1,907 research outputs found

    " Pintando danzas, creando nación ": las danzas folklóricas y el dilema postcolonial en Bolivia

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    En este artículo se propone una aproximación iconográfica hacia la obra Álbum de paisajes, tipos humanos y costumbres de Bolivia (1841-1869), del multifacético artista boliviano Melchor María Mercado. Centrados específicamente en aquellas pinturas relacionadas con danzas en las cuales figuran, como actores principales, algunos grupos indígenas y mestizos, se propone que estas representaciones visuales formarían parte de un mecanismo por medio del cual se estaría estableciendo un ejercicio de poder representacional destinado a configurar una idea de incorporación subordinada de los sectores subalternos al imaginario nacional boliviano.In this paper we proposes an iconographic approach to the piece Álbum de paisajes, tipos humanos y costumbres de Bolivia (1841-1869), belonging to the multifaceted Bolivian artist Melchor Maria Mercado. Focusing specifically on those paintings related with dances in which key players are indigenous and mestizo groups, it is proposed that these visual representations form part of a mechanism by which it would be establishing an exercise of representational power aimed at setting up an idea of subordinate incorporation of subaltern subject to the Bolivian national imaginary

    Sentidos identitarios de clase y nación entre los promesantes de los Bailes Religiosos de Calama (Chile)

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    En este artículo se presentan los primeros resultados obtenidos a partir de un estudio histórico y etnográfico sobre las agrupaciones de Bailes Religiosos de la ciudad de Calama (Chile). Desde una perspectiva situada en los estudios de la subalternidad, se sugiere la relevancia que estas agrupaciones religiosas han tenido en los procesos de configuración histórica de las identidades de clase y nacionales en esta zona del norte de Chile.This article presents the first results obtained from a historical and ethnographic research about groups of 'Bailes Religiosos' in the city of Calama (Chile). From a perspective located in the subaltern studies, it suggests the relevance of these religious groups in the processes of historical configuration of class and national identities in this region of northern Chile

    Neuroimage processing on GPU using CUDA

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    As time has passed, the general purpose programming paradigm has evolved, producing different hardware architectures whose characteristics differ widely. In this work, we are going to demonstrate, through different applications belonging to the field of Image Processing, the existing difference between three Nvidia hardware platforms: two of them belong to the GeForce graphics cards series, the GTX 480 and the GTX 980 and one of the low consumption platforms which purpose is to allow the execution of embedded applications as well as providing an extreme efficiency: the Jetson TK1. With respect to the test applications we will use five examples from Nvidia CUDA Samples. These applications are directly related to Image Processing, as the algorithms they use are similar to those from the field of medical image registration. After the tests, it will be proven that GTX 980 is both the device with the highest computational power and the one that has greater consumption, it will be seen that Jetson TK1 is the most efficient platform, it will be shown that GTX 480 produces more heat than the others and we will learn other effects produced by the existing difference between the architecture of the devices

    An empirical study on word order in predicates: on syntax, processing and information in native and learner English

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    [EN] This study focuses on the linearisation of verbal complements (or arguments) and adjuncts (or modifiers) in learner advanced English. The analysis is based on minimal pairs of sequences of complements and adjuncts in predicates, as in He will investigate [the construction] [in a somewhat strange way which will lead to odd results] versus He will investigate [in a somewhat strange way which will lead to odd results] [the construction]. Constituent linearisation has been claimed to be potentially subject to lexical, syntactic, processing and informative determinants. This paper analyses the influence of the verbal heads and the principles ‘complements-first’, ‘end-weight’ and ‘given-new’ on the production of predicates containing two dependents. The study has two objectives: first, to determine in which areas the ordering of such constituents in English by non-native speakers is particularly influenced by their first language (Spanish); second, to assess the plausibility of the Interface Hypothesis in a pattern which affects the so-called internal and external interfaces. Results show that internal constraints such as the length of the dependents (end-weight) and the learner’s source language (i.e. compliance with complements-first) are strong predictors of ordering choices.I am grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (grant no. FFI2016-77018-P) and Xunta de Galicia (grant no. ED431C 2017/50) for generous financial support.Pérez-Guerra, J. (2018). An empirical study on word order in predicates: on syntax, processing and information in native and learner English. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas. 13:99-118. https://doi.org/10.4995/rlyla.2018.90759911813Birner, B., Ward, G. L. (2006). "Information structure". In B. Aarts and A. McMahon (Eds.), The handbook of English linguistics, 1, 291–317. Oxford: Blackwell. https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470753002.ch13Brown, G., Anderson, A., Shillcock, R., Yule, G. (1984). Teaching talk: strategies for production and assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Callies, M. (2006). "Why money can't buy you anything in German: a functional-typological approach to the mapping of semantic roles to syntactic functions in SLA". In J. Arabski (Ed.), Cross-linguistic influences in the second language lexicon, 111–129. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.Callies, M. (2008a). "Easy to understand but difficult to use? Raising constructions and information packaging in the advanced learner variety". In G. Gilquin, S. Papp and M. B. Díez-Bedmar (Eds.), Linking contrastive and learner corpus research, 66, 201-226. 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    Object-Verb in Early Modern English: Modelling markedness

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    Although Verb-Object (VO) is the basic unmarked constituent order of predicates in Present-Day English, in earlier stages of the language Object-Verb (OV) is the preferred pattern in some syntactic contexts. OV predicates are significantly frequent in Old and Middle English, and are still attested up to 1550, when they “appear to dwindle away” (Moerenhout & van der Wurff 2005: 83). This study looks at OV in Early Modern English (EModE), using a corpus-based perspective and statistical modelling to explore a number of textual, syntactic, and semantic/processing variables which may account for what by that time had already become a marked, though not yet archaic, word-order pattern. The data for the study were retrieved from the Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Early Modern English (1500–1710) and the Parsed Corpus of Early English Correspondence (c.1410–1695), the largest electronic parsed collections of EModE texts. The findings reveal a preference for OV in speech-related text types, which are less constrained by the rules of grammar, in marked syntactic contexts, and in configurations not subject to the general linearisation principles of end-weight and given-new. Where these principles are complied with, the probability of VO increases.I would like to acknowledge and thank the Spanish State Research Agency and the European Regional Development Fund (grant no. PID2020-117541GB-I00), and the Regional Government of Galicia (grant no. ED431C 2021/52) for their generous financial support

    Experiences in teaching Hydrogen Technologies in the framework of the International Campus of Excellence Andalucia TECH

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    The increasing importance of hydrogen technologies is demanding prepared professionals in the numerous topics related to this energy vector. Apart from some basic and advanced courses given by actual experts in these topics, universities must play an important role in the general formation of future professionals. In this way, the International Campus of Excellence (ICE) Andalucía TECH has created several degrees taught jointly by its participating universities of Seville (US) and Málaga (UMA). Among those degrees, Energy Engineering is the best suited to the field of this conference because this degree provide future engineers with specialized training in energy generation, transformation and management. In relation to hydrogen technologies this degree includes a cross sectional optional unit named Hydrogen Based Systems (4.5 ECTS/112.5 h), which is placed in the last term of the fourth year and sharing space with work placement and mobility courses. This paper will present some author’s experiences as teachers of that unit during its short history of only three years. In spite of being a joint degree, which is coordinated between both universities (US and UMA) trying to give similar contents, it is interesting to highlight the differential experiences coming from the teachers of both universities in relation to the teaching methodologies and academic results.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech