96 research outputs found

    Metabolism of microbiomes in a changing Arctic Ocean

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    The world’s oceans are of utmost importance for us humans: they are a source of food and half of the oxygen we breathe, they act as climate regulators, trade routes, tourism attractions, and harbor an incredible diversity of life. The Arctic Ocean represents a particular ocean, with acute variations of temperatures, ice and solar radiation regimes throughout the year, and a strong terrestrial signature imparted by its immense watershed. But the oceans are now under threat of a changing climate. The polar oceans are especially susceptible to these changes with already dramatic visible consequences. The most visible consequence in the Arctic Ocean is a continuous loss of sea ice with impact on albedo, solar radiation regimes on the water surface, phytoplankton growth and primary productivity. The Arctic is also receiving increasing amounts of freshwater, leading to a freshening, disturbing the water column stratification, and increasing the load of organic matter from terrestrial origin. All these perturbations profoundly modify the sources and dynamics of organic and inorganic matter in the Arctic Ocean, perturbing the Arctic Ocean biogeochemical cycles. Given that microbial life is at the base of cycling this organic and inorganic matter, microbes play pivotal roles by controlling biogeochemical cycles and forming the base of the food web. Specifically, the diversity of metabolic processes carried out by microbes determines how they interact with and shape their environment. Despite the importance of understanding microbial metabolism in a rapidly changing Arctic Ocean, our knowledge of the microbial processes that distinguish the Arctic Ocean from the rest of the global oceans and how they are linked to the changing Arctic Ocean biogeochemical cycles is still very fragmented. In this thesis, I undertook to address the lack of knowledge about the metabolism of the Arctic Ocean microbiomes by tackling two fundamental questions: (i) What are the specificities and phylogenetic diversity of microbial metabolism in the Arctic Ocean compared to the other world oceans? (ii) What are the relationships between the Arctic Ocean microbial metabolic specificities and their biogeochemical environment? I first discovered that metabolic pathways for the degradation of aromatic compounds were enriched and expressed in the Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean compared to the rest of the global ocean, in particular in the subsurface waters where organic matter of terrestrial origin accumulates. The capacity to degrade aromatic compound from terrestrial origin was phylogenetically concentrated in Rhodspirillales. These Rhodospirillales were enriched in aromatic compound degradation genes compared to close relatives from other oceans and their geographic distribution was restricted to the Arctic Ocean. These results suggest that the capacity to degrade aromatic compounds of terrestrial origin may be an adaptive trait of some Arctic Ocean microbial taxa. Furthermore, the aromatic-metabolizing bacteria may become more prominent as organic matter inputs from land to ocean continue to rise with climate change, potentially impact the Arctic Ocean biogeochemical cycles. In the second part of this thesis, I focused on the metabolism of neutral lipids, used to accumulate energy and carbon reserves. Within the global ocean, I discovered that the metabolism of neutral lipids was enriched in the microbial communities of the Arctic Ocean. In the photic zone, eukaryotic phototrophs dominated the synthesis of neutral lipids. I also discovered a large diversity of bacterial taxa able to degrade but not produce neutral lipids, suggesting that photosynthetic-based production of neutral lipids in eukaryotes may serve as an important carbon source for the heterotrophic bacterial community. Bacteria were the main producers in the aphotic zone and were equipped with a di↵erent set of enzymes targeting di↵erent compounds depending on their location within the water column. This study shows that the storage of neutral lipids may be a selective advantage for prokaryotes and picoeukaryotes in a context of extreme variations in energy and nutrients sources such as in the Arctic Ocean. In addition, I propose that, similarly to lipids from eukaryotic phototrophs sustaining the food web during the summer months, neutral lipids from prokaryotic origin may play an important role in sustaining the food web during the dark winter months. Finally, I undertook a global ocean study to unravel the metabolic genes and pathways favored by the microbiomes of the Arctic Ocean. I confirmed the importance of aromatic compound degradation and neutral lipid metabolism. But I also uncovered a myriad of other metabolic processes favored by the microbiomes of the Arctic Ocean compared to other oceanic zones. In particular, in the photic zone of the Arctic Ocean, I discovered the prevalence of genes and pathways involved in the metabolism of glycans that might be involved in cold adaptation mechanisms. Importantly, I highlighted correspondences between the genes and pathways favored by the Arctic Ocean microbiomes and the composition and transformations of dissolved organic matter. Specifically, I found an enrichment in transformations involving sugars moieties in the photic zone and a strong aromaticity signature in the dissolved organic matter of the fluorescent dissolved organic matter maximum. These results show that the distinct metabolism of the Arctic Ocean microbiomes imprint the composition of the dissolved organic matter, uniquely influencing the Arctic Ocean biogeochemical cycles. This thesis represents the first work to explore the metabolism of the Arctic Ocean microbiomes in such a comprehensive fashion. Not only does this thesis systematically uncover a multitude of metabolic processes of importance for the Arctic Ocean microbiomes, but it also brings new discoveries on their biogeography, ecological context, and phylogenetic diversity across prokaryotes and picoeukaryotes. Moreover, this thesis highlights the importance of these processes by linking them to the composition and transformation of dissolved organic matter, and hence biogeochemical cycles. As such, this thesis will serve as a base to guide experimental and field work that will quantify the role of microbiomes in the biogeochemical cycles of the Arctic Ocean. This will have important implications to understand and quantify how climate change perturbs Arctic Ocean ecosystems

    The Solar Neighborhood. XIX. Discovery and Characterization of 33 New Nearby White Dwarf Systems

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    We present spectra for 33 previously unclassified white dwarf systems brighter than V = 17 primarily in the southern hemisphere. Of these new systems, 26 are DA, 4 are DC, 2 are DZ, and 1 is DQ. We suspect three of these systems are unresolved double degenerates. We obtained VRI photometry for these 33 objects as well as for 23 known white dwarf systems without trigonometric parallaxes, also primarily in the southern hemisphere. For the 56 objects, we converted the photometry values to fluxes and fit them to a spectral energy distribution using the spectroscopy to determine which model to use (i.e. pure hydrogen, pure helium, or metal-rich helium), resulting in estimates of effective temperature and distance. Eight of the new and 12 known systems are estimated to be within the NStars and Catalogue of Nearby Stars (CNS) horizons of 25 pc, constituting a potential 18% increase in the nearby white dwarf sample. Trigonometric parallax determinations are underway via CTIOPI for these 20 systems. One of the DCs is cool so that it displays absorption in the near infrared. Using the distance determined via trigonometric parallax, we are able to constrain the model-dependent physical parameters and find that this object is most likely a mixed H/He atmosphere white dwarf similar to other cool white dwarfs identified in recent years with significant absorption in the infrared due to collision-induced absorptions by molecular hydrogen.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Low-temperature gas opacity - AESOPUS: a versatile and quick computational tool

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    We introduce a new tool - AESOPUS: Accurate Equation of State and OPacity Utility Software - for computing the equation of state and the Rosseland mean (RM) opacities of matter in the ideal gas phase. Results are given as a function of one pair of state variables, (i.e. temperature T in the range 3.2 <= log(T) <= 4.5, and parameter R= rho/(T/10^6 K)^3 in the range -8 <= log(R) <= 1), and arbitrary chemical mixture. The chemistry is presently solved for about 800 species, consisting of almost 300 atomic and 500 molecular species. The gas opacities account for many continuum and discrete sources, including atomic opacities, molecular absorption bands, and collision-induced absorption. Several tests made on AESOPUS have proved that the new opacity tool is accurate in the results,flexible in the management of the input prescriptions, and agile in terms of computational time requirement. We set up a web-interface (http://stev.oapd.inaf.it/aesopus) which enables the user to compute and shortly retrieve RM opacity tables according to his/her specific needs, allowing a full degree of freedom in specifying the chemical composition of the gas. Useful applications may regard RM opacities of gas mixtures with i) scaled-solar abundances of metals, choosing among various solar mixture compilations available in the literature; ii) varying CNO abundances, suitable for evolutionary models of red and asymptotic giant branch stars and massive stars in the Wolf-Rayet stages; iii) various degrees of enhancement in alpha-elements, and C-N, Na-O and Mg-Al abundance anti-correlations, necessary to properly describe the properties of stars in early-type galaxies and Galactic globular clusters; iv) zero-metal abundances appropriate for studies of gas opacity in primordial conditions.Comment: 32 pages, 34 postscript figures, A&A in press; new section 4.1.2 showing first tests with stellar models, sections 2.2, 2.2.2 and 5 expanded; interactive web-page at http://stev.oapd.inaf.it/aesopu

    Measuring age, metallicity and abundance ratios from absorption line indices

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    In this study we present detailed calculations of absorption line indices on the Lick System based on the stellar models by Salasnich et al. (2000) calculated with enhanced mix of alpha-elements. Using the so-called Response Functions (RFs) of Tripicco & Bell (1995, TB95), we calculate the indices for SSPs of different age, metallicity and enhancement. We made use of the triplet Hb, Mgb and , and Minimum-Distance Method proposed by Trager et al. (2000, TFWG00) to estimate the age, metallicity and enhancement degree for the galaxies of the Gonzalez (1993) sample, and compare the results with those TFWG00 and Thomas et al (2003). Since very large differences are found, in particular as far as the age is concerned, we analyze in a great detail all possible sources of disagreement, going from the stellar models and SSPs to many technical details of the procedure to calculate the indices, and finally the pattern of chemical elements (especially when alpha-enhanced mixtures are adopted). The key issue of the analysis is that at given metallicity Z and enhancement factor, the specific abundance ratios [Xel/Fe] adopted for some elements (e.g. O, Mg, Ti, and likely others) dominate the scene because with the TB95 RFs they may strongly affect indices like Hb and the age in turn. Finally we have drawn some remarks on the interpretation of the distribution of early-type galaxies in popular two-indices planes, like Hb vs. [MgFe]. We argue that part of the scatter along the Hb axis observed in this plane could be attributed instead of the age, the current explanation, to a spread both in the degree of enhancement and some abundance ratios. The main conclusion of this study is that deriving ages, metallicities and degree of enhancement from line indices is a cumbersome affair whose results are still uncertain.Comment: 26 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. This is a revised version of our previous submission to astro-ph/030524

    Oxygen abundances in the Galactic Bulge: evidence for fast chemical enrichment

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    AIMS: We spectroscopically characterize the Galactic Bulge to infer its star formation timescale, compared to the other Galactic components, through the chemical signature on its individual stars. METHODS: We derived iron and oxygen abundances for 50 K giants in four fields towards the Galactic bulge. High resolution (R=45,000) spectra for the target stars were collected with FLAMES-UVES at the VLT. RESULTS: Oxygen, as measured from the forbidden line at 6300 \AA, shows a well-defined trend with [Fe/H], with [O/Fe] higher in bulge stars than in thick disk ones, which were known to be more oxygen enhanced than thin disk stars. CONCLUSIONS: These results support a scenario in which the bulge formed before and more rapidly than the disk, and therefore the MW bulge can be regarded as a prototypical old spheroid, with a formation history similar to that of early-type (elliptical) galaxies.Comment: A&A Letters, in pres

    Environmental DNA biomonitoring in biodiversity hotspots: A case study of fishes of the Okavango Delta

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    The Okavango Delta is the largest freshwater wetland in southern Africa and a recognized biodiversity hotspot and UNESCO World Heritage Site. The region is extremely rich in floral and faunal diversity, including a fish fauna of ~90 species in 15 families, that also support recreational and subsistence fishing. Anthropogenic pressures and invasive species threaten the unique biodiversity and ecosystem services that the Delta provides, necessitating biomonitoring tools that can provide broad community-level diversity insights. Here, we utilize environmental DNA metabarcoding of aquatic eDNA using the MiFish 12S rRNA primers, to investigate fish communities and also sequenced 211 mtDNA 12S barcodes for 74 species across 36 genera of fishes from the region. Metabarcoding recovered 11 of 15 families, with 40 species detected across 23 genera, representing ~50% of known diversity, with the mtDNA 12S fragment able to delineate all genera (except for the cichlid genera Serranochromis and Pharyngochromis that comprised a single clade) and most species, except for some in the Clarias, Enteromius, Labeo, Lacustricola, and Petrocephalus genera. Generally, abundant and wide-spread taxa such as Clarias spp. and Marcusenius altisambesi, amongst others, were often detected in the surveys, with other species, including Zaireichthys kavangoensis, Schilbe intermedius, and Labeo sp. detected less frequently. Dissolved oxygen, temperature, and dissolved organic solids were positively correlated with community diversity, highlighting the influence of environmental factors in shaping fish communities in the region. Further, there was strong variability in the eDNA signal across only 1000 m, suggesting that future surveys need to consider spatio-temporal aspects of sample collection. Our study highlights the potential of eDNA metabarcoding for surveying aquatic biodiversity in the Okavango Delta, particularly within the context of baseline biodiversity inventories, that underpin conservation and management initiatives. As such, we provide a number of recommendations that can help structure future sampling efforts in the region

    Abundance ratios in the hot ISM of elliptical galaxies

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    To constrain the recipes put forth to solve the theoretical Fe discrepancy in the hot interstellar medium of elliptical galaxies and at the same time explain the [alpha/Fe] ratios. In order to do so we use the latest theoretical nucleosynthetic yields, we incorporate the dust, we explore differing SNIa progenitor scenarios by means of a self-consistent chemical evolution model which reproduces the properties of the stellar populations in elliptical galaxies. Models with Fe-only dust and/or a lower effective SNIa rate achieve a better agreement with the observed Fe abundance. However, a suitable modification to the SNIa yield with respect to the standard W7 model is needed to fully match the abundance ratio pattern. The 2D explosion model C-DDT by Maeda et al. (2010) is a promising candidate for reproducing the [Fe/H] and the [alpha/Fe] ratios. (A&A format)Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, to appear on A&

    The Luminosity Function and Color-Magnitude Diagram of the Globular Cluster M12

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    In this paper we present the V and I luminosity functions and color-magnitude diagrams derived from wide-field (23 arcmin by 23 arcmin) BVI photometry of the intermediate metallicity ([Fe/H]=-1.3) Galactic globular cluster M12. Using observed values (and ranges of values) for the cluster metallicity, reddening, distance modulus, and age we compare these data to recent alpha-enhanced stellar evolution models for low mass metal-poor stars. We describe several methods of making comparisons between theoretical and observed luminosity functions in order to isolate the evolutionary timescale information the luminosity functions contain. We find no significant evidence of excesses of stars on the red giant branch, although the morphology of the subgiant branch in the observed luminosity function does not match theoretical predictions in a satisfactory way. Current uncertainties in Teff-color transformations (and possibly also in other physics inputs to the models) make more detailed conclusions about the subgiant branch morphology impossible. Given the recent constraints on cluster ages from the WMAP experiment (Spergel et al. 2003), we find that good fitting models that do not include He diffusion (both color-magnitude diagrams and luminosity functions) are too old (by approximately 1-2 Gyr) to adequately represent the cluster luminosity function. The inclusion of helium diffusion in the models provides an age reduction (compared to non-diffusive models) that is consistent with the age of the universe being 13.7+/-0.2 Gyr (Bennett et al. 2003).Comment: 63 pages, 29 figures, accepted for ApJ. Quality of images are degraded; please e-mail lead author for high-quality PS/PDF preprin

    Nearby early-type galaxies with ionized gas. III. Analysis of line-strength indices with new stellar population models

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    In this paper we study the underlying stellar population of a sample of 65 nearby early-type galaxies predominantly located in low density environments. Ages, metallicities and [alpha/Fe] ratios have been derived through the comparison of Lick indices measured at different galacto-centric distances with new SSP models which account for the presence of alpha/Fe enhancement. The SSPs cover a wide range of ages, metallicities and [alpha/Fe] ratios. To derive the stellar population parameters we have devised an algorithm based on the probability density function. We derive a large spread in age ((1-15) Gyrs). Age does not show any significant trend with central velocity dispersion sigma_c but E galaxies appear on average older than S0. On the contrary, an increasing trend of metallicity and [alpha/Fe] with sigma_c is observed, testifying that the chemical enrichment was more efficient and the duration of the star formation shorter in more massive galaxies. We have also sought for possible correlations with the local galaxy density but neither metallicity nor alpha-enhancement show clear trends. However we find that while low density environments (LDE) contain very young objects (from 1 to 4 Gyr), none of the galaxies in the higher density environments (HDE) is younger than 5 Gyrs. Considering the lack of environmental effect on the [alpha/Fe] ratio and the high value of [alpha/Fe] in some young massive objects, we argue that young galaxies in LDE are more likely due to recent rejuvenation episodes. By comparing the number of rejuvenated objects with the total number of galaxies in our sample, and by means of simple two-SSP component models, we estimate that, on average, the rejuvenation episodes do not involve more than 25 % of the total galaxy mass.Comment: Final version as it will appear in A&A. Typos in the Abstract and Conclusions have been correcte
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