12 research outputs found

    Emotion Regulation and Positive Affect in the Context of Salivary Alpha-Amylase Response to Pain in Children with Cancer: Physiology, Self-Report, and Behavior

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    Children with cancer are repeatedly exposed to aversive stimuli including painful procedures. Therefore, emotional regulation techniques may prove useful during such experiences and contribute to pain resilience. This study aimed to determine whether three different emotional regulation strategies (distraction, reappraisal and reassurance) impacted physiological, self- reported and behavioral pain responses in pediatric patients with cancer ages 6 to 18 years (N = 73). The cold pressor task (CPT), an experimental task in which pain is induced by having participants place their hand in cold water, was used to examine pain responses. Patients placed their hand in 7 degree Celsius water for up to 4 minutes. Saliva samples were collected 15 minutes before, immediately after, and then 15 minutes after the CPT. Saliva samples were assayed for alpha amylase, a proxy for sympathetic nervous system activation. Self-reported pain severity was measured upon hand removal. Pain tolerance was assessed by length of time participants kept their hand in the water. Children in the reassurance condition exhibited salivary alpha amylase levels that continued to rise post completion of the CPT as compared to children in the distraction (Beta = -1.68, SE = 0.73, z = -2.30, p = .021, 95% CI [-3.10, -0.25]) and reappraisal (Beta = -1.24, SE = 0.72, z = -1.73, p = .084, 95% CI [-2.65, 0.17]) conditions. However, when self-reported pain and behavior were examined, no differences in pain severity (Wald Chi-squared (2) = 2.47, p = .292), or pain tolerance (Wald Chi-squared (2) = 1.38, p = 0.502) among the emotional regulation strategies were observed. Thus, significant findings were present for physiological markers of distress, but not for self-reported and behavioral measures. These findings suggest that in terms of physiological measures, specific emotional regulation strategies, such as distraction and reappraisal, may be more beneficial in reducing stress responses to painful medical procedures in pediatric patients with cancer as compared to reassurance. These results also demonstrate the importance of examining physiological outcomes in addition to self-report and behavioral outcomes

    Matching Schur complement approximations for certain saddle-point systems

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    The solution of many practical problems described by mathematical models requires approximation methods that give rise to linear(ized) systems of equations, solving which will determine the desired approximation. This short contribution describes a particularly effective solution approach for a certain class of so-called saddle-point linear systems which arises in different contexts

    Limited memory preconditioners for symmetric indefinite problems with application to structural mechanics

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    International audienceThis paper presents a class of limited memory preconditioners (LMP) for solving linear systems of equations with symmetric indefinite matrices and multiple right-hand sides. These preconditioners based on limited memory quasi-Newton formulas require a small number k of linearly independent vectors and may be used to improve an existing first-level preconditioner. The contributions of the paper are threefold. First, we derive a formula to characterize the spectrum of the preconditioned operator. A spectral analysis of the preconditioned matrix shows that the eigenvalues are all real and that the LMP class is able to cluster at least k eigenvalues at 1. Secondly, we show that the eigenvalues of the preconditioned matrix enjoy interlacing properties with respect to the eigenvalues of the original matrix provided that the k linearly independent vectors have been prior projected onto the invariant subspaces associated with the eigenvalues of the original matrix in the open right and left half-plane, respectively. Third, we focus on theoretical properties of the Ritz-LMP variant, where Ritz information is used to determine the k vectors. Finally, we illustrate the numerical behaviour of the Ritz limited memory preconditioners on realistic applications in structural mechanics that require the solution of sequences of large-scale symmetric saddle-point systems. Numerical experiments show the relevance of the proposed preconditioner leading to a significant decrease in terms of computational operations when solving such sequences of linear systems. A saving of up to 43% in terms of computational effort is obtained on one of these applications

    Institutional differences and arbitration mechanisms in international joint ventures

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    We theoretically and empirically study the effects of legal institutions on the inclusion of arbitration provisions in international joint venture (IJV) contracts. Legal institutions offer a public trilateral forum to handle interpartner disputes. However, these institutions function differently across countries, which can impede IJV partners from resolving disputes effectively through court systems. Alternatively, partners can take advantage of private trilateral resolution mechanisms in the form of arbitration. We argue and demonstrate that differences among partners' home country legal institutions regarding the legal traditions, as well as the importance of procedures and costs imposed in these countries for enforcing contracts, increase the likelihood of choosing arbitration over litigation. We also compare results for partners' recourse to IJV boards as a private, bilateral means of addressing conflicts