37 research outputs found

    The science case for the EISCAT_3D radar

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    The EISCAT (European Incoherent SCATer) Scientific Association has provided versatile incoherent scatter (IS) radar facilities on the mainland of northern Scandinavia (the EISCAT UHF and VHF radar systems) and on Svalbard (the electronically scanning radar ESR (EISCAT Svalbard Radar) for studies of the high-latitude ionised upper atmosphere (the ionosphere). The mainland radars were constructed about 30 years ago, based on technological solutions of that time. The science drivers of today, however, require a more flexible instrument, which allows measurements to be made from the troposphere to the topside ionosphere and gives the measured parameters in three dimensions, not just along a single radar beam. The possibility for continuous operation is also an essential feature. To facilitatefuture science work with a world-leading IS radar facility, planning of a new radar system started first with an EU-funded Design Study (2005–2009) and has continued with a follow-up EU FP7 EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase project (2010–2014). The radar facility will be realised by using phased arrays, and a key aspect is the use of advanced software and data processing techniques. This type of software radar will act as a pathfinder for other facilities worldwide. The new radar facility will enable the EISCAT_3D science community to address new, significant science questions as well as to serve society, which is increasingly dependent on space-based technology and issues related to space weather. The location of the radar within the auroral oval and at the edge of the stratospheric polar vortex is also ideal for studies of the long-term variability in the atmosphere and global change. This paper is a summary of the EISCAT_3D science case, which was prepared as part of the EU-funded Preparatory Phase project for the new facility. Three science working groups, drawn from the EISCAT user community, participated in preparing this document. In addition to these working group members, who are listed as authors, thanks are due to many others in the EISCAT scientific community for useful contributions, discussions, and support

    Construction-play at the preschool

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    Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem förskollärare och observationer av konstruktionsmaterial på förskolan har jag fått svar på mina frågeställningar. Mina frågeställningar handlar om vilka material förskolan har till tredimensionell konstruktionslek inomhus och om det arbetas medvetet med tredimensionell konstruktionslek. Syftet med studien är att undersöka förutsättningarna för tredimensionell konstruktionslek på förskolan. Rapporten visar att tillgången till konstruktionsmaterial på förskolorna inte är särskilt varierad och inte tillräckligt stor. Enligt svaren på intervjuerna är den största orsaken bristen på tid för pedagogerna att vara delaktig i konstruktionsleken. Det saknades även tid att hålla ordning på konstruktionsmaterialet. Pedagogerna arbetar inte medvetet med konstruktionslek och upplever att de saknar tillräckliga kunskaper inom ämnet. Utifrån gällande styrdokument är leken viktig för barns lärande. Barnen skall utveckla sin förmåga att bygga, skapa och konstruera med hjälp av olika material. Denna studie visar att för att uppfylla dessa krav bör lärare i förskolan få mera kunskaper om konstruktionslekens betydelse och hur man kan arbeta med den.My purpose with this study is to investigate the preschools conditions of the three-dimensional construction play. My questions are: what indoor material the preschool posses and the awareness of working with three-dimensional construction play. The answers I got are based on the qualitative interviews with five preschoolteachers and also from doing observations of the preschools construction materials. The report shows that the access to the construction materials are not that varied and not big enough. According to the answers from the interviews, is the main reason the preschoolteachers lack of time to participate in the construction play. They are also lacking time to maintain the order of the construction materials. The preschoolteachers don’t work consciously with the construction play and they feel that they don’t have adequate knowledge in this subject. On the basis of current control documents are the children’s play important for their learning. The children shall develop the ability to build, create and construct with help from different materials. This study shows that to fulfil these demands, the preschoolteachers should get more knowledge about the meaning of the construction play and how to work with it

    Krav, uppmaningar och frågor - en autoetnografisk reflektion över handledning av självständiga arbeten

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    The degree project represents an important part of higher education since it will examine the student's knowledge in relation to the degree goals and the student's ability to work independently under supervision. The supervision that is requested and given constitutes a central part of the student's working process and depending on the supervision's character it can also impact on the student's possibilities to independence. Using as a point of departure the intention to make visible and to problematize our students’ ability to be independent, the aim of the study presented here is to identify the specific features of the written supervision which we as supervisors give to students in the form of comments. The attempt is auto-ethnographic, which means that we reflect over our own way to supervise. As support for the analysis parts of Bernstein's theory have been used. The article describes and problematizes how we as supervisors have used comments in form of demands, exhortations and questions, the motives for the different kinds of comments and how different comments impact on the student's possibility to use and show his/her ability to work independently. The article contributes with knowledge about what is happening during the supervision, it can be used as foundation for discussion about supervision in relation to the student´s independence and gives an example on self-reflection over one's supervision.Utbildning och lärande. Tidskrift</p

    Krav, uppmaningar och frågor - en autoetnografisk reflektion över handledning av självständiga arbeten

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    The degree project represents an important part of higher education since it will examine the student's knowledge in relation to the degree goals and the student's ability to work independently under supervision. The supervision that is requested and given constitutes a central part of the student's working process and depending on the supervision's character it can also impact on the student's possibilities to independence. Using as a point of departure the intention to make visible and to problematize our students’ ability to be independent, the aim of the study presented here is to identify the specific features of the written supervision which we as supervisors give to students in the form of comments. The attempt is auto-ethnographic, which means that we reflect over our own way to supervise. As support for the analysis parts of Bernstein's theory have been used. The article describes and problematizes how we as supervisors have used comments in form of demands, exhortations and questions, the motives for the different kinds of comments and how different comments impact on the student's possibility to use and show his/her ability to work independently. The article contributes with knowledge about what is happening during the supervision, it can be used as foundation for discussion about supervision in relation to the student´s independence and gives an example on self-reflection over one's supervision.Utbildning och lärande. Tidskrift</p