144 research outputs found

    Humanistic Criminology: Is It Possible?

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    A humanistic criminology is one that would be oriented to human betterment and fulfillment, as opposed to conventional criminology oriented to the control of crime and suppression of offenders. Some of the obstacles that stand in the way of developing a humanistic criminology, as well as some of the reasons why these obstacles do not necessarily preclude its being established, are addressed. Some reasons why humanistic criminology is desirable are suggested. Given that humanistic criminology is viable a critique of contemporary schools of criminology/criminal justice is offered and a number of suggestions are made regarding what an academic department of criminology oriented to humanism would study and emphasize in its curriculum and goals

    Die lymphozytÀre und humorale Immunrekonstitution nach allogener Stammzelltransplantation

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    Der Prozess der Immunrekonstitution nach allogener hĂ€matopoetischer Stammzelltransplantation (HSCT) ist komplex und bis heute nicht vollstĂ€ndig verstanden; gleichwohl sind der Genesungsprozess und das Überleben von Patienten nach Stammzelltransplantation in hohem Maße abhĂ€ngig von der Wiedererlangung einer vollumfĂ€nglichen immunologischen Funktion. Diese Dissertationsschrift untersucht vor diesem Hintergrund die Immunrekonstitution des zellulĂ€ren und humoralen Systems bei 136 erwachsenen StammzellempfĂ€ngern 3 bis 21 Monate nach allogener HSCT unter BerĂŒcksichtigung verschiedener Einfluss nehmender Faktoren. Bis Ende des Untersuchungszeitraumes erreichte die Rekonstitution des T-Zellsystems in 45%, die des B-Zellkompartiments in 50% der FĂ€lle ihren jeweiligen Normwertbereich; die Rekonstitution der CD8+ T-Lymphozyten war dabei deutlich erfolgreicher als die CD4+ T-Lymphozyten. Die NK-Zelllinie erreichte nach 21 Monaten zu 100% normale Werte. Im Gegensatz zu der in Teilen defizitĂ€ren zellulĂ€ren Erholung wies ein Großteil der Patienten 21 Monate nach allogener HSCT normwertige Serum-Immunglobuline auf. Nach der Analyse verschiedener Parameter auf die Immunrekonstitution ließ sich eine frĂŒhe CMV-Infektion als stĂ€rkste Einflussvariable auf die Immunrekonstitution nach allogener HSCT identifizieren. Insbesondere die Wachstumsrate CD8+ T-Lymphozyten sowie der Immunglobuline wurde durch die Infektion langfristig erhöht, wobei die SpezifitĂ€t mit den eingesetzten Methoden nicht geklĂ€rt werden konnte. Bei einer PrĂ€valenz von 40% kam der chronischen Graft-versus-Host Disease im Kontext der zellulĂ€ren und humoralen Rekonvaleszenz erstaunlicherweise eine untergeordnete Rolle zu; herauszustellen verbleibt an dieser Stelle jedoch die gestörte B-Zellrekonstitution bei stattgehabter chronischer Graft- versus-Host Disease. WĂ€hrend sich der Einsatz dosisreduzierter Regime in Bezug auf die Immunrekonstitution im Rahmen dieser Arbeit als weitestgehend gleichrangig gegenĂŒber klassisch myeloablativen Konditionierungsregimen erwies und Alterseffekte ebenfalls nur schwach ausgeprĂ€gt waren, soll an dieser Stelle die erfolgreiche Immunrekonstitution bei Ă€lteren Patienten als Resultat moderner intensitĂ€tsreduzierter Konditionierungen betont werden. Ferner, und bisher in dieser Form nicht beschrieben, konnte der Einsatz von Alemtuzumab gegenĂŒber Antithymozytenglobulin als nachhaltiger Einflussfaktor auf die Rekonstitution CD8+ T-Lymphozyten ermittelt werden. Die Ausbildung einer Monoklonalen Gammopathie unklarer Signifikanz (MGUS) hatte keinen Einfluss auf die lymphozytĂ€re und humorale Rekonstitution nach allogener HSCT. Auch konnte trotz einer relativen HĂ€ufung bei Myelompatienten kein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Auftreten einer MGUS und der zur Transplantation fĂŒhrenden Grunderkrankung gefunden werden. Insgesamt zeigten Patienten mit MGUS jedoch ein signifikant erhöhtes Vorkommen an chronischer Graft versus Host Disease. Eine CMV-Reaktivierung als Auslöser einer MGUS konnte ausgeschlossen werden

    Assessment of the range of the HIV-1 infectivity enhancing effect of individual human semen specimen and the range of inhibition by EGCG

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    Recently, it has been shown that human ejaculate enhances human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) infectivity. Enhancement of infectivity is conceived to be mediated by amyloid filaments from peptides that are proteolytically released from prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP), termed Semen-derived Enhancer of Virus Infection (SEVI). The aim of this study was to test the range of HIV-1 infectivity enhancing properties of a large number of individual semen samples (n = 47) in a TZM-bl reporter cell HIV infection system. We find that semen overall increased infectivity to 156% of the control experiment without semen, albeit with great inter- and intraindividual variability (range -53%-363%). Using transmission electron microscopy, we provide evidence for SEVI fibrils in fresh human semen for the first time. Moreover, we confirm that the infectivity enhancing property can be inhibited by the major green tea ingredient epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) at non-toxic concentrations. The median inhibition of infection by treatment with 0.4 mM EGCG was 70.6% (p < 0.0001) in our cohort. Yet, there were substantial variations of inhibition and in a minority of samples, infectivity enhancement was not inhibited by EGCG treatment at all. Thus, topical application of EGCG may be a feasible additional measure to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV. However, the reasons for the variability in the efficacy of the abrogation of semen-mediated enhancement of HIV-1 infectivity and EGCG efficacy have to be elucidated before therapeutic trials can be conducted

    Palate Lung Nasal Clone (PLUNC), a Novel Protein of the Tear Film: Three-Dimensional Structure, Immune Activation, and Involvement in Dry Eye Disease (DED)

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    Citation: Schicht M, Rausch F, Beron M, et al. Palate lung nasal clone (PLUNC), a novel protein of the tear film: three-dimensional structure, immune activation, and involvement in dry eye disease (DED). Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015;56:7312-7323. DOI:10.1167/iovs.15-17560 PURPOSE. Palate Lung Nasal Clone (PLUNC) is a hydrophobic protein belonging to the family of surfactant proteins that is involved in fluid balance regulation of the lung. Moreover, it is known to directly act against gram-negative bacteria. The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible expression and antimicrobial role of PLUNC at the healthy ocular surface and in tears of patients suffering from dry eye disease (DED). METHODS. Bioinformatics and biochemical and immunologic methods were combined to elucidate the structure and function of PLUNC at the ocular surface. Tissue-specific localization was performed by using immunohistochemistry. The PLUNC levels in tear samples from non-Sjögren&apos;s DED patients with moderate dry eye suffering either from hyperevaporation or tear deficiency were analyzed by ELISA and compared with tears from healthy volunteers. RESULTS. Palate Lung Nasal Clone is expressed under healthy conditions at the ocular surface and secreted into the tear film. Protein modeling studies and molecular dynamics simulations performed indicated surface activity of PLUNC. In vitro experiments revealed that proinflammatory cytokines and bacterial supernatants have only a slight effect on the expression of PLUNC in HCE and HCjE cell lines. In tears from DED patients, the PLUNC concentration is significantly increased (7-fold in evaporative dry eye tears and 17-fold in tears from patients with tear deficiency) compared with healthy subjects. CONCLUSIONS. The results show that PLUNC is a protein of the tear film and suggest that it plays a role in fluid balance and surface tension regulation at the ocular surface

    A short-term plastic adherence incubation of the stromal vascular fraction leads to a predictable GMP-compliant cell-product

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    Introduction: Mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) derived from fat tissue are an encouraging tool for regenerative medicine. They share properties similar to the bone marrow-derived MSCs, but the amount of MSCs per gram of fat tissue is 500x higher. The fat tissue can easily be digested by collagenase, releasing a heterogeneous cell fraction called stromal vascular fraction (SVF) which contains a variable amount of stromal/stem cells. In Europe, cell products like the SVF derived from fat tissue are considered advanced therapy medicinal product (ATMPs). As a consequence, the manufacturing process has to be approved via GMP-compliant process validation. The problem of the process validation for SVF is the heterogeneity of this fraction. Methods: Here, we modified existing purification strategies by adding an additional plastic adherence incubation of maximal 20 hours after SVF isolation. The resulting cell fraction was characterized and compared to SVF as well as cultivated adipose-derived stromal/stem cells (ASCs) with respect to viability and cell yield, the expression of surface markers, differentiation potential and cytokine expression. Results: Short-term incubation significantly reduced the heterogeneity of the resulting cell fraction compared to SVF. The cells were able to differentiate into adipocytes, chondrocytes, and osteoblasts. More importantly, they expressed trophic proteins which have been previously associated with the beneficial effects of MSCs. Furthermore, GMP compliance of the production process described herein was acknowledged by the national regulatory agencies (DE_BB_01_GMP_2017_1018). Conclusion: Addition of a short purification-step after the SVF isolation is a cheap and fast strategy to isolate a homogeneous uncultivated GMP-compliant cell fraction of ASCs

    Improved in vitro test procedure for full assessment of the cytocompatibility of degradable magnesium based on ISO 10993-5/-12

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    Magnesium (Mg)-based biomaterials are promising candidates for bone and tissue regeneration. Alloying and surface modifications provide effective strategies for optimizing and tailoring their degradation kinetics. Nevertheless, biocompatibility analyses of Mg-based materials are challenging due to its special degradation mechanism with continuous hydrogen release. In this context, the hydrogen release and the related (micro-) milieu conditions pretend to strictly follow in vitro standards based on ISO 10993-5/-12. Thus, special adaptions for the testing of Mg materials are necessary, which have been described in a previous study from our group. Based on these adaptions, further developments of a test procedure allowing rapid and effective in vitro cytocompatibility analyses of Mg-based materials based on ISO 10993-5/-12 are necessary. The following study introduces a new two-step test scheme for rapid and effective testing of Mg. Specimens with different surface characteristics were produced by means of plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) using silicate-based and phosphate-based electrolytes. The test samples were evaluated for corrosion behavior, cytocompatibility and their mechanical and osteogenic properties. Thereby, two PEO ceramics could be identified for further in vivo evaluations

    Do female offenders differ? Comparing the criminal histories of serious violent perpetrators with a control sample

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    In view of earlier research, female offenders have not received as much attention as male perpetrators. Thus, the research aimed to gain insight into the types of offences committed by serious violent female offenders (n = 206; those who had committed grievous bodily harm, attempted murder, or homicide) and to explore differences with control female perpetrators (n = 447); control offenders were matched according to age and year of offence of the serious violent offenders. The purpose was to, therefore, gather an understanding of female offenders and to determine if the serious violent perpetrators differed from the control sample. A UK police force provided data of offences committed between April 2001 and April 2011. Descriptive information was analysed, with comparisons being made using Mann–Whitney U tests and chi-square analyses. About 72.3% (n = 149) of serious violent offenders had one or more recorded convictions and were significantly more likely to have committed a previous violent offence than the control sample. On the other hand, control perpetrators had a higher likelihood of having previously committed a theft-related offence, when compared to serious violent females. Therefore, the findings indicate the types of offences committed by female offenders and highlight the differences between serious violent perpetrators and offenders in the control sample. The implications and limitations are discussed

    Highly significant antiviral activity of HIV-1 LTR-specific tre-recombinase in humanized mice

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    Stable integration of HIV proviral DNA into host cell chromosomes, a hallmark and essential feature of the retroviral life cycle, establishes the infection permanently. Current antiretroviral combination drug therapy cannot cure HIV infection. However, expressing an engineered HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR) site-specific recombinase (Tre), shown to excise integrated proviral DNA in vitro, may provide a novel and highly promising antiviral strategy. We report here the conditional expression of Tre-recombinase from an advanced lentiviral self-inactivation (SIN) vector in HIV-infected cells. We demonstrate faithful transgene expression, resulting in accurate provirus excision in the absence of cytopathic effects. Moreover, pronounced Tre-mediated antiviral effects are demonstrated in vivo, particularly in humanized Rag2−/−γc−/− mice engrafted with either Tre-transduced primary CD4+ T cells, or Tre-transduced CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSC). Taken together, our data support the use of Tre-recombinase in novel therapy strategies aiming to provide a cure for HIV

    Figure 4. Apoptotic sperm cells are efficiently phagocytosed in the presence of fibrils.

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    Unlike other human biological fluids, semen contains multiple types of amyloid fibrils in the absence of disease. These fibrils enhance HIV infection by promoting viral fusion to cellular targets, but their natural function remained unknown. The similarities shared between HIV fusion to host cell and sperm fusion to oocyte led us to examine whether these fibrils promote fertilization. Surprisingly, the fibrils inhibited fertilization by immobilizing sperm. Interestingly, however, this immobilization facilitated uptake and clearance of sperm by macrophages, which are known to infiltrate the female reproductive tract (FRT) following semen exposure. In the presence of semen fibrils, damaged and apoptotic sperm were more rapidly phagocytosed than healthy ones, suggesting that deposition of semen fibrils in the lower FRT facilitates clearance of poor-quality sperm. Our findings suggest that amyloid fibrils in semen may play a role in reproduction by participating in sperm selection and facilitating the rapid removal of sperm antigens

    Optimale Mast- und Fuetterungsstrategien unter quantitativen Nebenbedingungen am Beispiel der Schweinemast

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    Es wurde eine einzelbetriebliche, rechnergestuetzte Entscheidungshilfefuer die Schweinemast formal entwickelt, programmiert (FORTRAN-10 (V.7)) und in Modellrechnungen getestet. Der Modellansatz kann Betrieben, die ueber grosse Mastkapazitaeten und eigene Futteraufbereitungsanlagen verfuegen, Hinweise zur optimalen kurzfristigen Faktorallokation in der Futterwirtschaft der Schweinemast gebenSIGLEAvailable from: Zentralstelle fuer Agrardokumentation und -information (ZADI), Villichgasse 17, D-53177 Bonn / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman
