839 research outputs found

    Análisis de costos para la producción de agregados

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    Proyecto Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2007.The aggregate production is an activity that involves many internal and external factors. In the road construction this activity is of extreme importance since from her the materials are derived that compose the structure of pavements. The control and analysis of costs become determining to obtain that the activity is profitable. The inspection in previous site and throughout the process is indispensable to manage to take a daily and representative control of the daily results to analyze the data with time and to make decisions being based on real and opportune facts. Thanks to these procedures we obtained results in certain way favorable having smaller costs to the budgeted ones. Nevertheless we found several internal and external factors that made the activity less profitable. It was fulfilled the expectation to maintain the cost below the budgeted but it was not fulfilled the awaited utility. The costs are affected not only by the machine hours, but also by external factors such as: climate, site of extraction and type of material. The cost is directly related to the productions. The cost is proportional to the production, with greater production, minor the cost and with smaller production greater is the cost.Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción; Constructora Meco

    La propiedad horizontal: un estudio como solución alternativa de conflictos

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    Trabajo de investigación: Área de Derecho PrivadoLa Propiedad Horizontal como institución es la respuesta a las múltiples necesidades que se vienen presentando dentro de la sociedad, fruto de la decantación histórica y que claramente se puede evidenciar a través de los tiempos. Como institución legal, se encuentra al servicio de la sociedad toda vez que permite el desarrollo e interacción de múltiples individuos dentro de una comunidad llamada copropiedad; fijando una serie de normas y parámetros que permiten delimitar conceptos básicos del Derecho tal como lo es el de la Propiedad, pero por sobre todas las cosas fomenta la sana convivencia.PregradoAbogad

    On Damage Characterization of a Steel Sheet

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    Ductile damage is a physical phenomena which involves progressive deterioration of mechanical properties of metals, when undergoing high deformations. Compared to plasticity, the physical mechanisms behind damage are more complex and the microscale is not longer negligible. In mathematical damage models, founding an optimal set of material parameters can be a hard task due to the strong coupling and non-linearity of the equations. An identification strategy is then crucial to arrive to a general set of parameters. Therefore, we address the fully characterization of a ferritic steel sheet, involving the elasto-plastic and damage parameters. This poster presents an hybrid experimental-numerical procedure, coupling numerical simulations, optimization algorithms and digital image correlation measurements, over a set of representative experimental and numerical results of tensile, shear and plane strain tests in different material directions. Due to the small thickness of the sheet, the constitutive model is very prone to localization into a shear band difficulting the damage parameters identification. It is found that a porosity induced inhomogeneity plus a mixed hardening can delay localization and represent the entire deformation range of the tests, leading to acceptable results. Different set of parameters are also obtained and then validated with experimental results. This localization phenomena should be carefully considered in applications involving complex strain paths

    A qualitative investigation of masculine identity after traumatic brain injury

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    Men are twice as likely as women to experience a traumatic brain injury (TBI), suggesting that aspects of masculine identity contribute to how people acquire their brain injuries. Research also suggests that masculine identity impacts on how people manage their health experiences. The current study aimed to explore the experience of masculine identity following TBI. Individual interviews were conducted with 10 men aged 21–67 years who had experienced a TBI. All were living in the community. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to consider lived experiences and to explore the meaning of the TBI experience in relation to masculine identity. Three superordinate themes emerged from the analysis: doing life and relationships differently, self-perceptions and the perceived view of others, and managing the impact of TBI as a man. These themes are considered in relation to how participants' experiences interacted with dominant social ideals of masculine identity. The findings highlighted how masculine identity may be a valuable aspect of self in considering threats to and reconstruction of self-identity after TBI. Aspects of gender identity should be considered in order to promote engagement, support adjustment and achieve meaningful outcomes in rehabilitation

    A random utility based multiregional input-output approach to estimate the impact of a new highway on the regional distribution of jobs

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    This paper addresses the economic impact assessment of the construction of a new road on the regional distribution of jobs. The paper summarizes different existing model approaches considered to assess economic impacts through a literature review. Afterwards, we present the development of a comprehensive approach for analyzing the interaction of new transport infrastructure and the economic impact through an integrated model. This model has been applied to the construction of the motorway A-40 in Spain (497 Km.) which runs across three regions without passing though Madrid City. This may in turn lead to the relocation of labor and capital due to the improvement of accessibility of markets or inputs. The result suggests the existence of direct and indirect effects in other regions derived from the improvement of the transportation infrastructure, and confirms the relevance of road freight transport in some regions. We found that the changes in regional employment are substantial for some regions (increasing or decreasing jobs), but a t the same time negligible in other regions. As a result,the approach provides broad guidance to national governments and other transport-related parties about the impacts of this transport policy

    Impact of introducing longer and heavier vehicles on regional consumer price index and Spanish road freight transport system

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    This paper applies an integrated modeling approach to the case of Spain; the approach is based on a random utility-based multiregional input-output model and a road transport network model for assessing the effect of introducing longer and heavier vehicles (LHVs) on the regional consumer price index (CPI) and on the transportation system. The approach strongly supports the concept that changes in transport costs derived from the LHV allowance as well as the economic structure of regions have direct and indirect effects on the economy and on the transportation system. Results show that the introduction of LHVs might reduce prices paid by consumers for a representative basket of goods and services in the regions of Spain and would also lead to a reduction in the regional CPI. In addition, the magnitude and extent of changes in the transportation system are estimated by using the commodity-based structure of the approach to identify the effect of traffic changes on traffic flows and on pollutant emissions over the whole network

    Determinación de fenoles y capacidad antioxidante total de manzana, pera y arándano en diferentes estados de conservación

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    54 p.La oxidación es un proceso bioquímico de perdida de electrones, el cual esta siempre asociado a otro de captación el cual llamamos reduccion. Esta oxidación es fundamental para la vida, pues participa en los procesos de obtención de la energía celular. Sin embargo, cuando existe un exceso en la oxidación aparece el estres oxidativo, un proceso complejo que puede ocurrir en todos los niveles biologicos y que no se puede medir ni definir con un solo parámetro. Hay una multitud de enfermedades que se han relacionado con el estres oxidativo y la generación de radicales libres, entre las que se encuentran la aterosclerosis y la óenfermedad de Parkinson, entre otras. En estos estados las defensas antioxidantes del cuerpo se hacen insuficientes, por lo que es de vital importancia el consumo de antioxidantes exogenos los que podemos encontrar en diferentes cantidades en frutas y verduras. Por este motivo, en el presente trabajo se determinaron una serie de propiedades antioxidantes de pera, manzana, arándano y frambuesa en extractos de pulpa y prensado. Para lo cual se procedio a estandarizar las técnicas de Folin-Ciocalteau (concentración de fenoles totales) y la determinación de flavonoides basado en la formación de un complejo flavoinoide-aluminio. Por otro lado, la actividad antioxidante se midie por medio del análisis del poder reductor ferrico/antioxidante (FRAP) basado en la capacidad de los polifenoles para reducir el ion ferrico a ion ferroso y por la reducción del DPPH en una solución metanólica. Las frutas con mayor capacidad antioxidante fueron arándano y frambuesa, en combinación con manzana (80:20), encontrándose hallazgos similares en los distintos estados de conservación

    An integrated modeling approach to assess the impact on road freight transport demand of allowing longer and heavier vehicles (LHVs) in Spain

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    The assessment on introducing Longer and Heavier Vehicles (LHVs) on the road freight transport demand is performed in this paper by applying an integrated modeling approach composed of a Random Utility-Based Multiregional Input-Output model (RUBMRIO) and a road transport network model. The approach strongly supports the concept that changes in transport costs derived from the LHVs allowance as well as the economic structure of regions have both direct and indirect effects on the road freight transport system. In addition, we estimate the magnitude and extent of demand changes in the road freight transportation system by using the commodity-based structure of the approach to identify the effect on traffic flows and on pollutant emissions over the whole network of Spain by considering a sensitivity analysis of the main parameters which determine the share of Heavy-Goods Vehicles (HGVs) and LHVs. The results show that the introduction of LHVs will strengthen the competitiveness of the road haulage sector by reducing costs, emissions, and the total freight vehicles required