142 research outputs found

    Time-dependent rotational stability of dynamic planets with elastic lithospheres

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    True polar wander (TPW), a reorientation of the rotation axis relative to the solid body, is driven by mass redistribution on the surface or within the planet and is stabilized by two aspects of the planet's viscoelastic response: the delayed viscous readjustment of the rotational bulge and the elastic stresses in the lithosphere. The latter, following Willemann (1984), is known as remnant bulge stabilization. In the absence of a remnant bulge, the rotation of a terrestrial planet is said to be inherently unstable. Theoretical treatments have been developed to treat the final (equilibrium) state in this case and the time-dependent TPW toward this state, including nonlinear approaches that assume slow changes in the inertia tensor. Moreover, remnant bulge stabilization has been incorporated into both equilibrium and linearized, time-dependent treatments of rotational stability. We extend the work of Ricard et al. (1993) to derive a nonlinear, time-dependent theory of TPW that incorporates stabilization by both the remnant bulge and viscous readjustment of the rotational bulge. We illustrate the theory using idealized surface loading scenarios applied to models of both Earth and Mars. We demonstrate that the inclusion of remnant bulge stabilization reduces both the amplitude and timescale of TPW relative to calculations in which this stabilization is omitted. Furthermore, given current estimates of mantle viscosity for both planets, our calculations indicate that departures from the equilibrium orientation of the rotation axis in response to forcings with timescale of 1 Myr or greater are significant for Earth but negligible for Mars

    Sources of nonlinearities, chatter generation and suppression in metal cutting

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    The mechanics of chip formation has been revisited in order to understand functional relationships between the process and the technological parameters. This has led to the necessity of considering the chip-formation process as highly nonlinear, with complex interrelations between its dynamics and thermodynamics. In this paper a critical review of the state of the art of modelling and the experimental investigations is outlined with a view to how the nonlinear dynamics perception can help to capture the major phenomena causing instabilities (chatter) in machining operations. The paper is concluded with a case study, where stability of a milling process is investigated in detail, using an analytical model which results in an explicit relation for the stability limit. The model is very practical for the generation of the stability lobe diagrams, which is time consuming when using numerical methods. The extension of the model to the stability analysis of variable pitch cutting tools is also given. The application and verification of the method are demonstrated by several examples

    Pyrite-walled tube structures in a Mesoproterozoic sediment-hosted metal sulfide deposit

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    Unusual decimeter-scale structures occur in the sediment-hosted Black Butte Copper Mine Project deposit within lower Mesoproterozoic strata of the Belt Supergroup, Montana. These low domal and stratiform lenses are made up of millimeter-scale, hollow or mineral-filled tubes bounded by pyrite walls. X-ray micro−computed tomography (micro-CT) shows that the tube structures are similar to the porous fabric of modern diffuse hydrothermal vents, and they do not resemble textures associated with the mineralization of known microbial communities. We determined the sulfur isotopic composition of sulfide minerals with in situ secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and of texture-specific sulfate phases with multicollector−inductively coupled plasma−mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). The sedimentological setting, ore paragenesis, sulfur isotope systematics, and porosity structure of these porous precipitates constrain the site of their formation to above the sediment-water interface where metalliferous hydrothermal fluids vented into the overlying water column. These data constrain the geochemistry of the Mesoproterozoic sediment-water interface and the site of deposition for copper-cobalt-silver mineralization. Metals in the hydrothermal fluids titrated sulfide in seawater to create tortuous fluid-flow conduits. Pyrite that precipitated at the vent sites exhibits large sulfur isotope fractionation (>50‰), which indicates a close association between the vents and sulfate-reducing microbiota. In the subsurface, base metal sulfides precipitated from sulfide formed during the reduction of early diagenetic barite, also ultimately derived from seawater. This model suggests dynamic bottom-water redox conditions at the vent site driven by the interplay between sulfate-reducing organisms and metalliferous fluid effluence

    The quantification of COMT mRNA in post mortem cerebellum tissue: diagnosis, genotype, methylation and expression

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    BACKGROUND: The COMT gene is located on chromosome 22q11, a region strongly implicated in the aetiology of several psychiatric disorders, in particular schizophrenia. Previous research has suggested that activity and expression of COMT is altered in schizophrenia, and is mediated by one or more polymorphisms within the gene, including the functional Val(158)Met polymorphism. METHOD: In this study we examined the expression levels of COMT mRNA using quantitative RT-PCR in 60 post mortem cerebellum samples derived from individuals with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and no history of psychopathology. Furthermore, we have examined the methylation status of two CpG sites in the promoter region of the gene. RESULTS: We found no evidence of altered COMT expression or methylation in any of the psychiatric diagnoses examined. We did, however, find evidence to suggest that genotype is related to COMT gene expression, replicating the findings of two previous studies. Specifically, val(158)met (rs165688; Val allele) rs737865 (G allele) and rs165599 (G allele) all showed reduced expression (P < 0.05). Finally, we observe a strong sexual dimorphism in COMT expression, with females exhibiting significantly greater levels of COMT mRNA. CONCLUSION: The expression of COMT does not appear to be altered in the cerebellum of individuals suffering from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or depression, but does appear to be influenced by single nucleotide polymorphisms within the gene

    Orbitally forced ice sheet fluctuations during the Marinoan Snowball Earth glaciation

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    Two global glaciations occurred during the Neoproterozoic. Snowball Earth theory posits that these were terminated after millions of years of frigidity when initial warming from rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations was amplified by the reduction of ice cover and hence a reduction in planetary albedo. This scenario implies that most of the geological record of ice cover was deposited in a brief period of melt-back. However, deposits in low palaeo-latitudes show evidence of glacial–interglacial cycles. Here we analyse the sedimentology and oxygen and sulphur isotopic signatures of Marinoan Snowball glaciation deposits from Svalbard, in the Norwegian High Arctic. The deposits preserve a record of oscillations in glacier extent and hydrologic conditions under uniformly high atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We use simulations from a coupled three-dimensional ice sheet and atmospheric general circulation model to show that such oscillations can be explained by orbital forcing in the late stages of a Snowball glaciation. The simulations suggest that while atmospheric CO2 concentrations were rising, but not yet at the threshold required for complete melt-back, the ice sheets would have been sensitive to orbital forcing. We conclude that a similar dynamic can potentially explain the complex successions observed at other localities

    Geobiology of a lower Cambrian carbonate platform, Pedroche Formation, Ossa Morena Zone, Spain

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    The Cambrian Pedroche Formation comprises a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate succession recording subtidal deposition on a marine platform. Carbonate carbon isotope chemostratigraphy confirms previous biostratigraphic assignment of the Pedroche Formation to the Atdabanian regional stage of Siberia, correlative to Cambrian Series 2. At the outcrop scale, thrombolitic facies comprise ~. 60% of carbonate-normalized stratigraphy and coated-grains another ~. 10%. Petrographic point counts reveal that skeletons contribute at most 20% to thrombolitic inter-reef and reef-flank lithologies; on average, archaeocyath clasts make up 68% of skeletal materials. In contrast, petrographic point counts show that skeletons comprise a negligible volume of biohermal and biostromal thrombolite, associated nodular carbonate facies, and ooid, oncoid and peloid grainstone facies. As such, archaeocyathan reefal bioconstructions represent a specific and limited locus of skeletal carbonate production and deposition. Consistent with data from coeval, globally dispersed lower Cambrian successions, our analysis of the Pedroche Formation supports the view that lower Cambrian carbonates have more in common with earlier, Neoproterozoic deposits than with younger carbonates dominated by skeletal production and accumulation. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.Jessica R. Creveling, David Fernández-Remolar, Marta Rodríguez-Martínez, Silvia Menéndez, Kristin D. Bergmann, Benjamin C. Gill, John Abelson, Ricardo Amils, Bethany L. Ehlmann, Diego C. García-Bellido, John P. Grotzinger, Christian Hallmann, Kathryn M. Stack, Andrew H. Knol


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