476 research outputs found

    Determination of the primary structure and carboxyl pKAs of heparin-derived oligosaccharides by band-selective homonuclear-decoupled two-dimensional 1H NMR

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    Determination of the structure of heparin-derived oligosaccharides by 1H NMR is challenging because resonances for all but the anomeric protons cover less than 2 ppm. By taking advantage of increased dispersion of resonances for the anomeric H1 protons at low pD and the superior resolution of band-selective, homonuclear-decoupled (BASHD) two-dimensional 1H NMR, the primary structure of the heparin-derived octasaccharide ∆UA(2S)-[(1 → 4)-GlcNS(6S)-(1 → 4)-IdoA(2S)-]3-(1 → 4)-GlcNS(6S) has been determined, where ∆UA(2S) is 2-O-sulfated ∆4,5-unsaturated uronic acid, GlcNS(6S) is 6-O-sulfated, N-sulfated β-d-glucosamine and IdoA(2S) is 2-O-sulfated α-l-iduronic acid. The spectrum was assigned, and the sites of N- and O-sulfation and the conformation of each uronic acid residue were established, with chemical shift data obtained from BASHD-TOCSY spectra, while the sequence of the monosaccharide residues in the octasaccharide was determined from inter-residue NOEs in BASHD-NOESY spectra. Acid dissociation constants were determined for each carboxylic acid group of the octasaccharide, as well as for related tetra- and hexasaccharides, from chemical shift–pD titration curves. Chemical shift–pD titration curves were obtained for each carboxylic acid group from sub-spectra taken from BASHD-TOCSY spectra that were measured as a function of pD. The pKAs of the carboxylic acid groups of the ∆UA(2S) residues are less than those of the IdoA(2S) residues, and the pKAs of the carboxylic acid groups of the IdoA(2S) residues for a given oligosaccharide are similar in magnitude. Relative acidities of the carboxylic acid groups of each oligosaccharide were calculated from chemical shift data by a pH-independent method

    Sea-ice information and forecast needs for industry maritime stakeholders

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    Profound changes in Arctic sea-ice, a growing desire to utilize the Arctic’s abundant natural resources, and the potential competitiveness of Arctic shipping routes, all provide for increased industry marine activity throughout the Arctic Ocean. This is anticipated to result in further challenges for maritime safety. Those operating in ice-infested waters require various types of information for sea-ice and iceberg hazards. Ice information requirements depend on regional needs and whether the stakeholder wants to avoid ice all together, operate near or in the Marginal Ice Zone, or areas within the ice pack. An insight into user needs demonstrates how multiple spatial and temporal resolutions for sea-ice information and forecasts are necessary to provide information to the marine operating community for safety, planning, and situational awareness. Although ship-operators depend on sea-ice information for tactical navigation, stakeholders working in route and capacity planning can benefit from climatological and long-range forecast information at lower spatial and temporal resolutions where the interest is focused on open-water season. The advent of the Polar Code has brought with it additional information requirements, and exposed gaps in capacity and knowledge. Thus, future satellite data sources should be at resolutions that support both tactical and planning activities

    Amphibious Seismic Survey Images Plate Interface at 1960 Chile Earthquake

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    The southern central Chilean margin at the site of the largest historically recorded earthquake in the Valdivia region, in 1960 (Mw = 9.5), is part of the 5000-km-long active subduction system whose geodynamic evolution is controversially debated and poorly understood. Covering the area between 36° and 40°S, the oceanic crust is segmented by prominent fracture zones. The offshore forearc and its onshore continuation show a complex image with segments of varying geophysical character, and several fault systems active during the past 24 m.y. In autumn 2001, the project SPOC was organized to study the Subduction Processes Off Chile, with a focus on the seismogenic coupling zone and the forearc. The acquired seismic data crossing the Chilean subduction system were gathered in a combined offshore-onshore survey and provide new insights into the lithospheric structure and evolution of active margins with insignificant frontal accretion

    Effect of heparin and heparan sulphate on open promoter complex formation for a simple tandem gene model using ex situ atomic force microscopy

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    The influence of heparin and heparan sulphate (HepS) on the appearance and analysis of open promoter complex (RPo) formation by E. coli RNA polymerase (RNAP) holoenzyme (σ70RNAP) on linear DNA using ex situ imaging by atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been investigated. Introducing heparin or HepS into the reaction mix significantly reduces non-specific interactions of the σ70RNAP and RNAP after RPo formation allowing for better interpretation of complexes shown within AFM images, particularly on DNA templates containing more than one promoter. Previous expectation was that negatively charged polysaccharides, often used as competitive inhibitors of σRNAP binding and RPo formation, would also inhibit binding of the DNA template to the mica support surface and thereby lower the imaging yield of active RNAP-DNA complexes. We found that the reverse of this was true, and that the yield of RPo formation detected by AFM, for a simple tandem gene model containing two λPR promoters, increased. Moreover and unexpectedly, HepS was more efficient than heparin, with both of them having a dispersive effect on the sample, minimising unwanted RNAP-RNAP interactions as well as non-specific interactions between the RNAP and DNA template. The success of this method relied on the observation that E. coli RNAP has the highest affinity for the mica surface of all the molecular components. For our system, the affinity of the three constituent biopolymers to muscovite mica was RNAP > Heparin or HepS > DNA. While we observed that heparin and HepS can inhibit DNA binding to the mica, the presence of E. coli RNAP overcomes this effect allowing a greater yield of RPos for AFM analysis. This method can be extended to other DNA binding proteins and enzymes, which have an affinity to mica higher than DNA, to improve sample preparation for AFM studies

    The MOSAiC ice floe: sediment-laden survivor from the Siberian shelf

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    In September 2019, the research icebreaker Polarstern started the largest multidisciplinary Arctic expedition to date, the MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate) drift experiment. Being moored to an ice floe for a whole year, thus including the winter season, the declared goal of the expedition is to better understand and quantify relevant processes within the atmosphere–ice–ocean system that impact the sea ice mass and energy budget, ultimately leading to much improved climate models. Satellite observations, atmospheric reanalysis data, and readings from a nearby meteorological station indicate that the interplay of high ice export in late winter and exceptionally high air temperatures resulted in the longest ice-free summer period since reliable instrumental records began. We show, using a Lagrangian tracking tool and a thermodynamic sea ice model, that the MOSAiC floe carrying the Central Observatory (CO) formed in a polynya event north of the New Siberian Islands at the beginning of December 2018. The results further indicate that sea ice in the vicinity of the CO (<40 km distance) was younger and 36 % thinner than the surrounding ice with potential consequences for ice dynamics and momentum and heat transfer between ocean and atmosphere. Sea ice surveys carried out on various reference floes in autumn 2019 verify this gradient in ice thickness, and sediments discovered in ice cores (so-called dirty sea ice) around the CO confirm contact with shallow waters in an early phase of growth, consistent with the tracking analysis. Since less and less ice from the Siberian shelves survives its first summer (Krumpen et al., 2019), the MOSAiC experiment provides the unique opportunity to study the role of sea ice as a transport medium for gases, macronutrients, iron, organic matter, sediments and pollutants from shelf areas to the central Arctic Ocean and beyond. Compared to data for the past 26 years, the sea ice encountered at the end of September 2019 can already be classified as exceptionally thin, and further predicted changes towards a seasonally ice-free ocean will likely cut off the long-range transport of ice-rafted materials by the Transpolar Drift in the future. A reduced long-range transport of sea ice would have strong implications for the redistribution of biogeochemical matter in the central Arctic Ocean, with consequences for the balance of climate-relevant trace gases, primary production and biodiversity in the Arctic Ocean

    The anticancer activity of lytic peptides is inhibited by heparan sulfate on the surface of the tumor cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAPs) with antitumor activity constitute a promising group of novel anticancer agents. These peptides induce lysis of cancer cells through interactions with the plasma membrane. It is not known which cancer cell membrane components influence their susceptibility to CAPs. We have previously shown that CAPs interact with the two glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), heparan sulfate (HS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS), which are present on the surface of most cells. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the two GAGs in the cytotoxic activity of CAPs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Various cell lines, expressing different levels of cell surface GAGs, were exposed to bovine lactoferricin (LfcinB) and the designer peptide, KW5. The cytotoxic effect of the peptides was investigated by use of the colorimetric MTT viability assay. The cytotoxic effect on wild type CHO cells, expressing normal amounts of GAGs on the cell surface, and the mutant pgsA-745, that has no expression of GAGs on the cell surface, was also investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that cells not expressing HS were more susceptible to CAPs than cells expressing HS at the cell surface. Further, exogenously added heparin inhibited the cytotoxic effect of the peptides. Chondroitin sulfate had no effect on the cytotoxic activity of KW5 and only minor effects on LfcinB cytotoxicity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results show for the first time that negatively charged molecules at the surface of cancer cells inhibit the cytotoxic activity of CAPs. Our results indicate that HS at the surface of cancer cells sequesters CAPs away from the phospholipid bilayer and thereby impede their ability to induce cytolysis.</p

    Slow Dissociation of a Charged Ligand: Analysis of the Primary Quinone QA Site of Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Centers

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    Reaction centers (RCs) are integral membrane proteins that undergo a series of electron transfer reactions during the process of photosynthesis. In the QA site of RCs from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, ubiquinone-10 is reduced, by a single electron transfer, to its semiquinone. The neutral quinone and anionic semiquinone have similar affinities, which is required for correct in situ reaction thermodynamics. A previous study showed that despite similar affinities, anionic quinones associate and dissociate from the QA site at rates ≈104 times slower than neutral quinones indicating that anionic quinones encounter larger binding barriers (Madeo, J.; Gunner, M. R. Modeling binding kinetics at the QA site in bacterial reaction centers. Biochemistry2005, 44, 10994–11004). The present study investigates these barriers computationally, using steered molecular dynamics (SMD) to model the unbinding of neutral ground state ubiquinone (UQ) and its reduced anionic semiquinone (SQ–) from the QA site. In agreement with experiment, the SMD unbinding barrier for SQ– is larger than for UQ. Multi Conformational Continuum Electrostatics (MCCE), used here to calculate the binding energy, shows that SQ– and UQ have comparable affinities. In the QA site, there are stronger binding interactions for SQ– compared to UQ, especially electrostatic attraction to a bound non-heme Fe2+. These interactions compensate for the higher SQ– desolvation penalty, allowing both redox states to have similar affinities. These additional interactions also increase the dissociation barrier for SQ– relative to UQ. Thus, the slower SQ– dissociation rate is a direct physical consequence of the additional binding interactions required to achieve a QA site affinity similar to that of UQ. By a similar mechanism, the slower association rate is caused by stronger interactions between SQ– and the polar solvent. Thus, stronger interactions for both the unbound and bound states of charged and highly polar ligands can slow their binding kinetics without a conformational gate. Implications of this for other systems are discussed

    Bioassays to Monitor Taspase1 Function for the Identification of Pharmacogenetic Inhibitors

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    Background: Threonine Aspartase 1 (Taspase1) mediates cleavage of the mixed lineage leukemia (MLL) protein and leukemia provoking MLL-fusions. In contrast to other proteases, the understanding of Taspase1's (patho)biological relevance and function is limited, since neither small molecule inhibitors nor cell based functional assays for Taspase1 are currently available. Methodology/Findings: Efficient cell-based assays to probe Taspase1 function in vivo are presented here. These are composed of glutathione S-transferase, autofluorescent protein variants, Taspase1 cleavage sites and rational combinations of nuclear import and export signals. The biosensors localize predominantly to the cytoplasm, whereas expression of biologically active Taspase1 but not of inactive Taspase1 mutants or of the protease Caspase3 triggers their proteolytic cleavage and nuclear accumulation. Compared to in vitro assays using recombinant components the in vivo assay was highly efficient. Employing an optimized nuclear translocation algorithm, the triple-color assay could be adapted to a high-throughput microscopy platform (Z'factor = 0.63). Automated high-content data analysis was used to screen a focused compound library, selected by an in silico pharmacophor screening approach, as well as a collection of fungal extracts. Screening identified two compounds, N-[2-[(4-amino-6-oxo-3H-pyrimidin-2-yl)sulfanyl]ethyl]benzenesulfonamideand 2-benzyltriazole-4,5-dicarboxylic acid, which partially inhibited Taspase1 cleavage in living cells. Additionally, the assay was exploited to probe endogenous Taspase1 in solid tumor cell models and to identify an improved consensus sequence for efficient Taspase1 cleavage. This allowed the in silico identification of novel putative Taspase1 targets. Those include the FERM Domain-Containing Protein 4B, the Tyrosine-Protein Phosphatase Zeta, and DNA Polymerase Zeta. Cleavage site recognition and proteolytic processing of these substrates were verified in the context of the biosensor. Conclusions: The assay not only allows to genetically probe Taspase1 structure function in vivo, but is also applicable for high-content screening to identify Taspase1 inhibitors. Such tools will provide novel insights into Taspase1's function and its potential therapeutic relevance
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