99 research outputs found


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    AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menemukan perencanaan program pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba sejak di madrasah ibtidaiyah dan implementasi dari program pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba di madrasah ibtidaiyah. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Pengambilan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi, dan observasi yang selanjutnya dianalisis yaitu data reduction, data display, dan conclusion drawing/verification. Hasil penelitian, antara lain: (1) perencanaan pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba, yaitu bekerjasama dengan pemerintah setempat, koordinasi dengan dinas terkait, bekerjasama dengan orang tua, kerjasama dengan stakeholder di madrasah, sosialisasi, pembuatan kantin sehat, pembatasan akses masuk madrasah, peningkatan materi dan praktik agama serta penciptaan suasana yang menyenangkan, dan (2) implementasi dari program yang dirancang, bekerjasama dengan pihak terkait, bekerjasama dengan orang tua baik secara tatap muka maupun via online, praktikum ibadah (shalat dhuha, shalat dhuhur, ekskul BTA, dan hafidz Qur’an), pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, dan penerapan pendidikan karakter, serta pelatihan ICT. Berdasarkan implementasi yang dilaksanakan sampai dengan saat ini, belum ada kasus penyalahgunaan narkoba yang terjadi di kalangan siswa di MI Tarbiyatul Ula Palembang.AbstractThis study aimed to find out the prevention plan programs of drug abuse and its implementation since madrasah ibtidaiyah. This research used qualitative research. Data collection was done in-depth interviews, documentation, and observations which then analyzed through data reduction, display data, and conclusion drawing verification. The results of the study included; (1) planning for drug abuse prevention by making collaboration with local governments, coordination with related agencies, cooperation with parents, collaboration with stakeholders in madrasahs, socialization, building healthy canteens, restricting access to madrasahs, improving materials and religious practices, and creating a pleasant atmosphere, and (2) implementation of designed programs, collaboration with related parties, collaboration with parents both face-to-face and via online, practicum of worship (dhuha prayer, dhuhur prayer, BTA extracurricular activities, and hafidz Qur'an), fun learning, and the application of character education and  ICT training. Based on the implementation that had been carried out, there were no cases of drug abuse that have occurred among students at MI Tarbiyatul Ula Palembang

    Perancangan Sistem Keamanan Pintu Gerbang Otomatis Berbasiskan Web dengan Raspberry Pi dan RFID pada Perumahan Bekasi Jaya Indah

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    Pada perumahan Bekasi Jaya Indah yang sering terjadi kehilangan dan kurangnya tingkat pengamanan pintu gerbang. Tujuan penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data dengan cara melakukan wawancara, observasi, dan studi pustaka metode pengembangan yang digunakan yaitu metode Prototype. Bagaimana mana membuat sistem keamanan pintu gerbang yang berbasiskan web dengan raspberry pi dan rfid. Rancangan Sistem Keamanan Pintu Gerbang Otomatis Berbasiskan Web dengan Raspberry Pi dan RFID dibuat lebih mudah dan aman. Dengan adanya sistem keamanan pintu gerbang dapat memberikan keamanan yang lebih terjaga untuk masyarakat


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    In this study, the concentrations of three kinds of heavy metals, namely Pb, Zn, and Cu from 3 species of mangrove that grow in Muara Angke were measured and analyzed. Our result showed that substrate of mangrove ecosystem in Muara Angke was dominated by clay (30.5% - 62.4%), silt (21.7% -35.6%), and sand (2% -39.5%). The heavy metals accumulation in roots is higher than in sediment, water and leaves with concentration of Zn as the highest. Bioconcentration Factor (BCF; content ratio of heavy metal concentrations in roots or leaves and sediment) and Translocation Factor (TF; ratio of heavy metal concentrations in leaves and roots) of non-essential heavy metals (Pb) is higher in leaves than in roots, but for essential heavy metals (Zn and Cu), the BCF and TF was higher in roots than in leaves. TF values for heavy metals Pb, Cu, and Zn were 0.98-2.59, 0.17-0.51, and 0.52-0.86, respectively. The values of root BCF of those three heavy metals were 0.71-3.17, 0.27-0.74, and 0.95-1.53, while the values of leaf BCF were 1.84-3.45, 0.07-0.34, and 0.72-1.19, respectively. Furthermore, by calculating the phytoremediation (FTD), i.e. the difference between BCF and TF, it is obtained that Sonneratia caseolaris and Avicennia marina can be used in phytoremidiation, with leaves and roots FTD of 1.93 and 2.09, respectively for Sonneratia caseolaris and 1.93 and 1.98 for Avicennia marina.Keywords: heavy metals, mangroves, phytoremidiation, Muara Angke, bioconcentration factor, translocation facto

    Finding God’s Way: Spiritual Well-Being on the People Who Do Tirakat Mlaku

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    One of the ways to get closer to God is to escape from the world's temptations by going on a journey (safar, mlaku). This study aims to uncover the meaning of spiritual well-being in individuals who perform tirakat mlaku. This article is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The subject of this study is the congregation (jemaat) of Sheikh Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud Sukabumi, who perform tirakat mlaku. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and using interpretive phenomenological analysis. This study found that there are three meanings for those who undergo tirakat mlaku: (1) quality of life, (2) social well-being, and (3) environment well-being. This study also reveals that spiritual well-being is an interrelationship between one's relationship with God, subjective well-being, and socio-environment well-being. This article provides a new perspective on the concept of tirakat as a path to closeness to God, directly affecting the quality of life, social life, and environmental protection.Contribution: The results of this study can be used as a guide in constructing the dimension of spiritual well-being in the context of Islamic psychological theory. While practically, it provides an outlook of the meanings of divinity that are implemented in social activities


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    This research was conducted on the basis of problems found at SD Inpres Perumnas Antang II/I Makassar City, namely the low civic skills of students. This study aims (1) to find out the description of the application of video-based moral reasoning models to the civic skills of students of SD Inpres Perumnas Antang II/I Makassar City, (2) to find out the description of civic skills of class V students of SD Inpres Perumnas Antang II/I Makassar City, (3) To determine the effect of applying the video-based moral reasoning model to the civic skills of SD Inpres Perumnas Antang II/I students, Makassar City. This research uses Quasi Experimental Designs with a quantitative approach. The research design used is Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Data were collected using research instruments in the form of observation sheets, tests of students' civic skills results, and documentation. The data analysis technique used in hypothesis testing is the Independent Sample T-Test with the help of SPSS 25.0 calculations. The results of this study indicate that (1) the learning process by applying the video-based moral reasoning model takes place in the very good category (2) the civic skills of the experimental class students increase in the very good category after being treated with the video-based moral reasoning model compared to the control class which does not applying video-based moral reasoning models in learning. In addition, also (3) there is an effect of applying the video-based moral reasoning model to the civic skills of fifth grade students at Perumnas Antang II/I Elementary School, Makassar City

    Finding God’s Way: Spiritual Well-Being on the People Who Do Tirakat Mlaku

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    One of the ways to get closer to God is to escape from the world's temptations by going on a journey (safar, mlaku). This study aims to uncover the meaning of spiritual well-being in individuals who perform tirakat mlaku. This article is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The subject of this study is the congregation (jemaat) of Sheikh Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud Sukabumi, who perform tirakat mlaku. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and using interpretive phenomenological analysis. This study found that there are three meanings for those who undergo tirakat mlaku: (1) quality of life, (2) social well-being, and (3) environment well-being. This study also reveals that spiritual well-being is an interrelationship between one's relationship with God, subjective well-being, and socio-environment well-being. This article provides a new perspective on the concept of tirakat as a path to closeness to God, directly affecting the quality of life, social life, and environmental protection.Contribution: The results of this study can be used as a guide in constructing the dimension of spiritual well-being in the context of Islamic psychological theory. While practically, it provides an outlook of the meanings of divinity that are implemented in social activities


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    This research was conducted on the basis of problems found at SD Inpres Perumnas Antang II/I Makassar City, namely the low civic skills of students. This study aims (1) to find out the description of the application of video-based moral reasoning models to the civic skills of students of SD Inpres Perumnas Antang II/I Makassar City, (2) to find out the description of civic skills of class V students of SD Inpres Perumnas Antang II/I Makassar City, (3) To determine the effect of applying the video-based moral reasoning model to the civic skills of SD Inpres Perumnas Antang II/I students, Makassar City. This research uses Quasi Experimental Designs with a quantitative approach. The research design used is Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Data were collected using research instruments in the form of observation sheets, tests of students' civic skills results, and documentation. The data analysis technique used in hypothesis testing is the Independent Sample T-Test with the help of SPSS 25.0 calculations. The results of this study indicate that (1) the learning process by applying the video-based moral reasoning model takes place in the very good category (2) the civic skills of the experimental class students increase in the very good category after being treated with the video-based moral reasoning model compared to the control class which does not applying video-based moral reasoning models in learning. In addition, also (3) there is an effect of applying the video-based moral reasoning model to the civic skills of fifth grade students at Perumnas Antang II/I Elementary School, Makassar City

    Aplikasi Self-Determinantion Theory pada Kebijakan Publik Era Industri 4.0

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    Self-Determinantion Theory (Teori Determinasi Diri) merupakan salah satu teori motivasi kontemporer yang dikemukakan oleh Edward L. Deci dan Richard Ryan. Teori ini menitikberatkan pada pentingnya motivasi intrinsik pada individu dibandingkan motivasi ekstrinsik. Seorang pengambil kebijakan dianggap perlu untuk memahami teori ini agar dapat membuat suatu kebijakan publik yang dapat menghasilkan perubahan yang efektif pada masyarakat pada era industry 4.0. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah menjelaskan aplikasi self-determination theory pada kebijakan publik terutama dalam konteks era industri 4.0 seperti saat ini. Artikel ini merupakan studi literatur yang didasarkan pada buku dan jurnal terkait serta memberikan contoh ilustrasi kasus. Kesimpulan dari kajian dalam artikel ini menunjukan pentingnya pengambil kebijakan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasar publik menurut self-determinantion theory, yaitu otonomi (Autonomy), komepetensi (Competence), dan keterkaitan (Relatedness).Kata Kunci : Era Industri 4.0; Kebijakan Publik;  Motivasi Instrinsik; Self-Determination Theory
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