10 research outputs found

    Association of junk food consumption with overweight-obesity among preclinical medical students of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences

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    Background: The consumption of high energy and low nutritional content foods, which are known as junk foods, is considered as one of the main causes of obesity particularly in adolescents. The aim of this study was to determine the association of junk food consumption with overweight-obesity among preclinical medical students of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBMU).   Methods: In this cross-sectional study, preclinical students of SBMU were recruited by simple randomized sampling. Study participants included 18-23 years old male and female. Demographic and socio-economic data were collected by a questionnaire. Information relating to the consumption of junk foods was provided by a 24-items self-administered semi-quantitative food frequency questioner (F.F.Q). The relationship between the consumption of fast food and overweight-obesity (O.O) was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 21.0. through binary logistic regression method.     Results: A total of 186 students participated in this study. Overweight-obese students (BMI 25) accounted for 63 (34%) of the total participants. A total of 58 (31.1%) students consumed fast foods more than 1.52 serving/week. Students who were at the highest tertile of fast food consumption, had a higher chance of O.O (OR=2.42, 95% CI=1.17-4.99, P=0.01) in comparison with those in the lowest tertile (OR=2.21, 95% CI=1.01-4.84, P=0.04). After adjustment for age and socioeconomic factors, this chance was increased (OR=3.824, 95% CI=1.66-8.811, P=0.002); but, after adjusting lifestyle variables (physical activity) this relationship was not significant anymore (OR=2.247, 95% CI=0.998-5.058, P=0.05).    Conclusion: The findings of this study represent a positive association between fast-food consumption and O.O in medical students

    Visual Outcomes of Adding Erythropoietin to Methylprednisolone for Treatment of Retrobulbar Optic Neuritis

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    Purpose: To compare the short-term visual function results and safety of erythropoietin as an add-on to the standard corticosteroid therapy in retrobulbar optic neuritis (RON). Methods: In this prospective pilot study, adult patients with isolated RON with less than 10 days of onset were enrolled. Patients were consecutively assigned to standard intravenous methylprednisolone treatment either in combination with intravenous erythropoietin (20,000 units/day for three days) (group-1) or alone (group-2). Primary outcome measure was best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), which was assessed up to 120 days from the day the treatment was begun. Systemic evaluations were performed during and after treatment. Results: Sixty-two patients with RON (mean age = 26.6 ± 5.77 years; range = 18–40 years) were enrolled into the study (group-1, n = 35; group-2, n = 27). BCVA three months after the treatment was 0.19 ± 0.55 logMAR and 0.11 ± 0.32 logMAR in group-1 and group-2, respectively (95% CI: –0.61–0.16; P = 0.62). Change in BCVA after three months was 2.84 ± 3.49 logMAR in group-1 and 2.46 ± 1.40 logMAR in group-2 (95% CI: –0.93–1.91; P = 0.57). Pace of recovery was not significantly different between the groups. No complications were detected among patients. Conclusion: Intravenous erythropoietin as an add-on did not significantly improve the visual outcome in terms of visual acuity, visual field, and contrast sensitivity compared to traditional intravenous corticosteroid. This pilot study supports the safety profile of intravenous human recombinant erythropoietin, and it may help formulate future investigations with a larger sample size

    A study on heavy metals in green concrete compared to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's guidelines.

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    Examensarbetet som omfattar 22,5 högskolepoäng har utförs som den slutliga delen avhögskoleingenjörsprogrammet i byggteknik, inriktning husbyggnad vid KarlstadsUniversitet.  Hållbarhet är ett viktigt ämne som berör företag av alla slag. Ingen bransch kan undvika attfundera över hur de kan främja hållbarhet. Frågan om hur varje bransch kan göra detta äralltid viktig. Genom regeringens förslag och överenskommelser står det klart attkoldioxidutsläppen ska halveras till 2030. Det är dock inte klart hur koldioxidutsläppen skahalveras.  Grön betong är en typ av miljövänlig betong där en del av cementen ersätts av masugnsslaggeller flygaska som har tagits fram av Cementa och Swecem. De två vanligaste typerna avcement som används i grön betong är Merit och Anläggningscement FA. Merit kommer frånSwecem medan Anläggningscement AF kommer från Cementa. Målet med denna typ avbetong är att minska byggbranschens koldioxidutsläpp. Rapporten syftar till att ge läsarna en överblick över de olika typer av cement som användsvid tillverkning av grön betong och dess miljökonsekvenser. Rapporten bygger på en mängdlitteraturforskning och dialog med experter från Swecem och Cementa för att få en bättreförståelse för fenomenet grön betong. Den tar också hänsyn till hur deras produkt bidrar tillhållbarhet. En labundersökning gjordes för att jämföra halterna av tungmetaller i olika typerav cement, speciellt grön betong kontra konventionell betong. S1 titan detektorn används föratt mäta och samla in data, detektorn använder röntgenfluorescens (XRF) som mätmetod. Studien fann att både produkterna Merit och Anläggningscement AF innehöll lägretungmetaller än Naturvårdsverkets gränsvärde. Grön restbetong kan återvinnas på sammasätt som en vanlig betong till ballast eller vägfyllnadsmaterial. Grön restbetong innehållerendast tungmetaller som finns i själva cementen. Grön rivningsbetong som innehåller avfallsåsom brandskydd, värmeisolering, skumplast, elinstallationer, fogmassor och rör kanpotentiellt innehålla högre halter av tungmetaller och kan leda till potentiell lakning avfarliga ämnen till naturen. The degree project, which includes 22.5 higher education credits, has been carried out as the final part of the higher education engineering program in construction technology, majoring in building construction at Karlstad University. Sustainability is an important topic that affects companies of all kinds. No industry can avoid thinking about how they can promote sustainability. The question of how each industry can do this is always important. Through the government's proposals and agreements, it is clear that carbon dioxide emissions are to be halved by 2030. However, it is not clear how carbon dioxide emissions are to be halved. Green concrete is a type of environmentally friendly concrete where part of the cement is replaced by blast furnace slag or fly ash that has been produced by Cementa and Swecem. The two most common types of cement used in green concrete are Merit and Anläggningscement FA. Merit comes from Swecem, while Construction cement AF comes from Cementa. The goal of this type of concrete is to reduce the construction industry's carbon dioxide emissions. The report aims to give readers an overview of the different types of cement used in the production of green concrete and its environmental consequences. The report is based on a lot of literature research and dialogue with experts from Swecem and Cement to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon of green concrete. It also takes into account how its product contributes to sustainability. A lab study compared the levels of heavy metals in different types of cement, especially green concrete versus conventional concrete. The S1 titanium detector is used to measure and collect data, the detector uses X-ray fluorescence(XRF) as the measurement method. The study found that both the products Merit and Anläggningscement AF contained lower heavy metals than the Environmental Protection Agency's limit value. Residual green concrete can be recycled in the same way as ordinary concrete for aggregate or road-filling material. Residual green concrete only contains heavy metals found in the cement itself. Green demolition concrete that contains waste such as fire protection, thermal insulation, foam plastic, electrical installations, grouts, and pipes can potentially contain higher levels of heavy metals and can lead to the potential leaching of hazardous substances into nature

    A study on heavy metals in green concrete compared to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's guidelines.

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    Examensarbetet som omfattar 22,5 högskolepoäng har utförs som den slutliga delen avhögskoleingenjörsprogrammet i byggteknik, inriktning husbyggnad vid KarlstadsUniversitet.  Hållbarhet är ett viktigt ämne som berör företag av alla slag. Ingen bransch kan undvika attfundera över hur de kan främja hållbarhet. Frågan om hur varje bransch kan göra detta äralltid viktig. Genom regeringens förslag och överenskommelser står det klart attkoldioxidutsläppen ska halveras till 2030. Det är dock inte klart hur koldioxidutsläppen skahalveras.  Grön betong är en typ av miljövänlig betong där en del av cementen ersätts av masugnsslaggeller flygaska som har tagits fram av Cementa och Swecem. De två vanligaste typerna avcement som används i grön betong är Merit och Anläggningscement FA. Merit kommer frånSwecem medan Anläggningscement AF kommer från Cementa. Målet med denna typ avbetong är att minska byggbranschens koldioxidutsläpp. Rapporten syftar till att ge läsarna en överblick över de olika typer av cement som användsvid tillverkning av grön betong och dess miljökonsekvenser. Rapporten bygger på en mängdlitteraturforskning och dialog med experter från Swecem och Cementa för att få en bättreförståelse för fenomenet grön betong. Den tar också hänsyn till hur deras produkt bidrar tillhållbarhet. En labundersökning gjordes för att jämföra halterna av tungmetaller i olika typerav cement, speciellt grön betong kontra konventionell betong. S1 titan detektorn används föratt mäta och samla in data, detektorn använder röntgenfluorescens (XRF) som mätmetod. Studien fann att både produkterna Merit och Anläggningscement AF innehöll lägretungmetaller än Naturvårdsverkets gränsvärde. Grön restbetong kan återvinnas på sammasätt som en vanlig betong till ballast eller vägfyllnadsmaterial. Grön restbetong innehållerendast tungmetaller som finns i själva cementen. Grön rivningsbetong som innehåller avfallsåsom brandskydd, värmeisolering, skumplast, elinstallationer, fogmassor och rör kanpotentiellt innehålla högre halter av tungmetaller och kan leda till potentiell lakning avfarliga ämnen till naturen. The degree project, which includes 22.5 higher education credits, has been carried out as the final part of the higher education engineering program in construction technology, majoring in building construction at Karlstad University. Sustainability is an important topic that affects companies of all kinds. No industry can avoid thinking about how they can promote sustainability. The question of how each industry can do this is always important. Through the government's proposals and agreements, it is clear that carbon dioxide emissions are to be halved by 2030. However, it is not clear how carbon dioxide emissions are to be halved. Green concrete is a type of environmentally friendly concrete where part of the cement is replaced by blast furnace slag or fly ash that has been produced by Cementa and Swecem. The two most common types of cement used in green concrete are Merit and Anläggningscement FA. Merit comes from Swecem, while Construction cement AF comes from Cementa. The goal of this type of concrete is to reduce the construction industry's carbon dioxide emissions. The report aims to give readers an overview of the different types of cement used in the production of green concrete and its environmental consequences. The report is based on a lot of literature research and dialogue with experts from Swecem and Cement to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon of green concrete. It also takes into account how its product contributes to sustainability. A lab study compared the levels of heavy metals in different types of cement, especially green concrete versus conventional concrete. The S1 titanium detector is used to measure and collect data, the detector uses X-ray fluorescence(XRF) as the measurement method. The study found that both the products Merit and Anläggningscement AF contained lower heavy metals than the Environmental Protection Agency's limit value. Residual green concrete can be recycled in the same way as ordinary concrete for aggregate or road-filling material. Residual green concrete only contains heavy metals found in the cement itself. Green demolition concrete that contains waste such as fire protection, thermal insulation, foam plastic, electrical installations, grouts, and pipes can potentially contain higher levels of heavy metals and can lead to the potential leaching of hazardous substances into nature

    Vitreopapillary Traction in Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy

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    Complement Factor H Y402H and LOC387715 A69S Polymorphisms in Association with Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Iran

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    Purpose: To determine the frequency of complement factor H (Y402H) and age related macular degeneration susceptibility gene 2 (A69S) single nucleotide polymorphisms in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and in matched non-AMD controls in an Iranian population. Methods: Seventy patients with AMD and 86 age- and sex-matched controls were recruited and examined. Peripheral blood sample was obtained from all subjects for DNA extraction and direct sequencing of Y402H and A69S genes. Odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association of Y402H and A69S polymorphisms with AMD were determined. Results: The frequencies of both homozygous and heterozygous genotypes were significantly higher in cases than controls for both Y402H and A69S polymorphisms. In comparison to the wild genotypes, OR for AMD associated with Y402H and A69S polymorphisms were 1.9 (95% CI, 1.1-3.2) and 2.2 (95%CI, 1.6-3.1), respectively. Joint risk analysis considering both genes revealed a higher risk of AMD when polymorphisms were present for both genes. Conclusion: Y402H and A69S polymorphisms were strongly associated with AMD in this Iranian population