214 research outputs found

    Exercise improves growth, alters physiological performance and gene expression in common carp (Cyprinus carpio)

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    It has been suggested that induced swimming has the potential to improve the growth performance of fish. We tested this hypothesis by measuring growth, metabolic efficiency and physiological capacity of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Fish were swum at different exercise regimes: 0.0 (control), 1.5 and 2.5 body lengths per second (BL/s) in 1600 L recirculating raceways for 4 weeks. The results showed a significant increase in weight gain, specific growth rate, improved feed conversion efficiency, and a higher hepatosomatic index for 2.5 BL/s exercised fish compared to control. Glycogen, protein and lipid energy stores in hepatic and muscular tissue showed limited differences among experimental groups. Likewise, plasma [Na+], [K+] and [Cl- ] remained stable at all swimming regimes. Expression of genes controlling energy metabolism and growth (IGF-I axis, cytochrome oxidase) and stress response (cortisol receptor, heat shock protein 70) revealed clear regulatory roles as the mRNA transcript levels of IGF-I and growth hormone receptors in hepatic tissue were up-regulated in fish exercised for 3-4 weeks at 2.5 BL/s. Oxygen consumption rate and swimming performance (U-crit) for each experimental group were evaluated in parallel in Blazka-type swim-tunnels (3.9 L) and showed no training effect while prolonged swimming at 1.5 and 2.5 BL/s facilitated ammonia excretion and prevented build-up of plasma ammonia. Overall, these data suggest that sustained exercise at 2.5 BL/s enhanced growth and physiological fitness without compromising energy metabolism or ion-regulation. Our study provides a prospective of implementing exercise as a tool to increase fish production efficiency in commercial aquaculture systems

    Quantifying changes in umbilicus size to estimate the relative age of neonatal blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus)

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    Sharks can incur a range of external injuries throughout their lives that originate from various sources, but some of the most notable wounds in viviparous shark neonates are at the umbilicus. Umbilical wounds typically heal within 1 to 2 months post-parturition, depending on the species, and are therefore often used as an indicator of neonatal life stage or as a relative measure of age [e.g. grouping by umbilical wound classes (UWCs), according to the size of their umbilicus]. To improve comparisons of early-life characteristics between studies, species and across populations, studies using UWCs should integrate quantitative changes. To overcome this issue, we set out to quantify changes in umbilicus size of neonatal blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) around the island of Moorea, French Polynesia, based on temporal regression relationships of umbilicus size. Here, we provide a detailed description for the construction of similar quantitative umbilical wound classifications, and we subsequently validate the accuracy of our classification and discuss two examples to illustrate its efficacy, depletion rate of maternally provided energy reserves and estimation of parturition period. A significant decrease in body condition in neonatal sharks as early as twelve days post-parturition suggests a rapid depletion of in utero-allocated energy reserves stored in the liver. Back calculations of timing of birth based on the umbilicus size of neonates determine a parturition season from September to January, with most parturitions occurring during October and November. As such, this study contributes valuable data to inform the conservation and management of young-of-the-year blacktip reef sharks, and we therefore encourage the construction and use of similar regression relationships for other viviparous shark species

    A comprehensive study to assess the impact of impulsive sound on juvenile sea bass

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    Given the increasing amount of anthropogenically induced underwater sound into the marine environment, a better understanding of the impact of impulsive underwater sound on marine life is needed. This study tackles the impact of impulsive sound, related to pile-driving activities for offshore wind energy development, on the mortality, stress and behaviour of post-larval and juvenile European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. A 'worst-case scenario' field experiment was carried out on board of a piling vessel, exposing 68 and 115 days old fish (<2 g wet weight) to the sound generated during 1.5 hours of pile-driving. The number of strikes ranged from 1740 to 3070, with a single strike sound exposure level between 181 and 188 dB re 1 μPa².s, resulting in cumulative sound exposure levels ranging from 215 to 222 dB re 1 μPa².s. Immediate and long-term survival of the exposed fish was high and comparable to the control groups. However, juvenile fish responded to the impulsive underwater sound by a 50% reduction in their oxygen consumption rates, an indicator of secondary stress response. Primary stress responses, measured through cortisol levels are still to be analysed. We didn't find any effect on the condition and fitness of the exposed fish on the long term. Lab experiments performed with a SIG Sparker and a larvaebrator, respectively producing mid-high and lower frequencies, were inadequate to distinguish the determining sound metric or to pursue the exact origin of the stress response. Further away from the sound source, behavioural and masking effects can be expected. A lab experiment was carried out to study the behaviour of juvenile sea bass before, during and after one hour of impulsive sound exposure. In the aquaria, single strike sound levels reached 162 dB re 1 μPa².s, leading to a cumulative sound exposure level of 196 dB re 1 μPa².s after 2400 strikes. We observed that normal behaviour was disturbed, with an increase in startle responses and stationary behaviour at the beginning of the sound exposure experiment. Also, fish dived to the bottom of the aquaria, which is a typical anxiety-related response. However, no spatial preference was observed and normal behaviour was re-established shortly after the sound exposure ceased. These results indicate that impulsive sound close to the sound source creates sound pressure levels that are below the lethal threshold for fish, but above the stress threshold, at least for sea bass <2 g. Furthermore, lower sound levels at a distance from the sound source (in this case pile-driving) can disturb fish behaviour. Under optimal lab conditions, we did not see effects beyond the sound exposure period, but it remains unknown whether the reduced fitness of juvenile fish after exposure is limited in the real world as well

    Aerobic swimming in intensive finfish aquaculture: applications for production, mitigation and selection

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    We review knowledge on applications of sustained aerobic swimming as a tool to promote productivity and welfare of farmed fish species. There has been extensive interest in whether providing active species with a current to swim against can promote growth. The results are not conclusive but the studies have varied in species, life stage, swimming speed applied, feeding regime, stocking density and other factors. Therefore, much remains to be understood about mechanisms underlying findings of ‘swimming‐enhanced growth’, in particular to demonstrate that swimming can improve feed conversion ratio and dietary protein retention under true aquaculture conditions. There has also been research into whether swimming can alleviate chronic stress, once again on a range of species and life stages. The evidence is mixed but swimming does improve recovery from acute stresses such as handling or confinement. Research into issues such as whether swimming can improve immune function and promote cognitive function is still at an early stage and should be encouraged. There is promising evidence that swimming can inhibit precocious sexual maturation in some species, so studies should be broadened to other species where precocious maturation is a problem. Swimming performance is a heritable trait and may prove a useful selection tool, especially if it is related to overall robustness. More research is required to better understand the advantages that swimming may provide to the fish farmer, in terms of production, mitigation and selection

    Interactions between hypoxia tolerance and food deprivation in Amazonian oscars, Astronotus ocellatus

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    Oscars are often subjected to a combination of low levels of oxygen and fasting during nest-guarding on Amazonian floodplains. We questioned whether this anorexia would aggravate the osmo-respiratory compromise. We compared fed and fasted oscars (1014 days) in both normoxia and hypoxia (1020 Torr, 4 h). Routine oxygen consumption rates (MO2) were increased by 75% in fasted fish, reflecting behavioural differences, whereas fasting improved hypoxia resistance and critical oxygen tensions (Pcrit) lowered from 54 Torr in fed fish to 34 Torr when fasting. In fed fish, hypoxia reduced liver lipid stores by approximately 50% and total liver energy content by 30%. Fasted fish had a 50% lower hepatosomatic index, resulting in lower total liver protein, glycogen and lipid energy stores under normoxia. Compared with hypoxic fed fish, hypoxic fasted fish only showed reduced liver protein levels and even gained glycogen (+50%) on a per gram basis. This confirms the hypothesis that hypoxia-tolerant fish protect their glycogen stores as much as possible as a safeguard for more prolonged hypoxic events. In general, fasted fish showed lower hydroxyacylCoA dehydrogenase activities compared with fed fish, although this effect was only significant in hypoxic fasted fish. Energy stores and activities of enzymes related to energy metabolism in muscle or gills were not affected. Branchial Na+ uptake rates were more than two times lower in fed fish, whereas Na+ efflux was similar. Fed and fasted fish quickly reduced Na+ uptake and efflux during hypoxia, with fasting fish responding more rapidly. Ammonia excretion and K+ efflux were reduced under hypoxia, indicating decreased transcellular permeability. Fasted fish had more mitochondria-rich cells (MRC), with larger crypts, indicating the increased importance of the branchial uptake route when feeding is limited. Gill MRC density and surface area were greatly reduced under hypoxia, possibly to reduce ion uptake and efflux rates. Density of mucous cells of normoxic fasted fish was approximately fourfold of that in fed fish. Overall, a 1014 day fasting period had no negative effects on hypoxia tolerance in oscars, as fasted fish were able to respond more quickly to lower oxygen levels, and reduced branchial permeability effectively. © 2013. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

    Regulation of gill transcellular permeability and renal function during acute hypoxia in the Amazonian oscar (Astronotus ocellatus): New angles to the osmorespiratory compromise

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    Earlier studies demonstrated that oscars, endemic to ion-poor Amazonian waters, are extremely hypoxia tolerant, and exhibit a marked reduction in active unidirectional Na+ uptake rate (measured directly) but unchanged net Na+ balance during acute exposure to low Po2, indicating a comparable reduction in whole body Na+ efflux rate. However, branchial O2 transfer factor does not fall. The present study focused on the nature of the efflux reduction in the face of maintained gill O 2 permeability. Direct measurements of 22Na appearance in the water from bladder-catheterized fish confirmed a rapid 55% fall in unidirectional Na+ efflux rate across the gills upon acute exposure to hypoxia (PO2=10-20torr; 1 torr=133.3 Pa), which was quickly reversed upon return to normoxia. An exchange diffusion mechanism for Na + is not present, so the reduction in efflux was not directly linked to the reduction in Na+ influx. A quickly developing bradycardia occurred during hypoxia. Transepithelial potential, which was sensitive to water [Ca2+], became markedly less negative during hypoxia and was restored upon return to normoxia. Ammonia excretion, net K+ loss rates, and 3H2O exchange rates (diffusive water efflux rates) across the gills fell by 55-75% during hypoxia, with recovery during normoxia. Osmotic permeability to water also declined, but the fall (30%) was less than that in diffusive water permeability (70%). In total, these observations indicate a reduction in gill transcellular permeability during hypoxia, a conclusion supported by unchanged branchial efflux rates of the paracellular marker [3H]PEG-4000 during hypoxia and normoxic recovery. At the kidney, glomerular filtration rate, urine flow rate, and tubular Na+ reabsorption rate fell in parallel by 70% during hypoxia, facilitating additional reductions in costs and in urinary Na+, K+ and ammonia excretion rates. Scanning electron microscopy of the gill epithelium revealed no remodelling at a macro-level, but pronounced changes in surface morphology. Under normoxia, mitochondria-rich cells were exposed only through small apical crypts, and these decreased in number by 47% and in individual area by 65% during 3 h hypoxia. We suggest that a rapid closure of transcellular channels, perhaps effected by pavement cell coverage of the crypts, allows conservation of ions and reduction of ionoregulatory costs without compromise of O2 exchange capacity during acute hypoxia, a response very different from the traditional osmorespiratory compromise

    The basidiomycetous yeast Trichosporon may cause severe lung exacerbation in cystic fibrosis patients - clinical analysis of Trichosporon positive patients in a Munich cohort

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    Background: The relevance of Trichosporon species for cystic fibrosis (CF) patients has not yet been extensively investigated. Methods: The clinical course of CF patients with Trichosporon spp. in their respiratory secretions was analysed between 2003 and 2010 in the Munich CF center. All respiratory samples of 360 CF patients (0 - 52.4 years; mean FEV1 2010 81.4% pred) were investigated. Results: In 8 patients (2.2%, 3 male, mean age 21.8 years) Trichosporon was detected at least once. One patient carried T. asahii. One patient carried T. mycotoxinivorans and one patient T. inkin as determined by DNA sequencing. As potential risk factors for Trichosporon colonization steroid treatment, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) and CF associated diabetes were identified in 6, 5, and 2 patients respectively. For one patient, the observation period was not long enough to determine the clinical course. One patient had only a single positive specimen and exhibited a stable clinical course determined by change in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), body-mass-index (BMI), C-reactive protein (CRP) and immunoglobulin G (IgG). Of 6 patients with repeatedly positive specimen (mean detection period 4.5 years), 4 patients had a greater decline in FEV1 than expected, 2 of these a decline in BMI and 1 an increase in IgG above the reference range. 2 patients received antimycotic treatment: one patient with a tormenting dry cough subjectively improved under Amphotericin B inhalation; one patient with a severe exacerbation due to T. inkin was treated with i.v. Amphotericin B, oral Voriconazole and Posaconazole which stabilized the clinical condition. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the potential association of Trichosporon spp. with severe exacerbations in CF patients

    Conservation physiology of marine fishes: state of the art and prospects for policy

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    The state of the art of research on the environmental physiology of marine fishes is reviewed from the perspective of how it can contribute to conservation of biodiversity and fishery resources. A major constraint to application of physiological knowledge for conservation of marine fishes is the limited knowledge base; international collaboration is needed to study the environmental physiology of a wider range of species. Multifactorial field and laboratory studies on biomarkers hold promise to relate ecophysiology directly to habitat quality and population status. The 'Fry paradigm' could have broad applications for conservation physiology research if it provides a universal mechanism to link physiological function with ecological performance and population dynamics of fishes, through effects of abiotic conditions on aerobic metabolic scope. The available data indicate, however, that the paradigm is not universal, so further research is required on a wide diversity of species. Fish physiologists should interact closely with researchers developing ecological models, in order to investigate how integrating physiological information improves confidence in projecting effects of global change; for example, with mechanistic models that define habitat suitability based upon potential for aerobic scope or outputs of a dynamic energy budget. One major challenge to upscaling from physiology of individuals to the level of species and communities is incorporating intraspecific variation, which could be a crucial component of species' resilience to global change. Understanding what fishes do in the wild is also a challenge, but techniques of biotelemetry and biologging are providing novel information towards effective conservation. Overall, fish physiologists must strive to render research outputs more applicable to management and decision-making. There are various potential avenues for information flow, in the shorter term directly through biomarker studies and in the longer term by collaborating with modellers and fishery biologists.EU COST Action FA1004 Conservation Physiology of Marine Fishesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular testing in the United States versus the rest of the world

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    Objectives: This study sought to quantify and compare the decline in volumes of cardiovascular procedures between the United States and non-US institutions during the early phase of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the care of many non-COVID-19 illnesses. Reductions in diagnostic cardiovascular testing around the world have led to concerns over the implications of reduced testing for cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Methods: Data were submitted to the INCAPS-COVID (International Atomic Energy Agency Non-Invasive Cardiology Protocols Study of COVID-19), a multinational registry comprising 909 institutions in 108 countries (including 155 facilities in 40 U.S. states), assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volumes of diagnostic cardiovascular procedures. Data were obtained for April 2020 and compared with volumes of baseline procedures from March 2019. We compared laboratory characteristics, practices, and procedure volumes between U.S. and non-U.S. facilities and between U.S. geographic regions and identified factors associated with volume reduction in the United States. Results: Reductions in the volumes of procedures in the United States were similar to those in non-U.S. facilities (68% vs. 63%, respectively; p = 0.237), although U.S. facilities reported greater reductions in invasive coronary angiography (69% vs. 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). Significantly more U.S. facilities reported increased use of telehealth and patient screening measures than non-U.S. facilities, such as temperature checks, symptom screenings, and COVID-19 testing. Reductions in volumes of procedures differed between U.S. regions, with larger declines observed in the Northeast (76%) and Midwest (74%) than in the South (62%) and West (44%). Prevalence of COVID-19, staff redeployments, outpatient centers, and urban centers were associated with greater reductions in volume in U.S. facilities in a multivariable analysis. Conclusions: We observed marked reductions in U.S. cardiovascular testing in the early phase of the pandemic and significant variability between U.S. regions. The association between reductions of volumes and COVID-19 prevalence in the United States highlighted the need for proactive efforts to maintain access to cardiovascular testing in areas most affected by outbreaks of COVID-19 infection