99 research outputs found
Dietary proanthocyanidins: their effectiveness in dyslipidemic nutritional models and the role of liver and intestine in their hypotriglyceridemic action
Las proantocianidinas ejercen efectos beneficiosos sobre algunos desordenes metabólicos que se consideran factores de riesgo de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. La desregulación del metabolismo lipoproteico juega un papel muy importante en los estados lipídicos alterados. Por lo tanto, los objetivos de esta Tesis fueron: estudiar la contribución del hígado y el intestino en la respuesta hipolipidémica de las proantocianidinas y evaluar los efectos de las proantocianidinas en modelos dislipidémicos nutricionales. Para realizar los experimentos se utilizaron tres modelos experimentales: ratas, ratones y células Caco2. Los resultados obtenidos fueron: que en un test de tolerancia lipídica tanto los quilomicrones como las VLDL contribuyen al efecto hipotrigliceridémico de las proantocianidinas pero su influencia depende del tiempo. Además, las proantocianidinas reprimen la secreción de TG por el hígado in vivo y por el intestino in vitro. ACSL se manifiesta como un gen diana de ellas en las células intestinales. Y finalmente, las proantocianidinas corrigen la dislipidemia pero no contrarrestan la ganancia de peso inducida por la dieta aunque estas tienen un efecto bimodal sobre la retención de energía in vivo.Proanthocyanidins have been shown to exert advantageous actions on several metabolic disorders that are risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. Lipoprotein metabolism plays an important role in altered lipid states. Therefore, the aims of this Thesis were: To assess the contribution of the liver and the intestine in the hypolipidemic response triggered by proanthocyanidins and to evaluate the short-term effect of an oral intake of proanthocyanidins in dyslipidemic nutritional models. For these purposes, three experimental models have been used: Rats, mice and human Caco2 cells. The obtained results are: In a fat tolerance test, both chylomicrons and VLDL contribute to the hypotriglyceridemic action of proanthocyanidins but their influence depends on time. Moreover, proanthocyanidins repress TG secretion by the liver in vivo and by the intestine in vitro. Furthermore, ACSL manifests as their target gene in intestinal cells. Finally, proanthocyanidins correct dyslipidemia but not the weight gain induced by diet though these have a bimodal effect on energy retention in vivo
1,8-Diamidocarbazoles: an easily tuneable family of fluorescent anion sensors and transporters
The synthesis, structure and anion recognition properties of an extensive, rationally designed series of bisamide derivatives of 1,8-diaminocarbazole and 1,8-diamino-3,6-dichlorocarbazole are described. Despite simple structures and the presence of only three hydrogen bond donors, such compounds are remarkably strong and selective receptors for oxyanions in DMSO + 0.5%H2O. Owing to their carbazole fluorophore, they are also sensitive turn-on fluorescent sensors for H2PO4− and AcO−, with a more than 15-fold increase in fluorescence intensity upon binding. Despite relatively weak chloride affinity, some of the diamidocarbazoles have also been shown, for the first time, to be very active chloride transporters through lipid bilayers. The binding, sensing and transport properties of these receptors can be easily modulated by the usually overlooked variations in the length and degree of branching of their alkyl side arms. Overall, this study demonstrates that the 1,8-diamidocarbazole binding unit is a very promising and synthetically versatile platform for the development of fluorescent sensors and transporters for anions.Polish National Science Centre for grant OPUS
(2011/01/B/ST5/03900). The study was carried out at the
Biological and Chemical Research Centre, University of Warsaw,
established within a project co-financed by the European Union
through the European Regional Development Fund under the
Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007–2013. R. Q.
thanks financial support provided by Consejería de Educación –
Junta de Castilla y León (Project BU092U16
Sexual and Apogamous Species of Woodferns Show Different Protein and Phytohormone Profiles
The gametophyte of ferns reproduces either by sexual or asexual means. In the latter, apogamy represents a peculiar case of apomixis, in which an embryo is formed from somatic cells. A proteomic and physiological approach was applied to the apogamous fern Dryopteris affinis ssp. affinis and its sexual relative D. oreades. The proteomic analysis compared apogamous vs. female gametophytes, whereas the phytohormone study included, in addition to females, three apogamous stages (filamentous, spatulate, and cordate). The proteomic profiles revealed a total of 879 proteins and, after annotation, different regulation was found in 206 proteins of D. affinis and 166 of its sexual counterpart. The proteins upregulated in D. affinis are mostly associated to protein metabolism (including folding, transport, and proteolysis), ribosome biogenesis, gene expression and translation, while in the sexual counterpart, they account largely for starch and sucrose metabolism, generation of energy and photosynthesis. Likewise, ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) was used to assess the levels of indol-3-acetic acid (IAA); the cytokinins: 6-benzylaminopurine (BA), trans-Zeatine (Z), trans-Zeatin riboside (ZR), dyhidrozeatine (DHZ), dyhidrozeatin riboside (DHZR), isopentenyl adenine (iP), isopentenyl adenosine (iPR), abscisic acid (ABA), the gibberellins GA and GA, salicylic acid (SA), and the brassinosteroids: brassinolide (BL) and castasterone (CS). IAA, the cytokinins Z, ZR, iPR, the gibberellin GA, the brassinosteoids castasterone, and ABA accumulated more in the sexual gametophyte than in the apogamous one. When comparing the three apogamous stages, BA and SA peaked in filamentous, GA and BL in spatulate and DHRZ in cordate gametophytes. The results point to the existence of large metabolic differences between apogamous and sexual gametophytes, and invite to consider the fern gametophyte as a good experimental system to deepen our understanding of plant reproduction
Gendering fibulae: animals and gender roles in Iberian Iron Age societies
Desde la Antigüedad, los animales domésticos y salvajes han sido parte integrante de la vida del
ser humano como alimento para su supervivencia, como transporte y también como iconos en la construcción
del imaginario cultural. En la cultura ibérica las representaciones figuradas en diversos soportes (cerámica, escultura
en piedra, terracotas, metales y monedas), “lo imaginario”, y los restos faunísticos de poblados, necrópolis
y lugares cultuales, “lo real”, ilustran las relaciones entre las sociedades de la Edad del Hierro de la mitad SE de
la Península Ibérica con los animales de su entorno. En este trabajo se analiza un tipo de objeto de la indumentaria
íbera: las fíbulas, como ejemplo para aproximarnos al género como constructo cultural. Estas fíbulas, por su
elaboración en metales nobles y la ornamentación que portan con escenas de caza o animales individualizados,
debieron ser piezas de especial significación entre determinados grupos sociales y de poder. El estudio de los
contextos y de imágenes similares en otros soportes y su comparación con los restos faunísticos documentados
aportan información sobre el rango y el género de sus portadores y nos aproximan al significado que determinados
animales tuvieron para los íberos.Since ancient times, domestic and wild animals have been an integral part of human life as food
for survival, as transportation and as icons on the construction of the cultural imagery. Iberian culture during
the Iron Age depicted such animals in ceramics, stone and terracotta sculpture, metals objects, and coins. These
“imaginary” remains and the “real” faunal assemblages of settlements, necropoleis, and cultic places both reflect
the ongoing relationships between human societies and other living things in the same environment –in this
case the southeast area of the Iberian Peninsula.
In this paper we analyze animal depictions in Iberian fibulae (brooches) as a means from which to approach
gender as a cultural construct. These fibulae were made in precious metals and decorated with hunting scenes
or individual animals. They should be considered objects of special significance in specific social groups and
elites wielding power among the Iberians. Studying contexts and comparing similar images that appear in other
media with documented faunal assemblages provides us insights into Iberian social status, the gender of the
wearer, and the meaning of certain animals
Community structure of eastern pacific reef fishes (Gulf of papagayo, Costa Rica).
Este trabajo investigó sobre la abundancia de peces de arrecifes de coral y su relación con los parámetros físicos así como su hábitat en cuatro sitios en Culebra Bay, un área afectada por actividad humana en el Golfo de Papagayo, Costa Rica (Este del Pacífico), desde marzo a octubre de 1997. Basado en 64 conteos visuales. nosotros registramos 75 especies distribuidas en 28 familias de peces de arrecifes de coral. Las siete especies más abundantes incluyeron cuatro pomacentridos, dos labridos y un haemulido, los cuales se distribuyeron jerárquicamente de la siguiente manera Chromis atrilobata, Thalassoma lucasanum, Abudefduf troschelii. Haemulon steindachneri, Halichoeres dispilus, Ste gastes acapulcoensis, Stegastes flavilatus. Las densidades de distintas especies variaron significativamente de acuerdo a la profundidad. Nuestros resultados reflejan una diversidad Beta bastante alta comparada con otros estudios, aunque solamente el 22% de las especies fueron colectadas con todos los sitios. La distribución de la mayoría de las especies de peces de arrecife de coral fueron afectadas significativamente por el tipo de sustrato, la complejidad y la exposición. El sitio menos profundo se caracteriza por la presencia de Ophioblennius steindachneri, Microspathodon bairdii, M. d.orsalis y Abudefduf troschelii. Un sitio intermedio (entre aguas profundas y somera) con un sustrato heterogéneo estaba compuesto de: S. acapulcoensis, Canthigaster punctatissinia, H. nicholsi, H. chierchiae, T. lucasanuni, Sufflamen yerres y Serranus psittacinus. Un sitio ligeramente profundo que el anterior fue representada por H. dispilus, John randallia nigrirostris, Pontacanthus zonipectus, Holacanthus passer, y S. fiavilatus. Finalmente el sitio más profundo, tuvo una composición de C. atrilobata, Chaetodon hunzeralis, Diodon holocanthus, H. steindachneri, y H. maculicauda. Desde el punto de vista de los grupos tróficas, nuestros resultados demuestren una tendencia hacia regiones templadas con planctivoros y carnívoras de invertebrados, los cuales fueron los más abundantes comparados con los herbívoros
We assessed the relative abundance of reef fishes and ita relation with physical parameters and habitat at four sites in Culebra Bay, a human disturbed arca in Gulf of Papagayo, Costa Rica (eastem Pacific) from March to October 1997. Based on 64 visual counts, we recorded 75 species of 28 families of reef fishes. Four pomacentrids, Iwo labrids and one haemulid comprised the top seven most abundant species, ranked as foliows: Chromis agrilobata, Thalassoma lucasanum, Abudefduf troschelii, Haemulon steindaclineri, Halichoeres dispilus, Stegastes acapulcoensis, and Stegastesflavilazus. Densities of many of the species varied significantly with variable site depth. Our resulta reflect higher Beta diversity than other studies, altough only 22% of the species were found at alI the study sites. The type of substrate, the complexity, and the exposure of the reef may have a strong influence en the distribution of many of the species of reef fishes in the Gulf of Papagayo. Four possible groups of fish species were observed suggesting that spatial pattems were stronger iban seasonal trends. The shallowest site was characterized by Ophioblennius steindachneri, Microspathodon bairdii, M dorsalis and Abudefduf lroschelii. An intennediate site with a more heterogeneous substrate, was composed by S. acapulcoensis, Canihigaster punc:atissima, H. nicholsi, H chierchiae, 7'. lucasanum, Sufflamen yerres and Serranus psittacinus. A slightly deeper site than the previous was represented by Ji dispilus, Johnrandallia nigrirostris, Pomacanthus zonipectus, Holacanthus passer, and S. flavilatus. Finally the deepest site habitat, had a distinctive assemblage composed by C. atrilobata, Chaetodon humeralis, Diodon holocanthus, H. steindachneri, and H. maculicauda. In terms of trophic groups, our resulis shows trends have more affinities to ternperate regions were planktívores and invertebrates feeders are the most abundant than herbivores. Este trabajo investigó sobre la abundancia de peces de arrecifes de coral y su relación con los parámetros físicos así como su hábitat en cuatro sitios en Culebra Bay, un área afectada por actividad humana en el Golfo de Papagayo, Costa Rica (Este del Pacífico), desde marzo a octubre de 1997. Basado en 64 conteos visuales, nosotros registramos 75 especies distribuidas en 28 familias de peces de arrecifes de coral. Las siete especies más abundantes incluyeron cuatro pomacentridos, dos labridos y un haemulido, los cuales se distribuyeron jerárquicamente de la siguiente manera Chromis atrilobata, Thalassoma lucasanum, Abudefduf troschelii, Haemulon steindachneri, Halichoeres dispilus, Stegastes acapulcoensis, y Stegastes flavilatus. Las densidades de distintas especies variaron significativamente de acuerdo a la profundidad. Nuestros resultados reflejan una diversidad Beta bastante alta comparada con otros estudios, aunque solamente el 22% de las especies fueron colectadas con todos los sitios. La distribución de la mayoría de las especies de peces de arrecife de coral fueron afectadas significativamente por el tipo de sustrato, la complejidad y la exposición. El sitio menos profundo se caracteriza por la presencia de Ophioblennius steindachneri, Microspathodon bairdii, M. dorsalis y Abudefduf troschelii. Un Sitio intermedio (entre aguas profundas y somera) con un sustrato heterogéneo estaba compuesto de: S. acapulcoensis, Canthigaster punctatissima, H. nicholsi, H. chierchiae, T. lucasanum, Sufflamen yerres y Serranus psittacinus. Un sitio ligeramente profundo que el anterior fue representada por H. dispilus, John randallia nigrirostris, Poma canthus zonipectus, Holacanthus passer, y S. flavilatus. Finalmente el sitio más profundo, tuvo una composición de C. atrilobata, Chaetodon humeralis, Diodon holocanthus, H. steindachneri, y H. maculicauda. Desde el punto de vista de los grupos tróficas, nuestros resultados demuestren una tendencia hacia regiones templadas con planctivoros y carnívoras de invertebrados, los cuales fueron los más abundantes comparados con los herbívoros.  
Obesity Surgery Improves Hypogonadism and Sexual Function in Men without Effects in Sperm Quality
Obesity is associated with hypogonadism, sexual dysfunction, and impaired fertility in men. However, its effects on semen parameters or sexual function remain debatable. This paper involves a longitudinal study in men submitted for obesity surgery at a university tertiary hospital. Patients were studied at baseline and at 6, 12, and 18 months after obesity surgery. At each visit, anthropometry measures were collected and hormonal and semen parameters were studied. Sexual function was evaluated with the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF). A total of 12 patients were included. The average body mass index of patients decreased from 42.37 ± 4.44 to 29.6 ± 3.77 kg/m 2 at 18 months after surgery (p < 0.05). Hormonal parameters improved after obesity surgery. The proportion of sperm cells with normal morphology tended to decrease from baseline and became most significant at 18 months (5.83 ± 4.50 vs. 2.82 ± 2.08). No significant changes were found in the remaining semen parameters. Erectile function improved significantly at six months after surgery. The authors believe that, in general, the effects of obesity surgery on fertility may be limited or even deleterious (at least in the short and midterm follow-up)
Ofrendas para una entrada: el depósito ritual de la Puerta Oeste de la Bastida de les Alcusses (Moixent, Valencia).
En este trabajo se dan a conocer los resultados de las excavaciones llevadas a cabo en la Puerta Oeste de la Bastida de les Alcusses entre los años 2010 y 2011. Asociado a una renovación de las estructuras de la entrada y la muralla, se documentó un depósito de varios centenares de objetos incluyendo herrajes, maderas, armas, cerámica, semillas, frutos, fauna y restos constructivos. Presentamos el estudio multidisciplinar de todos los materiales y las varias líneas de interpretación que nos sugiere este extraordinario contexto
Divergent Effects of Glycemic Control and Bariatric Surgery on Circulating Concentrations of TMAO in Newly Diagnosed T2D Patients and Morbidly Obese
High circulating concentrations of the gut microbiota-derived metabolite trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) are significantly associated with the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D). We aimed at evaluating the impact of glycemic control and bariatric surgery on circulating concentrations of TMAO and its microbiota-dependent intermediate, γ-butyrobetaine (γBB), in newly diagnosed T2D patients and morbidly obese subjects following a within-subject design. Based on HbA1c concentrations, T2D patients achieved glycemic control. However, the plasma TMAO and γBB concentrations were significantly increased, without changes in estimated glomerular filtration rate. Bariatric surgery was very effective in reducing weight in obese subjects. Nevertheless, the surgery reduced plasma γBB concentrations without affecting TMAO concentrations and the estimated glomerular filtration rate. Considering these results, an additional experiment was carried out in male C57BL/6J mice fed a Western-type diet for twelve weeks. Neither diet-induced obesity nor insulin resistance were associated with circulating TMAO and γBB concentrations in these genetically defined mice strains. Our findings do not support that glycemic control or bariatric surgery improve the circulating concentrations of TMAO in newly diagnosed T2D and morbidly obese patients
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