2,508 research outputs found

    Transformations of a teacher in her relationship with a deafblind student

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    Cuando comenzamos a trabajar en la escuela tenemos un bagaje vivido como alumno que condiciona nuestra forma de dar clase y las expectativas que podemos tener hacia el alumnado, en general y al de necesidades educativas, en especial. Sin embargo, estas concepciones se pueden cambiar. El profesorado puede reconstruir su identidad docente haciendo prevalecer su pasión por la educación y con el apoyo de compañeros y compañeras. La historia de vida que se presenta es el de una maestra de Educación Infantil que tiene en su aula a una alumna inmigrante sordociega. En ella se muestra la transformación de su idea sobre la integración, avanzando a una concepción inclusiva. Este cambio se basa en procesos de reflexión individuales y en diálogos con otros compañeros y compañeras suponiendo que ampliase sus ideas acerca de lo positivo de la educación inclusiva y que las mejoras que buscaba en la alumna se extendiesen a todo el centro y fuera de este. La transformación de las creencias de la docente ha sido muy positiva para la familia de la alumna y para la propia alumna que se encuentran enun aula inclusiva con una educación lo más normalizada posible

    Postural syndromes and postural reeducationin the temporomandibular disorders

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    [Resumen] Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre qué aspectos posturales pueden estar en relación con los trastornos temporomandibulares. Describir el Síndrome de Postura de Cabeza Adelantada, y el Síndrome Cruzado Proximal; y los distintos métodos de reeducación postural para su tratamiento.[Abstract] The aim of this article is to achieve a bibliographical revision about the different postures that could be relatinated to temporo-mandibular disorders. Moreover, it describes Forward Head Sindrome, the Proximal Crossed Sindrome and several postural reeducation techniques needed for their treatment

    Evaluating the Effectiveness and Motivational Impact of Replacing a Human Instructor by Mobile Devices for Teaching Network Services Configuration to Telecommunication Engineering Students

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    Proceedings of: 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2010). Sousse, Tunisia, 5-7 July 2010.The introduction of mobile technologies in class provide instructors with tools for contextualized, active, situated, any-time any-where learning. In fact, the role of the instructor can be partially delegated to the student by the use of a mobile device. This paper assesses if this delegation can be brought to the limit of eliminating the need of the physical presence of the instructor in the particular context of a situated learning environment consisting of a server room where third year Telecommunication Engineering students learn how to configure network services such as DNS, SMTP and HTTP. The paper presents the results of two experiments inside the "advanced telematic applications" course at the Carlos III University of Madrid. Two groups of students participated in the experiments, one following traditional instructor based classes and the other using NFC enabled mobile phones. The paper analyzes both learning increments and motivational aspects.The work presented in this paper has been partially funded by the project Learn3 TIN2008-05163/TSI within the Spanish “Plan Nacional de I+D+I”, the SOLITE CYTED Program 508AC0341 and the e-Madrid project S2009/TIC-1650 funded by the Madrid regional Government. Thanks to INNOVISION for providing the NFC tags for this experiment. Gustavo Ramirez-Gonzalez is funded by the EU Programme Alban, scholarship number E06D101768CO and by the Universidad del Cauca.Publicad

    Comparativa del uso de HLLs en FPGA, GPU y Multicore para la aceleración de una aplicación de red IP

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    Afrontar la creación de aplicaciones a partir de lenguajes de alto nivel (High Level Lenguajes - HLLs) tiene la incuestionable ventaja de reducir el tiempo de desarrollo. Con ello, es viable una evaluación anticipada del prototipo para conocer cuanto antes si se alcanza el rendimiento especificado como objetivo. En este trabajo se han utilizando tres tecnologías de aceleración: multicore, coprocesador gráfico y coprocesador reconfigurable, que aprovechan el procesamiento paralelo, y se ha realizado una discusión crítica de su experiencia de uso a través de abstracciones de alto nivel. Las soluciones basadas en el uso de coprocesadores no sólo han aportado un nivel de rendimiento superior a la aplicación que se deseaba acelerar, sino que con vista al sistema final en producción, estas alternativas son especialmente interesantes por dejar libres los cores de procesamiento para la realización de las operaciones de envío/recepción en la red de comunicaciones

    On the presence of Trachinus pellegrini (Trachinidae) in the Canary and Cape Verde Islands (north-eastern Atlantic)

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    Présence de Trachinus pellegrini (Trachinidae) aux îles Canaries etCanaries et aux îles du Cap-Vert (Atlantique nord-est). Trachinus pellegrini Cadenat, 1937 est signalée pour la première fois aux îles Canaries, ce qui représente sa limite de répartition la plus septentrionale. Les différences morphologiques entre adultes et juvéniles sont également présentées. La présence de cette espèce aux îles du Cap-Vert est aussi confirmée.Postprin

    Estudio y diagnóstico territorial para la recuperación y fortalecimiento turístico del Parque Bicentenario Puente de Calderón

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    La cultura mexicana es una de las características más emblemáticas de México, ya que está llena de tradiciones, gastronomía y sobre todo historia que nos enriquece como país. Uno de los principales motores de México es turismo, el cual representa una de las actividades con mayor impacto en el desarrollo económico de la población, por ello dentro de este PAP se desarrolló la propuesta de integración de dos municipios, Zapotlanejo y Guadalajara, mediante el parque bicentenario (puente de calderón) con la finalidad de potencializar su áreas verdes en funcionamiento, proponiendo la recuperación de caminos importantes en la historia de México dándole identidad única a la zona para ser conocida mediante distintas plataformas. Como finalidad, se buscó promover la conservación del patrimonio cultural en sus múltiples facetas: la arquitectura, el paisaje, el turismo y el diseño; así como ser un punto focal entre los habitantes, poniendo a su disposición las distintas áreas del complejo tomándolo como punto recreativo educativo y cultural, apto para todo tipo de edades.ITESO, A.C

    Assessing sea grass meadows condition at “El Río” Special Area of Conservation off “La Graciosa e Islotes del Norte de Lanzarote” Marine Reserve

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    Cymodosea nodosa meadows, known as ‘sebadales’ or ‘manchones’ at Canary Islands, represent EUNIS habitat type code A5.5311, called Macaronesian Cymodocea beds. As it’s described at European Union Habitats Directive (92/43/CEE) Annex 1, sea grass meadows belong to 1110 Sandbanks which are slightly covered by seawater all the time, within Natura 2000 Network. Several ‘sebadales’ throughout the archipelago are included in this Network as Special Areas of Conservation. Cymodosea nodosa is regionally included within the Canary Islands Protected Species List (Ley 4/2010), as a species ‘of interest to ecosystems of Canary Islands”, is usually found at a narrow depth range (10 to 20 m of depth) and, on the whole, best structured meadows are settled at sheltered bays, away from wave and current beating, flimsier at exposed areas. Deeper meadows are also sparser, being C. nodosa replaced by green algae Caulerpa prolifera and Caulerpa racemosa, although mixed algae-sea grass meadows are often found at different depths. The project Assessment of marine flora (‘sebadal’, ma¨erl, ‘mujo’) of ‘La Graciosa e Islotes del Norte de Lanzarote’ Marine Reserve, funded by ‘Viceconsejer´ıa de Pesca y Aguas de la Consejer´ıa de Agricultura, Ganader´ıa, Pesca y Aguas’, Canary Islands Government, has had the aim of assessing sea grass meadows condition and distribution at ‘El R´ıo’ Natura 2000 Network Special Area of Conservation, the channel between La Graciosa and Lanzarote. ‘LA GRACIOSA 1311’ cruise was performed within the framework of the project. First of all previous information on sea grass shallow distribution (up to a depth of 20 m) in the study area was reviewed. Afterwards, a tugged underwater video camera was used onboard of the Marine Reserve Surveillance Vessel to update cartographic info performing a grid of sampling stations, covering previously known distribution limits and verifying current presence/absence data and density. Furthermore, population parameters were obtained in order to assess ‘sebadal’ condition. Fixed stations were selected in regards to this process, and methodology applied on them was as follows: five radial arranged transects were performed, identifying fragmentation (it estimates meadow continuity regarding observed cover), density (mean value of several shoots number counts with 20 x 20 cm grids placed every 2 m), height (mean value in cm of 10 independent samples by transect) and fish and macroinvertebrate species richness for each transect. Graphic picture of sea grass density was made depending on two levels: low density level transects ( 10 shoots/grid ( 50 shoots/m2) and medium density level transects ( 10 shoots/grid ( 50 shoots/m2). Main study result is an estimate for the study region (‘El R´ıo’) and time of year of Cymodocea nodosa population total distribution cover which comes to 1.640.076 m2, including a higher density ‘sebadal’ of 178.256 m2

    Effect of a 12-Week Concurrent Training Intervention on Cardiometabolic Health in Obese Men: A Pilot Study

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    The present study aimed to investigate the effects of a 12-week concurrent training intervention on cardiometabolic health in obese men. Twelve obese men (42.5 +/- 5.3 years old) participated in the current 12-week randomized controlled trial with a parallel group design. The participants were randomly assigned to a concurrent training group or to a no-exercise control group. Anthropometry and body composition assessment were determined by electrical bio-impedance. Blood samples were obtained and a cardiometabolic risk Z-Score was calculated. Energy metabolism-related parameters [i.e., resting metabolic rate (RMR), respiratory quotient (RQ), and substrate oxidation in both resting conditions and during exercise] were determined by indirect calorimetry. Echocardiographic studies were performed using an ultrasound system equipped with a transducer to measure cardiac function. A significant decrease of weight (Delta = -4.21 kg; i.e., primary outcome), body mass index (Delta = -1.32 kg/m(2)), fat mass (FM; Delta = -3.27 kg), blood pressure (BP; Delta = -10.81 mmHg), and cardiometabolic risk Z-Score (Delta = -0.39) was observed in the exercise group compared with the control group (all P 0.1). Moreover, a significant increment of left ventricular (LV) end diastolic diameter (Delta = -4.35 mm) was observed in the exercise group compared with the control group (P = 0.02). A 12-week concurrent training intervention is an effective strategy to induce weight and fat loss with simultaneous reductions of BP and cardiometabolic risk, and improving cardiac function in obese men.LCurrent research activities of DJ-P are supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation-MINECO (RYC-2014-16938) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness-MINECO/FEDER (DEP2016-76123R), the Government of Andalusian, Integrated Territorial Initiative 2014-2020 for the province of Cadiz (PI-00022017); the European Union's ERASMUS C SPORT program (Grant Agreement: 603121-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-SPO-SCP), and the EXERNET Research Network on Exercise and Health in Special Populations (DEP2005-00046/ACTI). Technology Fund-FEDER funds (R&D&I Operating Program) by and for the benefit of companies (Technology Fund) INNTERCONECTA (BRISA Contract-University of Cadiz). The results of the study are presented clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation

    Bogomolny equations for vortices in the noncommutative torus

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    We derive Bogomolny-type equations for the Abelian Higgs model defined on the noncommutative torus and discuss its vortex like solutions. To this end, we carefully analyze how periodic boundary conditions have to be handled in noncommutative space and discussed how vortex solutions are constructed. We also consider the extension to an U(2)×U(1)U(2)\times U(1) model, a simplified prototype of the noncommutative standard model.Comment: 23 pages, no figure