62 research outputs found
Revolution as exploration of the soul: Charles Robert Maturin’s Melmoth the Wanderer
The Romantic period is defined by the idea of revolution. In 1816, Percy Shelley wrote that the French Revolution of 1789 was still " the master theme of the epoch in which we live". The French Revolution, however, left its mark not only because it implanted republican ideals, it also created a fear of its anarchic and violent aftermath. No literary genre captures the hopes and fears associated with the idea of revolution better than the Gothic genre. Charles Robert Maturin's 1820 novel Melmoth the Wanderer captures this atmosphere perfectly. One of the earliest works of the Irish Gothic, the novel reflects both the appeal of the revolution and the conservative fear and resistance to fundamental change associated with it. The ambiguity and oscillating quality of the novel creates a feverish claustrophobia. I will apply Mikhail Bakhtin theory of the carnivalesque to explore the very modern quality of the text. Maturin's novel illustrates the tensions inherent in the Romantic period, and I use Bakhtin's theory to describe this tension as an attempt to describe the crisis of the traditional social order
Análisis de vÃas de agua de brocas de perforación diamantina mediante simulación numérica
El presente documento detalla la variación de las condiciones de trabajo que se
obtiene al modificar la geometrÃa de las vÃas de agua de las brocas de perforación
diamantinas, las cuales son utilizadas como herramientas de corte durante los
procesos de perforación.
En la primera etapa de la investigación, el análisis de la problemática se realiza
mediante simulaciones numéricas, siendo el alcance la comparación de las
caracterÃsticas fluido-dinámicas del flujo de enfriamiento tanto de las brocas con vÃas
de agua estándar (radiales), como de las brocas con las vÃas de agua modificada (con
un ángulo de inclinación).
Posteriormente, con el objetivo de probar el desempeño de las brocas y el desgaste
que se presenta en cada geometrÃa, se realizaron ensayos experimentales (ensayos
de perforación) en las instalaciones de la empresa Boyles Bros Diamantina. En esta
etapa, es importante mencionar que la empresa dispuso de una máquina de
perforación y de un área de sus instalaciones para el desarrollo de las pruebas
Finalmente, según los resultados obtenidos, se logra verificar que la modificación de la
geometrÃa de vÃas de agua influye en el desempeño de la broca de perforación de
manera positiva. En el caso de la simulación numérica se observa un desarrollo del
fluido más eficiente, con vectores de velocidad de mayor magnitud y con zonas de
intensidad de turbulencia más uniformes, lo cual se traduce en una mejor capacidad
de enfriamiento de la broca de perforación. En cuanto a los resultados de los ensayos
experimentales, se observó una reducción aproximada del desgaste de la corona de
54 % durante los primeros 25 metros de perforación, asà como un menor desgaste del
casquillo de acero producto de una mejor evacuación de detritos (conglomerado de
partÃculas rocosas y partÃculas de la matriz de la broca).
Estos resultados demuestran que el diseño propuesto de vÃas de agua inclinadas es
una alternativa viable con grandes beneficios, pues proporciona una mayor eficiencia
en la capacidad de enfriamiento, y reduce tanto el calentamiento de la broca como la
ductilidad de la matriz metálica, lo que en consecuencia permite disminuir las
posibilidades de desgaste prematuro de la matriz y del casquillo de acero, lográndose
mayores metrajes de perforación.Tesi
Rotational spectra of isotopic species of methyl cyanide, CHCN, in their ground vibrational states up to terahertz frequencies
Methyl cyanide is an important trace molecule in star-forming regions. It is
one of the more common molecules used to derive kinetic temperatures in such
sources. As preparatory work for Herschel, SOFIA, and in particular ALMA we
want to improve the rest frequencies of the main as well as minor isotopologs
of methyl cyanide. The laboratory rotational spectrum of methyl cyanide in
natural isotopic composition has been recorded up to 1.63 THz. Transitions with
good signal-to-noise ratio could be identified for CHCN, CHCN,
CHCN, CHCN, CHDCN, and CHCN in their
ground vibrational states up to about 1.2 THz. The main isotopic species could
be identified even in the highest frequency spectral recordings around 1.6 THz.
The highest quantum numbers included in the fit are 64 for
CHCN and 89 for the main isotopic species. Greatly improved
spectroscopic parameters have been obtained by fitting the present data
together with previously reported transition frequencies. The present data will
be helpful to identify isotopologs of methyl cyanide in the higher frequency
bands of instruments such as the recently launched Herschel satellite, the
upcoming airplane mission SOFIA or the radio telescope array ALMA.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, article appeared; CDMS links update
Vitória Bay Pollution Study in the Frame of the TAGUBAR Research Project: Geochemistry of the Sediments of EspÃrito Santo Bay
The EspÃrito SantoBay is located in EspÃrito Santo state in the eastern part of Brazil. It is surrounded by the city of Vitória on one side and by the Atlantic Ocean on the other. Superficial sediments of EspÃrito Santo Bay were analyzed at 12 (western shallow silt sediments) + 8 (eastern sandy sediments and relatively deep sampling stations) = 20 uniformly distributed sampling points, where geochemical analysis was performed. Nineteen elements were analyzed: Mo, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Ni, Mn, Fe, As, U, Th, Sr, Cd, Sb, Bi, V, Cr, Ba, and Al. This selection was made based on the most representative heavy metals present in this area and according to the results obtained from the geochemical analysis. Their concentrations were compared with metal contamination benchmarks such asscreening quick reference tables (SQuiRTs), effects rangelow (ERL), effects range median (ERM), threshold effects levels (TELs), probable effects levels (PELs), and apparent effects thresholds (AETs). The results indicated that there was no particular pollution condition able to alter the condition of any part of this water body. The authors conclude that the EspÃrito Santo Bay is only moderately polluted, and some elements are virtually absent
David Collings. 2019. Disastrous Subjectivities: Romanticism, Modernity, and the Real. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 248 pp.
One of the most persistent narratives about the Romantic period is concerned with
the origin of modernity. Several fundamental transformations and events – the
American Declaration of Independence, the French Revolution, the Industrial
Revolution, the functional differentiation of society, the development of the modern
scientific system, and the gradual secularisation of Western society – characterise
the Romantic period as an age of transition towards something fundamentally
new. Particularly the crisis of religion creates a sense that the concept of
history is no longer experienced in terms of eschatology but rather as an immaimmanent
trajectory without beginning or end
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