26 research outputs found

    Socio-economic benefits and limitations of irrigated family farming in Brazils semi-arid region

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    Written records about severe droughts in Brazils semi-arid northeast reach back until the countrys colonization in the early 17th century. Since the late 19th century, irrigated agriculture was implemented to reduce the effects of droughts on the livelihood of the rural population. Supported by the construction of large dams and reservoirs for hydropower generation in the 1960s, irrigated agriculture was promoted on larger scales. In this context several irrigation schemes were implemented along the lower-middle São Francisco River. Despite economic growth and poverty reduction in the region, large parts of the rural population who strongly depend on agricultural income suffer from precarious living conditions. This dissertation aimed at a) a detailed analysis of the current production systems and the socio-economic situation of irrigated family farming along the lower-middle São Francisco River, b) identifying the natural, economic, and social constraints as well as benefits and potentials of irrigated agriculture, c) modeling and evaluating optimized resource allocation including alternative crops, and d) estimating the impact of changing the production conditions on agricultural production and its profitability. In the framework of this dissertation, a total of 60 expert interviews were held and a random sample of 193 farm household interviews was conducted to gather detailed information on crop and livestock production. Time series of secondary data were analyzed by regression analysis, qualitative data by content analysis, and socio-economic household data by regression analysis and analysis of variance. Farm optimization models were developed using Linear Programming. Results showed a high vulnerability of irrigated family farming to changing climate and infrastructural production conditions. Nearly half of the interviewed farmers had a farm income below the Brazilian minimum salary. Insufficient infrastructure, limited market access, volatile producer prices, lack of cooperation, overuse of irriga-tion water and agrochemicals, and insufficient knowledge about irrigated fruit and vegetable production aggravated by lack of agricultural consultancy turned out to be the main limitations of irrigated family farming in the region. Availability of irrigable land and proper crop choice were most relevant for the agricultural income. Innovative and efficiently managing farmers underlined the potential of irrigated family farming to counteract rural poverty. Integrated agricultural consultancy considering the development of human capital may provide the required inputs to support economic and social sustainability of agricultural production. Technical assistance combined with volumetric water pricing may help to reduce the excessive use of agrochemicals and water.Seit jeher wird der semi-aride Nordosten Brasiliens von schwerwiegenden Dürren heimgesucht. Schriftliche Überlieferungen reichen bis in die Zeit der Kolonialisierung des Landes gegen Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts zurück. Gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts begann Brasiliens Regierung mit dem Bau größerer Reservoirs, um den Bewässerungslandbau zur Sicherung der Lebensgrundlage der ländlichen Bevölkerung zu fördern. Erst jedoch die Errichtung zahlreicher Staudämme und Stauseen zur Elektrizitätsgewinnung seit den 1960er Jahren ermöglichte die großflächige Verbreitung der Bewässerungslandbaus, wie im Falle des Rio São Francisco, an dessen Mittellauf zahlreiche Bewässerungsgebiete etabliert wurden. Trotz einer positiven wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und beachtlichen Fortschritten in der Armutsbekämpfung leben große Teile der Landbevölkerung weiterhin in prekären Verhältnissen. Ziel dieser Dissertation war zunächst eine detaillierte Analyse der vorhandenen landwirtschaftlichen Produktionssysteme und der sozio-ökonomischen Situation der Bewässerungslandbau betreibenden Familienbetriebe entlang des Mittellaufs des Rio São Francisco. Zudem wurden die natürlichen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Be-schränkungen sowie die Vorzüge des Bewässerungslandbaus identifiziert. Modelle einer effizienteren Ressourcennutzung wurden erstellt und bewertet. Mit Hilfe dieser Modelle wurde schließlich der Einfluss sich verändernder Produktions- und Rahmenbedingungen auf den Bewässerungslandbau evaluiert. Als Datengrundlage dien-ten die Ergebnisse aus 60 Experteninterviews und einer Farm-Haushaltsbefragung mit 193 zufällig ausgewählten kleinbäuerlichen Familienbetrieben, ergänzt durch Sekundärdaten. Zeitreihen wurden mittels Regressionsanalyse, qualitative Daten mittels Inhaltsanalyse und die Daten der Farm-Haushaltsbefragung mittels Regressionsanalyse und Varianzanalyse ausgewertet. Einzelbetriebliche Optimierungsmodelle zu einer effizienteren Ressourcennutzung wurden mit Hilfe von linearer Programmierung optimiert. Veränderte klimatische oder infrastrukturelle Rahmenbedingungen stellten sich als große Risikofaktoren für die Produktivität des kleinbäuerlichen Bewässerungslandbaus heraus. Bereits im Untersuchungszeitraum, einer Phase mit sehr hohen Erzeugerpreisen, erzielte knapp die Hälfte der interviewten Haushalte ein landwirtschaftliches Betriebseinkommen unterhalb des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns. Unzureichende Infrastruktur, mangelhafter Marktzugang, volatile und von Zwischenhändlern bestimmte Erzeugerpreise, mangelhafte Kooperation zwischen den Kleinbauern, exzessive Bewässerung und Ausbringung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln und schließlich man-gelhafte Erfahrung im intensiven Obst- und Gemüsebau wurden als wesentliche Be-schränkungen des kleinbäuerlichen Bewässerungslandbaus in der Studienregion identifiziert. Das Fehlen landwirtschaftlicher Beratung verschärfte viele dieser Probleme. Auf der anderen Seite waren eine geeignete Wahl der angebauten Kulturen und eine großzügigere Flächenausstattung die Hauptfaktoren für wirtschaftlichen Erfolg. Innovative, geschäftstüchtige Kleinbauern, darunter einige mit geringen verfügbaren Flächen, verdeutlichten dennoch das Potential des Bewässerungslandbaus zur Bekämpfung der ländlichen Armut in der Studienregion. Die Wiederaufnahme landwirtschaftlicher Beratung, kombiniert mit Bildungsangeboten zur Steigerung des Humankapitals insbesondere bezüglich landwirtschaftlicher Betriebslehre und Kooperati-onsformen zwischen Kleinbauern, kann wesentlich zu einer Verbesserung der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion und der Lebensbedingungen der ländlichen Bevölkerung in der Studienregion beitragen. Der exzessiven Bewässerung können ein volumetrischer Wasserpreis und die Förderung effizienterer Bewässerungsmethoden entgegenwirken

    Mathematical Programming Models to Increase Land and Water Use Efficiency in Semi-arid NE-Brazil

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    Construction of the Itaparica dam and reservoir induced changes in the agricultural production systems of the Itaparica micro-region, at the lower-middle São Francisco river basin. Extensive traditional systems were replaced by e.g. irrigated fruit production. However, over twenty years after the dam construction, many farmers are still facing income insecurity. A survey, consisting of expert interviews and structured on-farm interviews, has been conducted to analyze current production systems. A Linear Programming farm optimization model was applied to determine optimal land allocation considering changing production conditions. Income depended strongly on low wages for day laborers, free irrigation water, and stable prices of the main crop, coconut. Diversification of production and improved market access can help to improve farmers’ income situation. Moderate water pricing can raise the awareness of water scarcity and lead to implementation of water saving production methods

    Socio-economic aspects of irrigation agriculture as livelihood for rural families in Brazil’s semi-arid northeast

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    Along the lower-middle São Francisco River, in the semi-arid region of northeast Brazil, irrigated agriculture contributes to reduce rural poverty. In the framework of the Itaparica Reservoir construction, three irrigation schemes were implemented in the Pernambuco state to compensate the local population for flooded land. Despite favourable production conditions for irrigated agriculture, many smallholders in the irrigation schemes are facing poverty. To identify socio-economic key indicators on farm income, expert interviews (n=16) and a household survey (n=120) were conducted. The effect of socio-economic factors and crop choice on farm income was investigated by analysis of variance. Insufficient infrastructure, limited market access and low market power, volatility of producer prices, lack of credit availability, unequal distribution of irrigable land, and insufficient social capital and knowledge about irrigated fruit production threatened the smallholders’ livelihoods. Crop choice and availability of irrigable areas were the main characteristics of prosperous smallholders, whereas knowledge intensive and capital intensive perennials as well as high value annual cash crops with high risks of yield losses were the most profitable crops. Thus, wealthier farmers were more likely to generate high farm income. Agricultural extension, investments in infrastructure, especially in improved market access and value-adding facilities, and off-farm income alternatives are recommended to provide adequate income to the local population and prevent rural exodus

    Nestin Modulates Glucocorticoid Receptor Function by Cytoplasmic Anchoring

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    Nestin is the characteristic intermediate filament (IF) protein of rapidly proliferating progenitor cells and regenerating tissue. Nestin copolymerizes with class III IF-proteins, mostly vimentin, into heteromeric filaments. Its expression is downregulated with differentiation. Here we show that a strong nestin expression in mouse embryo tissue coincides with a strong accumulation of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a key regulator of growth and differentiation in embryonic development. Microscopic studies on cultured cells show an association of GR with IFs composed of vimentin and nestin. Cells lacking nestin, but expressing vimentin, or cells expressing vimentin, but lacking nestin accumulate GR in the nucleus. Completing these networks with an exogenous nestin, respectively an exogenous vimentin restores cytoplasmic anchoring of GR to the IF system. Thus, heteromeric filaments provide the basis for anchoring of GR. The reaction pattern with phospho-GR specific antibodies and the presence of the chaperone HSC70 suggest that specifically the unliganded receptor is anchored to the IF system. Ligand addition releases GR from IFs and shifts the receptor into the nucleus. Suppression of nestin by specific shRNA abolishes anchoring of GR, induces its accumulation in the nucleus and provokes an irreversible G1/S cell cycle arrest. Suppression of GR prior to that of nestin prevents entry into the arrest. The data give evidence that nestin/vimentin specific anchoring modulates growth suppression by GR. We hypothesize that expression of nestin is a major determinant in suppression of anti-proliferative activity of GR in undifferentiated tissue and facilitates activation of this growth control in a precise tissue and differentiation dependent manner

    Service triads:a research agenda for buyer–supplier–customer triads in business services

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    Service triads, in which a buyer contracts with a supplier to deliver services directly to the buyer's customer, represent an emerging business model. This special issue is dedicated to this theme. To set the context, in this lead article, we first define service triads, both as a phenomenon and a research topic. We then provide a review of different strands of existing research and various theoretical frameworks that can inform our study of service triads. This culminates in an outline of a research agenda that can guide future study. As such, this paper not only introduces the articles in the special issue, but is also intended as a point of reference and motivation for further work on service triads, and on triads in general

    Pharmacological treatment options for mast cell activation disease

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    Analytische Charakterisierung von Natur-Polymeren während des Maischprozesses und deren Einfluss auf die Vollmundigkeit von Bier

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    The use of AF4/MALS/RI allowed the determination of the influence of the range of the molecular weight distribution of beer components on the palate fullness highlighting the contribution of maltodextrins. The data obtained confirmed that molecular weight distributions and size distributions of beer components are modified by technological parameters during brewing influencing the palate fullness of the produced beer. Macromolecular characterization of beer components would facilitate adaptation of technological processes to produce beers with distinct palate fullness.Das analytische Tools AF4/MALS/RI bietet die Möglichkeit den Einfluss von nicht-flüchtigen Substanzgruppen, insbesondere Maltodextrinen und deren Molekulargewichtsverteilung auf das sensorische Merkmal Vollmundigkeit zu untersuchen. Unter Variation der technologischen Parameter während der Bierherstellung kann die Molekulargewichtsverteilungen der Substanzklasse Polysaccharide gezielt modifiziert werden. Somit ermöglicht die analytische makromolekulare Charakterisierung dieser Bierinhaltsstoffe die Vollmundigkeit gezielt über den Herstellungsprozess zu steuern

    Analytische Charakterisierung von Natur-Polymeren während des Maischprozesses und deren Einfluss auf die Vollmundigkeit von Bier

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    The use of AF4/MALS/RI allowed the determination of the influence of the range of the molecular weight distribution of beer components on the palate fullness highlighting the contribution of maltodextrins. The data obtained confirmed that molecular weight distributions and size distributions of beer components are modified by technological parameters during brewing influencing the palate fullness of the produced beer. Macromolecular characterization of beer components would facilitate adaptation of technological processes to produce beers with distinct palate fullness.Das analytische Tools AF4/MALS/RI bietet die Möglichkeit den Einfluss von nicht-flüchtigen Substanzgruppen, insbesondere Maltodextrinen und deren Molekulargewichtsverteilung auf das sensorische Merkmal Vollmundigkeit zu untersuchen. Unter Variation der technologischen Parameter während der Bierherstellung kann die Molekulargewichtsverteilungen der Substanzklasse Polysaccharide gezielt modifiziert werden. Somit ermöglicht die analytische makromolekulare Charakterisierung dieser Bierinhaltsstoffe die Vollmundigkeit gezielt über den Herstellungsprozess zu steuern

    Mathematical Programming Models to Increase Land and Water Use Efficiency in Semi-arid NE-Brazil

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    Construction of the Itaparica dam and reservoir induced changes in the agricultural production systems of the Itaparica micro-region, at the lower-middle São Francisco river basin. Extensive traditional systems were replaced by e.g. irrigated fruit production. However, over twenty years after the dam construction, many farmers are still facing income insecurity. A survey, consisting of expert interviews and structured on-farm interviews, has been conducted to analyze current production systems. A Linear Programming farm optimization model was applied to determine optimal land allocation considering changing production conditions. Income depended strongly on low wages for day laborers, free irrigation water, and stable prices of the main crop, coconut. Diversification of production and improved market access can help to improve farmers’ income situation. Moderate water pricing can raise the awareness of water scarcity and lead to implementation of water saving production methods

    Mathematical Programming Models to Increase Land and Water Use Efficiency in Semi-arid NE-Brazil

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    Construction of the Itaparica dam and reservoir induced changes in the agricultural production systems of the Itaparica micro-region, at the lower-middle São Francisco river basin. Extensive traditional systems were replaced by e.g. irrigated fruit production. However, over twenty years after the dam construction, many farmers are still facing income insecurity. A survey, consisting of expert interviews and structured on-farm interviews, has been conducted to analyze current production systems. A Linear Programming farm optimization model was applied to determine optimal land allocation considering changing production conditions. Income depended strongly on low wages for day laborers, free irrigation water, and stable prices of the main crop, coconut. Diversification of production and improved market access can help to improve farmers’ income situation. Moderate water pricing can raise the awareness of water scarcity and lead to implementation of water saving production methods