131 research outputs found

    Gestión municipal y manejo ambiental de residuos sólidos en una zona urbana en un municipio, Ayacucho 2022

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    La presente investigación “Gestión municipal y manejo ambiental de residuos sólidos en una zona urbana en un municipio, Ayacucho 2022” tuvo por objetivo determinar la relación entre la gestión del municipio y el manejo ambiental de residuos sólidos en la municipalidad de estudio, para lo cual, su metodología constó de un enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental de corte transversal, nivel descriptivo correlacional, se usó como técnica a la encuesta aplicada a 132 ciudadanos por cada variable independientemente, donde se pudo observar que a nivel de la estadística inferencial, existió correlación entre las variables obteniéndose por medio de la correlación Rho de Spearman el grado de 0,758 y p valor igual a 0, siendo así menor al nivel de significancia; del mismo modo se observaron las correlaciones entre sus dimensiones: participación ciudadana - generación, conservación de lugares públicos - segregación, y, capacidad operativa de la municipalidad - tratamiento; obteniendo los grados relacionales 0,672; 0,745 y 0,652 respectivamente, todos con p valor igual a 0

    Costos de producción de lechugas en la empresa OSTUMA FARMS y finca del productor José Soza ubicada en el departamento de Matagalpa durante el primer Semestre del año 2009

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    Las Lechugas, por sus características, requieren de condiciones especiales para dar un producto de buena calidad, es evidente que estas condiciones ideales son difíciles de encontrar, El momento culminante para la empresa es cuando se obtienen los beneficios que se esperan del trabajo, en este caso, levantar la cosecha es el premio del productor porque su aprovechamiento puede ser inmediato. Es necesario conocer y saber distinguir los costos, desembolsos de efectivo que representan la inversión realizada por los productores para llevar a cabo la siembra de la lechuga, dichos costos inician desde la obtención de la semilla. Cabe señalar que el costo de producción es recuperado al final de la siembra, siempre y cuando no se presenten inconvenientes que puedan dañar el cultivo y se pierda completamente. Todo sector agropecuario debe hacer uso de la contabilidad, cualquiera que sea la importancia de su explotación, ya que así obtendría una mayor comprensión del resultado económico y a la vez tiene un mejor conocimiento para determinar si debe seguir en su cultivo actual, diversificarlo, combinarlo o arrendar la tierra. A través de la aplicación de un sistema de contabilidad se puede registrar en forma clara, precisa y oportuna las operaciones que realiza la empresa, controlando las actividades y obteniendo información actualizada de lo que está pasando para que los productores puedan tomar decisiones. En el análisis según la entrevista realizada a los productores y al contador de la Empresa, encontramos ciertas debilidades en el registro, clasificación e interpretación de los costos de producción de lechuga

    The Chihuahua dog: A new animal model for neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis CLN7 disease?

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    Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs) are a group of incurable lysosomal storage disorders characterized by neurodegeneration and accumulation of lipopigments mainly within the neurons. We studied two littermate Chihuahua dogs presenting with progressive signs of blindness, ataxia, pacing, and cognitive impairment from 1 year of age. Because of worsening of clinical signs, both dogs were euthanized at about 2 years of age. Postmortem examination revealed marked accumulation of autofluorescent intracellular inclusions within the brain, characteristic of NCL. Whole-genome sequencing was performed on one of the affected dogs. After sequence alignment and variant calling against the canine reference genome, variants were identified in the coding region or splicing regions of four previously known NCL genes (CLN6, ARSG, CLN2 [=TPP1], and CLN7 [=MFSD8]). Subsequent segregation analysis within the family (two affected dogs, both parents, and three relatives) identified MFSD8:p.Phe282Leufs13*, which had previously been identified in one Chinese crested dog with no available ancestries, as the causal mutation. Because of the similarities of the clinical signs and histopathological changes with the human form of the disease, we propose that the Chihuahua dog could be a good animal model of CLN7 disease


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    Seminario Desarrollo de Emprendedores. 2010. Carrera Ingenieria Industrial, Ingenierita en Sistemas. Docente Lic. Kathia Libeth Hernández Estrada.Microempresa enmarcada dentro del sector de mantenimiento y limpieza que ofrece un servicio de limpieza estructural. Esta se enfoca principalmente en la prestación de servicios de albañilería, carpintería, electricista, fontanero, jardinero, limpieza de piscinas, entre otros. Sus servicios pueden ser proveídos a las familias nicaragüenses, organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales. El segmento del mercado está constituido por empresas, complejos industriales, centros comerciales, organismos gubernamentales y no gubernamentales y casas particulares ubicadas en la ciudad de Managua que necesiten realizar mantenimientos y limpiezas en sus edificaciones

    El cine, protagonista central en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la historia de mujeres y género: una experiencia valiosa de aprendizaje

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    The chapter considers cinema as a teaching-learning tool in the field of Clío, emphasizing some didactic experiences with cinema around the theme of women's and gender history, particularly from these film versions Maids and Ladies (2011 ), Ágora (2009), Angeles with claws of steel (2004), María Montessori (2007) and Te doy mis ojos (2003).El capítulo considera al cine como herramienta de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el campo de Clío, haciendo énfasis en algunas experiencias didácticas con el cine en torno a la temática de historia de mujeres y género, particularmente a partir de estas versiones cinematográficas Criadas y señoras (2011), Ágora (2009), Ángeles con garras de acero (2004), María Montessori (2007) y Te doy mis ojos (2003)

    Comportamiento mecánico de mezclas de escoria vítrea de horno alto y metacaolín activadas alcalinamente: estudio estadístico = Mechanical behaviour of alkali-activated metakaolin blended pastes: statistical study

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    El estudio y desarrollo de cementos alternativos y más eco-eficientes que el cemento Portland es un tema de gran impacto a nivel científico y tecnológico. Entre esos posibles cementos se encuentran los cementos alcalinos que son materiales conglomerantes obtenidos por la interacción química de materiales silico-aluminosos cálci- cos y disoluciones fuertemente alcalinas. En el presente trabajo se estudia el comportamiento mecánico y la com- posición mineralógica de mezclas de escoria vítrea de horno alto y metacaolín activadas alcalinamente con disoluciones de NaOH. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer cómo afectan parámetros tales como la relación escoria/metacaolín, la concentración de la disolución activadora y la temperatura de curado, al desarrollo re- sistente de las mezclas. A través del estudio estadístico realizado se ha podido establecer la influencia de cada variable y modelizar el comportamiento resistente de estos cementos alcalinos. Se concluye que la concentra- ción del activador y la relación escoria/metacaolín son los parámetros más relevantes

    Acoustic identification of Mexican bats based on taxonomic and ecological constraints on call design

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    1. Monitoring global biodiversity is critical for understanding responses to anthropogenic change, but biodiversity monitoring is often biased away from tropical, megadiverse areas that are experiencing more rapid environmental change. Acoustic surveys are increasingly used to monitor biodiversity change, especially for bats as they are important indicator species and most use sound to detect, localise and classify objects. However, using bat acoustic surveys for monitoring poses several challenges, particularly in mega-diverse regions. Many species lack reference recordings, some species have high call similarity or differ in call detectability, and quantitative classification tools, such as machine learning algorithms, have rarely been applied to data from these areas. 2. Here, we collate a reference call library for bat species that occur in a megadiverse country, Mexico. We use 4,685 search-phase calls from 1,378 individual sequences of 59 bat species to create automatic species identification tools generated by machine learning algorithms (Random Forest). We evaluate the improvement in species-level classification rates gained by using hierarchical classifications, reflecting either taxonomic or ecological constraints (guilds) on call design, and examine how classification rate accuracy changes at different hierarchical levels (family, genus, and guild). 3. Species-level classification of calls had a mean accuracy of 66% and the use of hierarchies improved mean species-level classification accuracy by up to 6% (species within families 72%, species within genera 71.2% and species within guilds 69.1%). Classification accuracy to family, genus and guild-level was 91.7%, 77.8% and 82.5%, respectively. 4. The bioacoustic identification tools we have developed are accurate for rapid biodiversity assessments in a megadiverse region and can also be used effectively to classify species at broader taxonomic or ecological levels. This flexibility increases their usefulness when there are incomplete species reference recordings and also offers the opportunity to characterise and track changes in bat community structure. Our results show that bat bioacoustic surveys in megadiverse countries have more potential than previously thought to monitor biodiversity changes and can be used to direct further developments of bioacoustic monitoring programs in Mexico


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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a complex disorder and multiple cellular and molecular mechanisms are involved in AD onset and progression. Recent evidences have suggested that metabolic alterations are an important pathological feature in disease progression in AD. Likewise, diabetes and obesity, two mayor metabolic illnesses associated with white adipose tissue expansion, are risk factors for AD. Here, we hypothesize that the white adipose tissue may serve as a key communicator organ between the brain and peripheral metabolic illnesses. We used histological stains, immunohistochemistry and biochemical means to determine changes in the white adipose tissue from WT and db/db mice. Moreover, similar techniques were used in the brain of 3xTg-AD mice that received white fat pads from WT and db/db donors to determine any changes in amyloid and tau pathology. Our study shows that recipient 3xTg-AD mice from db/db fat pads mice develop profound changes in tau pathology due to increased CDK5/p25 expression compared to 3xTg-AD mice that received fad pads from WT mice. This increment in tau level was associated with elevated levels in IL-1β and microglial activation. However, we found that Aβ levels were reduced in recipient 3xTg-AD mice from db/db fat pads compared to 3xTg- AD mice that received fad pads from WT mice. These reduction in Aβ levels were correlated with an increment in microglia phagocytic capacity. Overall, our study demonstrates a novel important crosstalk between AD and diabetes type II through white adipose cells and a differential effect on tau and Aβ pathology

    Amyloid-b seeding and propagation processes in a hAb-KI model of Alzheimer's disease

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    Recent evidence indicates that Aβ can misfold and aggregate into seeds that structurally corrupt native proteins, mimicking a prion-like process. Several studies using FAD animal models have demonstrated that intracerebral infusion of brain extracts from APP-transgenic mice or AD patients induce Aβ deposition and cerebral amyloid angiopathy. To carry out most of these Aβ-seeding studies, APP-transgenic animal have been used. Nevertheless, it remains to be elucidated whether Aβ deposition can be induced by Aβ-seeds in a sporadic AD model that does not overexpress APP and produces wild type human Aβ. We used an innovative model to better understand the amyloidogenic events that occur in sporadic AD. This hAβ-KI model, expresses wild-type human Aβ under the control of the endogenous mouse APP gene. Aβ-seeds from AD patients (stage C) from the AD Research Center (UCI) were administered into 7-8-month-old hAβ-KI and as positive controls 3xTg-AD mice were employed. We demonstrated that amyloid seeds can stimulate Aβ aggregations in 3xTg-AD and hAβ-KI models. We found that Aβ aggregates occur earlier in the 3xTg-AD vs hAβ-KI and that a longer term of treatment is necessary to accelerate diffusible Aβ pathology in the hAβ-KI mice. Thereferoe, this hAβ-KI model represents an important step towards the development of next-generation animal models that will provide better predictive outcomes for human patients. Grants support: UCI MIND Pilot project (DBV), Ministry of Science PID2019-108911RA-100 (DBV), U54 AG054349 (FML), Institute of Health Carlos III PI18/01557 (AG) co-financed by FEDER funds (European Union), NIH/NIA Grant P50 AG16573 (UCI-ADRC).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Human amyloid seeds aggregate more efficient than seeds from old 3xtg-ad mice

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    Aims: Most age-associated neurodegenerative disorders involve the aggregation of specific proteins within the nervous system, as occurs in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Recent evidence indicates that Aβ can misfold and aggregate into seeds that structurally corrupt native proteins, mimicking a prion-like process of template protein corruption or seeding. In fact, studies in animal models show that the injection of brain homogenates from AD patients or from aged APP-transgenic mice containing Aβ aggregates, can induce some of the neuropathological hallmarks of AD. However, it is still unknown which Aβ-misfolded species are most efficient in triggering the aggregation process. Here, we seek to perform a comparative study to determine whether Aβ seeds from humans vs a familial AD line (the 3xTg-AD model) is more efficient to generate amyloid aggregates. Methods: We employed histological and molecular approaches to determine amyloid level, species and aggregative capacity of brain homogenates from an AD patient (stage C for amyloid, from the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at UCI) vs old-3xTg-AD mice (25-month-old). Such brain homogenates were injected into the hippocampus of 7-month-old 3xTg-AD mice and the mice were analyzed at 18 months of age. Results: Our findings demonstrated that amyloid seeds from the human patient have more capacity to generate Aβ plaques vs seeds from aged 3xTg-AD mice. Conclusions: These results suggest that seeds from human patients seem to be more amyloidogenic than from aged 3xTg-AD mice. Thus, more profound understanding these factors will provide key insight on how amyloid pathology progress in AD.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec