trials in Sweden and Finland

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    The summer drought of 2018 was one of the most climatically severe events in Europe that led to record-breaking temperatures and wildfires in many parts of Europe. The main objective of this study was to assess the impact of the 2018 drought on the phenotypic and genetic response of Norway spruce height growth using the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). To achieve this, the total cumulative height growth of about 6000 clones from 2016 to 2019 in four full-sib trials in Sweden, aged 6-7 years, and from 2017 to 2019 in two half-sib trials in Finland, aged 8-9 years, were measured. The results indicate that the 2018 drought caused reductions in the increment of trees. Although heritability estimates were similar to other reports for Norway spruce, the additive genetic variance was highly inflated in one of the visibly drought-damaged trials in Southern Sweden. Similarly, the genotype by environment (G x E) interaction was highly significant in the drought-damaged Southern Swedish trials. Both additive genetic and phenotypic correlations obtained between height increments in 2019 and final heights were the weakest in all studied trials, implying that the drought legacies might have influenced the recovery of trees in 2019. We may conclude that the severe drought can be an underlying factor for a strong G x E interaction and changes in the ranking of genotypes. Therefore, a selection of drought-resistant genotypes with a good growth capacity tested in variables sites should be considered as an important criterion for future breeding of Norway spruce

    Graphene Decorated with Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Highly Sensitive Interaction with Volatile Organic Compounds

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    Gases, such as nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde and benzene, are toxic even at very low concentrations. However, so far there are no low-cost sensors available with sufficiently low detection limits and desired response times, which are able to detect them in the ranges relevant for air quality control. In this work, we address both, detection of small gas amounts and fast response times, using epitaxially grown graphene decorated with iron oxide nanoparticles. This hybrid surface is used as a sensing layer to detect formaldehyde and benzene at concentrations of relevance (low parts per billion). The performance enhancement was additionally validated using density functional theory calculations to see the effect of decoration on binding energies between the gas molecules and the sensor surface. Moreover, the time constants can be drastically reduced using a derivative sensor signal readout, allowing the sensor to work at detection limits and sampling rates desired for air quality monitoring applications

    A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: let us err on the side of caution

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    We greatly appreciate the care and thought that is evident in the 10 commentaries that discuss our debate paper, the majority of which argued in favor of a formalized ICD-11 gaming disorder. We agree that there are some people whose play of video games is related to life problems. We believe that understanding this population and the nature and severity of the problems they experience should be a focus area for future research. However, moving from research construct to formal disorder requires a much stronger evidence base than we currently have. The burden of evidence and the clinical utility should be extremely high, because there is a genuine risk of abuse of diagnoses. We provide suggestions about the level of evidence that might be required: transparent and preregistered studies, a better demarcation of the subject area that includes a rationale for focusing on gaming particularly versus a more general behavioral addictions concept, the exploration of non-addiction approaches, and the unbiased exploration of clinical approaches that treat potentially underlying issues, such as depressive mood or social anxiety first. We acknowledge there could be benefits to formalizing gaming disorder, many of which were highlighted by colleagues in their commentaries, but we think they do not yet outweigh the wider societal and public health risks involved. Given the gravity of diagnostic classification and its wider societal impact, we urge our colleagues at the WHO to err on the side of caution for now and postpone the formalization

    Overcoming Capital Constraints and Challanges of Fast Growth as an IT SME

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    Problem: High wage countries depend on SME's to lower unemployment, to trigger economic growth and to utilize the 'knowledge waste' created by large investments in human capital. However, due to their limited access to capital markets SME's are seen as unfavourably dependent on their own generation of internal funds to grow. Among SME's, IT firms are seen as most representative for this struggle, since they have i) a bad reputation within the public and institutional sector due to the dot-com era, and ii) assets with low collateral value (e.g. immaterial assets, human capital, knowledge, prototypes and ideas that all have unknown, unsecure and hard to predict second-hand or future values). Despite these unfavorable characteristics, some IT firms are growing considerably fast. What can we learn from them?  Purpose: Describe the financial situation of IT SME's. Investigate how those IT firms that are fast growing have grown and financed their growth, and how they have managed the effects of growth. Method: Due to the nature of the purpose a mixed method research approach was adopted. The quantitative investigation aimed at describing their fi-nancial situation and took the form of a statistical analysis of the entire IT firm population, using data from the Swedish database 'Affärsdata'. The qualitative approach took the form of telephone interviews with a sample of fast growing IT firms, to get closer to the reasoning behind their growth and it’s financing. This research approach enabled cross referencing, strengthening some of the empirical evidence found. Conclusion: Evidence was found on IT firms growing with assets of less collateral value resulting in low amounts of long term debt. Indications were found on the traditional life cycle perspective regarding SME finance has to be changed to fit IT firms; after surviving the first years of internal funding and years of overdependence on short term debt, they reach a stage (e.g. in a financial crisis, facing international expansion, or substantial R&D costs) when financial assistance is needed. Indications were also found on IT firms operating in a highly unpredictable environment demanding advanced cash management routines that today are not prioritized in favor of growth. To handle this, and to reach financial assistance when needed (most likely by involving a risk capitalist in exchange for firm ownership), those firms showing stability (i.e. through low personnel turnover, high profitability or a large cash buffer) seem to have been more successful

    Taxes and Human Capital as Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in EU: The Role of Most Favoured Nation Treatment

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    Summary Title: Taxes and Human Capital as Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in EU: The role of Most Favoured Nation treatment Author: Andreas Helmersson Supervisors: Cecilé Brokelind and Rikard Larsson Problem discussion and problem Formulation: The recent year’s rapid increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) is a clear indication of increasing globalisation. In order to stay competitive companies must take advantage of talented people, new technology and new markets around the world. Not only companies but also countries and regions, such as EU, need to take advantage of globalisation and the advantages that come with the increase in FDI around the world. Studies have shown that FDI does not only make companies more competitive but it also stimulates the economic growth of the region where the FDI takes place. There are many determinants of FDI such as, for example, the size of the local market and logistic costs. In recent years there has however been a lot of activity in EU that affects two factors, which according to theory, is determinants of FDI. One area where recent years activities have the potential to affect taxation in EU is the area of EC law and bilateral tax treaties. The activity has concerned the question whether there should be community most favoured nation (MFN) treatment in bilateral tax treaties. Taxes are according to theory a determinant of FDI which makes an analysis of these business law events topical and important. The other area is human resources where EU has made several attempts to raise the level of human capital in the EU region. Human capital is according to theory another determinant of FDI which makes it important to investigate whether EU’s efforts to raise the level of human capital will affect the inflows of FDI into the EU region. Countries with a high level of human capital do in most cases also have a high tax level. This makes it more interesting to investigate how important taxes and human capital are as determinants of FDI inflows into the EU region. The research question is thus if the level of Human Capital in EU is a determinant of FDI inflows into the region? Should there be MFN treatment in bilateral tax treaties according to EC law and is the potential tax effect of the MFN treatment also a determinant of FDI inflows into the EU region? Purpose: One of the two purposes of this thesis is to find out whether the level of EU’s human capital and taxes are determinants of FDI inflows into the region. The taxes in the EU region are said to be affected if there would be MFN treatment in bilateral tax treaties which brings in the other purpose which is to find out whether MFN treatment in bilateral tax treaties is provided for according to EC law. Method: A deductive research method was chosen in this thesis. The research consisted of books, articles, legal documents and case law analysed. The empirical research in the business law part was done by analysing the EC treaty and appropriate case law. The empirical research in the business part was done with the help of a number of small qualitative case studies. Conclusion: According to the findings in this thesis is it very unclear whether MFN treatment in bilateral tax treaties is provided for according to EC law. The main argument for MFN treatment would be art 12 EC which forbids any type of discrimination that is based on nationality. Art 12 EC is applicable in all areas that are covered by “the four freedoms”. “The four freedoms” cover all forms of investment and cross-border activity which means that the scope of art 12 EC is rather broad and it should cover most of the possible MFN situations that might arise in bilateral tax treaties. The case law is however very vague and inconsistent when it comes to MFN treatment in bilateral tax treaties and it is not possible to conclude that MFN treatment is provided for according to case law. If MFN treatment will be provided for according to case law, there

    Facing the Global Economic Crisis: the Case of Swedish Heavy Vehicle Subcontractors

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    In this paper, we investigate organisational responses to an economic crisis within a group of seven subcontractors in the Swedish heavy vehicle industry. Although the participating firms had similar exposures to an abrupt and severe shift in demand, their performances during the crisis varied extensively. One year after the crisis began, some firms were still encountering financial problems threatening their survival, yet others had orchestrated a recovery that was generating healthy cash flows. Evaluation of in-depth interviews with key organisational members and standardised financial indicators suggests that the subcontractors' performances in the crisis were determined by their ability to attain and evaluate 'deep knowledge' from stakeholders and 'wide knowledge' from other external actors. Hence, our findings not only demonstrate an opportunity to extend existing research on crisis management but also indicate that the subcontractors' performances in the economic crisis were related to the implementation of dynamic capabilities

    Sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av ofria luftvägar prehospitalt

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    The purpose of this study was to explore nurses' experiences of obstructed airways in the prehospital work. A qualitative interview study with a descriptive and explorative design was used. The sample consisted of nine registered nurses whereof three were women and six were men, with or without further education and varying length of experience in the ambulance service. Prehospital personnel builds up a vast plan of action based on the emergency information provided by SOS. Simple methods for managing obstructed airways were stated often enough. Problems with obstructed airways are considered so unusual that it never becomes a routine. Several factors affect the identification and managing of obstructed airways, both external factors and the different patient categories are considered important. The study found that the bystanders rarely perceived to be performing actions for the creation of a free airway. While obstructed airways perceived to be stressful for ambulance nurses, however, they are not worried to face such a situation. For the coping of what has happened during an emergency, ambulance crew talk through the whole situation of what could have been done better or if something could be done differently. Many factors affect the identification and managing of obstructed airways in prehospital nurses' work. While obstructed airways perceived to be stressful for ambulance nurses they are not concerned to face such a situation. The tools and techniques available for managing airways are usually considered to be adequate and well-functionin

    Sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av ofria luftvägar prehospitalt

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    The purpose of this study was to explore nurses' experiences of obstructed airways in the prehospital work. A qualitative interview study with a descriptive and explorative design was used. The sample consisted of nine registered nurses whereof three were women and six were men, with or without further education and varying length of experience in the ambulance service. Prehospital personnel builds up a vast plan of action based on the emergency information provided by SOS. Simple methods for managing obstructed airways were stated often enough. Problems with obstructed airways are considered so unusual that it never becomes a routine. Several factors affect the identification and managing of obstructed airways, both external factors and the different patient categories are considered important. The study found that the bystanders rarely perceived to be performing actions for the creation of a free airway. While obstructed airways perceived to be stressful for ambulance nurses, however, they are not worried to face such a situation. For the coping of what has happened during an emergency, ambulance crew talk through the whole situation of what could have been done better or if something could be done differently. Many factors affect the identification and managing of obstructed airways in prehospital nurses' work. While obstructed airways perceived to be stressful for ambulance nurses they are not concerned to face such a situation. The tools and techniques available for managing airways are usually considered to be adequate and well-functionin

    Sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av ofria luftvägar prehospitalt

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    The purpose of this study was to explore nurses' experiences of obstructed airways in the prehospital work. A qualitative interview study with a descriptive and explorative design was used. The sample consisted of nine registered nurses whereof three were women and six were men, with or without further education and varying length of experience in the ambulance service. Prehospital personnel builds up a vast plan of action based on the emergency information provided by SOS. Simple methods for managing obstructed airways were stated often enough. Problems with obstructed airways are considered so unusual that it never becomes a routine. Several factors affect the identification and managing of obstructed airways, both external factors and the different patient categories are considered important. The study found that the bystanders rarely perceived to be performing actions for the creation of a free airway. While obstructed airways perceived to be stressful for ambulance nurses, however, they are not worried to face such a situation. For the coping of what has happened during an emergency, ambulance crew talk through the whole situation of what could have been done better or if something could be done differently. Many factors affect the identification and managing of obstructed airways in prehospital nurses' work. While obstructed airways perceived to be stressful for ambulance nurses they are not concerned to face such a situation. The tools and techniques available for managing airways are usually considered to be adequate and well-functionin