33 research outputs found

    Interactive access and management for four-dimensional environmental data sets using McIDAS

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    Significant accomplishments in the past year are presented and include the following: (1) enhancements to VIS-5D; (2) Implementation of the VIS AD System; and (3) numerical modeling applications. Focus of current research and plans for next year in the following areas are briefly discussed: (1) continued development and application of the VIS-AD system; (2) further enhancements to VIS-5D; and (3) plans for modeling applications

    A 3-dimensional numerical simulation of the atmospheric injection of aerosols by a hypothetical basaltic fissure eruption

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    Researchers simulated the atmospheric response to a hypothetical basaltic fissure eruption using heating rates based on the Roza flow eruption. The simulation employs the Colorado State University Regional Atmospheric Model (RAMS) with scavenging effects. The numerical model is a three-dimensional non-hydrostatic time-split compressible cloud/mesoscale model. Explicit microphysics include prediction of cloud, rain, crystal, and hail precipitation types. Nucleation and phoretic scavenging are predicted assuming that the pollutant makes an effective cloud droplet nucleus. Smoke is carried as a passive tracer. Long and short wave radiation heating tendencies, including the effects of the smoke, are parameterized. The longwave emission by the lava surface is neglected in the parameterization and included as an explicit heating term instead. A regional scale domain of 100 x 100 km in the horizontal and 22 km high is used. The horizontal grid spacing is taken to be 2 km and the vertical spacing is taken to be 0.75 km. The initial atmospheric state is taken to be horizontally homogenous and based on the standard atmospheric sounding. The fissure is assumed to be 90 km long and oriented in a zig/zag pattern

    Nonorographic generation of Arctic polar stratospheric clouds during

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    [1] During December 1999, polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) were observed in the absence of conditions conducive to generation by topographic gravity waves. The possibility is explored that PSCs can be generated by inertia gravity waves (IGW) radiating from breaking synoptic-scale Rossby waves on the polar front jet. The aerosol features on 7 and 12 December are selected for comparison with theory and with simulations using the University of Wisconsin Nonhydrostatic Modeling System (UWNMS). Consistent with Rossby adjustment theory, a common feature in the UWNMS simulations is radiation of IGW from the tropopause polar front jet, especially from sectors which are evolving rapidly in the Rossby wave breaking process. Packets of gravity wave energy radiate upward and poleward into the cold pool, while individual wave crests propagate poleward and downward, causing mesoscale variations in vertical motion and temperature. On 12 December the eastbound DC-8 lidar observations exhibited a fairly uniform field of six waves in aerosol enhancement in the 14-20 km layer, consistent with vertical displacement by a field of IGW propagating antiparallel to the flow, with characteristic horizontal and vertical wavelengths of 300and300 and 10 km. UWNMS simulations show emanation of a field of IGW upward and southwestward from a northward incursion of the polar front jet. The orientation and evolution of the aerosol features on 7 December are consistent with a single PSC induced by an IGW packet propagating from a breaking Rossby wave over western Russia toward the northeast into the coldest part of the base of the polar vortex, with characteristic period 9hours,verticalwavelength9 hours, vertical wavelength 12 km, and horizontal wavelength 1000km.Lineartheoryshowsthatforbothofthesecases,IGWenergypropagatesupwardat1000 km. Linear theory shows that for both of these cases, IGW energy propagates upward at 1 km/hour and horizontally at 100km/hour,withcharacteristictracespeed100 km/hour, with characteristic trace speed 30 m/s. The spatial orientation of the PSC along IGW phase lines is contrasted with the nearly horizontal filamentary structures in the PSC, which are indicative of flow streamlines. It is suggested that vertical displacement is a crucial factor in determining whether a PSC will form and that most PSCs are relatable to specific synoptic and mesoscale motions

    Nonorographic generation of Arctic polar stratospheric clouds during

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    [1] During December 1999, polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) were observed in the absence of conditions conducive to generation by topographic gravity waves. The possibility is explored that PSCs can be generated by inertia gravity waves (IGW) radiating from breaking synoptic-scale Rossby waves on the polar front jet. The aerosol features on 7 and 12 December are selected for comparison with theory and with simulations using the University of Wisconsin Nonhydrostatic Modeling System (UWNMS). Consistent with Rossby adjustment theory, a common feature in the UWNMS simulations is radiation of IGW from the tropopause polar front jet, especially from sectors which are evolving rapidly in the Rossby wave breaking process. Packets of gravity wave energy radiate upward and poleward into the cold pool, while individual wave crests propagate poleward and downward, causing mesoscale variations in vertical motion and temperature. On 12 December the eastbound DC-8 lidar observations exhibited a fairly uniform field of six waves in aerosol enhancement in the 14-20 km layer, consistent with vertical displacement by a field of IGW propagating antiparallel to the flow, with characteristic horizontal and vertical wavelengths of 300and300 and 10 km. UWNMS simulations show emanation of a field of IGW upward and southwestward from a northward incursion of the polar front jet. The orientation and evolution of the aerosol features on 7 December are consistent with a single PSC induced by an IGW packet propagating from a breaking Rossby wave over western Russia toward the northeast into the coldest part of the base of the polar vortex, with characteristic period 9hours,verticalwavelength9 hours, vertical wavelength 12 km, and horizontal wavelength 1000km.Lineartheoryshowsthatforbothofthesecases,IGWenergypropagatesupwardat1000 km. Linear theory shows that for both of these cases, IGW energy propagates upward at 1 km/hour and horizontally at 100km/hour,withcharacteristictracespeed100 km/hour, with characteristic trace speed 30 m/s. The spatial orientation of the PSC along IGW phase lines is contrasted with the nearly horizontal filamentary structures in the PSC, which are indicative of flow streamlines. It is suggested that vertical displacement is a crucial factor in determining whether a PSC will form and that most PSCs are relatable to specific synoptic and mesoscale motions

    A View of Tropical Cyclones from Above: The Tropical Cyclone Intensity Experiment

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    Tropical cyclone (TC) outflow and its relationship to TC intensity change and structure were investigated in the Office of Naval Research Tropical Cyclone Intensity (TCI) field program during 2015 using dropsondes deployed from the innovative new High-Definition Sounding System (HDSS) and remotely sensed observations from the Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD), both on board the NASA WB-57 that flew in the lower stratosphere. Three noteworthy hurricanes were intensively observed with unprecedented horizontal resolution: Joaquin in the Atlantic and Marty and Patricia in the eastern North Pacific. Nearly 800 dropsondes were deployed from the WB-57 flight level of ∼60,000 ft (∼18 km), recording atmospheric conditions from the lower stratosphere to the surface, while HIRAD measured the surface winds in a 50-km-wide swath with a horizontal resolution of 2 km. Dropsonde transects with 4–10-km spacing through the inner cores of Hurricanes Patricia, Joaquin, and Marty depict the large horizontal and vertical gradients in winds and thermodynamic properties. An innovative technique utilizing GPS positions of the HDSS reveals the vortex tilt in detail not possible before. In four TCI flights over Joaquin, systematic measurements of a major hurricane’s outflow layer were made at high spatial resolution for the first time. Dropsondes deployed at 4-km intervals as the WB-57 flew over the center of Hurricane Patricia reveal in unprecedented detail the inner-core structure and upper-tropospheric outflow associated with this historic hurricane. Analyses and numerical modeling studies are in progress to understand and predict the complex factors that influenced Joaquin’s and Patricia’s unusual intensity changes

    Precipitation sensitivity to autoconversion rate in a numerical weather-prediction model

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    Aerosols are known to significantly affect cloud and precipitation patterns and intensity, but these interactions are ignored or very simplistically handled in climate and numerical weather-prediction (NWP) models. A suite of one-way nested Met Office Unified Model (UM) runs, with a single-moment bulk microphysics scheme was used to study two convective cases with contrasting characteristics observed in southern England. The autoconversion process that converts cloud water to rain is directly controlled by the assumed droplet number. The impact of changing cloud droplet number concentration (CDNC) on cloud and precipitation evolution can be inferred through changes to the autoconversion rate. This was done for a range of resolutions ranging from regional NWP (1 km) to high resolution (up to 100 m grid spacing) to evaluate the uncertainties due to changing CDNC as a function of horizontal grid resolution. The first case is characterised by moderately intense convective showers forming below an upper-level potential vorticity anomaly, with a low freezing level. The second case, characterised by one persistent stronger storm, is warmer with a deeper boundary layer. The colder case is almost insensitive to even large changes in CDNC, while in the warmer case a change of a factor of 3 in assumed CDNC affects total surface rain rate by ~17%. In both cases the sensitivity to CDNC is similar at all grid spacings <1 km. The contrasting sensitivities of these cases are induced by their contrasting ice-phase proportion. The ice processes in this model damp the precipitation sensitivity to CDNC. For this model the convection is sensitive to CDNC when the accretion process is more significant than the melting process and vice versa

    International genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new primary biliary cirrhosis risk loci and targetable pathogenic pathways.

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    Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a classical autoimmune liver disease for which effective immunomodulatory therapy is lacking. Here we perform meta-analyses of discovery data sets from genome-wide association studies of European subjects (n=2,764 cases and 10,475 controls) followed by validation genotyping in an independent cohort (n=3,716 cases and 4,261 controls). We discover and validate six previously unknown risk loci for PBC (Pcombined<5 × 10(-8)) and used pathway analysis to identify JAK-STAT/IL12/IL27 signalling and cytokine-cytokine pathways, for which relevant therapies exist

    International genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new primary biliary cirrhosis risk loci and targetable pathogenic pathways

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    Numerical investigation of an orogenic mesoscale convective system

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    Also issued as author's dissertation (Ph.D.) -- Colorado State University, 1986.Includes bibliographical references.The interaction of topographically induced thermally and mechanically driven diurnal flow regimes in the lee of the Rockies is shown to lead to the growth of a mesoscale convection system (MCS). The results are based on a series of two-dimensional and three-dimensional nonhydrostatic numerical simulations of an intensively studied convective event based on data gathered in the 1977 SPACE (South Park Area Cumulus Experiment)/HIPLEX (High Plains Experiment). The results have been used to define six stages in the MCS genesis. The first stage, described adequately by Cotton et al. (1983), is typified by the growth of the mountain boundary layer during the morning. The second type begins as a deep convection forms in the early afternoon over the high mountain peaks. The third stage begins with the formation of an eastward propagating convective squall line system of meso- proportions in the lee wave/slope flow convergence zone 60 km east of the Continental Divide. The fourth stage occurs as the mesa- system moves eastward into a suppression zone east of the foothills and weakens. The fifth stage begins with explosive growth of the mesa- system east of the suppression zone. The final and sixth stage occurs after nightfall and is typified by the decoupling of convection from the surface and the lateral spread of meso- scale vertical motion into dispersed regions of meso- scale convection. The results demonstrate that precipitating convection is of basic importance to deepening the mountain/plains solenoid from 5 km depth for a dry circulation to tropopause depth. The persistent deep cellular circulation induces an atmospheric wind response on the scale of the Rossby Radius of Deformation (a meso-a-scale). The system core also contains a meso- scale transient circulation comprised of an internal gravity wave train. The result is the temporal oscillation of vertical motion within the core. Since convective elements (meso-y circulation) are contained primarily within the core, their intensity varies as the core meso-~ scale vertical motion oscillates. The core always exists at the western edge of the plains temperature inversion (which caps the boundary layer) until after dark. This effectively localizes the convection by preventing its horizontal spread by the emitted gravity wave motion. As a result the meso-a response can grow and the meso- core becomes long-lived. The meso- core and meso-a scale atmospheric responses move eastward with the mean tropospheric wind. Traveling internal waves emitted from the core travel at near 30 m s-1 and are inefficient in initiating convection by themselves. Most of their energy travels upward into the stratosphere during the sunlight hours. After sunset radiative effects are found to trap the meso- scale internal waves emitted by the core and force strong vertical motion at considerable lateral distances from the core. It is suggested that this may be leading to transition to popcorn convection in many observed mesoscale convective systems after sunset.Sponsored by the National Science Foundation under grants ATM-8312077 and ATM-8512480