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    Indonesia is the nation with the largest archipelago in the world which consists of 13.466 islands from Sabang till Rote. It also has more than 700 local languages with culturally diverse. Based on that, it makes this country has potential of human resources, otherwise it can be the source of big conflict if could not be maintained as well as. One of the most dominant places in this country is Java, the capital and the center of economic is also in Java. In the past, the colonizer like Dutch and Japan always start their occupation started from Java. In addition, Java also called as the culture center region in this nation in which one of the sign for this reason is the existence of the palace of Sultanate Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat in Yogyakarta Method of this research uses qualitative research, and then data were collect ed from the place of Gus Dur graveyard at Pesantren Tebuireng Jombang in east Java and several areas around here. In addition the researcher classified data and making categorization based on ethnolinguistics perspective. According to Duranti The result of this research showed that for religious people they will start their ritual activities using Islamic speech like opening, content and closing. For opening it will consist of stating basmalah, stating wasilah or tawassul as medium to make interaction and for praying to. The second activities for content it will be consist of reading ayat-ayat al-qur’an and the third is closing, will be consist of expectation and invocation to God. On the other hand, for pure Javanese people, they also have 3 sections during their ritual or selamatan, they are, opening, content and the closing


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    Code switching is a bilingual communication strategy which consists of the alternate use of two or more languages in the same utterance. The main objective of this study is an analysis on code switching used in panorama FM radio station at Tretes Prigen-Raya Pasuruan. The broadcasters used Javanese-Indonesia code switching during broadcasting dangdut music program. This study was aimed to get the answers of the research problems, namely (1) what kinds of code switching are demonstrated by broadcasters of dangdut music programs in Panorama FM radio station in Tretes Prigen-Raya Pasuruan? And (2) what are the contexts of code switching used by the broadcasters of dangdut music programs at Panorama FM radio station? This study is a descriptive qualitative method, because it is related to the problem of how to describe the language phenomenon in radio broadcasting utterance and the sociolinguistic aspect when the broadcasters of radio Panorama dangdut music program were doing code switching while they were on air. In collecting the data, the writer recorded the utterances of the broadcasters when they were on air, then transcribed them from harddisk, and identified them based on their form. After conducted this research, the writer found that the code switching used by the broadcasters contained three forms of code switching; they were Javanese clause, tag, and exclamation. He also found code switching that was occurred in Panorama FM triggered by three contexts; they were codes switching for humorous expression, for emphasizing speech content, and for expressing desired expression

    Nilai-nilai pendidikan sabar dalam novel Ayat-ayat Cinta karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Nilai-nilai pendidikan sabar yang terkandung dalam novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta Karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan menggunakan pengumpulan data Dokumentasi, Interviu dan Kepustakaan (library research). Kemudian data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode Content Analysis yaitu usaha untuk mengungkapkan isi sebuah buku yang menggambarkan situasi penulis dan masyakatnya pada waktu buku itu ditulis, Lebih singkatnya adalah analisis ilmiah tentang isi pesan suatu komunikasi. Metode Interpretasi hasil analisis yaitu pemberian kesan, pendapat, atau pandangan teoretis terhadap sesuatu tafsiran. Dan juga data hasil wawancara tentang. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam novel Habiburrahman El Shirazy yang berjudul Ayat-Ayat Cinta terdapat beberapa pendidikan sabar dan hakikat pendidikan sabar, yaitu: a) Sabar dalam ketaatan; menahan diri dari kesusahan dan kesukaran dalam menjalankan perintah-perintah yang Allah Swt perintahkan dengan ridha dan yakin akan pahala yang didapatkan. Ini dapat ditemui dari beberapa tokoh yang terlibat didalamnya, dan yang paling dominan adalah tokoh utama (self awareness), Fahri bin Abdulah mahasiswa asal Indonesia. b) Sabar dari kemaksiatan, yaitu menahan diri sekuat tenaga untuk tidak mengerjakan kemaksiatan, kemungkaran dan kedurhakaan yang ada didepannya. Dan ini kita temukan dalam novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta dari beberapa ujian yang harus dilewati tokoh utamanya dengan cara baik dan adil, karena di dalam novel ini terdapat juga sebuh cerita mengisahkan orang yang tidak tahu batasan larangan pergaulan atau hubugan lawan jenis dalam ajaran Islam c) Sabar dalam menghadapi ujian dan cobaan; yaitu tabah atas segala ujian dan penderitaan yang Allah Swt berikan kepadanya dengan tidak mengeluh serta tidak putus asa atas musibah yang menimpa. Sedangkan sabar sendiri merupakan salah satu akhlak baik (mahmudah) yang harus dimiliki seorang muslim. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, diharapkan menjadi bahan pelajaran dan masukan dalam menjalankan proses pendidikan, karena semakin majunya zaman diharapkan sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan Islam, dan diharapkan para orang tua, guru dan juga pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan untuk bisa mendampingi anak didiknya bisa memilih ‘menu’ pendidikan yang sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan Islam

    Operasionalisasi Dana Bos Di Smp Negeri 2 Jepon

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    Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah operasionalisasi dana BOS di SMP Negeri 2 Jepon. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik tim manajemen dana BOS, karakteristik alokasi dan karakteristik pertanggungjawaban penggunaan dana BOS di SMP Negeri 2 Jepon. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan desain etnografi pendidikan. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah SMP Negeri 2 Jepon. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah tim manajemen dana BOS (kepala sekolah, bendahara dan anggota), guru dan pegawai di SMP Negeri 2 Jepon. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah Wawancara mendalam, Observasi dan Dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan Model Analisis Interaktif yang terdiri dari 3 jenis alur kegiatan, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Untuk mengecek keabsahan data, peneliti menggunakan trianggulasi, yaitu Trianggulasi Sumber dan Trianggulasi Metode. Hasil penelitian adalah 1) Tim manajemen dana BOS mempunyai tanggung jawab dalam mengalokasikan dana BOS, mengembangkan kompetensi dengan mengikuti seminar dan diklat tentang pengelolaan dana BOS, saling bekerja sama dan bersikap terbuka dalam mengelola dana BOS. 2) Pengalokasian dana BOS mengacu pada Petunjuk Teknis, sesuai dengan prioritas kebutuhan sekolah, dan sesuai dengan pembiayaan yang bersifat periodik. 3) Pertanggungjawaban penggunaan dana BOS didukung dengan bukti transaksi, diumumkan secara periodik, disusun dalam rekapitulasi pertanggungjawaban, dan bersifat terbuka untuk dicek dan diaudit


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    In lesson plan, MTS Al Washliyah 16 Perbaungan teachers have prepared learning tools such as RPP and Syllabus as lesson plans that are supposed to be made and prepared to support the expected learning. This is consistent with the indicators in Rusman's theory that researcher used in carrying out the implementation of learning that needs attention as follows: (1) compiling learning objectives in an operational form; (2) formulating learning objectives in the form of learning products, not learning processes; (3) formulating learning objectives in student behavior, not teacher behavior; (4) formulating standards of behavior to be achieved; (5) containing only one learning goal; and (6) formulating learning objectives in the conditions under which the behavior occurs. Learning is successful if formative and summative evaluations have been carried out after planning and implementing learning. Facilities and infrastructure will support the level of success in implementing Islamic cultural history lesson in MTs Al Washliyah 16 Perbaungan.Keyword: Implementation, Learning


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    Orientasi dakwah bukan berpusat pada kepentingan da’i melainkan kebutuhan mad’u (mad’u centred preaching). Mad’u memiliki beragam harapan-harapan terhadap da’i mulai dari pemilihan metode dakwah, materi yang disampaikan dan media yang digunakan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptf dengan “pisau” analisis Teori Jude Burgoon. Peneliti menyimpulkan para mad’u memiliki harapan-harapan atas kehadiran da’i. Kurang tepatnya penyampaian dan pemilihan pesan oleh da’i tidak dapat dikatakan gagal. Hal ini tergantung bagaimana mad’u menyikapinya. Ketidaktepatan pemilihan pesan dakwah dan cara penyampaiannya dapat dinilai positif, jika mad’u menganggap hal tersebut sebagai sesuatu yang fitrah


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    This researchis aimed to examine: (1) the implementation of using bank guarantee as the mechanism to pay unfinished work on the contract that is caused by government procurement (in the end of budgeting year of 2008)(2) the settlement on extra pay if the vendors breach the contract(3) the legal force of the bill on the unfinished work based on its bank guarantee. The Methodology that is used on this research is normative legal research. It focuses on the implementation of regulation and factual contract. This research uses primary and secondary data. The duration of this research is three months (December 2008- February 2009) in several government and private institutions in Yogyakarta and Jakarta which are implementing the bank guarantee mechanism. This research shows that bank guarantee is used to guarantee a payment on government procurement contract. The reason is that there is time gap between contract period and the deadline of state budget payment application. Bank guarantee is used as a legalguarantee in issuing the money from the government\u27s account. If the vendors breach the contract, then the government will take over the bank guarantee. Arranging bank guarantee is a mandatory according to the regulation. However, to give the legal certainty, the contract should be stated a specific article about i

    Hubungan motivasi dan minat kerja dengan kesiapan kerja siswa program keahlian otomotif di SMK Kota Malang

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    This study aims to determine the relationship of motivation and interest in working with job readiness skills programs automotive vocational students in the city of Malang, and the contribution of motivation and interest in working towards work readiness, either simultaneously or partially. The design of the research is correlational study, with samples originating from class XI student (2) on automotive vocational skill program in Malang 2009/2010 which amounted to 265 th. The data analysis technique using descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the average work motivation of 3.82 with the high category, average working interest of 3.85 with the high category, while the average work readiness of 3.81 with the high category. The correlation coefficient between work motivation with job readiness of 0.646; between the working interest with the work readiness of 0.468; work motivation and work interests have partially contributed significantly to job readiness, t count for work motivation of 10.931, while t count for the working interest of 4.700 . Work Motivation and Interest in Working simultaneously contributes to the Work Readiness of 46.3%, while the rest of 53.7% influenced by other variables outside the model. Kata Kunci: Motivasi, Minat Kerja, Kesiapan kerja, siswa SM

    KOMUNIKASI PESRSUASIF DA’I DALAM PEMBINAAN KEAGAMAAN NARAPIDANA (Studi pada Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Wanita Kelas II A Bandar Lampung)

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    This Research explains about the Implementation of Persuasive Communication Da’i religious conseling of prisoner at women class institute II A Bandar Lampung. This search uses descriptive qualitative approach. Da’i who do couching comes from Institutions and non-institutions. Da’i who comes two institutions from UIN Raden Intan Lampung and Dewan Dakwah Islam Indonesia. While da’i who come from non-institution only one person that is Ustadzah Hamidah Hasibuan. This findings of the field show that the persuasive communication of da’i in the religious estublishment of the psinores in the female class II A Bandar Lampung Institute both coming from institutions and non-institutions through five stages formulated with AIDDA. First, attention of the da’i involves some inmates to the ta’lim majlis event officer, using light language, initiating the delivery of the material by asking the news, chanting, sholawat, and vocal like KH.Zainuddin M.Z. Second, the interest of da’i convey the material of julisprudence, morals, tahsin iqra, qira’at al-qur’an and tailored to the request of inmates. Third, the desire that the da’i use the language of invitation, seduction, motivation sentensces and anticipate language that discredit. Fourth, decision the prisoners respond da’i in the form of question, vent, inmates feel the settlement  of mistakes. And last, the action that the psinore return to have the spirit of life like to read Iqra, Al-qur’an and carry out religious orderi such as prayer and fasting sunnah
