300 research outputs found

    Implementing structured functional assessments in general practice for persons with long-term sick leave: a cluster randomised controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The increasing attention on functional assessments in medical and vocational rehabilitation requires a focus change for the general practitioners (GP) into paying attention to patient resources, possibilities and coping instead of symptoms, problems and limitations. The GPs report difficulties in performing the requested explicit functional assessments. The purpose of this study was to implement a structured method in general practice for assessing functional ability in persons with long-term sick leave. The study aim was to evaluate intervention effects on important GP parameters; knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy towards functional assessments and knowledge about patient work factors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fifty-seven GPs were randomly assigned to an intervention or a control group. The intervention group GPs attended an introductory one-day work-shop and implemented structured functional assessments during an eight months intervention period. GP knowledge, GP attitudes, and GP self-efficacy towards functional assessments, as well as GP knowledge of patient work factors, were collected before, after and six months after the intervention period started. Evaluation score-sheets were filled in by both the intervention GPs and their patients immediately after the consultation to evaluate the GPs' knowledge of patient work factors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The intervention GPs reported increased knowledge (B: 0.56, 95% CI (0.19, 0.91)) and self-efficacy (B: 0.90, 95% CI (0.53, 1.26)) towards functional assessments, and increased knowledge about their patients' workplace (B: 0.75, 95% CI (0.35, 1.15)) and perceived stressors (B: 0.55, 95% CI (0.23, 0.88)) with lasting effects at the second follow-up. No intervention effect was seen in relation to GP attitudes. Both before and after the intervention, the GPs were most informed about physical stressors, and less about mental and work organisational stressors (Guttman's reproducibility coefficient: 0.95 and 1.00). After the consultation, both the intervention GPs and their patients reported that the GPs' knowledge about patient work factors had increased (GP B: 0.60 (95% CI: 0.42, 0.78); patient B: 0.50 (95% CI: 0.34, 0.66)).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Introducing and implementing structured functional assessments in general practice made the GPs capable to assess functional ability of their patients in a structured manner. Intervention effects of increased GP knowledge and GP self-efficacy sustained at the second follow-up.</p

    Homocysteine Levels in Chronic Gastritis and Other Conditions: Relations to Incident Cardiovascular Disease and Dementia

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    Background Homocysteine levels in circulation are determined by several factors and hyperhomocysteinemia is reportedly associated with cardiovascular diseases and dementia. The aim of this study is to determine the relation of chronic gastritis and other conditions to homocysteine levels and their relation to incident cardiovascular diseases and dementia. Methods An adult population-based cohort (N = 488) was screened for H. pylori infection, gastro-duodenitis (endoscopic biopsies), disease history, and lifestyle factors. Blood samples were analyzed for pepsinogen I and II (gastric function), vitamin B12, folate, homocysteine, and cystatin C (renal function). The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphism reportedly associated with hyperhomocysteinemia was analyzed by pyrosequencing. Incident cardiovascular diseases and dementia were monitored during a median follow-up interval of 10 years. Results At baseline, there was a positive relation of S-homocysteine to male gender, age, S-cystatin C, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 677TT genotype and atrophic gastritis. During follow-up, cardiovascular diseases occurred in 101/438 and dementia in 25/488 participants, respectively. Logistic regression analysis (adjusting for gender, age at baseline, follow-up interval, BMI, smoking, alcohol consumption, NSAID use, P-cholesterol, and P-triglycerides) showed an association of S-homocysteine higher than 14.5 μmol/l to cardiovascular diseases (OR 2.05 [95% c.i. 1.14–3.70]), but not to dementia overall. Conclusions Gender, age, vitamin B12, folate, renal function, atrophic gastritis and the methylenetetrahydrofolate 677TT genotype were significant determinants of homocysteine levels, which were positively related to incident cardiovascular diseases

    Perceived discrimination and health-related quality of life among Arabs and Jews in Israel: A population-based survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies have shown that perceived discrimination may be associated with impaired health. The aim of this study was to assess the levels of perceived discrimination on the basis of origin and ethnicity and measure the association with health in three population groups in Israel: non-immigrant Jews, immigrants from the former Soviet Union, and Arabs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross sectional random telephone survey was performed in 2006 covering 1,004 Israelis aged 35-65; of these, 404 were non-immigrant Jews, 200 were immigrants from the former Soviet Union and 400 were Arabs, the final number for regression analysis was 952. Respondents were asked about their perceived experiences with discrimination in seven different areas. Quality of life, both physical and mental were measured by the Short Form 12.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Perceived discrimination on the basis of origin was highest among immigrants. About 30% of immigrants and 20% of Arabs reported feeling discriminated against in areas such as education and employment. After adjusting for socioeconomic variables, discrimination was associated with poor physical health among non-immigrant Jews (OR = 0.42, CI = 0.19, 0.91) and immigrants (OR = 0.51, CI = 0.27, 0.94), but not among Arabs. Poor mental health was significantly associated with discrimination only among non-immigrant Jews (OR = 0.42, CI = 0.18, 0.96).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Perceived discrimination seemed high in both minority populations in Israel (Arabs and immigrants) and needs to be addressed as such. However, discrimination was associated with physical health only among Jews (non-immigrants and immigrants), and not among Arabs. These results may be due to measurement artifacts or may be a true phenomenon, further research is needed to ascertain the results.</p

    Is Qualitative Research Second Class Science? A Quantitative Longitudinal Examination of Qualitative Research in Medical Journals

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    Background: Qualitative research appears to be gaining acceptability in medical journals. Yet, little is actually known about the proportion of qualitative research and factors affecting its publication. This study describes the proportion of qualitative research over a 10 year period and correlates associated with its publication. Design: A quantitative longitudinal examination of the proportion of original qualitative research in 67 journals of general medicine during a 10 year period (1998–2007). The proportion of qualitative research was determined by dividing original qualitative studies published (numerator) by all original research articles published (denominator). We used a generalized estimating equations approach to assess the longitudinal association between the proportion of qualitative studies and independent variables (i.e. journals' country of publication and impact factor; editorial/methodological papers discussing qualitative research; and specific journal guidelines pertaining to qualitative research). Findings: A 2.9% absolute increase and 3.4-fold relative increase in qualitative research publications occurred over a 10 year period (1.2% in 1998 vs. 4.1% in 2007). The proportion of original qualitative research was independently and significantly associated with the publication of editorial/methodological papers in the journal (b = 3.688, P = 0.012); and with qualitative research specifically mentioned in guidelines for authors (b = 6.847, P<0.001). Additionally, a higher proportion of qualitative research was associated only with journals published in the UK in comparison to other countries, yet with borderline statistical significance (b = 1.776, P = 0.075). The journals' impact factor was not associated with the publication of qualitative research. Conclusions: Despite an increase in the proportion of qualitative research in medical journals over a 10 year period, the proportion remains low. Journals' policies pertaining to qualitative research, as expressed by the appearance of specific guidelines and editorials/methodological papers on the subject, are independently associated with the publication of original qualitative research; irrespective of the journals' impact factor

    Leveraging Rural Energy Investment for Parasitic Disease Control: Schistosome Ova Inactivation and Energy Co-Benefits of Anaerobic Digesters in Rural China

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    Cooking and heating remain the most energy intensive activities among the world's poor, and thus improved access to clean energies for these tasks has been highlighted as a key requirement of attaining the major objectives of the UN Millennium Development Goals. A move towards clean energy technologies such as biogas systems (which produce methane from human and animal waste) has the potential to provide immediate benefits for the control of neglected tropical diseases. Here, an assessment of the parasitic disease and energy benefits of biogas systems in Sichuan Province, China, is presented, highlighting how the public health sector can leverage the proliferation of rural energy projects for infectious disease control. ova) counted at the influent of two biogas systems were removed in the systems when adjusted for system residence time, an approximate 1-log removal attributable to sedimentation. Combined, these inactivation/removal processes underscore the promise of biogas infrastructure for reducing parasite contamination resulting from nightsoil use. When interviewed an average of 4 years after construction, villagers attributed large changes in fuel usage to the installation of biogas systems. Household coal usage decreased by 68%, wood by 74%, and crop waste by 6%. With reported energy savings valued at roughly 600 CNY per year, 2–3 years were required to recoup the capital costs of biogas systems. In villages without subsidies, no new biogas systems were implemented.Sustainable strategies that integrate rural energy needs and sanitation offer tremendous promise for long-term control of parasitic diseases, while simultaneously reducing energy costs and improving quality of life. Government policies can enhance the financial viability of such strategies by introducing fiscal incentives for joint sanitation/sustainable energy projects, along with their associated public outreach and education programs

    Раціональність як реляційність: синтетична єдність відмінностей в трансцендентальному просторі границі

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    У статті висвітлюються проблеми «постсучасної» раціональності, визначальною характеристикою котрої покладається іманентна пограничність. Відношення та Іншість розглядаються як визначальні предикати раціональності, які в класичній парадигмі імплікують принципи рефлексійності, конструктивності, співмірності. Корелятами означених принципів у постструктуралістській раціональності визначаються повторність (ітеративність), фрагментарність, подвоєння, розрізняння. Конгруентність класичної та постсучасної раціональності зумовлена еквівалентністю понять трансцендентальності та пограничності. Синтетична єдність (розбіжність та зв'язок) з її специфікацією принципами пов’язання та розрізняння, визначається через медіативну функцію судження, структура якого фундується параметрами реляційності.В статье освещаются проблемы «постсовременной» рациональности, определяющей характеристикой которой полагается имманентная пограничность. Отношение и Другость рассматриваются как определяющие предикаты рациональности, которые имплицируют принципы рефлексивности, конструктивности, соразмерности в классической парадигме. Коррелятами обозначенных принципов в постструктуралистской рациональности являются повторность (итеративность), фрагментарность, удвоение, различание. Конгруэнтность классической и постсоврменной рациональности обусловлена эквивалентностью понятий трансцендентальности и пограничности. Синтетическое единств (различие и связь) с его спецификацией в позициях увязывания и различания, определяется через медиативную функцию суждения, структура которого фундируется параметрами реляционности.The paper illuminates some problems of the post-contemporary rationality that possesses the immanent borderness as its distinctive feature. The Relationality and the Anotherness are investigaled as the common predicates of rationality that implicate the “classical” principles of reflexity, constructiveness, proportionality. The main principles of the poststructuralistic rationality correlating with the classical ones are recurrence (iterativity), doubleness, fragmentariness, differance. The congruence of the classical rationality and the post-contemporary one is caused by the equivalency of the concepts “transcendentality” and “borderness”. The synthetical unity (relation between deviation and connection) with its specification by the linking and the differance principles is determined by the mediative function of the assertion that is structured by the relationality parameters

    Exploring adults’ experiences of sedentary behaviour and participation in nonworkplace interventions designed to reduce sedentary behaviour: a thematic synthesis of qualitative studies

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    Background: Sedentary behaviour is any waking behaviour characterised by an energy expenditure of ≤1.5 metabolic equivalent of task while in a sitting or reclining posture. Prolonged bouts of sedentary behaviour have been associated with negative health outcomes in all age groups. We examined qualitative research investigating perceptions and experiences of sedentary behaviour and of participation in non-workplace interventions designed to reduce sedentary behaviour in adult populations. Method: A systematic search of seven databases (MEDLINE, AMED, Cochrane, PsychINFO, SPORTDiscus, CINAHL and Web of Science) was conducted in September 2017. Studies were assessed for methodological quality and a thematic synthesis was conducted. Prospero database ID: CRD42017083436. Results: Thirty individual studies capturing the experiences of 918 individuals were included. Eleven studies examined experiences and/or perceptions of sedentary behaviour in older adults (typically ≥60 years); ten studies focused on sedentary behaviour in people experiencing a clinical condition, four explored influences on sedentary behaviour in adults living in socio-economically disadvantaged communities, two examined university students’ experiences of sedentary behaviour, two on those of working-age adults, and one focused on cultural influences on sedentary behaviour. Three analytical themes were identified: 1) the impact of different life stages on sedentary behaviour 2) lifestyle factors influencing sedentary behaviour and 3) barriers and facilitators to changing sedentary behaviour. Conclusions: Sedentary behaviour is multifaceted and influenced by a complex interaction between individual, environmental and socio-cultural factors. Micro and macro pressures are experienced at different life stages and in the context of illness; these shape individuals’ beliefs and behaviour related to sedentariness. Knowledge of sedentary behaviour and the associated health consequences appears limited in adult populations, therefore there is a need for provision of accessible information about ways in which sedentary behaviour reduction can be integrated in people’s daily lives. Interventions targeting a reduction in sedentary behaviour need to consider the multiple influences on sedentariness when designing and implementing interventions