1,531 research outputs found

    Inference of the genetic network regulating lateral root initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Regulation of gene expression is crucial for organism growth, and it is one of the challenges in Systems Biology to reconstruct the underlying regulatory biological networks from transcriptomic data. The formation of lateral roots in Arabidopsis thaliana is stimulated by a cascade of regulators of which only the interactions of its initial elements have been identified. Using simulated gene expression data with known network topology, we compare the performance of inference algorithms, based on different approaches, for which ready-to-use software is available. We show that their performance improves with the network size and the inclusion of mutants. We then analyse two sets of genes, whose activity is likely to be relevant to lateral root initiation in Arabidopsis, by integrating sequence analysis with the intersection of the results of the best performing methods on time series and mutants to infer their regulatory network. The methods applied capture known interactions between genes that are candidate regulators at early stages of development. The network inferred from genes significantly expressed during lateral root formation exhibits distinct scale-free, small world and hierarchical properties and the nodes with a high out-degree may warrant further investigation

    Umsetzen praktischer Energiebedarfsforschung in strategischen Energiemodellen

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    Im folgenden wird zum einen auf die zuvor angesprochenen grundsätzlichen Probleme der Behandlung von "Energiebedarf" in strategischen Energiemodellen eingegangen und zum anderen werden die heute gebräuchlichen Verfahren der modellmäßigen Abbildung des "Energiebedarfs" diskutiert, um dann aus der Sicht desjenigen, der mit Fragen der Energieplanung befaßt ist, Anforderungen an die Energiebedarfsforschung abzuleiten. Zunächst aber seien einige Anmerkungen zum Sinn und Zweck, zu den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen strategischer Energiemodelle gemacht

    Biomarkers as Proxies to Analyse Land-Use History in Northern Jordan

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    In the semi-arid 'Decapolis region' in northern Jordan, due severe land degradation in the past, 'barren' and 'impoverished' landscapes can be found today. It is widely believed that land degradation in these regions was caused by ancient land use, e.g. overgrazing due to ‘Arab mismanagement'. However, the connection of degradation with land use is far from certain. The 'Decapolis region' is located in an approximately 100 km wide transition zone from Mediterranean to steppe and desert climate. Therefore, the landscape in this region is highly sensitive to climate variations. A major sedimentation phase in the late 6th century AD appears to represent a significant climate change towards more aridity, and might be connected with a cluster of heavy rainfall events in northern Jordan. In fact, more recent studies have found that periods of predominantly pastoral land use in northern Jordan were connected with natural reforestation. Since a dating of sedimentation alone does not deliver clues about the precise reason of deposition, a multidisciplinary team is analyzing the land-use history in the ‘Decapolis’ region. This presentation focusses on ongoing biomarker analyses. Samples were selected considering geoarchaeological data, including phosphorus concentrations, archaeological data, including distribution of potsherds and other fragments on ancient fields and data of further disciplines. Vegetation changes are investigated by analyses of n-alkanes and terpenoids. Manuring with faeces is analysed by specific steroids that are indicative for faeces deposition. Preliminary results showed a high input of omnivorous (pigs, humans) faeces in some areas. Manuring with faeces of herbivores seemed to be less important

    Lipidation of Pneumococcal Antigens Leads to Improved Immunogenicity and Protection

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    Streptococcus pneumoniaeinfections lead to high morbidity and mortality rates worldwide.Pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccines significantly reduce the burden of disease but havea limited range of protection, which encourages the development of a broadly protective protein-basedalternative. We and others have shown that immunization with pneumococcal lipoproteins that lackthe lipid anchor protects against colonization. Since immunity againstS. pneumoniaeis mediatedthrough Toll-like receptor 2 signaling induced by lipidated proteins, we investigated the effects ofa lipid modification on the induced immune responses in either intranasally or subcutaneouslyvaccinated mice. Here, we demonstrate that lipidation of recombinant lipoproteins DacB and PnrAstrongly improves their immunogenicity. Mice immunized with lipidated proteins showed enhancedantibody concentrations and different induction kinetics. The induced humoral immune responsewas modulated by lipidation, indicated by increased IgG2/IgG1 subclass ratios related to Th1-typeimmunity. In a mouse model of colonization, immunization with lipidated antigens led to a moderatebut consistent reduction of pneumococcal colonization as compared to the non-lipidated proteins,indicating that protein lipidation can improve the protective capacity of the coupled antigen. Thus,protein lipidation represents a promising approach for the development of a serotype-independentpneumococcal vaccine

    Entwicklung und sozialverträgliche Gestaltung von Expertensystemen in der Medizin

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    Wachsmuth I, Meyer-Fujara J. Entwicklung und sozialverträgliche Gestaltung von Expertensystemen in der Medizin. In: Wetter T, Engelbrecht R, Haux R, Puppe F, Voß H, eds. Wissensbasierte Systeme in der Medizin: Abstracts des 1. gemeinsamen Workshops der AG Expertensysteme der GMDS und der FG Diagnostik und Klassifikation im GI-Fachausschuß 1.5. Heidelberg: IBM Deutschland GmbH; 1990

    The circadian clock rephases during lateral root organ initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The endogenous circadian clock enables organisms to adapt their growth and development to environmental changes. Here we describe how the circadian clock is employed to coordinate responses to the key signal auxin during lateral root (LR) emergence. In the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, LRs originate from a group of stem cells deep within the root, necessitating that new organs emerge through overlying root tissues. We report that the circadian clock is rephased during LR development. Metabolite and transcript profiling revealed that the circadian clock controls the levels of auxin and auxin-related genes including the auxin response repressor IAA14 and auxin oxidase AtDAO2. Plants lacking or overexpressing core clock components exhibit LR emergence defects. We conclude that the circadian clock acts to gate auxin signalling during LR development to facilitate organ emergence