110 research outputs found

    Calculation of the Solar UV/EUV Spectrum in Spherical Symmetry

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    We present work in progress concerning spectral synthesis calculations of the solar UV/EUV in spherical symmetry carried out with the Solar Radiation Physical Modeling (SRPM) project. We compare the synthetic irradiance spectrum for the quiet Sun with the recent solar minimum spectrum taken with the EVE rocket instrument. The good agreement of the synthetic spectrum with the observation shows that the employed atmosphere structures are suitable for irradiance calculations.Comment: to appear in: Recent Directions in Astrophysical Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiation Hydrodynamics, edited by I. Hubeny, K. Macgregor, and K. Werner, AIP Conference Proceeding

    P-mode leakage and Lyman-α intensity

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    We present an observational test of the hypothesis that leaking p modes heat the solar chromosphere. The amplitude of the leaking p modes in magneto-acoustic portals is determined using MOTH and MDI data. We simulate the propagation of these modes into the chromosphere to determine the height where the wave energy is dissipated by shock waves. A statistical approach is then used to check if this heating process could account for the observed variability of the intensity in the Lyman-α emissio

    NLTE model calculations for the solar atmosphere with an iterative treatment of opacity distribution functions

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    Modeling the variability of the solar spectral irradiance is a key factor for understanding the solar influence on the climate of the Earth. As a first step to calculating the solar spectral irradiance variations we reproduce the solar spectrum for the quiet Sun over a broad wavelength range with an emphasis on the UV. We introduce the radiative transfer code COSI which calculates solar synthetic spectra under conditions of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE). A self-consistent simultaneous solution of the radiative transfer and the statistical equation for the level populations guarantees that the correct physics is considered for wavelength regions where the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) breaks down. The new concept of iterated opacity distribution functions (NLTE-ODFs), through which all line opacities are included in the NLTE radiative transfer calculation, is presented. We show that it is essential to include the line opacities in the radiative transfer to reproduce the solar spectrum in the UV. Through the implemented scheme of NLTE-ODFs the COSI code is successful in reproducing the spectral energy distribution of the quiet Sun.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Lower solar atmosphere and magnetism at ultra-high spatial resolution

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    We present the scientific case for a future space-based telescope aimed at very high spatial and temporal resolution imaging of the solar photosphere and chromosphere. Previous missions (e.g., HINODE, SUNRISE) have demonstrated the power of observing the solar photosphere and chromosphere at high spatial resolution without contamination from Earth's atmosphere. We argue here that increased spatial resolution (from currently 70 km to 25 km in the future) and high temporal cadence of the observations will vastly improve our understanding of the physical processes controlling solar magnetism and its characteristic scales. This is particularly important as the Sun's magnetic field drives solar activity and can significantly influence the Sun-Earth system. At the same time a better knowledge of solar magnetism can greatly improve our understanding of other astrophysical objects

    A new approach to long-term reconstruction of the solar irradiance leads to large historical solar forcing

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    The variable Sun is the most likely candidate for natural forcing of past climate change on time scales of 50 to 1000 years. Evidence for this understanding is that the terrestrial climate correlates positively with solar activity. During the past 10,000 years, the Sun has experienced substantial variations in activity and there have been numerous attempts to reconstruct solar irradiance. While there is general agreement on how solar forcing varied during the last several hundred years --- all reconstructions are proportional to the solar activity --- there is scientific controversy on the magnitude of solar forcing. We present a reconstruction of the Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance covering 130 nm--10 ÎĽ\mum from 1610 to the present with annual resolution and for the Holocene with 22-year resolution. We assume that the minimum state of the quiet Sun in time corresponds to the observed quietest area on the present Sun. Then we use available long-term proxies of the solar activity, which are 10^{10}Be isotope concentrations in ice cores and 22-year smoothed neutron monitor data, to interpolate between the present quiet Sun and the minimum state of the quiet Sun. This determines the long-term trend in the solar variability which is then superposed with the 11-year activity cycle calculated from the sunspot number. The time-dependent solar spectral irradiance from about 7000 BC to the present is then derived using a state-of-the-art radiation code. We derive a total and spectral solar irradiance that was substantially lower during the Maunder minimum than observed today. The difference is remarkably larger than other estimations published in the recent literature. The magnitude of the solar UV variability, which indirectly affects climate is also found to exceed previous estimates. We discuss in details the assumptions which leaded us to this conclusion.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy&Astrophysic

    NLTE solar irradiance modeling with the COSI code

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    Context. The solar irradiance is known to change on time scales of minutes to decades, and it is suspected that its substantial fluctua- tions are partially responsible for climate variations. Aims. We are developing a solar atmosphere code that allows the physical modeling of the entire solar spectrum composed of quiet Sun and active regions. This code is a tool for modeling the variability of the solar irradiance and understanding its influence on Earth. Methods. We exploit further development of the radiative transfer code COSI that now incorporates the calculation of molecular lines. We validated COSI under the conditions of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) against the synthetic spectra calculated with the ATLAS code. The synthetic solar spectra were also calculated in non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) and compared to the available measured spectra. In doing so we have defined the main problems of the modeling, e.g., the lack of opacity in the UV part of the spectrum and the inconsistency in the calculations of the visible continuum level, and we describe a solution to these problems. Results. The improved version of COSI allows us to reach good agreement between the calculated and observed solar spectra as measured by SOLSTICE and SIM onboard the SORCE satellite and ATLAS 3 mission operated from the Space Shuttle. We find that NLTE effects are very important for the modeling of the solar spectrum even in the visual part of the spectrum and for its variability over the entire solar spectrum. In addition to the strong effect on the UV part of the spectrum, NLTE effects influence the concentration of the negative ion of hydrogen, which results in a significant change of the visible continuum level and the irradiance variability.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy&Astrophysic

    Better Data for Modeling the Sun’s Influence on Climate

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    Several international initiatives are working to stitch together data describing solar forcing of Earth’s climate. Their objective is to improve understanding of climate response to solar variability..
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