1,167 research outputs found

    Analyzing conformational changes in single FRET-labeled A1 parts of archaeal A1AO-ATP synthase

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    ATP synthases utilize a proton motive force to synthesize ATP. In reverse, these membrane-embedded enzymes can also hydrolyze ATP to pump protons over the membrane. To prevent wasteful ATP hydrolysis, distinct control mechanisms exist for ATP synthases in bacteria, archaea, chloroplasts and mitochondria. Single-molecule F\"orster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) demonstrated that the C-terminus of the rotary subunit epsilon in the Escherichia coli enzyme changes its conformation to block ATP hydrolysis. Previously we investigated the related conformational changes of subunit F of the A1AO-ATP synthase from the archaeon Methanosarcina mazei G\"o1. Here, we analyze the lifetimes of fluorescence donor and acceptor dyes to distinguish between smFRET signals for conformational changes and potential artefacts.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Effets de la stimulation sousthalamique bilatérale sur la voix et la parole de patients parkinsoniens

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    La maladie de Parkinson (MP) est une maladie neurodégénérative atteignant 1-2% des¦personnes de plus de 60 ans (1). Ses signes cliniques ont été décrits par James Parkinson¦en 1817 dans : « An essay on the Shaking palsy» (2). Les signes cardinaux sont le¦tremblement de repos, la rigidité et la bradykinésie. Certaines définitions y ajoutent l'instabilité¦posturale. D'autres manifestations, non motrices, telles qu'une dysfonction autonome et¦sensitive, des troubles de l'humeur, des troubles du sommeil et des démences peuvent¦apparaître en cours d'évolution. Le traitement actuel de la MP est principalement¦pharmacologique. Il consiste en l'administration du précurseur de la dopamine, la levodopa¦(L-dopa). Pourtant, l'utilisation à long terme de la L-dopa induit des fluctuations motrices telles¦que dyskinésies et dystonies. Au cours du siècle dernier, de nombreux traitements¦chirurgicaux ont été tentés, en particulier des procédures ablatives (thalamotomie,¦pallidotomie, subthalamotomie). Elles ont le désavantage d'induire des séquelles non¦négligeables telles que des parésies et des troubles neurocognitifs. La chirurgie ablative a¦été abandonnée avec l'arrivée de la L-dopa dans les années 1960. Les limitations de la¦thérapie par la L-dopa associées aux améliorations de la neuro-imagerie, de la sécurité des¦procédures neurochirurgicales ainsi que des techniques d'implantation ont permis le¦développement de procédures stimulatrices dans les années 1990. La stimulation cérébrale¦profonde des noyaux sous-thalamiques est devenue une stratégie thérapeutique bien établie¦chez les patients atteints d'une MP avancée. Malgré une excellente réponse motrice des¦membres, l'impact de la stimulation cérébrale profonde sur la parole est controversé (2).¦Le but de cette étude est de déterminer l'influence aigüe des stimulateurs sous-thalamiques¦sur des paramètres objectifs et quantitatifs, ainsi que sur un paramètre subjectif de la¦dysarthrie parkinsonienne. Nous allons comparer dans notre groupe de patients deux¦conditions successives: patient avec stimulateurs éteints et sans médication (OFF/nm)¦versus avec stimulateurs allumés et sans médication (ON/nm). Nous allons ensuite effectuer¦des analyses statistiques afin de déterminer si les stimulateurs sous-thalamiques ont un effet¦aigu bénéfique ou non sur certains paramètres vocaux, puis sur l'intelligibilité globale de la¦parole. En effet, l'intelligibilité nous informe sur la capacité de communication du patient avec¦son entourage

    FlyPNS, a database of the Drosophila embryonic and larval peripheral nervous system

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    BACKGROUND: The embryonic and larval peripheral nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster is extensively studied as a very powerful model of developmental biology. One main advantage of this system is the ability to study the origin and development of individual sensory cells. However, there remain several discrepancies regarding the organization of sensory organs in each abdominal segment A1-A7. DESCRIPTION: We have constructed a web site called FlyPNS (for Fly Peripheral Nervous System) that consolidates a wide range of published and unpublished information about the embryonic and larval sensory organs. It communicates (1) a PNS pattern that solves the discrepancies that have been found in the recent literature, (2) the correspondence between the different nomenclatures that have been used so far, (3) a comprehensive description of each sensory organ, and (4) a list of both published and unpublished markers to reliably identify each PNS cell. CONCLUSIONS: The FlyPNS database integrates disparate data and nomenclature and thus helps understanding the conflicting observations that have been published recently. Furthermore, it is designed to provide assistance in the identification and study of individual sensory cells. We think it will be a useful resource for any researcher with interest in Drosophila sensory organs

    Dscam1-Mediated Self-Avoidance Counters Netrin-Dependent Targeting of Dendrites in Drosophila

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    SummaryDendrites and axons show precise targeting and spacing patterns for proper reception and transmission of information in the nervous system. Self-avoidance promotes complete territory coverage and nonoverlapping spacing between processes from the same cell [1, 2]. Neurons that lack Drosophila Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule 1 (Dscam1) show aberrant overlap, fasciculation, and accumulation of dendrites and axons, demonstrating a role in self-recognition and repulsion leading to self-avoidance [3–11]. Fasciculation and accumulation of processes suggested that Dscam1 might promote process spacing by counterbalancing developmental signals that otherwise promote self-association [9, 12]. Here we show that Dscam1 functions to counter Drosophila sensory neuron dendritic targeting signals provided by secreted Netrin-B and Frazzled, a netrin receptor. Loss of Dscam1 function resulted in aberrant dendrite accumulation at a Netrin-B-expressing target, whereas concomitant loss of Frazzled prevented accumulation and caused severe deficits in dendritic territory coverage. Netrin misexpression was sufficient to induce ectopic dendritic targeting in a Frazzled-dependent manner, whereas Dscam1 was required to prevent ectopic accumulation, consistent with separable roles for these receptors. Our results suggest that Dscam1-mediated self-avoidance counters extrinsic signals that are required for normal dendritic patterning, but whose action would otherwise favor neurite accumulation. Counterbalancing roles for Dscam1 may be deployed in diverse contexts during neural circuit formation

    Dscam1-Mediated Self-Avoidance Counters Netrin-Dependent Targeting of Dendrites in Drosophila

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    SummaryDendrites and axons show precise targeting and spacing patterns for proper reception and transmission of information in the nervous system. Self-avoidance promotes complete territory coverage and nonoverlapping spacing between processes from the same cell [1, 2]. Neurons that lack Drosophila Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule 1 (Dscam1) show aberrant overlap, fasciculation, and accumulation of dendrites and axons, demonstrating a role in self-recognition and repulsion leading to self-avoidance [3–11]. Fasciculation and accumulation of processes suggested that Dscam1 might promote process spacing by counterbalancing developmental signals that otherwise promote self-association [9, 12]. Here we show that Dscam1 functions to counter Drosophila sensory neuron dendritic targeting signals provided by secreted Netrin-B and Frazzled, a netrin receptor. Loss of Dscam1 function resulted in aberrant dendrite accumulation at a Netrin-B-expressing target, whereas concomitant loss of Frazzled prevented accumulation and caused severe deficits in dendritic territory coverage. Netrin misexpression was sufficient to induce ectopic dendritic targeting in a Frazzled-dependent manner, whereas Dscam1 was required to prevent ectopic accumulation, consistent with separable roles for these receptors. Our results suggest that Dscam1-mediated self-avoidance counters extrinsic signals that are required for normal dendritic patterning, but whose action would otherwise favor neurite accumulation. Counterbalancing roles for Dscam1 may be deployed in diverse contexts during neural circuit formation

    Drift, not selection, shapes toll-like receptor variation among oceanic island populations

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    Understanding the relative role of different evolutionary forces in shaping the level and distribution of functional genetic diversity among natural populations is a key issue in evolutionary and conservation biology. To do so accurately genetic data must be analyzed in conjunction with an unambiguous understanding of the historical processes that have acted upon the populations. Here we focused on diversity at toll-like receptor (TLR) loci, which play a key role in the vertebrate innate immune system and, therefore, are expected to be under pathogen-mediated selection. We assessed TLR variation within and among 13 island populations (grouped into three archipelagos) of Berthelot's pipit, Anthus berthelotii, for which detailed population history has previously been ascertained. We also compared the variation observed with that found in its widespread sister species, the tawny pipit, Anthus campestris. We found strong evidence for positive selection at specific codons in TLR1LA, TLR3 and TLR4. Despite this, we found that at the allele frequency level, demographic history has played the major role in shaping patterns of TLR variation in Berthelot's pipit. Levels of diversity and differentiation within and across archipelagos at all TLR loci corresponded very closely with neutral microsatellite variation, and with the severity of the bottlenecks that occurred during colonization. Our study shows that despite the importance of TLRs in combating pathogens, demography can be the main driver of immune gene variation within and across populations, resulting in patterns of functional variation that can persist over evolutionary timescales. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Untersuchungsmethoden de Kunstdüngemittel

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