1,984 research outputs found

    Yield- and biomass-per-recruit analysis for rotational fisheries, with an application to the Atlantic sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus)

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    A general model for yield-per-recruit analysis of rotational (periodic) fisheries is developed and applied to the sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) fishery of the northwest Atlantic. Rotational fishing slightly increases both yield- and biomass-per-recruit for sea scallops at FMAX. These quantities decline less quickly when fishing mortality is increased beyond FMAX than when fishing is at a constant rate. The improvement in biomass-per-recruit appears to be nearly independent of the selectivity pattern but increased size-at-entry can reduce or eliminate the yield-per-recruit advantage of rotation. Area closures and rotational fishing can cause difficulties with the use of standard spatially averaged fishing mortality metrics and reference points. The concept of temporally averaged fishing mortality is introduced as one that is more appropriate for sedentary resources when fishing mortality varies in time and space

    Marine reserve effects on fishery profits : a comment on White et al. (2008)

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Ecology Letters 12 (2009): E9-E11, doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2008.01272.x.A recent study (White et al. 2008) claimed that fishery profits will often be higher with management that employs no-take marine reserves than conventional fisheries management alone. However, this conclusion was based on the erroneous assumption that all landed fish have equal value regardless of size, and questionable assumptions regarding density-dependence. Examination of an age-structured version of the White et al. (2008) model demonstrates that their results are not robust to these assumptions. Models with more realistic assumptions generally do not indicate increased fishery yield or profits from marine reserves except for overfished stocks

    Development of Wave Energy Converters at Ocean Power Technologies (Extended Abstract)

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    This abstract contains information relevant to the use of wave information for naval operations, education, and alternative energy technologies, and was used, along with the Session Presentation, to facilitate discussion during Session 1 (the use of wave measurements to support operations)

    Visual Recognition of Child Body Mass Index by Medical Students, Resident Physicians, and Community Physicians

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    Background: Many studies have assessed the ability of mothers to identify their child’s Body Mass Index (BMI) category and the vast majority of mothers are unable to do so accurately. This suggested a need for physicians to inform parents about their child’s weight status. However, many physicians do not chart BMI-for-age, even though it is recommended. Instead they rely on their visual perception of the patient’s weight status. This study determined the number of medical students, resident physicians, and community physicians who correctly categorize preschool children into their appropriate weight class by visual cues alone. Methods: Fourth-year medical students, family medicine and pediatric resident physicians, and family medicine and pediatric community physicians completed a brief on-line survey. Pictures of three preschool children were shown and respondents described each child’s BMI-for-age category. Results: A 43% (134/312) response rate was achieved. Only 15% of respondents correctly identified a 3-year-old boy, whose BMI was >95th percentile for his age, as obese. Nearly 86% correctly identified a 4-year-old girl with normal BMI-for-age, but only 21% correctly identified another girl who was overweight at the 90-95th percentile BMI-for-age. No significant difference was found in total accuracy between medical students, resident physicians, or community physicians (F(2,123)=0.743, p=0.478) or between family medicine physicians and pediatricians (F(1,107)=2.269, p=0.135) when predicting the BMI-for-age categories. Conclusions: Medical professionals and trainees have difficulty visually assessing a child’s BMI-for-age weight status. This underscores the importance of calculating and plotting BMI at healthy check-ups

    Spillover of sea scallops from rotational closures in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (United States)

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    We examined evidence for larval spillover (increased recruitment outside the closures) of Atlantic sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) due to rotational closures in the Mid-Atlantic Bight using a 40-year fisheries survey time series and a larval transport model. Since the first closure of the Hudson Canyon South (HCS) area in 1998, mean recruitment in the two areas directly down-current from this closure, Elephant Trunk (ET) and Delmarva (DMV), increased significantly by factors of about 7 and 2, respectively. Stock–recruit plots indicate that low biomasses in HCS were associated with reduced mean recruitment in ET and DMV. Simulations indicate that larvae spawned in HCS often settle in the two downstream areas and that model-estimated settlement (based on gonad biomass in HCS and year-specific larval transport between the areas) is correlated with observed recruitment. This study gives strong evidence that the rotational closure of HCS has induced increased recruitment in down-current areas

    Gas and gas hydrate distribution around seafloor seeps in Mississippi Canyon, Northern Gulf of Mexico, using multi-resolution seismic imagery

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (2008): 952-959, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2008.01.015.To determine the impact of seeps and focused flow on the occurrence of shallow gas hydrates, several seafloor mounds in the Atwater Valley lease area of the Gulf of Mexico were surveyed with a wide range of seismic frequencies. Seismic data were acquired with a deep-towed, Helmholz resonator source (220–820 Hz); a high-resolution, Generator-Injector air-gun (30–300 Hz); and an industrial air-gun array (10–130 Hz). Each showed a significantly different response in this weakly reflective, highly faulted area. Seismic modeling and observations of reversed-polarity reflections and small scale diffractions are consistent with a model of methane transport dominated regionally by diffusion but punctuated by intense upward advection responsible for the bathymetric mounds, as well as likely advection along pervasive filamentous fractures away from the mounds.This work was funded through ONR program element 61153N, and U.S. Department of Energy Grant DE-A126-97FT3423

    Heschl's gyrus is more sensitive to tone level than non-primary auditory cortex

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    Previous neuroimaging studies generally demonstrate a growth in the cortical response with an increase in sound level. However, the details of the shape and topographic location of such growth remain largely unknown. One limiting methodological factor has been the relatively sparse sampling of sound intensities. Additionally, most studies have either analysed the entire auditory cortex without differentiating primary and non-primary regions or have limited their analyses to Heschl's gyrus (HG). Here, we characterise the pattern of responses to a 300-Hz tone presented in 6-dB steps from 42 to 96 dB sound pressure level as a function of its sound level, within three anatomically defined auditory areas; the primary area, on HG, and two non-primary areas, consisting of a small area lateral to the axis of HG (the anterior lateral area, ALA) and the posterior part of auditory cortex (the planum temporale, PT). Extent and magnitude of auditory activation increased non-linearly with sound level. In HG, the extent and magnitude were more sensitive to increasing level than in ALA and PT. Thus, HG appears to have a larger involvement in sound-level processing than does ALA or PT

    The Extratropical Transition of Tropical Cyclones: Forecast Challenges, Current Understanding, and Future Directions

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    A significant number of tropical cyclones move into the midlatitudes and transform into extratropical cyclones. This process is generally referred to as extratropical transition (ET). During ET a cyclone frequently produces intense rainfall and strong winds and has increased forward motion, so that such systems pose a serious threat to land and maritime activities. Changes in the structure of a system as it evolves from a tropical to an extratropical cyclone during ET necessitate changes in forecast strategies. In this paper a brief climatology of ET is given and the challenges associated with forecasting extratropical transition are described in terms of the forecast variables (track, intensity, surface winds, precipitation) and their impacts (flooding, bush fires, ocean response). The problems associated with the numerical prediction of ET are discussed. A comprehensive review of the current understanding of the processes involved in ET is presented. Classifications of extratropical transition are described and potential vorticity thinking is presented as an aid to understanding ET. Further sections discuss the interaction between a tropical cyclone and the midlatitude environment, the role of latent heat release, convection and the underlying surface in ET, the structural changes due to frontogenesis, the mechanisms responsible for precipitation, and the energy budget during ET. Finally, a summary of the future directions for research into ET is given

    A photographic and acoustic transect across two deep-water seafloor mounds, Mississippi Canyon, northern Gulf of Mexico

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (2008): 969-976, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2008.01.020.In the northern Gulf of Mexico, a series of seafloor mounds lie along the floor of the Mississippi Canyon in Atwater Valley lease blocks 13 and 14. The mounds, one of which was drilled by the Chevron Joint Industry Project on Methane Hydrates in 2005, are interpreted to be vent-related features that may contain significant accumulations of gas hydrate adjacent to gas and fluid migration pathways. The mounds are located not, vert, similar150 km south of Louisiana at not, vert, similar1300 m water depth. New side-scan sonar data, multibeam bathymetry, and near-bottom photography along a 4 km northwest–southeast transect crossing two of the mounds (labeled D and F) reveal the mounds' detailed morphology and surficial characteristics. Mound D, not, vert, similar250 m in diameter and 7–10 m in height, has exposures of authigenic carbonates and appears to result from a seafloor vent of slow-to-moderate flux. Mound F, which is not, vert, similar400 m in diameter and 10–15 m high, is covered on its southwest flank by extruded mud flows, a characteristic associated with moderate-to-rapid flux. Chemosynthetic communities visible on the bottom photographs are restricted to bacterial mats on both mounds and mussels at Mound D. No indications of surficial gas hydrates are evident on the bottom photographPartial support for the research cruises that collected the data for this study was provided by the Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Lab

    Incomplete Contracts with Asymmetric Information: Exclusive v. Optional Remedies

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    Law and economics scholars have always had a strong interest in contract remedies. Perhaps the most explored issue in contract law has been the desirability of various contract remedies, such as expectation damages, specific performance, or liquidated damages, to name the most common. Scholars have been debating for years, from various perspectives, the comparative advantage of these remedies. Yet, most scholars have assumed that each of these remedies is exclusive, and their work has compared a single remedy contract to another single remedy contract. Interestingly, an analysis that assumes these remedies are optional (or cumulative) has not yet been explored, in spite of the fact that contract law provides the non-breaching party with a variety of optional remedies to choose from in case of a breach, and in spite of the fact that parties themselves write contracts which provide such an option. In this paper we attempt to start filling in this gap by studying the relationship between these remedies. Specifically, we study the conditions at which a contract that grants the non-breaching party an option to choose from optional remedies is superior to an exclusive remedy contract. We show that under conditions of double-sided uncertainty and asymmetric information between a seller (who might breach) and a buyer (who never breaches) the interaction of the parties\u27 distributions should determine whether a contract provides for exclusive or optional remedies. Specifically, if the buyer\u27s conditional expected valuation is larger than the seller\u27s conditional expected valuation (in both cases - conditional that their expected valuation is above the buyer\u27s mean valuation), then a contract which provides the buyer an option to choose between liquidated damages or specific performance (or actual damages) is superior. Our analysis in this paper informs transactional lawyers of the relevant economic factors they should consider when deciding the optimal composition of remedies in a given context. Moreover, our analysis is relevant for courts that interpret contracts because it will help them to better understand whether rational parties would have agreed that a particular remedy would be an exclusive remedy or an optional remedy when the language of the contract is ambiguous. Lastly, our analysis provides yet another economic rationale for why courts should enforce parties\u27 liquidated damages clauses even if it seems ex-post over, or under, compensatory. We present a model which shows when parties will agree on a non-exclusive liquidated damages clause. Under such a contract the parties stipulate ex-ante that the buyer will have the option to choose upon breach whether she prefers an optional remedy, such as actual damages or specific performance, to the pre-determined liquidated damages. We focus on the ex-ante design of the contract in light of the new information that the parties anticipate they will gain after they draft the contract. Therefore, we assume that no renegotiation or investments are involved. We demonstrate the optimal way to design contract clauses which takes advantage of the information that the seller and the buyer receive between the time they enter into the contract and the time of the actual breach. We further suggest that parties indeed use such clauses and that courts honor them. After laying out the basic model we provide some extensions to it. As is well known, an exclusive liquidated damages contract is equivalent to granting the seller a call option to breach and pay, where the exercise price is equal to the amount of the agreed liquidated damages. What is perhaps less known is that a non-exclusive, or optional, contract, where the buyer can choose performance, is equivalent to giving the buyer a consecutive call option with the same exercise price. Yet, the consecutive call option to the buyer does not have to have the same exercise price but can rather have a higher one. We call this new contract a two-price contract and show that it is even more efficient than the basic contract we have explored before. Next, we introduce more rounds of sequential options and show that while the regular ex-ante contract can achieve on average about 4 Indeed, in an environment of asymmetric information renegotiation costs are high. More on this below. 90% of the first-best allocative efficiency, an n-rounds contract approaches the first best, as n goes to infinity. We show numerically that within just 4 rounds, 96% of the allocative efficiency can be achieved. Section two describes the legal background against which we have designed our model. Section three surveys the literature that evaluates contract remedies from an economic perspective. Section four presents a simple model with two-sided incomplete information and with a liquidated damages clause. In section four we compare the performance of a regime with optional remedies with a regime of exclusive remedy and then determine the conditions at which each regime should be applied. Section five discusses some interesting extensions meant to approach the first-best allocative efficiency. The appendix provides a more rigorous mathematical demonstration of the model
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