45 research outputs found

    Implementação dos conceitos de manufatura enxuta numa empresa de componentes de refrigeração

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia IndustrialA busca pela manufatura enxuta tem crescido na indústria mundial. A implantação dos conceitos lean vem sendo feita por meio de adaptações das formas tradicionais de trabalho, visando reduzir os desperdícios para elevar a competitividade. Partindo dessas considerações, a dissertação apresenta os resultados de um projeto de implementação dos conceitos de manufatura enxuta na empresa de componentes de refrigeração Refrex da Amazônia. O projeto teve como principal objetivo a aplicação de técnicas de manufatura enxuta primeiramente em uma linha piloto, e após análise dos resultados obtidos a implementação no restante da fábrica. As práticas da manufatura enxuta permitem às empresas a redução de desperdícios para consequentemente reduzir custos encurtando, por exemplo, prazos de entrega através da utilização de métodos e ferramentas, favorecendo a competitividade e a inovação entre as empresas. Após a identificação dos desperdícios através do mapeamento do fluxo de valor (MFV), foram utilizadas as ferramentas kanbam, autonomação, smed, 5s e kaizen para redução dos desperdícios chegando aos resultados de redução de tempos de setup em torno de 51% e um aumento de produtividade em torno de 20% (peças/homens/mês) A implementação na linha piloto foi um sucesso, confirmando os ganhos significativos de produtividade, flexibilidade, e redução de estoques.The quest for lean manufacturing has grown in the industry worldwide. The implementation of lean concepts have been done through adaptations of traditional forms of work, to reduce waste to boost competitiveness. Based on these considerations, the paper presents the results of a project to implement the concepts of lean manufacturing in the company of refrigeration components Refrex da Amazônia. The project aimed to the implementation of lean manufacturing techniques in a first pilot line, and after considering the results obtained in the implementation of the remaining plant. The practices of lean manufacturing allows companies to reduce waste thus reducing costs for shortening, for example, delivery through the use of methods and tools, promoting competitiveness and innovation among companies. After identifying the waste through the value stream mapping (VSM), we used the tools kanbam, autonomation, SMED, 5s and kaizen to reduce waste reaching results of reducing setup times around 51% and an increase productivity of around 20% (parts / mens / month) The implementation in the pilot line was a success, confirming the significant gains in productivity, flexibility, and reduced inventories

    Desenvolvimento de um modelo de análise, diagnóstico e representação visual de unidades produtivas

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    Tese de Doutoramento (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Industrial e Sistemas)Na engenharia industrial atualmente é possível encontrar diversas ferramentas de representação visual, análise e diagnóstico de unidades produtivas, mas a grande maioria não consegue atender de maneira eficaz a necessidade do analista ou decisor. O modelo Waste Identification Diagram (WID), que tem vindo a ser desenvolvido na Universidade do Minho pelo Departamento de Produção e Sistemas, tem como objetivo representar unidades de produção com grande eficácia e simplicidade. O propósito deste trabalho é desenvolver mais funcionalidades no modelo WID existente para melhor responder às necessidades da indústria. Num processo de interação com as necessidades identificadas numa empresa do ramo da eletrónica ficou clara a necessidade de incluir informação visual em equipamentos cuja utilização é crítica, ou seja, equipamentos cujo indicador de eficácia operacional (OEE) é monitorizado pela gestão. Nestes casos o modelo WID existente não conseguia representar essa informação tão importante para o analista. A partir desta necessidade surgiu o WID/OEE. Como metodologia, esta tese classifica-se como uma investigação ação, que utilizou métodos mistos e com estudo transversal em relação ao horizonte temporal. O WID/OEE foi desenvolvido e aplicado numa empresa de semicondutores do Norte de Portugal, foi posteriormente comparado com o Value Stream Mapping (VSM) para medir a sua eficácia com relação ao tempo resposta da interpretação da informação e por fim aplicado em cinco empresas de diferentes seguimentos do Polo Industrial de Manaus para medir sua eficácia e impacto nas empresas através de opinião dos gestores. Pôde-se concluir que o WID/OEE contribuiu para uma rápida detecção de processos críticos, layouts inadequados e a identificação da maioria das formas de desperdícios, bem como os seus valores e os dados do OEE ajudaram na detecção de possíveis soluções para aumentar a capacidade no processo. Estes diagramas comprovaram que são muito eficazes na representação e diagnóstico das unidades produtivas, mostrando a maioria das formas de desperdícios para ir em busca da melhoria contínua.Nowadays in industrial engineering it is possible to find several visual representation, analysis and diagnosis tools of facilities, but the ample majority can not meet effectively the needs of the analyst or the manager. The model Waste Identification Diagram (WID), which has been developed at the Department of Production and Systems in the University of Minho, aims to represent production units with high efficiency and simplicity. The purpose of this work is to develop more functionality into the existent WID model, aiming to better reply the indutry needs. In a process of interaction with the needs identified in an industrial electronic manufacter, it was clear the need of inclusion of visual information in equipments that the use is critical, i.e. equipments with operational efficiency indicator (OEE) wich are monitored by management. In these cases the existent WID model was unusefull to represent this knowledge so important to the analyst. From this requeriment, rised the WID / OEE. As a methodology, this thesis is classified as an action research, which used mixed methods and cross-sectional study in relation to the time horizon. The WID / OEE was developed and applied in a semiconductor company in northern Portugal, and subsequently compared with the VSM to measure their effectiveness with respect to the response time of the interpretation of the information. Finally, it was applied in five companies from different segments of the Industrial Pole of Manaus to measure their effectiveness and the impact through the view of business managers. It was concluded that the WID / OEE contributed to a rapid detection of critical processes, inadequate layouts and in the identification of the most forms of waste. Likewise, the obtained data values and OEE helped in the detection of possible solutions to increase capacity in the process. These diagrams have proven that they are very effective in representing and diagnosis the production units, showing the most forms of waste to highlight in the search of continuous improvement

    The application of the lean innovation aproach in the stage-gate model

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    Innovation has become over the last decades an essential factor for survival of the organizations. Its scope and its its importance includes not only technological aspects but also the administrative area, with the clear objective of increasing competitiveness, thereby making the mission to innovate not only the responsibility of a single area, but the responsibility of all employees in all areas. Accelerated competition has pushed companies to use innovation management tools in research and new product development. Although several models exist in the literature of innovation management, with regard to new product development, there is room for improvement in the management of innovation, from idea generation until product launch. This paper seeks to identify an alternative for improving innovation management, buiding on the stage-gate model, and using the concept of lean innovation, which is a new approach toward the management of the innovation process, based on the concepts of the Toyota Production System. With the use of the lean innovation aproach during some stages of the stage-gate model, it is possible to achieve results in time and cost reduction in new product development.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, PEst- OE/EME/UI0252/201

    Waste identification diagrams with OEE data

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    Existing techniques to represent production units are not very effective in representing several dimensions of production, limiting the extent to which diagnose and problem identification is accrued. Value Stream Mapping is one such technique which, although very popular among lean practitioners, exhibits a number of practical limitations. In this paper the authors present the all new Waste Identification Diagram, encompassing a number of new features and improved graphics capabilities, which makes it a feasible alternative technique to that of VSM, while extending its breath of application by integrating Overall Equipment effectiveness data into the diagrams. An example application of the WID technique to a real production unit will be presented, screening its effectiveness for diagnosing problems, measuring performance and providing key visual information and precious clues for improvement

    A utilização do Diagrama de Identificação de Desperdícios em substituição ao Mapa de Fluxo de Valor: Estudo de caso em uma fábrica de concentrados de refrigerantes

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    O Waste Identification Diagram (WID) é uma ferramenta visual para analise e diagnostico dos desperdícios mencionados pelo Lean manufacturing. E o Value Stream Mapping (VSM) é uma técnica do Lean que realiza um diagnóstico no chão de fábrica, ou seja, um Mapeamento do Fluxo de Valor. Portanto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo principal realizar uma aplicação do WID e o VSM em uma linha de produção de concentrados de refrigerante do Polo Industrial de Manaus. A metodologia aplicada classifica-se como exploratório-descritivo, tendo como procedimento técnico o estudo de caso. A partir dos resultados obtidos nesse trabalho pode-se concluir que o WID ultrapassa algumas das limitações do VSM e representa diversos aspectos de um sistema de produção que não poderia ser representada pelo VSM. Além de muitas das vantagens do WID em termos de informação quantitativa, outra vantagem importante do WID é a eficácia na informação visual que pode ser rapidamente percebida pelo pessoal de produção. Porém, alguns aspectos desfavoráveis ao WID que são favoráveis no VSM, como as informações referentes ao Planejamento e Controle da Produção (PCP) presentes no VSM que não aparecem no WID. Na mesma linha de desvantagens o VSM também representa a ligação para fornecedores e clientes tanto em termos de fluxo de material quanto em fluxo de informações que não existe no WID

    A importância da leitura para elevar a autoestima dos alunos de educação de jovens e adultos

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (especialização)—Universidade Aberta do Brasil, Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Curso de Especialização em Educação na Diversidade e Cidadania, com Ênfase em EJA, 2010.Este projeto trata das dificuldades detectadas de leitura, interpretação de texto e da baixa autoestima dos alunos da Educação de Jovens e Adultos que compõe a comunidade escolar na cidade do Novo Gama-GO; essas deficiências, apresentadas pelos alunos, tem dificultado a possibilidade de adquirirem educação de qualidade apresentando bastante desinteresse e pouca motivação para o andamento dos estudos; o objetivo deste Projeto de Intervenção Local será despertar e proporcionar aos estudantes, interesse e motivação para desenvolver a arte da leitura e conhecimentos críticos e reflexivos através da organização de projetos para cada componente curricular, coordenados pelos professores e realizados pelos alunos, que serão apresentados na feira do livro realizadas nas escolas João Gabriel e Lago Azul

    Global, regional, and national mortality among young people aged 10–24 years, 1950–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Summary: Background Documentation of patterns and long-term trends in mortality in young people, which reflect huge changes in demographic and social determinants of adolescent health, enables identification of global investment priorities for this age group. We aimed to analyse data on the number of deaths, years of life lost, and mortality rates by sex and age group in people aged 10–24 years in 204 countries and territories from 1950 to 2019 by use of estimates from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019. Methods We report trends in estimated total numbers of deaths and mortality rate per 100 000 population in young people aged 10–24 years by age group (10–14 years, 15–19 years, and 20–24 years) and sex in 204 countries and territories between 1950 and 2019 for all causes, and between 1980 and 2019 by cause of death. We analyse variation in outcomes by region, age group, and sex, and compare annual rate of change in mortality in young people aged 10–24 years with that in children aged 0–9 years from 1990 to 2019. We then analyse the association between mortality in people aged 10–24 years and socioeconomic development using the GBD Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a composite measure based on average national educational attainment in people older than 15 years, total fertility rate in people younger than 25 years, and income per capita. We assess the association between SDI and all-cause mortality in 2019, and analyse the ratio of observed to expected mortality by SDI using the most recent available data release (2017). Findings In 2019 there were 1·49 million deaths (95% uncertainty interval 1·39–1·59) worldwide in people aged 10–24 years, of which 61% occurred in males. 32·7% of all adolescent deaths were due to transport injuries, unintentional injuries, or interpersonal violence and conflict; 32·1% were due to communicable, nutritional, or maternal causes; 27·0% were due to non-communicable diseases; and 8·2% were due to self-harm. Since 1950, deaths in this age group decreased by 30·0% in females and 15·3% in males, and sex-based differences in mortality rate have widened in most regions of the world. Geographical variation has also increased, particularly in people aged 10–14 years. Since 1980, communicable and maternal causes of death have decreased sharply as a proportion of total deaths in most GBD super-regions, but remain some of the most common causes in sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia, where more than half of all adolescent deaths occur. Annual percentage decrease in all-cause mortality rate since 1990 in adolescents aged 15–19 years was 1·3% in males and 1·6% in females, almost half that of males aged 1–4 years (2·4%), and around a third less than in females aged 1–4 years (2·5%). The proportion of global deaths in people aged 0–24 years that occurred in people aged 10–24 years more than doubled between 1950 and 2019, from 9·5% to 21·6%. Interpretation Variation in adolescent mortality between countries and by sex is widening, driven by poor progress in reducing deaths in males and older adolescents. Improving global adolescent mortality will require action to address the specific vulnerabilities of this age group, which are being overlooked. Furthermore, indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are likely to jeopardise efforts to improve health outcomes including mortality in young people aged 10–24 years. There is an urgent need to respond to the changing global burden of adolescent mortality, address inequities where they occur, and improve the availability and quality of primary mortality data in this age group

    Adolescent transport and unintentional injuries: a systematic analysis using the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Background: Globally, transport and unintentional injuries persist as leading preventable causes of mortality and morbidity for adolescents. We sought to report comprehensive trends in injury-related mortality and morbidity for adolescents aged 10–24 years during the past three decades. Methods: Using the Global Burden of Disease, Injuries, and Risk Factors 2019 Study, we analysed mortality and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) attributed to transport and unintentional injuries for adolescents in 204 countries. Burden is reported in absolute numbers and age-standardised rates per 100 000 population by sex, age group (10–14, 15–19, and 20–24 years), and sociodemographic index (SDI) with 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs). We report percentage changes in deaths and DALYs between 1990 and 2019. Findings: In 2019, 369 061 deaths (of which 214 337 [58%] were transport related) and 31·1 million DALYs (of which 16·2 million [52%] were transport related) among adolescents aged 10–24 years were caused by transport and unintentional injuries combined. If compared with other causes, transport and unintentional injuries combined accounted for 25% of deaths and 14% of DALYs in 2019, and showed little improvement from 1990 when such injuries accounted for 26% of adolescent deaths and 17% of adolescent DALYs. Throughout adolescence, transport and unintentional injury fatality rates increased by age group. The unintentional injury burden was higher among males than females for all injury types, except for injuries related to fire, heat, and hot substances, or to adverse effects of medical treatment. From 1990 to 2019, global mortality rates declined by 34·4% (from 17·5 to 11·5 per 100 000) for transport injuries, and by 47·7% (from 15·9 to 8·3 per 100 000) for unintentional injuries. However, in low-SDI nations the absolute number of deaths increased (by 80·5% to 42 774 for transport injuries and by 39·4% to 31 961 for unintentional injuries). In the high-SDI quintile in 2010–19, the rate per 100 000 of transport injury DALYs was reduced by 16·7%, from 838 in 2010 to 699 in 2019. This was a substantially slower pace of reduction compared with the 48·5% reduction between 1990 and 2010, from 1626 per 100 000 in 1990 to 838 per 100 000 in 2010. Between 2010 and 2019, the rate of unintentional injury DALYs per 100 000 also remained largely unchanged in high-SDI countries (555 in 2010 vs 554 in 2019; 0·2% reduction). The number and rate of adolescent deaths and DALYs owing to environmental heat and cold exposure increased for the high-SDI quintile during 2010–19. Interpretation: As other causes of mortality are addressed, inadequate progress in reducing transport and unintentional injury mortality as a proportion of adolescent deaths becomes apparent. The relative shift in the burden of injury from high-SDI countries to low and low–middle-SDI countries necessitates focused action, including global donor, government, and industry investment in injury prevention. The persisting burden of DALYs related to transport and unintentional injuries indicates a need to prioritise innovative measures for the primary prevention of adolescent injury. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation