15 research outputs found

    Mellan lantbrukare och entrecÎte : en jÀmförelsestudie om aktörer i livsmedelskedjan för köttprodukter i Uppsala lÀn

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    Livsmedelsproduktion i Sverige har aldrig varit sÄ aktuell som nu. Samtida kriser ökar medvetenheten om sÄrbarheten i den svenska livsmedelskedjan. Sedan 2017 har Sverige en livsmedelsstrategi för att öka den svenska livsmedelsproduktion. Det Àr inte oproblematiskt eftersom livsmedelsproduktion Àven pÄverkar och pÄverkas av ekonomisk, social och ekologisk hÄllbarhet. Vilka Àr dÄ de aktörer som arbetar i denna komplexa livsmedelskedja? I studien undersöks tvÄ företag med olika företagsform (aktiebolag och kooperativ) som verkar i livsmedelskedjan för köttprodukter. Genom en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie med induktiv ansats studeras hur företagen verksamheter utvecklats frÄn dess start till nutid. Inom studien har fem semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Fyra respondenter intervjuades frÄn de tvÄ fallföretagen, den femte respondenten har mÄngÄrig erfarenhet av branschen. Empirisk data har analyseras utifrÄn studiens teoretiska ramverk bestÄende av transaktionskostnadsteori och beslutsteori med Garbage can-modellen. Studiens resultat visar att företagen pÄverkats av externa företeelser och dess hantering av transaktionskostnader har resulterat i att verksamheterna omstrukturerats pÄ olika sÀtt. Uppkomsten av beslutsfattande beror ofta pÄ timing, osÀkerhet vid transaktioner och företagens olika vÀrderingar. Studiens resultat diskuteras i relation till teori om kooperativ pÄ den agrara marknaden. Resultaten bidrar till en ökad förstÄelse för hur företag pÄ en agrar marknad utan nÀrvaro av ett starkt nationellt kooperativ fattar beslut och hanterar transaktionskostnader.Food production in Sweden has never been as relevant as it is now. Contemporary crises raise awareness of the vulnerability of the Swedish food chain. Since 2017, Sweden has a food strategy to increase Swedish food production. This is not unproblematic as food production also affects and is influenced by economic, social and ecological sustainability. Who, then, are the actors working in this complex food chain? The study examines two companies with different corporate forms (investor-owned firms and cooperatives) that operate in the food chain for meat products. Through a qualitative multi-case study with an inductive approach, it is studied how the companies' operations have developed from its beginning to the present. Within the study, five semi-structured interviews were conducted. Four respondents were interviewed from the two case companies, the fifth respondent has many years of experience in the industry. Empirical data have been analysed based on the studies theoretical framework that consist of transaction cost theory and decision-making theory with the Garbage can model. The study's results show that companies have been affected by external phenomena and their handling of transaction costs has resulted in the operations being restructured in different ways. The emergence of decision-making is often due to timing, uncertainty in transactions and the different valuations of the companies. The results of the study are discussed in relation to the theory of cooperatives in the agrarian market. The results contribute to an increased understanding of how companies in an agrarian market, without the presence of a strong national cooperative, make decisions and manage transaction costs

    Genome-wide Association Analysis in Humans Links Nucleotide Metabolism to Leukocyte Telomere Length

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    Leukocyte telomere length (LTL) is a heritable biomarker of genomic aging. In this study, we perform a genome-wide meta-analysis of LTL by pooling densely genotyped and imputed association results across large-scale European-descent studies including up to 78,592 individuals. We identify 49 genomic regions at a false dicovery rate (FDR) 350,000 UK Biobank participants suggest that genetically shorter telomere length increases the risk of hypothyroidism and decreases the risk of thyroid cancer, lymphoma, and a range of proliferative conditions. Our results replicate previously reported associations with increased risk of coronary artery disease and lower risk for multiple cancer types. Our findings substantially expand current knowledge on genes that regulate LTL and their impact on human health and disease.Peer reviewe

    Identification of seven loci affecting mean telomere length and their association with disease

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    Inter-individual variation in mean leukocyte telomere length (LTL) is associated with cancer and several age-associated diseases. Here, in a genome-wide meta-analysis of 37,684 individuals with replication of selected variants in a further 10,739 individuals, we identified seven loci, including five novel loci, associated with mean LTL (P<5x10−8). Five of the loci contain genes (TERC, TERT, NAF1, OBFC1, RTEL1) that are known to be involved in telomere biology. Lead SNPs at two loci (TERC and TERT) associate with several cancers and other diseases, including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Moreover, a genetic risk score analysis combining lead variants at all seven loci in 22,233 coronary artery disease cases and 64,762 controls showed an association of the alleles associated with shorter LTL with increased risk of CAD (21% (95% CI: 5–35%) per standard deviation in LTL, p=0.014). Our findings support a causal role of telomere length variation in some age-related diseases

    Author Correction:Study of 300,486 individuals identifies 148 independent genetic loci influencing general cognitive function

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    Christina M. Lill, who contributed to analysis of data, was inadvertently omitted from the author list in the originally published version of this article. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the article

    “Man fĂ„r nog vara kunnig sjĂ€lv” : En kvalitativ studie om lĂ€rarstudenters synsĂ€tt pĂ„ skolbiblioteket i sitt kommande yrke.

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    The central theme of this study is the school library and how teacher students' view the integration of the library in teaching. Previous research has shown that the teacher programs lack education and knowledge on how to practically make us of the library. The purpose of this study is to investigate what perceptions and experiences future teachers have about the library's function and how they view the integration of the library in their teaching after graduation. To investigate the teacher students' perceptions and experiences, a qualitative analysis was made using semi-structured interviews at one university in Sweden including five primary school teachers and five subject teachers. This study is based on Loertscher's Teacher Taxonomy. One conclusion drawn was that the parents' approach to the library is more decisive than the informants' experiences from their schooling. The teacher students with parents that would read and often bring them to the library are more likely to make use of the library themselves in their future profession. The results show that most teacher students will use the library mainly in the Swedish subject. Furthermore, the results also concluded that the subject teachers in the study more frequently would use the library as a second classroom, a place for the pupil to study individually, or a place for having meetings. Many of the teacher students have good opportunities for future collaboration with the library, what tends to affect the usage is ignorance, the workplace, and the teacher students' previous experiences

    Factors Affecting Work Participation for Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis : A qualitative study

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    Bakgrund:Reumatoid artrit Àr en inflammatorisk ledsjukdom som kan leda till symptom i form av kontrakturer, smÀrta, trötthet och stelhet. Arbete anses varaen meningsfull aktivitet och pÄverkar hur mÀnniskan upplever sin roll i samhÀllet. Möjligheten till delaktighet i aktiviteten arbete pÄverkas av faktorer i arbetsmiljön. Syfte: Syftet Àr att undersöka vilka faktorer som kvinnor med reumatoid artrit upplever pÄverkar förmÄgan att delta i aktiviteten arbete. Metod: En kvalitativ studie som innefattade elva intervjuer via telefon med arbetsverksamma kvinnor med reumatoid artritgenomfördes. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades. Resultat:I resultatet framkom tvÄ huvudteman vilka var anpassning och stöd samt fem subgrupper vilka var anpassning av arbetsmiljö, anpassning av arbetsuppgifter, anpassning av tid samt stöd frÄn arbetsgivare och stöd frÄn arbetskollegor. Upplevelsen av förmÄgan att delta i aktiviteten arbete var beroende av om dessa faktorer var framtrÀdande i arbetsmiljön. Konklusion: Deltagarna gav liknande svar kring faktorer som var frÀmjande eller hindrande i arbetsmiljön. Detta gav en indikation pÄ att dessa faktorer antingen frÀmjar eller hindrar förmÄgan att delta i aktiviteten arbete

    “Man fĂ„r nog vara kunnig sjĂ€lv” : En kvalitativ studie om lĂ€rarstudenters synsĂ€tt pĂ„ skolbiblioteket i sitt kommande yrke.

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    The central theme of this study is the school library and how teacher students' view the integration of the library in teaching. Previous research has shown that the teacher programs lack education and knowledge on how to practically make us of the library. The purpose of this study is to investigate what perceptions and experiences future teachers have about the library's function and how they view the integration of the library in their teaching after graduation. To investigate the teacher students' perceptions and experiences, a qualitative analysis was made using semi-structured interviews at one university in Sweden including five primary school teachers and five subject teachers. This study is based on Loertscher's Teacher Taxonomy. One conclusion drawn was that the parents' approach to the library is more decisive than the informants' experiences from their schooling. The teacher students with parents that would read and often bring them to the library are more likely to make use of the library themselves in their future profession. The results show that most teacher students will use the library mainly in the Swedish subject. Furthermore, the results also concluded that the subject teachers in the study more frequently would use the library as a second classroom, a place for the pupil to study individually, or a place for having meetings. Many of the teacher students have good opportunities for future collaboration with the library, what tends to affect the usage is ignorance, the workplace, and the teacher students' previous experiences

    Factors Affecting Work Participation for Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis : A qualitative study

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    Bakgrund:Reumatoid artrit Àr en inflammatorisk ledsjukdom som kan leda till symptom i form av kontrakturer, smÀrta, trötthet och stelhet. Arbete anses varaen meningsfull aktivitet och pÄverkar hur mÀnniskan upplever sin roll i samhÀllet. Möjligheten till delaktighet i aktiviteten arbete pÄverkas av faktorer i arbetsmiljön. Syfte: Syftet Àr att undersöka vilka faktorer som kvinnor med reumatoid artrit upplever pÄverkar förmÄgan att delta i aktiviteten arbete. Metod: En kvalitativ studie som innefattade elva intervjuer via telefon med arbetsverksamma kvinnor med reumatoid artritgenomfördes. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades. Resultat:I resultatet framkom tvÄ huvudteman vilka var anpassning och stöd samt fem subgrupper vilka var anpassning av arbetsmiljö, anpassning av arbetsuppgifter, anpassning av tid samt stöd frÄn arbetsgivare och stöd frÄn arbetskollegor. Upplevelsen av förmÄgan att delta i aktiviteten arbete var beroende av om dessa faktorer var framtrÀdande i arbetsmiljön. Konklusion: Deltagarna gav liknande svar kring faktorer som var frÀmjande eller hindrande i arbetsmiljön. Detta gav en indikation pÄ att dessa faktorer antingen frÀmjar eller hindrar förmÄgan att delta i aktiviteten arbete

    Factors Affecting Work Participation for Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis : A qualitative study

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    Bakgrund:Reumatoid artrit Àr en inflammatorisk ledsjukdom som kan leda till symptom i form av kontrakturer, smÀrta, trötthet och stelhet. Arbete anses varaen meningsfull aktivitet och pÄverkar hur mÀnniskan upplever sin roll i samhÀllet. Möjligheten till delaktighet i aktiviteten arbete pÄverkas av faktorer i arbetsmiljön. Syfte: Syftet Àr att undersöka vilka faktorer som kvinnor med reumatoid artrit upplever pÄverkar förmÄgan att delta i aktiviteten arbete. Metod: En kvalitativ studie som innefattade elva intervjuer via telefon med arbetsverksamma kvinnor med reumatoid artritgenomfördes. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades. Resultat:I resultatet framkom tvÄ huvudteman vilka var anpassning och stöd samt fem subgrupper vilka var anpassning av arbetsmiljö, anpassning av arbetsuppgifter, anpassning av tid samt stöd frÄn arbetsgivare och stöd frÄn arbetskollegor. Upplevelsen av förmÄgan att delta i aktiviteten arbete var beroende av om dessa faktorer var framtrÀdande i arbetsmiljön. Konklusion: Deltagarna gav liknande svar kring faktorer som var frÀmjande eller hindrande i arbetsmiljön. Detta gav en indikation pÄ att dessa faktorer antingen frÀmjar eller hindrar förmÄgan att delta i aktiviteten arbete